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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

On a plague related note.  I was reading in the Texas Tribune yesterday about how it took us nearly four months to reach 100,000 cases, then about a month to hit 200,000, then a week to get to 300,000.  Yet they do nothing as deaths keep rising too.  Every thing but the bars are open, many ignore mask requirements in stores.  Open the schools many cry.  It's hard to believe.

We've flattened out the last few days on new cases per day at around 10,000, but new deaths per day are on over a 45 degree upward trend over the last 14 days from around 100 up to 250.  While the US new cases per day trends upwards from around 60,000 to 70,000 (90,000 last Thursday) while deaths trend upwards at at around 35%, 4-5-600 to 1200 yesterday.

Numbers are not going down here or in the US overall.  Yet we're all tired of it, overwhelmed, numbed, distracted by protests and the federal response to them, to G. Maxwell.

This week we welcomed our first group of freshmen to college as part of a three week annual three day welcome/games/traditions/bonding thing usually held elsewhere.  This year it's also a move in early opportunity to spread the process out. Yesterday going to the feed store for Rodent Chow (mouse food) I found myself waiting behind a car with a license plate frame proudly proclaiming Houston, hottest of the state hot spots.  Near all the students I've seen following paid student leaders were masking.  Today I saw a hundred or so pass through frat rat row with the upperclassmen setting the example of one mask among the 30-40 I saw.  I was told as long as they social distance outside they don't have to wear a mask.  They weren't (distancing). Oh well.  I'm fully vested in retirement at the end of October.  If I make it through the semester I think I'll take what I can get.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Those with the best chance of survival get treatment.  Those with the least get sent home, to infect whoever cares for them...


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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Those with the best chance of survival get treatment.  Those with the least get sent home, to infect whoever cares for them...


Free Wills for Florida Teachers.


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For those who think Bill Gates is the head of a gigantic coronavirus "plandemic".

I remember a few months ago Wheeler trying to pass off  a film, with a near child actor as Gates at a camera distance that those who have lived in a cave, and have never seen Gates may mistake as Gates. In the film, Gates was in a classroom saying that he had isolated the human gene that predisposes people toward religion, and proposed a method to effectively suppress that gene from future generations. That's the level we're dealing with.

Here is Gates response specifically to all the conspiracy theories going on about him. Make up your own mind.



Hey Cliff , I found this last night. a 9 way composite video of the cast of "Succession". Not recommended for those who haven't seen it as it does highlight important scenes of the first seasons.



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Why did you make such a ridiculous post.  Nothing in the link about covid related to her death. Trolling? 

Exactly Ron, I assume it was another feeble attempt to annoy, with the recent talk of racial stereotypes in "Gone with the wind". hoping someone here would be so PC as to be offended.

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This story posted by Ron, gets it correct.

I just wonder, are these guys Erik Prince's mercenaries?  There are rumors of this, but I have yet  to see it credibly sourced.

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Yeah last laugh, It's just that COVID denial that has brought Trump to his knees, now he's even relentlessly trying to court ME! Him and those little nerds at Epoch Times, who want to be the Mac Donald's  of the "new"conspiracy movement. It's no surprise Wheeler's hooked on them. That's what a maskless, fast food drive in diet will due to you.
hehe heh ohhhhhh wa hah hah ha hah,  ho! bo ken!
Simple hygiene has been quite a stretch for Trump and his Republicans. It seems you hear about 10 Republicans politician. catching covid to every Democrat.
The demonstrators in Minneapolis who  were overwhelmingly wearing masks, because they are more conscious of their health and possibly spreading the virus have very dutifully checked in with health officials.The results are rather astounding, the covid virus spread was at under a 1% rate among them! Contrast that to the Trump Tulsa crowd, Thank God there wasn't the million people coming that Trump had predicted, because there's been a covid spike in Tulsa. At the rally  we have no less than the Republican GOVERNOR of Oklahoma contracting the virus. And flash from the past,  the  one Republican black candidate who came closest to being the Republican Presidential  nominee than any other black man in history. No it isn't Ben Carson. It's Herman Cain, who for one week, during the 2012 presidential campaign, lead the Republican pack , after Michelle Baughman had her week! Herman Cain contracted the virus., which is serious because he's not a young man.
We know now you can't place any faith in herd immunity. Those who refuse to modify their behavior are just throwing up the white flag of surrender. Certain behavior  works. Other countries with more science based ethics, and self discipline,not as lazy, nor as prone to wacko theories,  have licked it. If Trump hasn't sparked any late stage conversion by now There is little incentive to his followers 'to  join other's in a spirit of cooperation.  About the only enticement I can now give the abandoned Trump know nothings is, when do you want your sports back, dummy?! For those of us who can walk and chew gum at the same time, and love sports and respect science , we're asking you, when are you going to wake up and get your sh-t together? Do it now, before the election, while life is still worth living.(at least for yourself, we know no one else matters)
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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An update to my last post.  Republican candidate for President, 74 year old  Herman Cain, contracted the covid virus at the Trump Tulsa event and has been in the hospital for 25 days getting oxygen.

-13 Florida Marlins have tested positive for covid 19. There's goes baseball?

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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

"A photo is going viral on social media showing a federal agent holding a gun in Portland, Oregon while wearing what appears to be a patch that reads “ZTI.” Some people on social media are speculating that this is connected to a private company called ZTi. However, that is not accurate. The patch actually reads ZT1 and is part of an identifier system that federal agencies are using right now in Portland instead of placing an officer’s name on the uniform. Heavy.com


Well, if Susan Rice says it's true...

Obama administration National Security Advisor Susan Rice spread a baseless conspiracy theory Saturday, accusing federal agents in Portland of working for a private security firm named “ZTI.”

“We need answers and accountability,” Rice wrote on Twitter in response to a now-deleted post claiming that a federal officer’s shoulder patch bore those three identifying letters. 

Should be very easy to refute then. 

Any other pictures of these "agents" with other ZT# patches? 

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15 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


    I just returned to Denver from a two week fly fishing trip to Tincup.  No internet or television-- a refreshing break from the daily Trump and COVID news.  At 10,000 feet altitude it was nice and cool-- even had to build a fire in the evenings to warm up the cabin.  Befriended a guy from Weatherford, Texas who owns a cabin near my family's old place, and we had a lot of fun playing guitars and drinking beer.  (He drove from Weatherford to Tincup non-stop in 13 hours.)  The newly paved Cottonwood Pass is now a breeze to drive -- similar to Independence Pass.

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