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You name drop Glenn Greenwald a lot with Fox News and Tucker. Is the reason you don't like him, because he calls out lies and hypocrisy from the left and not just the right?

Btw Elon Bought Twitter lolz


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

If we're sharing campaign ads now, this is a good one! 



And who else is sharing campaign ads but you?

This ad is targeting old Boomers, but isn't it refreshing to see the youth embrace that old time boondoggle campaign messaging.? 

Who says we can't rule another generation?                                                                                                              

What I really think is the youth has to break away from their parents homes and get over their dependence on  Republican corn pone fear baiting and their Southern law and order, old gizzard, Supreme Boomer politicians. John Kennedy, is about as mundane as it gets!

As for the Rafael Warneke, as if that incident could be near the equivalency of Hershel Walkers paying for an abortion while running as a righteous  anti abortion candidate, among many other hypocrisies. Are you actually charging that he tried to run over his wife's foot?

It's somewhat embarrassing, but I can safely predict when you get out in the world you'll learn that sometimes living in a relationship isn't some idyllic dream. I can only imagine the impotence you'll experience the moment when you find that not only you can't influence anyone online, but you can't even influence her. That's the next step to happen and that will be the true awakening.  (light bulb behind the head, actually becomes a reality!)

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

And who else is sharing campaign ads?

LMAO you want me to snitch?! JK (Douglas, Ron, William) I just shared it in a sarcastic way ; ) FYI. He sounds like colonel Sanders/foghorn leghorn saying it  so when I saw it on instagram the other day it made me chuckle..

It's somewhat embarrassing, but I can safely predict when you get out in the world you'll learn that sometimes living in a relationship isn't some idyllic dream. I can only imagine the impotence you'll experience the moment when you find that not only you can't influence anyone online, but you can't even influence her. That's the next step to happen and that will be the true awakening.  (light bulb behind the head, actually becomes a reality!)

I live in MX where, when ever there is an election there are a lot of people who get killed after the election because power has that drastically changed hands. Government officials have guards with M-16's in front of their houses and their families houses. There are 2 types police here the ones that don't wear a mask. Only arrest people and the other kind ride around in masks patrolling the area and show up and shoot first ask questions later since the Cartel War happened here in '09 and basically shoot first ask questions later. (Ironically they are mennonites, and are the reason I don't get kidnapped here. The old people I live around love the police) Trump is very similar to them. Trump is a lot like a Mexican mom, lols

 And my neighbors like Trump the people who have educations know that he's not talking about them when he said Mexico isn't sending their best. He's talking about the same people they built walls around their properties and cement broken bottles in so that those same people don't steal their stuff. (The joke down here since AMLO took over is "Maybe the gringos need a wall!" because crime rose so much after he became President. Take my word for it from being just a little familiar here with the politics. AMLO worked with Trump on the border because treated the Mexicans with respect and helped them with their oil and gas. The reason AMLO hasn't worked with Biden is because when Operation Fast N Furios happened those weapons and that aid went to the Sinaloa cartel and allowed them to monopolize Mexico orgainzed crime like Capo di Capo back in the mafia days and until his fall they ran the show in Mexico and that was the height of kidnapping, extortions, political murders, and basically terrorism on the people here. Since then the Sinaloas have been pushed back to Sinaloa and ever state has like 1 maybe 2 mafias that don't mess with the people anymore for the most part as long as your aren't selling drugs yourself. WELL.. Biden is aligned with the upper echelon of those cartels politician who also happen to be the political rivals of AMLO. And that is the main difference why the relationship changed and Mexico recently tried to sue US gunmakers. 
So, please remember I'm not the cliche MAGA likes Ronald Regan conservative. I kinda think after they shot him he just went back to his acting career and HW ran things. I think That's why dumb Conservatives love him so much. Trump's war with the Bush's and the Clintons brought a lot of people like me back into the "party". We're anti war (not in the way beatneck hippies pretend to be) hence the support for Trumps anti John McCainess, we know 911 was an inside job, the war in Iraq was based on phony intelligence. Dark Ultra MAGA is not the norm of what Fox News tells my parents to believe. We are a different breed. I used to support the Democrats the same way I'm supporting Trump now, during Bush. Because they were the "Good Guys" back then. People in the party like Dennis Kuchich got kicked out in favor of Bernie Sanders (who said JFK made him want to throw up) types. So now the Left isn't the left of JFK and the sixties, it's basically rainbow socialism. For me Trump is way preferable to that.
Obama ended up being a wolf in sheep's clothing, Lolibertarians are too ridicules to join,  I didn't like Trump at first but slowly over time he kept doing things l liked like; Telling NATO to piss off and pay your fair share or we're out. Built most of the needed Wall, stared deporting people who shouldn't be in America in the first place, re did Nafta, stopped being unfair trade parter with China, tried to make peace with N. Korea, Destroyed Jeb Bush in the primaries, saved me from a Hillary Clinton presidency, pulled out of the Pacific Trade pact that was happening that Clinton supported, pulled out of Paris Climate bs, Told the United Nations were not going to do what Obama said (A managed decline in American Hegemony),

