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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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27 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

W. You’re on a lyrical roll tonight. I am pleased that you’re in better spirits. Even if it does go against the high standards of intellectual chatter you claim to want to maintain here. 🙂 

Are you suggesting that my limerick fails to live up to the high literary standards of our Education Forum?

I tried to avoid using any four letter words. 

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5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Are you suggesting that my limerick fails to live up to the high literary standards of our Education Forum?

I tried to avoid using any four letter words. 

Honestly, its good to hear humour, William. The forum probably needs more of it. Most people have been so uptight for a while. Keep the lyrics coming. ✔️

PS. Also, the music appreciation or connection is great here. 

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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben it's worse than that, 20 feds in Oath Keepers. Jesse Waters talked about that on his show tonight, starts about 3 min in



Yes, it appears Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were thoroughly infiltrated. 

But the 3500-officer Capital Police force was woefully unprepared and under-staffed on Jan. 6, with the commander of civil disturbance unit at home making meatloaf. She had to be called in for duty. Then the CP stood down, as seen in videos. 


The report above was a quickie, and governments can rarely investigate themselves (see the JFKA). Compare it to a report that says the Secret Service notably failed to perform its duties on 11/22, but stops there. 

The 1/6 committee has many parallels to the Warren Commission---essentially a prosecutorial body with a singular narrative to promote, in a hyper-politicized atmosphere. No defense counsel, or alternative or enlarged, narratives presented. 

Ponder, in both the WC and the 1/6 Committee: 

1. Only the prosecution presented evidence, and that evidence was unchallenged. 

2. Only the prosecution presented witnesses, hand chosen and curated for effect. Those witnesses were unchallenged. 

3. The narrative, the unfolding story, was controlled by prosecutors. People and organizations become good guys or bad guys. The early media coverage of the Capitol Police presented the department as racists who would not shoot at white people and so shirked their duties, but the image became sanitized, and by the time of 1/6 committee hearing the decision was made to lionize the Capitol Police department. The media was played like an accordion. 

4. The media, which is mostly compliant anyway, is left to report on the witnesses and evidence presented, on daily deadlines. 

5. There is no judge to even try to make hearing formats impartial or fair.  

6. Many appeals are made to emotions, or patriotism, which generally play well in the media.

The WC and the 1/6 committee are essentially show trials. 

This is an interesting topic worthy of exploration in this forum. When there are "large" events, such as the JFKA, 9/11 or 1/6....who influences the media and to what end? Are there hidden truths? 






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Trump grifts the Walker campaign and keeps 90% of the Walker donations to himself.


The Walker campaign said it first noticed the problem Saturday when former President Donald Trump’s Save America sent out an email that asked prospective donors to “contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Georgia Runoff Fundraising Goal and increase your impact by 1200%”

But if donors didn’t see a link that said “click here for details or to edit allocation,” they wouldn’t have noticed that 90% of their contributions automatically went to Trump, with the remaining 10% going to Walker.





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Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Trump grifts the Walker campaign and keeps 90% of the Walker donations to himself.


The Walker campaign said it first noticed the problem Saturday when former President Donald Trump’s Save America sent out an email that asked prospective donors to “contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Georgia Runoff Fundraising Goal and increase your impact by 1200%”

But if donors didn’t see a link that said “click here for details or to edit allocation,” they wouldn’t have noticed that 90% of their contributions automatically went to Trump, with the remaining 10% going to Walker.





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The essence of Donald Trump.

A natural born grifter.

Our greatest grifter president to an almost immeasurable degree.

Walker is blissfully oblivious.

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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hey guess what, my fellow Maga brothers. Trump has said the 2024 Presidential Election is already stolen!


Post image

Trump has said the 2024 Presidential Election is already stolen!--Kirk

I have believed variations of that ever since 1963. 

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8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:


Former President Donald Trump officially filed paperwork to declare his 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump's filing for a third presidential campaign listed a post office box in Virginia, instead of his Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or Trump Tower residences.

I'm sure that there are valid legal and tax reasons for doing this, but it still feels creepy to me. It's like some big television ad for a product that says at the end, "If you want your money back, write to P.O. Box..."

Steve  Thomas

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Last night we heard the death knell of Donald Trumps political future.

I say that because about a half an hour into Trumps speech, I noticed that a number of people were getting up and walking out, and I thought to myself, "Oh my God, if even his own supporters..."

Trump noticed it too. He stopped his speech and said, "Please" and paused.

I thought, "He's going to pull a Jeb Bush and beg people to please applaud."

He asked the audience to sit down and said he felt guilty about asking them to stand for so long, but the exodus for the exits stopped.

I thought, "That's it. That's the end."

Steve Thomas



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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Last night we heard the death knell of Donald Trumps political future.

I say that because about a half an hour into Trumps speech, I noticed that a number of people were getting up and walking out, and I thought to myself, "Oh my God, if even his own supporters..."

Trump noticed it too. He stopped his speech and said, "Please" and paused.

I thought, "He's going to pull a Jeb Bush and beg people to please applaud."

He asked the audience to sit down and said he felt guilty about asking them to stand for so long, but the exodus for the exits stopped.

I thought, "That's it. That's the end."

Steve Thomas



See, I told you.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl called the speech “incredibly low energy” and said he saw people leaving in the middle of it ― until they were blocked from departing:

.@jonkarl: After seeing people exit early, Trump staff started preventing people from leaving the event pic.twitter.com/17VcgSNXik

— Brennan Murphy (@brenonade) November 16, 2022

ABC’s Olivia Rubin filmed a crowd forming near the doors, waiting for a chance to leave as Trump rambled in the background:

A crowd has formed by the exit of the ballroom as some try to leave Trump’s announcement speech before he has finished…. But security won’t let them. pic.twitter.com/O7C6QJfYgK

— Olivia Rubin (@OliviaRubinABC) November 16, 2022
 Steve Thomas
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