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Pelosi: You know he's crazy , don't you?

Regarding the period after 1/6, and  Pelosi phoning General Milley and convincing him to tell his staff to not take calls from Trump.

Now we have Paul Gosar vowing to prosecute both Pelosi and Milley in these committee hearings, claiming Trump should have had control of the Military when he was threatening to the end to not leave office!  hat's how crazy these people are.


Remember - we will conduct a real investigation into J6. The effort to attempt a coup between traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi will be reviewed and exposed.
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Jan 6
Remember - Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert & Paul Gosar all share the same pre-existing sedition. #January6th
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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Been knocked off line 12 times with electrical power losses in the last 10 days due to these never ending "atmospheric river" (mini-hurricanes ) battering the California Coast.

We are in the thick of it here in the heavily forested pine tree forest in the hills above Monterey.

Next door neighboring towns of Carmel, Pebble Beach and Pacific Grove are being hit just as hard as they are also located in heavy pine tree forests. Not to mention the Big Sur coast line.

Spanish Bay golf course had some holes covered in surging ocean waters.

One large expensive home on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in the Carmel Highlands area had a 50 foot wave clear the cliff below them and take out a section of their home!

I've never seen so many trees come down in my 70 years here. We can't sleep at night due to constant fear of 100 foot pines coming down on our house as there are two close by and right in the 50 MPH gust direction way.

Santa Cruz area hit the hardest. Those poor people there are seeing roads closed, washed out, bridges taken out, rivers over flowing, huge ocean surges taking out beach side roads and even the Capitola pier and inundating many of the restaurants next to Capitola Beach. etc.

Highway 17 and 9 closed. Even 101 South of San Jose! 

Many people who commute from Santa Cruz or the Bay area for work can't get back home!

Our power just came back on 30 minutes ago after an 18 hour loss. We had to toss $300 of food from our frig just 5 days ago. Now we may have to toss another $150 worth we just purchased 3 days ago.

The entire town of exclusive Montecito ( above Santa Barbara ) was evacuated this last evening. Enormous mud slides predicted there. This includes Oprah!

Fresno...yes dry hot Fresno ( way inland just below the Sierras and Yosemite) is predicted to get 1 to 2 inches of rain tonight and tomorrow.

This would be an "all time" 24 hour rain total for them. So, flooding expected there. Sacramento has been hit hard with flooding as well.

Just sharing as this is a big effecting event here for us in California. Global warming? Not sure.

Another big rain and gust event just starting here in last 30 minutes as well.

Fellow member JB.

I thought of you as I watched on TV the flood devastation in California.  Surely hope you and yours come out o.k. and that the two nearby pine trees do not bow to the wind. I used to visit Montecito frequently and the scene from there is unbelievable. Stay safe and healthy and keep us abreast of what is happening.

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From Paul Krugman's column in today's NY Times:

The numbers are really striking. Over the year ending in November (the most recent data available), the Consumer Price Index rose 7.1 percent. But inflation ran at an annual rate of only 4.8 percent over the past six months, 3.6 percent over the past three months and 1.2 percent in November.

True, inflation has been held down in part by events that probably won’t be repeated, like the plunge in gasoline prices over the second half of 2022. On the other hand, there’s good reason to believe that housing inflation — which accounts for about a third of the Consumer Price Index — has declined sharply, but that this decline isn’t yet reflected in official statistics.

Add in the latest data on wages, which were seriously encouraging, and a reasonable estimate is that we’ve regained full employment with underlying inflation only a point or two above prepandemic levels. That’s not a perfect situation, and squeezing out the remaining inflation may (or may not!) be hard, but it’s hardly a picture of catastrophe.

For what it’s worth, financial markets have basically declared the inflation threat over: They’re implicitly predicting roughly 2 percent inflation as far as the eye can see. They’re also willing to buy federal debt at interest rates that are up a bit but still low by historical standards, showing no hint of concerns about U.S. solvency.


