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The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up

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More loose-connection hijinks involving Henry Crown, from Christopher Bollyn. (See post above for first installment)

Same caveats about anti-Zionist content apply.

FYI, Myer Schine was the father of Roy Cohn's paramour, G. David Schine.


The Crown Family Connections to the Kennedy Assassinations

November 21, 2013

SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY was the leading Democratic candidate in the 1968 presidential contest. Kennedy called for ending the war in Vietnam and ran on a platform of racial and economic justice, non-aggression in foreign policy, decentralization of power and social improvement. Had he won the presidency he would have re-opened the investigation into the murder of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. After winning the California primary, Kennedy made his final victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968.

As he exited through the hotel pantry, Senator Kennedy was shot from behind at close range. Thomas Noguchi, the Chief Medical Examiner for Los Angeles, conducted the autopsy and concluded that the fatal shot had not been fired by Sirhan Sirhan, but had come from a gun very close to the back of Kennedy's head and penetrated his skull behind the right ear at an upward angle. The fatal shot came from a distance of no more than one to three inches away (3 - 7.5 cm). Sirhan Sirhan, however, the alleged assassin, had been standing several feet in front of Kennedy.

WHO SET THE STAGE?  How could Sirhan Sirhan, or his handlers, possibly know that Senator Kennedy would be coming through the hotel kitchen? How did they have access to the hotel kitchen? Where was hotel security? Who was controlling the hotel?

THE AMBASSADOR HOTEL where Bobby Kennedy was shot in June 1968 was owned by Myer Schine, who was connected to Mickey Cohen, the West Coast crime boss who hated Bobby Kennedy.

MYER SCHINE had close relations with organized crime and owned a network of hotels in Florida and across America that earned money by hosting illegal casinos and gambling operations.

MICKEY COHEN - The West Coast crime boss (born Meyer Cohen) ran an illegal casino from Myer Schine's Ambassador Hotel in the late 1940s. He started out with Bugsy Siegel and was allied with Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello by the early 1940s. At age thirty-four, Cohen took over when Siegel was murdered in 1947. Cohen's plan for total control included a newspaper, a wire-tapper, and the state's attorney general. Illiterate, he hired a tutor to learn to read and write. He became involved with major Hollywood figures and top politicians. Frank Sinatra, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and Sammy Davis Jr. were just a few of the stars that bowed to the new boss, according to his biography. One of his specialties was blackmailing movie stars with secrets, often of a sexual nature. Most importantly, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy prosecuted Cohen in 1961. Cohen was sentenced to 15 years in Alcatraz. Kennedy's successful crackdown on organized crime made him Cohen's "great enemy."

MENACHEM BEGIN the head of the terrorist Irgun in 1943-48, fled Palestine following his organization’s bombing of a Jerusalem hotel, which killed 15 people in January 1948. While hiding in Los Angeles, Begin met Mickey Cohen and other undesirables. Cohen and other Jewish gangsters, such as Meyer Lansky, provided Begin's terrorist Irgun with weapons and money. Begin's terrorist gang rebranded itself as the Likud in the 1970s and has ruled the state of Israel since.

MYER SCHINE'S GRANDSON - James Schine Crown is president of Henry Crown and Company, a family-owned company. Crown is lead director of the defense contractor General Dynamics and is a director of JPMorgan Chase.  The Crown family was connected to the Warren Commission and profited greatly from the Vietnam War.

MRS. LESTER CROWN is Renee Schine, the daughter of Myer Schine.

AN INTERESTING COINCIDENCE was that Renee Schine (bottom row) returned from Europe on the Queen Mary in August 1948 with Jacqueline Bouvier (top row) in 1948.  I called Mrs. Crown to ask if she remembered Jackie and got a very odd response.  She pretended to be someone else, but when I said what I was calling about, she said it was not true.  How odd, I thought. Why would any person venture to say such a thing if she were not, in fact, Renee Schine Crown?  My questions to Lester Crown went unanswered. When they answer the phone at Henry Crown & Co. they don't answer the phone by identifying themselves; they answer by giving the phone number: 312.....  How odd.

MYER SCHINE also owned the Gulf Stream Hotel on Miami Beach where FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson enjoyed their annual Christmas holidays - on the house. 

MIAMI 1937 - J. Edgar Hoover playing backgammon with Clyde Tolson. So, what did the Schines get in return for their free hospitality? Protection from federal prosecution?

The Henry Crown (formerly Krinsky) family of Chicago is connected to the cover-ups of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the terror attacks of 9-11, as I describe in my article "JFK and 9-11: Henry Crown and the Cover-Ups of Our Time."

