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1 minute ago, Mark Knight said:

Security clearances are subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12968.

You really should read it and familiarize yourself with its provisions.

At no point is anyone granted a lifetime security clearance. Once there is no longer a job-related "need-to-know" secure or classified information, i.e., termination of employment, the security clearance becomes void.

Access To Classified Information (fas.org)

And I used caps to emphasize the information of which you either unaware or that you choose to ignore. If you've ever been to church, the upper-case words are what the priest/preacher/minister would be trying to show as the most important ones.

Sorry you missed the mention of Charles and the late David Koch in my previous post. You should reread that post. It's actually in there.

MARK, you use the term False equivalence a lot, I think comparing your security clearance with the ex President of the United States is a false equivalence. I added your quote. Mark are you implying I'm Jewish? I don't understand. Why won't you say it you've already implied the Ad Homimen, Which would make three logical fallacies in one post. False Equivalence, Anecdotal, and Ad Hom. 

IF Hillary wasn't charged why should Trump? You haven't even shown Malice yet just your TDS Bias. 

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On 9/30/2022 at 1:26 PM, Matthew Koch said:

Hi Ben,

I am a new member here and I wanted to comment on your pipeline who did it thread, but the Mods didn't like it, so I'm picking the topic up here.

So, you introduce yourself with the Mod's didn't like it.  In your first day you mention others wondering about you being Jewish, as Ruby/Rubenstein feared.  But claim no connection to the coach brothers, who I put on a level associated with the Dulles brothers.  Seems you come with an agenda bent on destroying this thread.  Plan on any comments on other threads regarding the JFKA?  Like Ruby crawling under the table, hearing the Jew's being persecuted outside his window after West visited him?  Was he hypnotized? 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

So, you introduce yourself with the Mod's didn't like it.  In your first day you mention others wondering about you being Jewish, as Ruby/Rubenstein feared.  But claim no connection to the coach brothers, who I put on a level associated with the Dulles brothers.  Seems you come with an agenda bent on destroying this thread.  Plan on any comments on other threads regarding the JFKA?  Like Ruby crawling under the table, hearing the Jew's being persecuted outside his window after West visited him?  Was he hypnotized? 

Hi Ron, 

The mods is a reference to the 'Did the CIA blow up the pipeline' Post and proceeded to post about that topic in this forum as was requested by the Mods in Ben's Post that said there was a place for posts like that and it was here. Being that Putin is part of the Trump thread.
I'm not trying to destroy the thread, my agenda I'm attempting to do is to add balance to the BlueAnon Orange Goldstein 1984 two minute hate echo chamber thread. I think it is a very slippery slope to imply that someone's last name has something to do with the content of their character. So I was asking Mark to clarify because I still don't understand the attack and what it fully means. 

To bring this back to reality the Koch brothers were anti Trump, pro Bush Cheney NeoCons. They aligned against Trump they are Never Trumpers like Romney, McCain, Liz Cheney. Duh! So, I really don't know how that has merit to begin with. In 2009 I helped put out this Documentary when I lived in Denver and was in the same We Are Change with Jonathan Elinoff and recently Johnny Hurley who made the news for stoping a mass shooting and was killed by the police.  https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bh7xRxzBtfm2/     

My Politics are hardly on par with Koch or the Dulles Brothers.. 
I like Trump because woke clown world hates him so much. Speaking of Clown world this wouldn't have happened under Trumps Pentagon. Didn't Putin mention something about this kind of stuff in his recent moblilzation speech? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Capitalized The at the beginning
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Ron, He didn't even know who the Koch brothers were, even though he shares a name with them!, and he says he was once a Libertarian! He confused Marks reference as being against Ed Koch, a former NYC mayor who was Jewish.

We've seen this before, the rights not very broadly read.

I'd say we need the equivalent of K&K to get people up to speed about politics here. Of course I guess that would be Jim's politics. 

Hmmm........ Well I'm 90% down with that. At least we wouldn't have these massive dislocations!ill


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:
5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

I think Matthew's last name tells us where his loyalties lie.

Whether he's related to them or not.

Hi Mark, 

 The Former Mayor of NYC has the same spelling of his last name. Can you please clarify, your projection is too vague. Lol

Matthew;Hi Mark,

 The Former Mayor of NYC has the same spelling of his last name. Can you please clarify, your projection is too vague. Lol

Ron, When Mark was referring to "them", being the Koch brothers, Matthew not knowing at the time who the Koch brothers were, thought Mark was slurring him and Ed Koch for being a Jew.

