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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Is the real D-Party "dead and gone"? This reporter thinks so. 

And she hardly mentions jumbo Pentagon spending by the Donks....

Will Biden go through his entire four years without ever mentioning the words "wages and working conditions"? 

I get it. The 'Phants (excepting the populist wing) are even worse....

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I agree about the Donks, Ben. They're finished ! How can they possibly compete with this?


I like the "God bless you" at the end. Now there's a class act!




Ben, I know you'll like this one.Image


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58 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I agree about the Donks, Ben. They're finished ! How can they possibly compete with this?


I like the "God bless you" at the end. Now there's a class act!




Ben, I know you'll like this one.Image




I think you misunderstood Briahna Joy Gray's point. The Democratic Party, the one we hoped for, is dead.

There are party apparatchiks running the Donk show now, and may be successful in doing so. Maybe they should be called "DINOs." 

In addition, I am just bringing different viewpoints to the EF, from  knowledgable smart people. 

If the low bar for the Donks is they have to be better than the walking debacle-lunatic known as Santos...maybe the Donks can prevail. 

In a race to the bottom, someone has to lose. Maybe the 'Phants will lose that race. 

Side note: What has happened to NY media? How did that flaming fraud Santos never get exposed along the way? 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Briahna Joy Gray's point. The Democratic Party, the one we hoped for, is dead.

Yes and she cites AOC being co opted into the Democratic Party.

But it's  because AOC realized she  just doesn't have the numbers. Most people aren't with AOC. You're piggybacking on Gray's frustration as evidence the Dems are dead, but get real, you're not with AOC, you're a "let the free market decide" , "but I love the working guy" talking out of both sides of your mouth. Just like the blonde conservative guy, cites as "positive" that Republicans are getting more of a "working class message", but guess what? He doesn't really believe that at all. Never have I heard him come out with any policy solution or idea, really just like the present day Republicans always said they had a health care plan, but only to deceive voters to get votes. He just judges her ideas at a distance and tries to look compassionate because he ultimately realizes the numbers are with her.

It was certainly better than Iverson and Grim. Those people were clueless about the JFKA, but I can tell you. I would never want to live under Iverson's rule!






Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Political Cartoon


Trump supporters have allowed themselves to lower their morality standards to a bar so low...they now say it doesn't even matter to them whether Trump or any Republican lies in major ways, they will vote for and support them because their hatred for Democrats justifies this.

If Santos did one third of the lying he is reported to have committed on a work application he would not be hired for almost any position in the nation, even fast food, gas station, dishwasher and WalMart greeter jobs, let alone ones of much higher responsibility such as a United States congressperson.

I don't know what church going Republicans pray to follow and obey in their Christian morality sermons, songs and reading studies there but the one of lying and cheating seems to have just disappeared from their Christian morality conscious reality.

One must assume this one particular Christian morality violating standard cannot be dealt with honestly anymore by them in evaluating their lying versus honest candidate voting decisions. 

Heck, they even support a person who tried to subvert a constitutionally valid  presidential election and who in so doing put his own Vice President and entire Congress in life or death risk!

Why go to a Christian church if you are going to then go right out and violate one or more of the most important Christian morality teachings edicts?

Lying, cheating, scamming, greed...etc., etc.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Published in

Surviving Tomorrow

Jared A. Brock

Jun 24

Newsflash: The Democrats Are a Right-Wing Party

Don’t let the corporatists fool you — only the elites get a say now

This graph is a hilarious joke

I don’t hate a single human being on planet Earth — including Vladimir Putin — but I loathe the Republican Party:

They burned and pillaged Native American homes and forced them onto reserves.

They fought tooth-and-nail to keep Black slavery from being abolished.

They filibustered the Senate to prevent the nation from making lynching a federal crime.

They tossed more than 100,000 innocent Japanese-Americans into concentration camps.

They fire-hosed children and unleashed attack dogs on teenagers in Birmingham, Alabama.

They destroyed America’s AAA credit rating.

They had the unopposed opportunity to nationalize or radically reform banks after the 2008 crash, but instead, they went full-corporatism and gave the banks so much power that they stacked the Federal Reserve, printed trillions during Covid, created the biggest asset bubble in human history, and destroyed your purchasing power with the inflation that followed.

Oh wait, did I say Republican Party?

I meant the Democrat Party.

All those things I just mentioned happened under regimes ruled by Democrats, not Republicans.

Wedge politics

Democrats are the worst, but they aren’t as bad as Republicans.

Corporate-captured Republican politicians want everyone in America besides billionaires to die in poverty (unless they get shot first), and they’re doing an excellent job of making sure it happens within our lifetime.

Democrat politicians, meanwhile, want everyone to be “happy”… and by “happy” they mean a gay vegan armchair-socialist who also dies in poverty because the Dems print so much cash to give everyone free stuff that said cash is worthless thanks to unquellable inflation.

Both parties completely ignore the three fundamental issues — democracy, economy, ecology — and focus on wedge issues that affect <10% of the population instead of the whole nation and the entire world.


Brock goes on:

In truth, Democrat politicians are nothing more than right-leaning corporatist-conservatives:

They’ve voted in favor of every major war in the past century.

They refuse to pass meaningful gun legislation even when they have the votes.

They refuse to raise the minimum wage even when they have the votes.

They refuse to reign in monopolies, corporate power, and digital surveillance even when they have the votes.

They refuse to pass universal healthcare even when they have the votes.

They refuse to address the affordable homeownership crisis.

They accept corporate political campaign contributions. (Of the top thirty biggest Fortune 500 political donors, 70% lean Democrat.)