Most amazingly, the Crown family is also connected to the 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. 

Bobby Kennedy was killed in the Ambassador Hotel, which was owned by Myer Schine, the father of Renee Schine and father-in-law of Lester Crown. Schine also owned the Gulf Stream Hotel on Miami Beach where J. Edgar Hoover spent his winter holidays - free of charge.

The Crown family of Chicago, the controlling family of the huge defense contractor General Dynamics, is connected to all kinds of things, but for the same family of war profiteers to be connected to the assassinations of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, and the terror attacks of 9-11, is either a remarkable coincidence or an indication of involvement in these mega-crimes.


Henry Crown became the largest shareholder of Texas-based General Dynamics when he merged his sand and gravel (and cement) company, Material Service Corp., with the nearly bankrupt defense contractor in 1959.  Crown's new company was in dire straits financially until 1962 when it was rescued by a $7 billion contract to produce a new fighter jet for the military. This became known as the TFX/F-111 scandal. In 1963 General Dynamics came under congressional investigation to determine exactly how Henry Crown had finagled this huge Texas deal.

Peter Dale Scott, the author of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993), explains how Lyndon Johnson was tied into this crooked deal:

According to President Kennedy's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, Bobby Kennedy was also investigating Bobby Baker for tax evasion and fraud. This had reached the point where the President himself discussed the Baker investigation with his secretary, and allegedly told her that his running mate in 1964 would not be Lyndon Johnson. The date of this discussion was November 19, 1963, the day before the President left for Texas.

A Senate Rules Committee investigation into the Bobby Baker scandal was indeed moving rapidly to implicate Lyndon Johnson, and on a matter concerning a concurrent scandal and investigation. This was the award of a $7-billion contract for a fighter plane, the TFX, to a General Dynamics plant in Fort Worth. Navy Secretary Fred Korth, a former bank president and a Johnson man, had been forced to resign in October 1963, after reporters discovered that his bank, the Continental National Bank of Fort Worth, was the principal money source for the General Dynamics plant.

On November 22, 1963, the day of the assassination, a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee heard sworn testimony from a Baker business associate, Don Reynolds. Reynolds was telling the committee of a big lobbyists' sex party in New York, and also of a suitcase he had seen, full of money which Baker described as a $100,000 payoff to Johnson for his role in securing the Fort Worth TFX contract. His testimony was broken off by the news that the President had been shot.

This bit of history indicates that Vice President Lyndon Johnson was involved in a criminal way in the crooked TFX deal that gave Henry Crown's new company the largest military aircraft contract in U.S. history. As the recipient of a $100,000 payoff, Johnson would have been in a position in which he could be blackmailed by Henry Crown.

Henry Crown's personal lawyer, Albert E. Jenner, who also served as a director of General Dynamics, was appointed by Lyndon Johnson to the Warren Commission where he was tasked with investigating the evidence of a conspiracy behind Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. He found none.

J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, personally directed the FBI investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The House Select Committee on Assassinations issued a report in 1979 critical of the FBI investigation and the Warren Commission. The report criticized the FBI's reluctance to thoroughly investigate the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the President.

The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The Committee's final report concluded that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

J. Edgar Hoover, however, was in a compromised position, as Deep Politics reveals:

All of these anti-Communist politicians, but J. Edgar Hoover above all, exposed themselves to political blackmail by visiting the Del Charro in the company of mobsters.  Hoover even had a special detail of FBI agents to ensure that mobsters would not come up to him in public at the racetrack. But his love of horse racing and gambling meant that his holidays recurringly exposed him to the milieu of organized crime, whether at the Del Charro or (his other annual freeloading holiday) the Gulf Stream Hotel owned by the family of the McCarthy staffer G. David Schine.

J. EDGAR HOOVER enjoyed free annual holidays at the Gulf Stream Hotel Apartments and Cottages on Miami Beach which was owned by Myer Schine.  Hoover and Clyde Tolson, seen here, had adjacent cottages.


In 1986, when the Ambassador Hotel was put up for sale, the Los Angeles Times reported on the Crown connection:

Chicago businessman Lester Crown is making no promises that the hotel will be spared the wrecker's ball. "I think that will be the determination of the purchaser," said Crown, who is supervising the sale for the Schine family, which has owned the hotel since 1946.

Crown is overseeing the sale as part of the gradual liquidation of the theater and hotel empire of J. Myer Schine, who died in 1971. Crown, 60, is married to one of Schine's children and himself runs a family empire that, according to a recent Business Week magazine estimate, is probably worth at least $1.5 billion.

