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I told you Tulsi's the one!

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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

Could there also be a Trump Body Count? First there was Epstein, and now:




The Trump/Putin body count may have begun with the death of Oleg Erovinkin, one of the alleged sources for the Steele Dossier.  Then there was that Magnitsky witness (Gorokhov?) who fell out of a fourth story window in a mysterious bathtub accident.

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Just now, W. Niederhut said:

Then there was that Magnitsky witness (Gorokhov?) who fell out of a fourth story window in a mysterious bathtub accident.

Was he still in the bathtub when he fell?



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19 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

Was he still in the bathtub when he fell?



Not sure, but he, apparently, landed on his golova, survived, and decided not to testify against Putin's oligarchs in that case.

Meanwhile, Trump had simultaneously fired the U.S. Federal prosecutor, Preet Bharara, involved in that case.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An historic non-vote on the first impeachment article by Tulsi Gabbard tonight in the House.  Shame on her.

How could any honest, ethical person DENY that Trump committed extortion/bribery in his dealings with Zelensky this year?

She's a complete fraud.

As I said at the top of this thread, Tulsi Gabbard appears to be prostituting herself for a GOP pay day at Fox News.


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57 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Shameful. Would love to hear Tulsi’s explanation. 

According to this Vox article, Gabbard claims that she was "not swayed" by the (overwhelming) evidence of Trump's misconduct.

That's like a visitor to Niagra Falls claiming that they are not convinced that Niagra is really a waterfall.

What a crock of steer manure.

The truth is that Gabbard doesn't want to alienate Fox and her GOP fan club.



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On 11/28/2019 at 8:52 AM, Ron Ecker said:

Could there also be a Trump Body Count? First there was Epstein, and now:


Had not heard this story until now. You have to at least consider foul play based on this fellows direct connection to Trump/Deutsche Bank shenanigans.

Reminds me of D.C. Madame Deborah Jean Palfrey found hanged in her mother's garage in 2008, after she had publicly stated that she would never take her own life.

I am surprised more Hawaiians aren't expressing dismay and concern about Tulsi Gabbard's Trump defending.

Hawaii has always been a very liberal voting state.  Trump is not considered a person of the "Aloha Spirit" there at all. In fact he is generally very disliked.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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It wouldn't be surprising if jail personnel destroyed surveillance footage to protect themselves for whatever reason. But if that's what happened here, they destroyed the wrong footage. They should have destroyed the footage that proves they didn't make their rounds when Epstein "killed himself." Who knows what was on the footage that's missing.





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Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today about Tulsi's impeachment vote of "present" and I concur: 

The craven refusal of “Jagas Guru” cultist (and likely CIA plant) Tulsi Gabard to vote to impeach Trump should immediately disqualify her for ANY consideration as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
Our nation
needs strong, decisive, moral and ethical political leadership. Gabbard is an unethical coward and shameless opportunist. Shame on her. She was almost successfully recruited by Bannon (who said of Gabbard's anti-Muslim xenophobia, "Tulsi gets it!") into the Trump administration, and now she condones his blatant unconstitutional abuse of presidential power. She is the WORST. She should be booed at every rally, censured, and vilified for her craven political ploy. What a LOSER!

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To play devil's advocate, Tulsi wanted the House to censure Trump, not impeach him. So she didn't "condone" what he did. She wanted censure and then let the people decide. But instead, with impeachment, we now have a political circus going, thanks to what used to be the Republican Party, with the imbecilic Trump ranting for two solid hours to his devoted cultists in Michigan, and (the latest) Pelosi hinting that she may not even send the articles to the Senate. This is what America has come to.





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Censure won't mean anything. We've had a political circus going on for 3 years Ron.  As I mentioned the idea of holding on to the judgment is more likely to ensure Trump won't try to interfere with the election process again. Also who knows what further crimes Trump has committed that may still be exposed and crimes he may commit still.

There's also the leverage angle. Some of us think Pompeo, Mulvaney, Mc Gann and Bolton should testify, and stopping them from testifying is obstruction of justice. It's obvious now Mac Connel has expressed he will in essence be part of a further obstruction. 

This could also be a leveraging for a roster of witnesses to testify and some not to testify. (Hunter Biden) People can certainly disagree about  whether the political strategies will work or backfire.

But if you're really that concerned about what's good for the country, by all means-vote!

Yes, I expect Trump to go into multi hour long diatribes similar to Fidel Castro in the future.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Actually I don't think its a circus at all, the process is simply exposing the fact that individuals who claim to be the proponents of checks and balances actually are only as long as the checks and balances do not threaten the power structure which benefits their political careers and agendas.  Beyond that the politicians who say they are willing to reach a conclusion while actually supporting obstruction of justice in sanctioning the withholding obvious witnesses and documentation are visibly outed in terms of their disdain for actual justice. Its sort of refreshing to see that level of hypocrisy so clearly exposed - nauseating yes but still its the ultimate transparency. 


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