Good grief!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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12 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

MARK, you use the term False equivalence a lot, I think comparing your security clearance with the ex President of the United States is a false equivalence. I added your quote. Mark are you implying I'm Jewish? I don't understand. Why won't you say it you've already implied the Ad Homimen, Which would make three logical fallacies in one post. False Equivalence, Anecdotal, and Ad Hom. 

IF Hillary wasn't charged why should Trump? You haven't even shown Malice yet just your TDS Bias. 

There is nothing relating to being Jewish in my comments. You really should read up on the political leanings and the causes funded by Charles and his brother, the late David Koch. If you don't know who they are/were and what they stand/stood for, that's not my fault. Your ignorance on the topic isn't on me. The information is readily available on the internet. For you to impute bias on my part based upon someone's religion is repugnant, and you really should apologize. I have no idea what their religion is, and I couldn't care less. Nor do I care what your religion is. At all.

Again, you keep dodging the admission that Trump is no longer the President. I find that quite telling. Can you bring yourself to admit that the oath of office was administered to someone other than Donald Trump on January 20, 2021? Millions witnessed that occurrence.

Security clearances have ONE thing in common: once you are no longer employed by the government, you no longer have a job-related "need to know." At that point, you no longer have that security clearance. That applies to Jimmie Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Donald J. Trump.

You keep slinging that TDS "diagnosis" around, when you actually apply it to anyone who states that no one is above the law...including Donald J. Trump, the FORMER President of the United States.

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I'm just going to add my commentary Mark. Another example.
Mark:And the last-name reference is to Charles and the late David. Which would be obvious to nearly anyone else. 

Matthew: Mark.. you forgot to Clarify what my Last name means ; ) 
"And the last-name reference is to Charles and the late David. Which would be obvious to nearly anyone else."

 That's a lot of Caps lock shouting! You seem pretty upset dude...


 Mark makes a reference to the most famous, powerful  Koch's on earth, a right wing family who are among the biggest contributors to American politics behind the throne, who actually share's his name. And it's clear here he has no idea who they are.
But what's really lame is he tries to steal out of it, like he knew all along who the Koch's were.
This despite the fact that
1)he left an email trail and
2. He left it in a conversation with a mod!
Matthew's right. Hilary Clinton would never make such a dumb mistake to leave such an email trail.
That's why she gets the big bucks!
heh heh
True to form to his picture. This dude's like a meteor!
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22 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

There is nothing relating to being Jewish in my comments. You really should read up on the political leanings and the causes funded by Charles and his brother, the late David Koch. If you don't know who they are/were and what they stand/stood for, that's not my fault. Your ignorance on the topic isn't on me. The information is readily available on the internet. For you to impute bias on my part based upon someone's religion is repugnant, and you really should apologize. I have no idea what their religion is, and I couldn't care less. Nor do I care what your religion is. At all.

Again, you keep dodging the admission that Trump is no longer the President. I find that quite telling. Can you bring yourself to admit that the oath of office was administered to someone other than Donald Trump on January 20, 2021? Millions witnessed that occurrence.

Security clearances have ONE thing in common: once you are no longer employed by the government, you no longer have a job-related "need to know." At that point, you no longer have that security clearance. That applies to Jimmie Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Donald J. Trump.

You keep slinging that TDS "diagnosis" around, when you actually apply it to anyone who states that no one is above the law...including Donald J. Trump, the FORMER President of the United States.

Educate yourself is not a very good answer. Mark you are posting from Indiana, should I project stereotypes on to you like you are doing. Or would you rather me judge you by what you write? I'm assuming the latter. You're an admin right? Maybe act like one IMHO
I read earlier that you said you used to be a hippie, sorta looks like, dare I say you became the "Man", and work or the government and support people being thrown in jail or WWI whistle blower laws? 

I want to see what's in the files, they should be declassified!
I guess I was naive that Kennedy researchers would want files declassified, lols. 
Trump said he declassified all the Russia hoax docs maybe that's what they are.. Imagine trusting the attorney general that covered up the OKC bombing...

If it was a black and white case there wouldn't be a Judge Ruling in favor of the Trump camp (Let me guess your TDS is going you claim the Judge is Trump plant and thus isn't following the law) https://www.reuters.com/world/us/judge-rules-trump-blocks-review-seized-classified-records-2022-09-15/        Why would he be allowed to take them in the first place if he didn't have the clearance, explain that Mark. Why would they be talking to him about putting an extra lock on the room if he stole them??? 
Also Mark the your caps lock shouting (Very unprofessional for an Admin) and then the vague attacks on my character through my last name with no evidence, You have Trump Derangement Syndrome! Maybe watch the Documentary I posted you might learn something ; ) 
The raid on the former President is blatant interference into the midterms but since it's not Trump asking for Hunter Biden to be investigated and your bias you don't care. It's funny how much bad stuff is going on under Biden but since it's not Orange Man you  don't seem to mind. I find that very telling.. 