In keeping with the Ambassador's unorthodox history, announcement of the sale was made not by the hotel or the Schines but by Los Angeles City Councilman John Ferraro. The councilman is pushing hard, with the support of historical groups, to keep the hotel alive. His district includes the mid-Wilshire area, where the hotel is located. The hotel, set well back from Wilshire Boulevard, is surrounded by spacious gardens that are a throwback to more leisurely days.

As the Times notes, it was odd that the sale of the hotel was not announced by Lester Crown or the Schine family, but by a city councilman.  Did Lester Crown want to hide the fact that he was the person selling the hotel?  The Wikipedia article about the  Ambassador Hotel  does not even mention that the hotel had been owned since 1946 by Myer Schine. In fact, it doesn't mention any owner at all. What a telling omission.

Knowing who owned the hotel where Bobby Kennedy was killed is important, because it was the place, the stage, where a very significant political assassination was carried out.  The owner of the hotel where the crime occurred would have been in the position to manage the whole operation and control the most important factors that contributed to the murder. This is the same relationship that Larry Silverstein, the lease-holder of the World Trade Center, has to the events of 9-11.  He owned and controlled the place where the crime was committed. How can the fact that the Ambassador Hotel was owned by a family closely tied to organized crime not be relevant to the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy? 


"Ambassador Hotel Struggling to Survive" by Tom Furlong, Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1986

"Ambassador Hotel," Wikipedia.com, November 21, 2013

"Incomplete Justice - Part One: At the Ambassador Hotel" by Larry Hancock, May 19, 2008

"JFK and 9-11: Henry Crown and the Cover-Ups of Our Time" by Christopher Bollyn, November 7, 2013

"Mickey Cohen," Biography.com, November 21, 2013

Newton, Michael, Mr. Mob: The Life and Crimes of Moe Dalitz, McFarland, 2009 

Scott, Peter Dale, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, University of California Press, 1993

"The Ugly Fall of the Schine Empire" by Judy Marcoux, April 22, 2012

©2020 Christopher Bollyn | Sitemap | christopher@bollyn.com

Junius Myer Schine (February 20, 1890[1] – May 9, 1971) was a New York theater and hotel magnate.[3][4]


He was born on February 20 or February 28, 1890[1] to a Jewish family[5] in Latvia. In 1902, as an eleven-year-old, he, his brother Louis Schine (1892–1977), age nine, and their mother, Anne, emigrated from what is now Latvia to join their father in Gloversville, New York.[6]

He married Hildegarde Feldman (1903–1994).[7] They had two daughters, Doris June Schine Maxwell and Renee Helene Schine Crown (wife of Lester Crown), and two sons, Gerard David Schine (usually known as G. David or David)[3][6] and Charles Richard Schine.

In 1957, Junius chose his son David, a central figure in the Army-McCarthy Hearings of 1954, to head Schine Enterprises, but in 1963, Junius resumed his position as head of the company.[citation needed] In 1965, Schine's holdings were bought by Lawrence Wien and Harry B. Helmsley.[8] Junius died on May 9, 1971, in Manhattan, New York City.[4][9][10]


Renee Helene Schine Crown made a $2,500,000 contribution to Syracuse University in 1984 for the Schine Student Center, which opened in October 1985.[11]

Edited by David Andrews
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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

The details about the connections between the elite of NY, Boston and New Orleans were fascinating.  The Boston Club in New Orleans established 1841 with connections to the exclusive Union Club of NY.  Much More.   

I agree with that.

What Don did is he set up the nexus between the NY financial interests and the  importance of  New Orleans as a port of entry from Central and South America.  

United Fruit, International House, the Trade Mart and The Boston Club.

This is what I mean about how Gibson showed us the level above the CIA.  That is where Garrison kind of stopped, except for maybe Permindex.  

But Gibson showed us the trail above that.  I must say that Lisa Pease helped him with her explorations of Freeport Sulphur, now Freeport McMoran.  

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These excerpts from Gibson's book sum it all up:

By the early 1960s the Council on Foreign Relations, Morgan and Rockefeller interests, and the intelligence community were so extensively inbred as to be virtually a single entity. The Morgan and Rockefeller groups had always been dominant forces within the CFR, Morgan people being more prominent until the early 1950s, when the Rockefeller interests filled the positions of leadership. The CFR was also from the beginning tightly interconnected with leaders of the British establishment. The global interests of the Morgan and Rockefeller groups led to a natural involvement in the formation and development of the Central Intelligence Agency. A full account of these relationships would require a separate book. The relationships were extensive and covered the entire history of the CIA and of its forerunner, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). For example, William Donovan, who is usually credited with organizing the OSS during World War II, began his intelligence career working as a private operator for J.P. Morgan, Jr. Allen Dulles, who was in 1963 the most senior member (since 1927) of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, was director of the CIA from 1953 until his dismissal by Kennedy. Dulles was associated with both the Rockefeller and Morgan groups.  Kennedy faced external opposition in the media attacks on his policies, and be was saddled with an intelligence community that had more enduring connections to his opponents than to him.

