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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm exasperated and fearful.  Numbers are exploding.  Extended family members taking risky chances with grandkids, maybe coming back to us tomorrow.  The governor says "Things will get worse... the worst is yet to come".  Yet they/he do almost nothing.   Closed the bars, 50% capacity in restaurants, ha, ha.  Masks required at Wal-Mart, customers w/o walking right in.  Facebook protests over masking tyranny.

Glad I'm not sick in the Rio Grande Valley or Houston in particular.



An epidemiologist, an ICU doc, and a scientist walk into a bar.

Just kidding.  They know better...  🤥

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15 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



That $40,000 limit will be on your and your wife's adjusted gross income (AGI), not your total income. For people with modest income, only a portion of Social Security income is taxed. Suppose that in your case 20% of your SS income is taxed. Your AGI would be calculated as follows:

     ($10,000 x 0.20) + $30,000 = $32,000

And you would be eligible for the second stimulus check because that is less than the $40,000 limit.

Your AGI for 2019 is printed on line 8b of your tax form 1040. If your wife's income hasn't increased much since then, then your 2020 AGI will be about the same. Check it and see if it less than $40,000. It probably is.


Sandy, I just found out today that the reduced income eligibility stimulus package pushed by the Republicans will have a $40,000 yearly "adjusted gross income" cap requirement...for each person!

For my wife and I filing jointly last year, we come under that amount easily. 

I thought that even as a married couple filing jointly, the cap would be $40,000.

Thanks again for your info in this regards.


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32 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Some of the last words of a covid party attendee.  I think I made a mistake, I thought it was a hoax, but it's not.


      I just found out today that my staunchly Republican in-laws in Texas will not be voting for Donald Trump in November.

      It sounds like the last straw for them was the recent Never-Masker Trump rally in Tulsa.

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21 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

      I just found out today that my staunchly Republican in-laws in Texas will not be voting for Donald Trump in November.

      It sounds like the last straw for them was the recent Never-Masker Trump rally in Tulsa.

They may well flip flop.  The chump did today.  He wore a mask at Walter Reed Hospital today where surgical manipulation of JFK's head wound's possibly occurred.

I feel sure many of his rabid followers are howling in dismay. 


Edited by Ron Bulman
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22 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

They may well flip flop.  The chump did today.  He wore a mask at Walter Reed Hospital today where surgical manipulation of JFK's head wound's possibly occurred.

I feel sure many of his rabid followers are howling in dismay. 


Trump may accomplish the impossible-- for the first time in the 35 years that my wife and I have been together, my mother-in-law and I may be voting for the same presidential candidate... 🤪

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I think it's logical to figure many millions of Americans who normally would vote - or even might vote - may not this November due to their lives being so disrupted financially.

Who cares about voting when you cannot even pay the rent and all you can think about is you and your family's basic needs survival?

Especially if it's all vote by mail.

And because this group is of the middle to lower income class, one could reasonably assume they would normally vote more Democrat than Republican?

40 to 50 million currently unemployed and teetering right on the edge of complete financial collapse?    Dear God!

If these tens of millions are still unemployed by November 3rd, 2020 I guarantee you this massive, unprecedented stressed out section of our society will be incredibly more angry, disenchanted and detached from the typical voting responsibility and enthusiasm political scene versus normal times.

If you are confronting eviction and other basic need worries every month you are probably going to want to do something much more demonstrative than simple voting.

Like physically hitting the streets to protest?

And if you become homeless, what district do you vote in?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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As the Plague rolls on.

They've tried to push him to the side, ignored him.  He hasn't briefed the prez in over a month.  I don't like what you have to say and I don't want to hear it.  Now they try to discredit him.  Is it time to kill the messenger as cases surge?


Florida is leading the way at the moment.  I think DeSantis has his nose further up the prez butt than Abbott does.


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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

As the Plague rolls on.

They've tried to push him to the side, ignored him.  He hasn't briefed the prez in over a month.  I don't like what you have to say and I don't want to hear it.  Now they try to discredit him.  Is it time to kill the messenger as cases surge?


Florida is leading the way at the moment.  I think DeSantis has his nose further up the prez butt than Abbott does.



