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If you had studied the notes or my presentation you would have noted 
the scratched out word WHERE in relation to OH Lee.

It reads: OH Lee is where how I live

How on earth could Hosty make that mistake if he knew straight away where Oswald was living.

Cheers, Ed

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That particular Hosty's note was not about "where", it was about Lee using O.H.Lee in his rooming house. "Where" would be appropriate in a note specifying the location but it was wrong in the context of using an assumed name O.H. Lee. This was the reason for crossing "where". The note (without "where") reads: "O.H. Lee is how he lived" . It is a brief note wanting to state that Lee Oswald lived under an assumed name O.H. Lee in 1026 North Beckley.

However, the O.L.Lee note is not the critical note I am referring to in the authentic Hosty's notes - the second note from the top on the sheet bearing a DPD inscription on the reversed side.


Edited by Andrej Stancak
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Dallas Coles/Criss-Cross Directory 1963 is available at Dallas Public Library, I know, I have a Dallas Public Library card.
They also have the phone book and anyone can read a phone book's residential numbers section till they find the address listed.
It takes patience to search not as Roe calls it "accepting simple answers" yet the info is in the white pages.... let alone a Dallas Coles/Criss-Cross Directory

It would only take looking through to the J's .

How'd Ruth get the Bledsoe number?
Wasn't Lee booted out when she claims he supposedly gave it to her....
What would happen if Marina or Ruth had called it as soon as Lee left on Monday Morning... how was that to play out.

Ruth never tried it, yet the Beckley number was supposedly tried and scratched out. Why not try the other number if Lee said he moves from room to room.

...and did he live there at Bledsoe's as OH Lee or Alek Hidell and if not why not? Why only at "Beckley" where there is a Mr. Lee already? 
What conditions were put upon ringing the Bledsoe's premises? 
1) I answer to Alek 
2) I answer to O or OH 
3) Its Mr. Lee for me... 

Same as at any residence, Mercedes, Elsbeth, Magazine, he went by Lee Harvey Oswald.
The pattern is he lives as himself.

Cheers, Ed


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1 hour ago, Andrej Stancak said:

That particular Hosty's note was not about "where", it was about Lee using O.H.Lee in his rooming house. "Where" would be appropriate in a note specifying the location but it was wrong in the context of using an assumed name O.H. Lee. This was the reason for crossing "where". The note (without "where") reads: "O.H. Lee is how he lived" . It is a brief note wanting to state that Lee Oswald lived under an assumed name O.H. Lee in 1026 North Beckley.

However, the O.L.Lee note is not the critical note I am referring to in the authentic Hosty's notes - the second note from the top on the sheet bearing a DPD inscription on the reversed side.



That is absolutely correct and still seems you've missed the point.

The obvious error is because Hosty had yet to know where Oswald lived when this OH Lee was being pinned on Oswald as an alias living in a room near the Tippit murder.
This likely by the reading of all of the notes we at ROKC have lead us to more educated conclusions. 
The error reads
OH Lee is where how he lives.


Edited by Ed LeDoux
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So, did or did not Lee tell the interrogators that he had stayed at 1026 North Beckley?

I still cannot see how Hosty's authentic notes containing Lee Oswald's statements as they went during the interrogation in Hosty's presence could be ignored. The information about 1026 North Beckley, according to "Assignment Oswald" but also according to the authentic sheet with notes (which does contain 1026 NB but not the O.H. Lee information) preceded that which referred to O.H. Lee.

It is all very confusing as there are no tapes or stenographic recordings from interrogations. Yet, please try to answer for yourself the question whether Lee Oswald did say during interrogations that he had stayed at 1026 North Beckley. Hosty's notes clearly support the view that he did, and the rest, at least to me, are conjectures and speculations based on uncertain data such as the crossed "where" in Hosty's notes. While it is useful to discuss the shenanigans surrounding 1026 North Beckley, it would be a stretch to draw a conclusion that Lee Oswald did not live there.

From what I read and studied over past five years, Lee Oswald was framed with the murder of both President Kennedy and Officer Tippit. Some people knew a lot about Lee Oswald and were able to lure him into the situation he ended up in. However, the framing did not occur by inventing things which were not part of Lee's life and which he could easily prove or disprove later on. The main circumstances were in place and the conspirators were familiar with them and adjusted their framing to them. 

So, again: do James Hosty's notes (the "Bart's" notes) contain Lee Oswald's own statement about him living at 1026 North Beckley? 