Handling most of this work for Cravath was John J. McCloy. A partner in that law firm, Russell Leffingwell, became chairman of J.P. Morgan in 1948, Leffingwell also served as chairman of the Morgan-Rockefeller-led Council on Foreign Relations from 1946 to 1953 (he was succeeded by McCloy).  McCloy was chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, of the CFR, and of the Ford Foundation; president of the World Bank; High Commissioner in Germany after World War II; and a representative of the major oil companies. McCloy played a significant role in the creation of the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA, and later helped to work out a relationship between the Ford Foundation and the CIA that allowed the foundation to fund CIA activities. Also, in the 1950s McCloy helped to initiate a practice whereby private banks cooperated directly with the International Monetary Fund in establishing conditions for loans to other nations, an arrangement circumvented by Kennedy policies.  McCloy's close friends ranged from the Rockefeller family to Texas oilman Clint Murchison and included the top men at institutions as varied as the Washington Post and the CIA. According to McCloy's biographer (Bird, pp. 496, 542), McCloy never thought much of Kennedy and was sensitive to the fact that Kennedy had never sought ties to Establishment institutions or with people at the CFR.  It is this network for which Time-Life-Fortune spoke, as did the Wall Street Journal.

Henry Luce had started Time magazine in the early 1920s with help from the families of two partners in J.P. Morgan & Co., a relative of a Rockefeller partner, and a number of individuals who had been, with Luce, members of Yale University's elitist Skull and Bones society. Luce's notion of the U.S. role globally and his conception of "free enterprise" are, along with his aristocratic leanings, reflected in Time, Inc.'s often vitriolic attacks on President Kennedy's policies.  In June of 1961, Fortune simultaneously criticized Kennedy for being insufficiently activist in foreign policy (i.e., not fully backing the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba) and all too activist in domestic policy. Luce's magazine then accused the president of having "little understanding of the American political economic system," of pursuing policies that threatened to "undermine a strong and free economy," and of attempting to implement controls which would "erode away basic American liberties" and lead to "resentment and anger" at his policies.* Life accused Kennedy of interfering with the free flow of international investments with his proposal to increase taxes on purchases by Americans of foreign securities ... the November 22 issue of Life indicated its concern that President Kennedy was disengaging from Vietnam, asserting that, "It is not a time to relax or schedule U.S. manpower withdrawals in time for our 1964 elections." (This comment by Life certainly supports the view that, shortly before his death, Kennedy had indeed decided to reduce or eliminate our military involvement in Vietnam, certainly that the Establishment feared such a move.) 

There was a clear split within the Kennedy administration over economic policy. The Kennedy group, which included Walter Heller and FDR, Jr., opposed the Dillon-Federal Reserve group, which spoke for the major banks. Dillon was a close associate of David Rockefeller's and a director of the Chase Manhattan Bank. The Federal Reserve, particularly the New York regional bank, has always been tightly interconnected with Morgan and Rockefeller banking. William McChesney Martin, the Fed's chairman, would become a supervisor of the Rockefeller family's trust fund. In these conflicts, as well as those discussed earlier, Kennedy was coming up against those people variously referred to as the East Coast Establishment, Wall Street, finance capital, the higher circles, etc. The label is not important. In the end they all refer to Morgan interests, the Rockefellers, and the many other wealthy and influential families allied with them (including Harriman, Cabot, Lodge, Dillon, Bundy).

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Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 3/9/2020 at 5:53 PM, David Andrews said:

No help. I want to say that the sheriff in the movie was Brian Keith, but there's nothing like it in his filmography.

It's conceivable that it was an hour-long episode in a TV series, but if so I can't imagine what the series was, and I don't think it involved any recurring character. Plus it was good enough that I would have watched such a series, so I'm sure it was a movie. I wish I could remember the killer, all I recall is that I think she was blonde, and not a big star but well known.

Hate to bring it up again, but it's driving me crazy. Googling stuff (e.g. "movie about killing old people") doesn't help. Surely someone besides me saw this movie.