  Trump showed that he's better at running the country than Biden, etc, etc.. 

I'm basically part of those Latino (Not Latinx) conservatives you are starting you hear about. The people I live around are more conservative than people in America by a lot. The Orthodox Catholic Calendar is followed here and on Holy Days the city shuts down like how Thanksgiving does in USA . I love it here, if you don't do bad stuff like go to strip clubs or narco night clubs and do cocaine. It's really safe you'll probably never experience crime like is starting to happen in your great state of California Kirk.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Please Open to read I accidentally deleted the bottom part where I wanted to say that Kirk
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Here Is The House GOP’s Hit List If Republicans Retake Congress

"If Republicans win back control of Congress in November, buckle up for many, many investigations."

By  Jonathan Nicholson Oct 4, 2022



"While this list is extensive, it may be too conservative. In the current Congress that began last year, House Republicans have filed 56 “resolutions of inquiry,” formal congressional resolutions asking specific parts of the administration to hand over documents and communications on matters of interest, potentially for later investigations."


With all this investigating, I wonder if any legislating will actually get done.

Steve Thomas

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Zelensky regime targeting Putin's advisors with car bombings probably isn't going to help end the war.. 

'U.S. Reportedly Thinks Ukraine Authorized Killing Of Putin Ally Daria Dugina'


"New intelligence from American officials suggests Ukraine approved a car bombing within Russia that killed Daria Dugina, the daughter of an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the New York Times reported Wednesday, weeks after Russia accused Ukraine’s security services of carrying out the August attack—a charge Ukraine has denied..." 

"...Many speculated the car bombing attack that killed Dugina was actually meant to target her father, far-right philosopher Alexander Dugin. Dugina was driving her father’s car home from a festival they attended together when the blast occurred. The two were supposed to leave in the same car before Alexander Dugin chose to leave alone, the BBCreported at the time. The Times reports some U.S. officials think the elder Dugin was the initial target."


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19 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:


     Unfortunately, there's a counter narrative about Boebert's re-election prospects at Mother Jones today.  

     Boebert is one reason, among many, for my concern and despair about our nation's future.

     James Carville said it well today.  This is what happens when stupid people vote.

Lauren Boebert Might Lose In Colorado. But Don’t Bet On It. – Mother Jones

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

"...Many speculated..."


Many speculated that Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy as a lone gunman.

Many speculated that Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy as part of a conspiracy.

Many speculated that Oswald was innocent of the murder of Kennedy. 

Many speculated that there were two Oswalds, Harvey and Lee.


"Many speculated" is proof of absolutely nothing. 

It's right up there with Donald J. Trump's catchphrase, "People are saying..."

A responsible journalist [they're few and far between these days] would have either identified in some way the "many], or would have omitted that line completely.

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Egads. This guy, Eugene Yu, is accused (not convicted) of storing data on US poll-workers in China. 

We must regard Yu as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

The nutty thing is: This is what right-wing nut-job "election deniers" were saying. 



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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Unfortunately, there's a counter narrative about Boebert's re-election prospects at Mother Jones today.  

     Boebert is one reason, among many, for my concern and despair about our nation's future.

     James Carville said it well today.  This is what happens when stupid people vote.

Lauren Boebert Might Lose In Colorado. But Don’t Bet On It. – Mother Jones

Jeez, her husband pled guilty to exposing himself to a minor.  She didn't leave him?  And they still vote for her.