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7 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


So, again: do James Hosty's notes (the "Bart's" notes) contain Lee Oswald's own statement about him living at 1026 North Beckley? 


That's about as clear as you can get. Good luck Andrej in trying to get Mr. LeDoux to answer it. 

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20 hours ago, Ed LeDoux said:

Last Words Of LHO~ Mae Brussels
We had no visitors at our apartment on North Beckley
I never lived on Neely Street. These people are mistaken about visiting there, because I never lived there.

Neely Street too? Really Ed? 

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Stop the presses!

Steve Roe invented Keyless entry in 1963.

Also paperless documents....Steve give us a break.

Your evidentiary excursion has left a trail of blood and no treasure.

The Bus, key, the lies, all are given a right merry hug and a kiss by those with nothing upstairs.

Give the Warren Commission a nod and off to sod eh.

No Oswald at Beckley.

A Mr. Lee whom made long distance calls and wasn't Oz at all.

A tiny cowboy hopped up on Westerns also not Oswald.

No one is Oswald at Beckley, because Oswald wasn't there.

Calls, books, and witnesses chronology are Roe's defeat. 

Cheers, Ed


PS: Mae just wrote what she was told.

Roe was never told to write anything. 

Similar outcome..


The attributions are not all in Oswald's words but Will Fritz's.

Same with the notes.

Hosty was not in the interrogation when Fritz started with Oz. Hosty makes it appear like he was there the whole time.

1026 N. Beckley is not what Fritz claims.

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2 hours ago, Ed LeDoux said:

Hosty was not in the interrogation when Fritz started with Oz. Hosty makes it appear like he was there the whole time.

Oswald was brought in for questioning at 2:20

Hosty didn't arrive at DPD Headquarters until 3:15.

(almost an hour later)

Mr. BALL. You said just a few minutes, what did you mean by that, 15, 20, 25?
Mr. FRITZ. It would be pretty hard to guess at a time like that because we weren't even quitting for lunch so I don't even know, time didn't mean much right at that time. For a few minutes, you would think 30 or 40 minutes the first time.
Mr. BALL. Thirty or forty minutes?
Mr. FRITZ. I am guessing at that time.


Mr. BALL. Did you ask him anything about his address or did he volunteer the address?
Mr. FRITZ. He volunteered the address at Beckley?
Mr. BALL. Yes.
Mr. FRITZ. Well, I will tell you, whether we asked him or told him one, he never did deny it, he never did deny the Beckley Street address at all. The only thing was he didn't know whether it was north or south.
Mr. BALL. Did you ask him whether it was north or south?
Mr. FRITZ. Yes, but he didn't know.

Oswald wasn't asked where he lived. He was presented with a fact, and didn't deny it.

I can see a situation where Oswald was told he lived on Beckley, and Oswald shrugging and saying, "If you say so".



Mr. BALL. How long a time did you sit with Oswald and question him this first time?
Mr. FRITZ. The first time, not but a few minutes.
Mr. BALL. That was the time Hosty and Bookhout were there?
Mr. FRITZ. That is right. But sometimes when I would leave the office to do something else, it is hard to imagine how many things we had happening at the one time or how many different officers we had doing different things without seeing it but we were terribly busy.
I had called all my officers back on duty and had every one of them assigned to something, so going back and forth kept me pretty busy running back and forth at the time of questioning.
I don't know when I would leave, I suppose Mr. Bookhout and Mr. Hosty asked him a few questions, but I don't believe they questioned him a great deal while I was gone.

Who knows what Bookhout and Hosty talked to Oswald about while Fritz was out the room?... the weather? the price of rice in China?


Steve Thomas

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For Andrej,

A map.



The Notes by Hosty have a dot between the O and next letter. Not O.H But O dot H

Also the top notation ends in "room" Well any good investigators ask what room. But here Room was supposedly room O.

Hosty note is very distinct. The dot is completely out of place for it to be initials. Combine the two halfs and it now reads Room O

Hosty was still writing it out as 'where' he lives, when it changes to who. This is because Hosty wasnt there to hear any Beckley talk between Fritz and Oswald. Hosty was late and his notes show it. The notes Actually start with 2515 W. 5th Irving. I believe the note at very tippy top, 1026 N. Beckley was added after the interview. When Fritz and Hosty get a chance to converse, then Hosty includes this info he wasnt present for, at the top. Also claims are these notes are written out after the interrogation session. FBI is supposed to listen to the interrogation, during a break they write down everything they heard, perhaps not in order or even continuous sentences, bits recalled are written as remembered. Anyone want to chime in on the logistics of the note taking and what it means to these notes. Cheers, Ed

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3 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Oswald was brought in for questioning at 2:20

Hosty didn't arrive at DPD Headquarters until 3:15.

