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20 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

14,000 hours of video not released from 1/6

Released publicly, you mean...

Defendants and their lawyers are getting access to surveillance footage, but only under protective orders that restrict their ability to make the videos and other evidence they receive from the government public.

And are you suggesting that video of areas of the Capitol not open to the public, and likely kept secret to protect lawmakers, should be released even if there is no connection to the insurrection?

Doesn't seem wise, considering what's already happened at the Capitol.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Anyone who has studied the film of the January 6th Trump mob attack on the Capitol knows that the Capitol Police were outnumbered, overwhelmed, and seriously injured in the violent attack.

The real question is how this could have happened.

How did the Trump administration's FBI, DHS, Pentagon, and Secret Service intelligence about the impending attack on Congress fail to lead to adequate security for the U.S. Congress?

From the Congressional J6 investigation we know that Donald Trump and the Secret Service even knew that Trump's J6 mob was dangerously armed-- yet failed to alert the Capitol Police until after 4 PM on January 6th!

And Trump failed to call in the National Guard for three hours-- while watching the attack on television!

I don't know where Ben and Mathew Koch are getting their delusional notions about what happened on January 6th, but it's obvious that they never studied the film or listened to the sworn Congressional J6 witness testimony.

As for Trump's refusal to call out that National Guard on J6, let's also recall that Trump did just the opposite during the George Floyd protests in D.C., while sheltering in a White House bunker (before having the police clear Lafayette Square with tear gas for his inverted Bible photo op. )

Trump flooded the Washington mall with National Guard troops during the peaceful BLM protests.

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16 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Released publicly, you mean...

Defendants and their lawyers are getting access to surveillance footage, but only under protective orders that restrict their ability to make the videos and other evidence they receive from the government public.

And are you suggesting that video of areas of the Capitol not open to the public, and likely kept secret to protect lawmakers, should be released even if there is no connection to the insurrection?

Doesn't seem wise, considering what's already happened at the Capitol.


Oh, I disagree with you on this one. 

1. Defense counsel can ask, "Please show me all footage of my client, Gertrude Weiner." But they have no assurance that they are in fact shown all footage of their client, since they cannot review the 14,000 hours. 

2. There may be important footage pertaining to a client, but what happens is "off screen." Defense counsel never sees that. 

3.  More importantly, if independent observers and citizens are not allowed to review the 14,000 hours, then we must trust government narratives of what happened inside and around the Capitol. 

Once again, we are trusting the government to investigate itself. I do not trust government to investigate itself. 

The case for government secrecy is almost always hollow. 

In fact, should not the rule be, "Everything is public unless there is clear and present danger in releasing the information."

I see no clear and present danger. 

The onus should not be on me for wanting transparency; it should be on those who want darkness.

As Benjamin Franklin said, "If you trade liberty (and transparency) for security, soon you will have neither."

In general, I agree with my partial namesake. 

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8 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I don't know where Ben and Mathew Koch are getting their delusional notions about what happened on January 6th, but it's obvious that they never studied the film or listened to the sworn Congressional J6 witness testimony.

As for Trump's refusal to call out that National Guard on J6, let's also recall that Trump did just the opposite during the George Floyd protests in D.C., while sheltering in a White House bunker (before having the police clear Lafayette Square with tear gas for his inverted Bible photo op. )

Trump flooded the Washington mall with National Guard troops during the peaceful BLM protests.


Since you have only see video that was specifically released by the Congress...do you think you are getting a full view of events? 

Are you cautious about government investigations into government? 



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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for the correction, how many cameras has that got to be??? 

Did you watch the Stone DiEugenio interview? Stone says Russia gate was as big a scam was the Warren Commission, lol. 

Matt: IMHO, Stone is wrong on Russia, but right about Russiagate.

14,000 hours sounds like a lot, but then webcams are cheap, and Congress spent heavily---heavily---on its own security. 

That is one of the ironies of 1/6.

How on earth could 6,000+ officers of the Capitol Police and Metro Police Dep't, with access to any amount of intel, allow hundreds of unarmed lulus get inside the Capitol? 

They could not even stop or arrest Mr Buffalo Horns! 

The budget of the Capitol Police is more than $700 million. 

1,400 cameras x 10 hours, is 14,000 hours. That sounds about right.

And you do not get to look at the footage, and make your own documentary of what happened. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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On 1/17/2023 at 8:56 AM, Chris Barnard said:

He (Trump) was an embarrassment in terms of his conduct as a politician. I also find the next guy a creepy, senile embarrassment of a politician also, with his cue cards.


Biden is a creepy, senile embarrassment? I don't think so Jack. Biden is a class act if I've ever seen one.