Still, I'll see your Bobert and raise you a Ken Paxton.  No matter who wins, we both loose.  Actually, I wouldn't wish him on anyone.

Dysfunction in Texas AG’s office as Paxton seeks third term | AP News

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Dysfunction in Texas AG’s office as Paxton seeks third term | AP News

Yes, Texas is just mind-boggling to me.

Why are they electing such objectively horrible, incompetent people? Do they think it makes them look edgy? Or tough?

Not kidding here, I seriously don't understand what is going on in the minds of those voters.

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Heartfelt sympathies to the people in Florida. I suppose many people East of the divide here have  vacationed there  many times.

Ian sure made a lot of those manufactured homes look like cardboard.

Last year I went across that bridge that was washed out leading to Sanibel. That island was beautiful with a lot of multi million dollar homes. The road ended at a beach that i recall costed $21 bucks to enter! I shined it on and went to their free public sort of aquatic park with trails and walkway through the swamps.


That was truly disappointing to hear Robert Reich talking about endorsing Liz Cheney. I mean the differences in philosophy are just staggering!

'He must think things are really bad!

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Egads. This guy, Eugene Yu, is accused (not convicted) of storing data on US poll-workers in China. 

We must regard Yu as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

The nutty thing is: This is what right-wing nut-job "election deniers" were saying. 



Thanks for sharing, the implications of this are fascinating.
I couldn't read The NY Times article do to pay wall but this was interesting https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126881222/a-software-ceo-was-arrested-on-suspicion-of-storing-poll-worker-data-in-china

"Gascón, a Democrat, said at the news conference that the information allegedly held on servers in China related to poll workers, and "is not - I repeat, it is not - related to election material or voter information."

""In a statement, a spokesperson for Konnech said, "We are continuing to ascertain the details of what we believe to be Mr. Yu's wrongful detention by L.A. County authorities.""Any L.A. County poll worker data that Konnech may have possessed was provided to it by L.A. County, and therefore could not have been 'stolen' as suggested," said the spokesperson, Jon Goldberg. Last month, Konnech claimed Yu and the company were the target of a "smear campaign" led by "conspiracy theorists,"" 

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Ben said:
Biden/NATO are flatfooted? Seems so. No new plans, no initiatives, no means to deliver some real losses to Russians. 
Biden may not be a Putin-stooge, but the results are the same.
But the US invents reasons to not enforce a No Fly Zone in Ukraine, bowing to Putin threats.
I happen to be hawkish on Ukraine, and would prefer going to No Fly Zones.
I now advocate a No Fly Zone for Ukraine, and possibly even NATO boots on the ground. 
Times change and so yes, I have moved to a more-hawkish position on Ukraine.

It's your sheer repetition  Ben. This is probably the 4th time you've mentioned Shumer's comment over the last year. And then the Biden fist bump 5 times, then the Democrats love Bush probably 3 times, even though  you know we hate him. Then probably a dozen times that Liz Cheney is a Democrat favorite, when you know the only reason is that the Democrats approve of her courage for standing for democracy, when you hated her before she was on any committee for no other reason than she stood up to Trump after 1/6. But the truth is, if you were here, you and her would have identically voted for Trump in 2020. We were  well aware of her Father at least 30 years before you even got here!
Re: Shumer It's really just a general common sense warning a parent may give a child. It's like warning Roger Stone that it isn't wise for him to shred on twitter the judge who was presiding over his trial.



heh heh

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"Recently, I had a conversation with an American official who was very proud of the way that the US had broken the mold by revealing intelligence about Russia’s plans to invade Ukraine, and pointed out how that had really helped build the NATO coalition against Russian aggression, and so on.

So far as he goes, it’s true. But I said, however, if you really look at the total message the US was projecting to Russia in those critical months, there were two messages. One is, “We’ve got great intelligence on you. We actually understand you much better than you think.” It was shocking. I think it shocked the Russians. But on the other hand, we’re saying, “We think you’re going to win quickly in Ukraine. We’re offering Zelenskyy a plane ride out of Kyiv. We’re pulling out all our diplomats and urging other countries to pull out their diplomats.”

The message, actually the totality of the message that we sent to Putin is, “You are going to win if you do this.”"



That was Walter Russel Mead talking to Tyler Cowen. Interesting perspective. 



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