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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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1 minute ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Maybe the Vindman twins were shipping weapons to the Ukraine out of a condominium they owned under an LLC just outside of the Port of Tacoma. Maybe at the Ukrainian end the Weapons were brokered by Yushenko, Bill Taylor and whoever else was in the US embassy to Syria, Libya, et al.

But what do I know. I’m just a dumb Trump supporter.

Delirious in the ether of your imagination?

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1 hour ago, Kathy Beckett said:

And of course to keep the family together.: Fire the lot of them



Are we going to go lower?  And I wonder what heinous things Vindmann will be accused of?  Robert, what does Breitbart or Alex Jones accuse this man of, and his brother as well?  Make it good. This needs to be validated, right?


And now Sondland has also been purged for testifying honestly to the Congress about Trump's Ukrainian extortion scam.

This is starting to remind me of Hitler's "night of the long knives."

Notice the orange Fuhrer's complete absence of remorse about his misdeeds.

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This thread is making me sick. If Wheeler’s prediction of people leaving the Forum comes true, it will be because of him, and the ‘Radical’ lefties that are soiling political discourse here and everywhere. You know, the commentators who cannot find good things to say about any Democrats, and continue to bash them while the Trump monsters take unwarranted power. It’s time to leave criticism of the very real faults of the Democratic Establishment, which we all know all about, and put the spotlight on the fascist takeover that’s occurring in real time. It’s not the Democrats who suppress the vote of minorities, who cater to the gun lobby, who deny science, who join forces with the most regressive world leaders. There’s method to this madness, but the Radical Left seems blinded to the extreme danger. Meanwhile, the majority are told they can’t trust anyone, or anything. 

So what happens if Trump, despite all the shenanigans and voter suppression, and the dangerously fake news flooding social media, win the 2020 presidential election? What will Mr. Wheeler intone when Trump calls the election a sham and refuses to leave office? 

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28 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Pretend we’re all at a Poker Table Paul. Look around the table. Who is the mark?

You are. Total live one.

I was a poker dealer for 25 years.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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55 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

As far as people leaving, I’m just saying that sometimes contracts term out. New opportunities arise. Interest wains. Economics don’t pencil out. 

Sleazeball insinuation.

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On 2/6/2020 at 8:45 PM, James DiEugenio said:

I think there is one other scenario.  Its Trump's biggest nightmare and its also mine.

Biden flames out early.  LIke before Super Tuesday.

Mike Bloomberg becomes the  centrist candidate, swamping the mayor on that day.


Who knew Godzilla Vs. Mothra was a political film?

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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When I write something, and then I see a person I blocked follow up in rapid succession with comments I can’t read, but I know who wrote them because the name is still there, I think of the late night PATH train back to Hoboken, or waiting for the Uptown C at Times Square. 

There would always be some troubled soul carrying out a full on conversation with someone only he could see. Gesturing, hand waving, sometimes having a serious argument with an imaginary foe. 

If the guy having the argument with his invisible acquaintance approached, I would give him a cigarette or a dollar or just shrug and say “I’ve got nothing for you buddy.”

I was never asked to intervene in the argument or take a side or offer my thoughts.

The mentally ill man knew I couldn’t see his friend/foe. Somehow he knew, despite his own certainty that his assertions and explanations were not falling on deaf ears, that they really were, and that smoking a cigarette would be better time spent than trying to enlist me, or the other late night subway riders, into taking his side in the argument he was having with himself.

This is a case of mistaken identity.

Herr Wheeler mistakes me for someone who cares whether he reads my posts or not.

This way his lame responses (see above) are kept to a minimum.

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       Interesting post, Robert.   It's obvious that the World Trade Center towers (including WTC7) were destroyed by pre-planned, controlled demolitions on 9/11, but I had not read anything about advanced, pre-planned demolitions relating to possible "Godzilla" events.  My impression was that the super thermite explosives had been placed in WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 after July of 2001, when the Port Authority awarded the WTC leases to Larry Silverstein (and Kroll & Associates were in charge of building access and security.)