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The Concession McCarthy Shouldn’t Have Made



January 10, 2023

Jonathan Bernstein: “Rep. Kevin McCarthy made many concessions in his bid to become speaker of the House. But his offer to allow the hard-line House Freedom Caucus to select three of the nine Republicans on the powerful House Committee on Rules stands out for its ability to diminish the influence of the Republican Party within the House. It will grant a handful of extremists outsize power in Congress, reducing the Republican Party’s ability to govern.”

“The deal, which wasn’t part of proposed rule amendments adopted Monday evening, is far more significant than the much-ballyhooed change allowing a single House member to essentially call a vote of no-confidence against the speaker. Threatening the speaker’s job is messy, and as aggressive as the dissidents might be, the mechanism isn’t something likely to see everyday use.”

“By contrast, handing seats on the Rules Committee to a small, radical faction institutionalizes their influence in a way that will come into play on every single bill the House considers, because every bill must go through that committee in order to be considered by the full House.”

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22 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

The Concession McCarthy Shouldn’t Have Made



January 10, 2023

Jonathan Bernstein: “Rep. Kevin McCarthy made many concessions in his bid to become speaker of the House. But his offer to allow the hard-line House Freedom Caucus to select three of the nine Republicans on the powerful House Committee on Rules stands out for its ability to diminish the influence of the Republican Party within the House. It will grant a handful of extremists outsize power in Congress, reducing the Republican Party’s ability to govern.”

“The deal, which wasn’t part of proposed rule amendments adopted Monday evening, is far more significant than the much-ballyhooed change allowing a single House member to essentially call a vote of no-confidence against the speaker. Threatening the speaker’s job is messy, and as aggressive as the dissidents might be, the mechanism isn’t something likely to see everyday use.”

“By contrast, handing seats on the Rules Committee to a small, radical faction institutionalizes their influence in a way that will come into play on every single bill the House considers, because every bill must go through that committee in order to be considered by the full House.”

Here's one of the concessions.. 


House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax

Vote on abolishing IRS was part of deal between Speaker McCarthy and House Freedom Caucus

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I thought of you as I watched on TV the flood devastation in California.  Surely hope you and yours come out o.k. and that the two nearby pine trees do not bow to the wind. I used to visit Montecito frequently and the scene from there is unbelievable. Stay safe and healthy and keep us abreast of what is happening.

Thank you Doug.


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20 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

IMO, James Risen is one of the finest journalists in the U.S. 

Kevin McCarthy Debacle Is an Insurrection by Other Means (theintercept.com)

As usual, James Risen nailed it...

Republicans Who Voted To Overturn The 2020 Election Get Top Committee Posts | HuffPost Latest News

January 10, 2023




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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I thought of you as I watched on TV the flood devastation in California.  Surely hope you and yours come out o.k. and that the two nearby pine trees do not bow to the wind. I used to visit Montecito frequently and the scene from there is unbelievable. Stay safe and healthy and keep us abreast of what is happening.

Amen to that. Are these extreme weather events in beautiful Steinbeck country unprecedented?

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Exclusive: US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden’s private office, source tells CNN

The docs were found in the Biden Penn Center. Biden got $750,000 from UPenn, and a student newspaper asked what for, since Biden never taught a class.

China money funded the Biden Penn Center, with Biden as the arranger. 

I guess the $750k was Biden's "finder's fee." 

Most likely the secret docs were just a mix-up, and no criminal intent on Biden's part. 

Moreover, since the federal government regards everything as classified, probably no harm, no foul. 

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We will see what happens with the Biden docs, won't we?

But let's remember, Donald Trump got in trouble not because a few classified documents accidently got mixed in with stuff, he got in trouble because he took Top Secret documents, lied about having them, got caught, and then refused to return them.

Biden? As soon as he heard about his document issue he pledged full cooperation and has done exactly that.

Trump f*cked up, just like he always has with every single situation in his entire life, because he's an incompetent dolt, and that's what has put him in the legal hot water he's currently in.

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