(almost an hour later)

Mr. BALL. You said just a few minutes, what did you mean by that, 15, 20, 25?
Mr. FRITZ. It would be pretty hard to guess at a time like that because we weren't even quitting for lunch so I don't even know, time didn't mean much right at that time. For a few minutes, you would think 30 or 40 minutes the first time.
Mr. BALL. Thirty or forty minutes?
Mr. FRITZ. I am guessing at that time.


Mr. BALL. Did you ask him anything about his address or did he volunteer the address?
Mr. FRITZ. He volunteered the address at Beckley?
Mr. BALL. Yes.
Mr. FRITZ. Well, I will tell you, whether we asked him or told him one, he never did deny it, he never did deny the Beckley Street address at all. The only thing was he didn't know whether it was north or south.
Mr. BALL. Did you ask him whether it was north or south?
Mr. FRITZ. Yes, but he didn't know.

Oswald wasn't asked where he lived. He was presented with a fact, and didn't deny it.

I can see a situation where Oswald was told he lived on Beckley, and Oswald shrugging and saying, "If you say so".



Mr. BALL. How long a time did you sit with Oswald and question him this first time?
Mr. FRITZ. The first time, not but a few minutes.
Mr. BALL. That was the time Hosty and Bookhout were there?
Mr. FRITZ. That is right. But sometimes when I would leave the office to do something else, it is hard to imagine how many things we had happening at the one time or how many different officers we had doing different things without seeing it but we were terribly busy.
I had called all my officers back on duty and had every one of them assigned to something, so going back and forth kept me pretty busy running back and forth at the time of questioning.
I don't know when I would leave, I suppose Mr. Bookhout and Mr. Hosty asked him a few questions, but I don't believe they questioned him a great deal while I was gone.

Who knows what Bookhout and Hosty talked to Oswald about while Fritz was out the room?... the weather? the price of rice in China?


Steve Thomas

Thank you Steve Thomas!

That sums it up and puts a bow on it.


Bart has docs that clearly state he, Hosty, arrived in the basement about 2:45 - 2:50 and had some discussions. Then according to his notes was inside the interrogation room at 3:15 - 4:05


To Steve Roe, how does a mans alibi get robbed? 

See my above post.



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So the notes get cherry picked by Hosty and some Reid Technique malfeasance and turned into a near confession by Oswald... 


To Jim DiEugenio,

I'd proclaim the second most important reason for the Beckley bag job will always relate to alibi and means.

Put the man in the area where he gets a pistol and leaves the holster behind.

Classic alibi manipulation 

They take away Oswald's movie alibi and insert a ridiculous dash to buses, cabs, rooming houses, yet moments of time suspended while Mr Lee waits at a inbound bus stop, then a dash through Oak Cliff to again, slowly stroll the wrong way whilst being stopped by a policeman, a shooting, more dashing through alleys or was it down Jefferson... anyways the suspect dashes all the way down a major thoroughfare only to duck into a alcove, where the store manager gets suspicious and dashes after this man, who ducks into a theater unseen by the ticket seller or ticket taker. Calls to police about the malicious movie goer make cops dash into the theater and go straight up to the balcony, all the while the shoe store manager is hiding behind the curtains watching the cops in the balcony... nothing is said by the shoe store manager as one suspect is being questioned up on the balcony steps, he stays hidden and quiet... When cops enter the stage door the shoe store manager still doesnt say who is the man... cops start frisking everyone.

Only when Oswald gets his crotch grabbed by a policeman and knocks his hat off does a melee insue. 

Later the policemen says a different man in the front row, and not the overpaid shoe salesman as whom pointed out Oswald as the man they wanted.

The alibis were easy pickings by DPD and the truth or notes of the truth hurt the whole bloody story.

Cheers, Ed

Edited by Ed LeDoux
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I have consulted the book by Jim Bishop: The Day Kennedy Was Shot (Gremercy Book, 1968). The book portrays the chronology of events occurring in the Dallas Police Department after Lee Oswald had been brought in. I have extracted parts referring to the address of his rooming house.