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Just now, Ron Ecker said:

No help. I want to say that the sheriff in the movie was Brian Keith, but there's nothing like it in his filmography.

It's conceivable that it was an hour-long episode in a TV series, but if so I can't imagine what the series was, and I don't think it involved any recurring character. Plus it was good enough that I would have watched such a series, so I'm sure it was a movie. I wish I could remember the killer, all I recall is that I think she was blonde, and not a big star but well known.

Hate to bring it up again, but it's driving me crazy. Googling stuff (e.g. "movie about killing old people") doesn't help. Surely someone besides me saw this movie.



This sounds like an ABC Movie of the Week from the 1970s, which is why I brought up Andy Griffith, since he did a couple.


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8 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

This sounds like an ABC Movie of the Week from the 1970s, which is why I brought up Andy Griffith, since he did a couple.


Yes, I'll bet it was, but it's my recollection that the sheriff was played by someone more, well, more "normal" than Andy.


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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

"Somebody's killing old people" sounds like they were aiming for the Metamucil demographic.

And the killer had a special way of getting access to the old folks and killing them and I can't even remember what it was. It's aggravating.


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When you really think about it Gene and Ron, the impact of Gibson was so powerful because it seemed like he came out of leftfield.

No one in the critical community really had the base of knowledge he possessed.  Because he combined that Domhoff/C. Wright Mills stuff with insights about what made JFK different from that ruling class.  And he knew a lot about Kennedy.  FOr instance, I was not aware of Kennedy's Dominican Republic strategy before reading Battling Wall Street.

And then when you add in that chapter in his second book, The Kennedy Assassination Cover Up, where he specifically connects some of the players in New Orleans with New York City, well to me it all amounts to a tour de force.   He changed my way of thinking on the case, and altered my world model about the powers that be.

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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The Kennedy Assassination Cover Up,

Until I read the "Kennedy Assassination Cover Up," I always felt as if, in nearly every other book on the assassination, there was a major piece of the puzzle missing. The best of them described the visible pyramid of power, but rarely even implied that there was a second, far less visible "inverted pyramid" resting upon the more publicly visible one. Gibson not only implied it, he named names. It's certainly one of the most important books out there.

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19 hours ago, David Andrews said:

This sounds like an ABC Movie of the Week from the 1970s, which is why I brought up Andy Griffith, since he did a couple.


I found it in a list of ABC Movies of the Week. "Isn't It Shocking?"

The sheriff was Alan Alda. I was wrong about the female lead (Louise Lasser) being the killer. It was Edmund O'Brien.


Now I can get back to worrying about dying of the coronavirus.


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Edmond O'Brien wouldn't have accepted the role if he wasn't to play the killer.  That would have put him on the list of professional old-people actors with Martha Raye and Arthur O'Connell.

Survive the Coronavirus, so we can play this game in the FEMA camp.

Edited by David Andrews
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You guys hooked me, so here goes.  Isn't It Shocking was the ABC movie of the week on October 2,1973 (I was in grad school in Teaneck NJ at the time).  The New England town of Mount Angel (ironic title) had a serial killer using a defibrillator to shock his victims ... all of whom were senior citizens of the same age, and from the same high school (the Class of 1928).  A young and charming Louise Lasser (married to Woody Allen, and soon to be Mary Hartman) was making her mark.  Alan Alda had just started the very popular MASH series. Character actors Will Geer and Ruth Gordon played familiar supporting roles.  The Director - John Badham - went on to famously make Saturday Night Fever and War Games.  Its no coincidence that the 90-minute show's theme was similar to "They Only Kill Their Masters" (1972) which starred James Garner; both scripts were created by the same TV writer (Lane Slate) ... this was one of four scripts that he wrote about small town murders and likeable town sheriffs, including two movies in 1977 starring Andy Griffith (Deadly Game, The Girl in the Empty Grave).  This particular show reminds me of the Angela Lansbury series Murder She Wrote which was very enjoyable. 

Its more fun remembering these entertaining short films than contemplating the powerful forces that John Kennedy faced.   But when you step back from all the intriguing aspects that draw us into the Dealey Plaza story - Oswald/Ruby, Tippit, DPD, shooter locations, the autopsy, the motorcade route, Secret Service protection, Umbrella Man/DCM, Tramps, Zapruder's film (the subplots are just endless) -  the bigger picture becomes much clearer when one considers Gibson's work.  JFK (and his policies) took on very powerful forces.  This revelation renders a lot of the subplots meaningless ... other than the roads they lead us down, and the sponsors they unveil. 

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