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14 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

The raid on the former President is blatant interference into the midterms but since it's not Trump asking for Hunter Biden to be investigated and your bias you don't care. It's funny how much bad stuff is going on under Biden but since it's not Orange Man you  don't seem to mind. I find that very telling.. 

Matthew, how is it interfering with the “midterms”?  What is orange Jesus running for in 2022?  I find that very telling on your part, with little to no inference needed.

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25 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
I'm just going to add my commentary Mark. Another example.
Mark:And the last-name reference is to Charles and the late David. Which would be obvious to nearly anyone else. 

Matthew: Mark.. you forgot to Clarify what my Last name means ; ) 
"And the last-name reference is to Charles and the late David. Which would be obvious to nearly anyone else."

 That's a lot of Caps lock shouting! You seem pretty upset dude...


 Mark makes a reference to the most famous, powerful  Koch's on earth, a right wing family who are among the biggest contributors to American politics behind the throne, who actually share's his name. And it's clear here he has no idea who they are.
But what's really lame is he tries to steal out of it, like he knew all along who the Koch's were.
This despite the fact that
1)he left an email trail and
2. He left it in a conversation with a mod!
Matthew's right. Hilary Clinton would never make such a dumb mistake to leave such an email trail.
That's why she gets the big bucks!
heh heh
True to form to his picture. This dude's like a meteor!

Hi Kirk, 
Thanks for clarifying earlier about Ed Koch. I looked into the Koch Brothers and found they do construction, is they why people like James view them as the American Bin Ladens? Them seem to be doing the same thing that Fox News Conservatives complain about George Soros doing minus the Wallstreet shorting and being a boogie man for the political partisans. Kinda like calling someone a Conspiracy Theorist.. 


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5 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

Matthew, how is it interfering with the “midterms”?  What is orange Jesus running for in 2022?  I find that very telling on your part, with little to no inference needed.

Hi Richard
I'm Catholic so I find your Jesus comment rude. 
The Democrats are making the election about Trump for the midterms instead of how horrible the country gotten in two years seems rather Obvious. If they could have charged Trump before the election they would have. 

I guess the Teflon Don, like the prior BS Impeachments and NYC lawsuit will have to get out of the witch hunt once again. FBI raids along with food shortages show that the the left is progressively turning the country into the USSA. SAD 

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If you actually believe that anyone is making the 2022 election about Trump, I think you may be suffering from Trump Messiah Syndrome [TMS]. This election is about so much more. FOX News and OAN apparently can only focus on the alleged "persecution" of Trump.

[I would suppose you also think of John Gotti, Al Capone, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as having been "persecuted." I suppose Ted Bundy was also "persecuted." And Timothy McVeigh was "persecuted," using your scale. So was Jeffrey Dahmer.]

If you have access to a dictionary, please seek out the difference in the definitions of "persecute" and "prosecute."

Not all files should be declassified. Documents divulging America's nuclear weapons capabilities should never be declassified, because of national security concerns. To spell that out for you, if America's nuclear secrets were to fall into the hands of a hostile regime [think China, Russia, Iran, and not one American political party or the other], the USA may soon thereafter cease to exist as a soverign nation.

And I see that, once again, you have failed to note that Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States. A simple statement as to whether you believe that Donald J. Trump is or is not the current President of the United States would end this part of the questions I have for you. Yet to this point, you keep avoiding answering that question.

And the fact that I seek your answer seems to provoke your unprofessional diagnosis of TDS.

So until you can address this, I can only assume you're suffering from TMS [see first graf in this post in case you've forgotten to what I am referring.]

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7 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

They say "deceptively." 

I say she lies. Democrats aren't killing Republicans. That's simply projection. The ONLY threats of violence I have seen anywhere have to do with MAGA supporters threatening to take up arms against those who are not MAGA supporters.

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19 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

They say "deceptively." 

I say she lies. Democrats aren't killing Republicans. That's simply projection. The ONLY threats of violence I have seen anywhere have to do with MAGA supporters threatening to take up arms against those who are not MAGA supporters.

The woman is inciting Trump's base to violence almost more blatantly than Trump himself.

Working them up with fear mongering so animated, she's got them fearing for their lives thinking that they are being targeted with death...by the Democrats which Marjorie Taylor Green now calls the "Communists!"

It truly sounds as if Green wants a violent civil war to break out to take back Trump's stolen election.

Talk about a dangerous tough talking violence inciting demagogue!

Green makes Sarah Palin look like an innocent school girl.

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