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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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26 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

He does consult with his son, the smartest guy he knows.

When Hunter was arguing with the crack wh*re about how much crack he just bought, and he whips out a scale, and the crack wh*re just STFU, that was the "pimpest" move I've ever seen, at least by a 50 year old white guy.




I appreciate your fighting spirit, but I am not a fan of highlighting Hunter Biden's personal life, however regrettable it may be. 

If Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were in business arrangements that later appear to represent conflicts of interest or grifting...that is worth talking about. 

An entire book has been written on the Biden family's grey-zone grifting activities by a reputable reporter, Ben Schreckinger:

The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power

Why don't you read the book, and file us a book report. 

The bigger take-away: DC is flooded with compromising money. The two parties may talk red or blue, but they both bleed green. 

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27 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Imagine ignoring the attempted overthrow of the United States and instead focusing on the drug problems of Hunter Biden.

Also, imagine pretending to be patriotic.


Yes, on the other hand, Biden has been president for more than 600 days. It is time to talk Biden, not Trump. 

Biden's conflicts of interest should be of intense public interest, since Biden is making policy towards China and Russia, and his family has accepted large sums of money from politically connected groups both nations. 

I am happy for Trump to face trial and consequences, or exoneration. 

But at some point Trump becomes, like abortion, guns or ID politics, useful as a diversionary and divisive topic.

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9 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Imagine ignoring the attempted overthrow of the United States and instead focusing on the drug problems of Hunter Biden.

Also, imagine pretending to be patriotic.

Thank you Matt!

The attempted coup by Trump is 1,000 times more important than Hunter Biden's indiscretions.

Fox News is desperately trying to bury and downplay the coup and thinks if they pump up the peanut Hunter Biden story enough, it may help their agenda in doing so.

Don't forget... Jarod Kushner grifted a BILLION BUCKS out of the Saudis to bail him out of that 666 5th Avenue aging building boondoggle.


No rants about that scandal?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Fox News is desperately trying to bury and downplay the coup

Did you know some countries have banned Fox/Murdoch from having a TV network?

Rupert Murdoch is an Australian fascist that hates America and is on a mission to destroy it.

The people that watch Fox "News" are his soldiers in that war on America.

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Maybe the M$M, not just Fox, is trying to destroy America. 

If you didn't have the video of this horrible event, you would believe the M$M version. 

This is just sad. I grew up worshipping the NYT, WaPo, CBS, New Yorker and so on. 

Now I view media as aligned with various political factions, and every story is run through the kool-aid tests. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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35 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I like to highlight Hunter Biden's personal life because his "foibles" are material enough to compromise his Dad.

Spending $30k on adult hookers over a two month period is not necessarily criminal (it probably is, but who cares) on the part of Hunter, but one should be able to imagine a foreign intel service using the "hooker" receipts (and photos, videos, text messages, bank statements, emails, etc.) to blackmail Joe Biden. 

Since Hunter's love of crack and hookers is hardly a novel revelation at this point, a generic drug and sex addicted son of a generic high-office candidate/holder is probably a better example. That is, even though we might be used to Hunter's antics, it doesn't mean the antics of any drug-addled son, whose father is charged with making important decisions, are not relevant. 

The whole, "Hunter Biden has issues" is certainly fodder for pro-Trump "meme makers." As much as the pro-Trump side enjoys the mess, the anti-Trump forces wish Hunter would put his clothes on and move to a remote cabin in the Yukon. Put another way, for Red voters, Hunter is the gift that keeps giving and for Blue voters, he is the rash that won't go away.

The interesting question worth asking, for both the Red and Blue, is how did we end up with this guy and his son? The average, moderately involved Blue voter should be asking themselves, "how did we end up with Joe and Hunter when we had a presentable and presumably scandal-free option like Elizabeth Warren, or a popular and curmudgeonly-charismatic-character like Bernie Sanders?"

The Red meme makers should be asking; "why would they run Joe when the memes create themselves, and Warren's Indian heritage kerfuffle was already ancient history and Sanders was still drawing crowds who were legitimately enthused." 