They continue to undemocratically block Bernie Sanders conventions in favor of establishment candidates like Hilary Clinton.

After the 2008 crash, Democrats had the option to nationalize or radically reform the banks and send all the perpetrators to prison, but instead they bailed them out with taxpayer money.

Where, exactly, are Democrats actually left-leaning?

On a handful of fridge social issues.



In the rough, I would say this guy is correct, especially the part about wars.

He doesn't mention labor-busting trade and immigration enough to suit my tastes. But interesting. 


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C'mon, Ben.  Where do you find this ahistorical Republican garbage?

Do you really not know that the old-fashioned Dixiecrats referenced in your post (above) are the die-hard base of the modern Trump GOP in the South?

That those old-fashioned segregationist Democrat "Dixiecrats" crossed over to the Republican Party en masse after the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in the mid 60s?

Did you forget that an assault weapons ban was enacted during the Clinton era?

That every major piece of healthcare reform legislation in American history was accomplished by Democrats-- e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare?

That Republicans fought tooth-and-claw against all of these landmark legislative achievements, even voting repeatedly to sabotage Obamacare after 2009?

That every major U.S. war since Korea was started by Republican Presidents?   (Bearing in mind that John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Eisenhower originally dragged the U.S./CIA into Vietnam after Dien Bien Phu in 1954.)

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It really is incredible to think about the damage Putin has done to years of Russian progress. Staggering.


More than 300 days of brutal war against Ukraine have blown up decades of Russia’s carefully cultivated economic relations with the West, turning the country into a pariah, while Kremlin efforts to replace those ties with closer cooperation with India and China appear to be faltering the longer the war grinds on.


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Idaho murders: 28-year-old man arrested in Pennsylvania

By Emily Shapiro, Aaron Katersky, and Josh Margolin

December 30, 2022, 1:56 PM


“A 28-year-old man, Bryan Kohberger, was arrested Friday morning in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains in connection with the murders of four University of Idaho students, according to a criminal complaint.

Law enforcement sources told ABC News that authorities knew who they were looking for and had tracked Kohberger down to Pennsylvania. A SWAT team entered the location where he was staying in order to take him into custody.

He was arrested on a warrant for first-degree murder issued by Idaho authorities, according to the complaint. Kohberger appeared before a judge Friday morning.”


Steve Thomas

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23 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

A rather intelligent conversation explaining the realities and possibilities in the present Russo/Ukrainian war. 

As usual, Mearsheimer is excellent. In the following passage beginning at the 13.42 mark he compliments JFK on how he handled the Cuban missile crises and laments the absence of any western leader of JFK’s stature today:

“This is a country [Russia] that has thousands of nuclear weapons. If its survival is threatened, it's likely to use them. So we have this perverse paradox here that most people don't seem to realise, which is that the more successful NATO and Ukraine are against Russia, the more likely it is that the Russians will use nuclear weapons. In circumstances like that, I would go to great lengths to try to work out some sort of arrangement to put an end to this war as quickly as possible. I think what JFK did during the Cuban missile crisis was exactly the right thing. Kennedy understood full well that the last thing we needed was a thermonuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Where is JFK today? I can't find him, and I find instead all sorts of people in the West, in the public –  talking about public intellectuals commentators journalists and so forth and so on and even foreign policy makers –  talking in rather cavalier ways about defeating the Russians. I think this is foolish.”

While I agree with most of what Mearsheimer says, I find it odd that he says near the end of the interview that a unipolar US dominated world is better and safer than the multipolar world which may succeed it.

Regarding multipolarity, I listened to a very interesting podcast the other day of an interview with “Paul” from the Sirius Report (beginning at the 28.00 mark) who has a different perspective on multipolarity from Mearsheimer.


Edited by John Cotter
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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

C'mon, Ben.  Where do you find this ahistorical Republican garbage?

Do you really not know that the old-fashioned Dixiecrats referenced in your post (above) are the die-hard base of the modern Trump GOP in the South?

That those old-fashioned segregationist Democrat "Dixiecrats" crossed over to the Republican Party en masse after the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in the mid 60s?

Did you forget that an assault weapons ban was enacted during the Clinton era?

That every major piece of healthcare reform legislation in American history was accomplished by Democrats-- e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare?

That Republicans fought tooth-and-claw against all of these landmark legislative achievements, even voting repeatedly to sabotage Obamacare after 2009?

That every major U.S. war since Korea was started by Republican Presidents?   (Bearing in mind that John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Eisenhower originally dragged the U.S./CIA into Vietnam after Dien Bien Phu in 1954.)


Yes, some aspects of the blogger's post were sloppy. His larger point holds. 

I suppose you can posit Eisenhower got the US into Vietnam, or maybe even Truman...but in the main, it was LBJ. As widely recorded in this space, likely JFK would have reduced US exposure there, while LBJ almost single-handedly radically expanded the war, still one of the least comprehensible decisions ever.  Nixon did up the ante into Laos and Cambodia. 

In modern context, Wall Street and defense contractors are splitting donations evenly among the two parties.

The vision of the Donks as an anti-war, or Kennedyesque non-interventionist party, are dead and gone. 

I happen to support intervention in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons. Not for any imagined geopolitical gains, or to win a market for multinationals, and I would seek earliest possible peace settlement. Which, sadly, may be a long time coming.

But the Donks were on board in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other nations who can even remember. The 'Phants too. 

To speak against the mercenary global guard service for multinationals is just not done, by either party. 

Remember; $17,000 a year is taken from the average family of four every year to pay for the DoD, the VA, black budget and prorated interest on the national debt.

You never read that number in the Donk or 'Phant media. 


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