P. 290: Captain Fritz wants to send Rose and Stovall to Irving (//I assume this address was obtained from Roy Truly who had it in Lee Oswald's employee card//). At that moment Sgt. Hill said: "We can save you a trip" he said. "There he is". 

//At this stage police could only have have 602 Elsbeth address because that address was on Lee's library card. //

P. 290: In another office Charles Givens, a Book Depository employee, was staring through the walls of glass and said : "Hey, there's Lee Oswald". A friendly policeman leaned out in the hall where reporters were waiting and said "He's Lee Oswald, a suspect in the Tippit murder".

//If Givens could see Oswald through glass walls, Oswald could see Givens or other Depository employees that were brought in, and there was no reason for Lee Oswald to conceal his identity.//

P. 292: At a door, a policeman whispered to Fritz: "I hear this Oswald has a furnished room on Beckley". 

//It is not known who this policeman was and how did he know.//

P. 300-301: Captain Fritz was questioning Lee Oswald  in the presence of some other officers (Boyd, Simms, FBI agent Bookhout). He asked the name, and Lee Oswald gave his true name. He asked about the location of Lee's employment and Lee described the floors he used to work on. 

"Where would you say you were when President was shot?"

"I was on the first, having my lunch".

"Where were you when the police officer stopped you?"

"On the second floor, having a Coke"

//This is not so much relevant regarding 1026 North Beckley, however, this sequencing of events fits with the scenario I have been trying to develop in a few of my last posts, namely that Lee Oswald left the doorway about 30-35 seconds after the last shot and went to the first and then second floor where he had encountered Officer Baker. This would be the scenario which Bill Kelley and Gil Jesus would perhaps subscribe to as well.//

P. 301:

Captain Fritz: "Where did you go  when you left the work?

"I have a room over on North Beckley".

"Where on Beckley?"


"North or South?"

"North or South?" "Yes". "I couldn't say, but it is 1026 Beckley".  //Fritz asked "North or South?" but Lee already told him "North". Some confusion here//

"What's the area look like?"

"Oh, a couple of streets come together at that point, and there is a filling station across from the boarding house---"

The captain nodded: "That's North Beckley".

Captain Fritz excused himself. He went out into the hall and told a couple of detectives to run over to 1026 North Beckley and search a room rented by Lee Harvey Oswald.

"All I did, "Oswald was saying, "was go over to Beckley and change my pants. I got my pistol and went to the pictures".


Bishop's book does not give any relevant details about 1026  North Beckley from the interrogation which involved FBI agent James Hosty. 

Based on the book "Assignment Oswald," Lee Oswald had only confirmed the 1026 North Beckley by saying "Yeah",  and that this information did not perspire for the first time in this interrogation session. It is possible that Hosty had a brief exchange with Fritz just before the interrogation and therefore knew about 1026 North Beckley before the session. Else, how could Hosty know about 1026 North Beckley if not from Fritz?

This is as much or as little I was able to dig out about whether Lee Oswald lived at 1026 North Beckley and whether he told this to Police.


Edited by Andrej Stancak
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P. 301:

Captain Fritz: "Where did you go  when you left the work?

"I have a room over on North Beckley".

"Where on Beckley?"


"North or South?"

"North or South?" "Yes". "I couldn't say, but it is 1026 Beckley".  //Fritz asked "North or South?" but Lee already told him "North". Some confusion here//


No such exchanges are in Hosty's notes about any of this.

And why would Fritz ask N or S if he is so well acquainted with Beckley and knew it couldn't be S as that's a grocery store. Ed


"What's the area look like?"

"Oh, a couple of streets come together at that point, and there is a filling station across from the boarding house---"

The captain nodded: "That's North Beckley".


There are several places a couple streets come together on South Beckley and one still has a filling station though its too late to know off hand if there were any residences that one could rent a room in nearby.Besides Beckley is a long street undefined at both ends. Its possible Fritz knows Oak Cliff like a cab driver but I doubt it. Ed


Captain Fritz excused himself. He went out into the hall and told a couple of detectives to run over to 1026 North Beckley and search a room rented by Lee Harvey Oswald.


And yet they did not get a warrant for Oswald nor OH Lee's room but persons unknown.

Why "persons" when its just lil ole Lee? Ed


Great finds Andrej!

Cheers, Ed

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