      The back story on Larry Silverstein's $4.5 billion insurance windfall for the demolished WTC towers is telling.  From what I have read, Silverstein's insurance coverage for the newly-leased towers in 2001 was underwritten by a consortium of firms, (including Deutsche Bank) and included a rider to the effect that the insurance companies would not be permitted to conduct an independent forensic (arson) investigation in the event that the WTC buildings were destroyed by a "terrorist" attack.  Strange, indeed.

     Bibi Netanyahu's close personal friend, Larry Silverstein, also had the good sense to skip his daily breakfast meeting at the WTC on the morning of 9/11, and the Mossad-affiliated firm, Zim Shipping, also had the good sense to move out of their World Trade Center offices one week before 9/11, despite the fact that they had leased the WTC offices well beyond September 11, 2001.

     And, needless to say, the U.S. mainstream media has never published anything about the overwhelming evidence of the 9/11 WTC demolitions, Silverstein, Netanyahu, Zim Shipping, or the "Five Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents arrested near the Holland Tunnel on 9/11.

     It's the Story of the 21st Century that was never told.

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11 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

That thermite and explosives were used to bring down all three buildings seems pretty certain.

I always had problem with how and when.

Not that I know anything about blowing up buildings, but just from watching documentaries it seems preparing a building for demolition is very labor intensive and everyone has to know what they are doing. If a charge goes off out of sequence or another doesn't go off at all, then a building might fall the wrong way (that kind of thing.)

My thought was always that if it was done a few months earlier than Sept 2001 over the course of a few months, then people might notice something strange. 

There were 60,000 people in and out of those buildings everyday. Maybe the conspirators could do their thing away from the eyes of typical office workers, but there were also HVAC workers, plumbers, telecom wire guys, security guards, night watchmen, etc. The types of workers who go into building areas that regular office workers don't go into. In short, one would think the conspirators would need a good explanation why they were drilling holes in a column or cutting concrete. Maybe you tell the head of the HVAC department or his boss that it is all for insurance purposes. Even if that's a good excuse, if the building blows up 6 months later, some body who heard that excuse might mention it to an investigator, or the press, or their brother-in-law in the fire department.

I don't know the answer, but it seems like if someone says, "What are you doing with all of those fuses?", a good answer would be, "insurance purposes." 

      Christopher Bollyn, the former American Free Press journalist, and Lone Ranger of 9/11 Truthers during the past 18 years, has written about the possible application of super thermitic paint to the WTC beams and concrete.

     Whatever it was, the steel-liquefying temperatures at the WTC were far in excess of anything that could have resulted from burning jet fuel (or mere office fires.)  And the intense heat-generating thermitic reactions persisted at Ground Zero for weeks after 9/11.

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On 2/6/2020 at 1:31 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

Someone tell Robert Wheeler his wager of 15 to 1 on my prediction of a Bloomberg/Abrams Dem ticket is faded.

We can trust Cory Santos to hold the money, if he finds such a thing agreeable. 

Cory is one of the most respected lawyers in Nevada and a member in good standing on the Forum.

Robert sends Cory $3000 and I'll send him $200 -- or Robert can send him $15 and I'll send $1.  I'll put up anywhere from a buck to two bills.

This would be a smart bet for Robert.  Bloomberg is slightly better than 7 to 1 to win the top spot, and as of last November Abrams was 7 to 1 for the VP nod.

Robert gets a hell of a wager!  It's a 50 to 1 shot for only 15 to 1.

Maybe someone can quote this post so Robert sees it...


"Gambling is illegal at Bushwood".  

Seriously, you can always send me money for myself but I cannot hold money for an interstate bet.  So Cliff has bet you Robert Wheeler.   Will you take that bet?

Edited by Cory Santos
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