We are all here, at this time, with Joe and Hunter. My side is having a field day. The Blue side is having regrets. (Nearly 2 Out 3 Democrats Don’t Want Biden As 2024 Presidential Candidate, Poll Finds.) Why Joe, when Bernie and Elizabeth were winning? Who picked him?


I like Tulsi Gabbard, but all in all, a weak field, which is why Joe B. had a chance, although the So. Carolina results were always a bit fishy. Sanders had had a heart attack, and E. Warren's Pocahantas routine was dreary. 

The story is Biden made promises to Donk leadership in So. Carolina of a specific nature, quid pro pro stuff,  and a lot of ID politics played out. 

Are you not aware, however, that Hunter Biden's laptop was not real but rather part of a Russian disinformation campaign? All the M$M said so. They had CIA folks all over CNN and MSNBC saying so. 


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48 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

If, and when Donald Trump ultimately dies, will the MAGA Q-ANON crowd refuse to believe it?

Will there be Donald Trump "sightings" for years to come?

Steve Thomas




Judging from recent headlines in liberal media--

apols to Joe Hill--

"Don Trump will never die, in the hearts and minds of his (Donk) countrymen." 

Biden has been President for 600+ days. The story is Trump 24/7. 

Biden is a hologram? 

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I repeat...Trump's attempted coup with thousands of his riled up and encouraged screaming threats mobsters violently storming, attacking and injuring 100+ Capital police, ravaging our Capital building and it's inner offices and terrorizing and traumatizing our entire Congress who were inside for 3+ HOURS and with this mob's leader Trump doing nothing to stop the attack ( again for 3+ hours when he could have and should have ) is...

1,000 X more important in it's worst attack action and threat against our democracy since the civil war than Hunter Biden's addictions and transgressions.

Don't be weak and fall for the Trump defenders bad Fox News act of trying to brainwash you into believing otherwise.

Fox News has never been so desperate. They are going into the realm of crazy in their over hyped even manic carnival barking effort to confuse and distract Americans from the true importance of the Capital building attack attempted coup.

And the truth and reality that Donald Trump committed the ultimate criminal act of sedition in his efforts to overturn the election through violence.

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It's time to look back and reflect on what progress  this thread has made since 2020..
I dedicate this meme to Ben, Chris, and "Stop the Steal Wheeler" who at one point on this thread was spamming at a pace that would give present day Ben a real run for his money!
As Kathy pointed out his pace was broken when he chose to leave before the 2020 election, but now he says the title of "most frequent poster" on this thread was stolen from him!, and his free speech rights were violated!, and he wants to be compensated by the forum!, and has threatened the mods!, and says if they kick him out, he will sue them and threatened to look into their genealogy!
Right now they're considering a compromise by giving him his own private thread no one else will see.  And perhaps giving virtual room and board on the forum to Ben  to be free to respond instantly to forum stimuli, at least when he's awake.
So there's a lot being mulled over at this time.
Stay tuned!
Why are the biggest ideologues always the biggest spammers? They act like we would be so desolate if we didn't hear the next thing that indiscriminately drops out of their heads. 
Actually I wish this meme was more true.
60's Old School
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Every month or two or three a few certain members of this forum break into the huge national media audience realm ( almost always radio show interviews and rarely a film project such as Jim Di's and Oliver Stone or a book publishing deal )  to present and espouse their JFK assassination research findings and views and the importance of keeping this truth mission alive in the American consciousness zeitgeist despite decades of generational change and priorities.

I feel these national audience breakthroughs represent our forum to certain extents. So many are members.

Even though their messages are varied in context, the value of their national audience exposure is, again, to keep the JFK truth mission flame alive in our national consciousness.

The horrific crime of the holocaust and it's historical lesson significance is constantly being kept alive since it occurred. Major films, books, and other means of it's engagement into the minds of future generations are constantly introduced into the national and international public realm and mind set, to hopefully slow the forgetful apathy that future generations usually exhibit when such things are simply not discussed or pondered in their new daily life experiences.

In my opinion ( and in that same vein) this forum is a well of JFK truth seeking research and discussion oil that occasionally is drawn upon to help keep the truth lesson candle wick flame not just burning and alive and even illuminated brighter at times to be importantly seen ( and heard ) by millions in the wider and new generation societal consciousness.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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