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No matter how the prez or the right try to deny it without immediate significant changes in how American business and society are conducted things are about to change.  The numbers are becoming overwhelming.  NY,NJ learned.  Florida, Texas, Georgia and California have not yet though California shut down restaurants today.  Nothing or too little to late.  

If numbers keep exploding, no school, no football this fall, virtually everything shut down for a while.  jmo

Regarding Fauci, "he has not been well schooled in bootlicking and sycophancy "."


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I predict much more civil unrest by this coming November if 10's of millions are still unemployed and can't pay their basic need bills and the federal government doesn't start sending  $1,000 to $2,000 monthly emergency survival checks to these people and their families.

Throwing in a little levity here:

The Washington DC football team has dropped their decades long name - The Redskins.

Any suggestions for a new name for this team? My wife and I had fun thinking of some.

The Washington Crooks?

The Washington Scandals  ... Scoundrels?

The Washington Potomacs?  

The Washington Posters?

The Washington Whistleblowers?

The Washington Trumpers?      Trump's choice.






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Deadskins., as in they have always sucked and always will?  The Washington Dick Heads in honor of richard nixon, cheny and the rest of their Ilk?  

Dandy Don then Walt used to kick their butts pretty often.  

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Stock Market Keeps Going Up Despite Massive Record Breaking Economic Downturn Numbers. 

Doesn't make sense. 

Here are just a minute number of incongruous examples.

Just the California wine industry "alone" has lost 4 to 5 billion in 5 months, with a 10 billion dollar total loss in this same time period when all the ancillary business losses are included.

American Express has lost billions.

Rolls Royce, billions in losses.

All new auto sales down up to 30% and more, 100's of billions in lost sales revenue.

Airline losses, 100's of billions. Hospitality industry, hundreds of billions in losses.

And on and on and on and on.

Trillions of lost income and sales revenue with only worse numbers predicted now that Trump's lockdown lifting has failed everywhere.

Even if a Covid-19 drug came out next week, it will take years for the country's record breaking devastated economy to come back to anything close to what we had before hand.

So, what mirage positive economic comeback factors are these investors basing their billion dollar stock market infusions on?  Don't they see the same Wizard Of Oz curtain we see with nothing but record breaking bad economic news behind it?

How the Dow is still going up versus down in this massive free fall of corporate earnings, job loss and unprecedented loss of consumer confidence and buying power with the general public, is as much a part of the crazy surreal unrealness of this nightmare we are all going through as every other almost unbelievable aspect of it.

I smell a market manipulation rat here.  Created and implemented to help Trump's re-election chances. Don't you?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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IMO, Gavin Newsom never wanted to reopen.  California was doing OK until Trump went on that twitter storm, liberate Michigan, liberate Virginia etc.

So then Betsy gets on the horn with Erik Prince, and they get the RW gun nuts out there. And the governors start giving in.

Then this happens.  And you need refrigerated trucks to carry out all the dead people.

What is incredible is so many people have called this some kind of a hoax.

Its not a hoax and it could have been beaten as several countries have shown. But Trump was in denial for so long, and had Jared sneaking into facebook chats instead of taking the best advice.  

The thing is Trump could have been a hero if he had done the right thing in both this case and the Minny murder.  But all this guy knows is what Bannon taught him about playing to his base. It does not appear like that will work this time.





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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

IMO, Gavin Newsom never wanted to reopen.  California was doing OK until Trump went on that twitter storm, liberate Michigan, liberate Virginia etc.

So then Betsy gets on the horn with Erik Prince, and they get the RW gun nuts out there. And the governors start giving in.

Then this happens.  And you need refrigerated trucks to carry out all the dead people.

What is incredible is so many people have called this some kind of a hoax.

Its not a hoax and it could have been beaten as several countries have shown. But Trump was in denial for so long, and had Jared sneaking into facebook chats instead of taking the best advice.  

The thing is Trump could have been a hero if he had done the right thing in both this case and the Minny murder.  But all this guy knows is what Bannon taught him about playing to his base. It does not appear like that will work this time.

One of the best lines I read about Trump and COVID was from an alleged inside source in the Trump White House a few weeks ago.

The "insider" (possibly Hawaiian?) said that trying to talk to Trump about the COVID science data was like, "carrying fruits to the volcano."

Instead of listening, he would erupt.

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