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43 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Biden is a creepy, senile embarrassment? I don't think so Jack. Biden is a class act if I've ever seen one.



Maybe. You realize Joe Biden has a grand-daughter he does not even recognize? 

To me, this is awful. The little girl is innocent. It is Biden's grand-daughter. The little girl is not a fault for how she was brought into the world. 

No invitations to the White House, no warm embrace of the Biden family. 

There are millions of ordinary people, maybe bullions, who do better by their offspring. We have wayward sons and daughters. It happens. But we hold tight our family members. 

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This is one to warm to heart of Matt. From The Economist:


By Arkady Ostrovsky Russia editor, The Economist

When Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, invaded Ukraine on February 24th 2022, he set out to grab territory, deprive it of sovereignty, wipe out the very idea of its national identity and turn what remained of it into a failed state. After months of Ukraine’s fierce resistance, its statehood and its identity are stronger than ever, and all the things that Mr Putin had intended to inflict on Ukraine are afflicting his own country.

Mr Putin’s war is turning Russia into a failed state, with uncontrolled borders, private military formations, a fleeing population, moral decay and the possibility of civil conflict. And though confidence among Western leaders in Ukraine’s ability to withstand Mr Putin’s terror has gone up, there is growing concern about Russia’s own ability to survive the war. It could become ungovernable and descend into chaos.


Well, I have no idea. I can say America's wars of occupation have been fantastically expensive counter-productive failures. 

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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Since you have only see video that was specifically released by the Congress...do you think you are getting a full view of events? 

Are you cautious about government investigations into government? 



Wrong again, Ben.

I was referring to the comprehensive "Day of Rage' NYT video reconstruction of the January 6th attack on Congress that some of us posted and reviewed here in the summer of 2021.  Did you ever watch it?

This is supposed to be an "Education" forum-- where people share and discuss scholarly evidence about history, not a forum for repeatedly posting false historical narratives that disregard the evidence.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I don't know where Ben and Mathew Koch are getting their delusional notions about what happened on January 6th, but it's obvious that they never studied the film or listened to the sworn Congressional J6 witness testimony.

As for Trump's refusal to call out that National Guard on J6, let's also recall that Trump did just the opposite during the George Floyd protests in D.C., while sheltering in a White House bunker (before having the police clear Lafayette Square with tear gas for his inverted Bible photo op. )

Trump flooded the Washington mall with National Guard troops during the peaceful BLM protests.

I don't know why this is so difficult to get through to you, but 22 Feds in Oath Keepers, 9 in Proud Boys including Leader. Ray Epps seen hearding people to the capital, Ray Epps seen whispering in someone's ear moments later a group of men (most like Feds) take down barricades and further heard people to the steps of the capital. People (very likely Feds) start to break windows and the doors to the capital magically unlock and people are allowed inside, thus interrupting Congress members from making the case about the F curve 4am coordinated election fraud. Thus preventing Pense from challenging the election. The exact opposite thing that TDS Blue Anon Occupy Democrat parrot prevayors are parroting from the Cheney Commission. Which, is that it prevented the overturning of the election and Nancy Pelosi brought a documentary crew to document it. But unfortunately like Black Hebrew Israelites TDS Blue Anon MSNPC democrats only believe that conspiracies happen against them from their enemy people on the right who are all fascists. Which in the case of lefties it's anyone to the right of the,  even if they're centrist or libertarian. 

Please cite Trump flooded the mall with National Guard, William.

Funny how you left out BLM people set the church on fire.  

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7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Biden is a creepy, senile embarrassment? I don't think so Jack. Biden is a class act if I've ever seen one.


Storing documents in Car-A-Largo and having to be scolded by a Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy isn't classy. It's against the Law, but it's not Cheeto Benito, so you are okay with it like all the other partasians who haven't said a peep about Biden but wanted to Crucify Trump for storing them in a locked room, with a security camera that was protected by the secret service and security staff. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Whew!, it looks like a very restless night for Ben!!

Matthew- back to Fox Fox Fox. Taking his cue from from Fox. Matthew became the first person on the forum to actively campaign on the forum for Herschel Walker. And of course, he  simply melted when he first saw that picture he posted for us of Ron De Santos in his handsome Navy Uniform with his wife! That was a very telling moment. It obviously made a great impression on him.

But at heart, Matthew strikes me as a Mike Huckabee guy. It was that magic moment he first saw him play the bass!

I mean Dinesh D' Souza is pretty cool!, But how many conservatives can do that?


On a more adult, substantive note, I know Ben's attitude from personal experience, has always been, "just because you take the 5th. It doesn't mean you're guilty!"

Similarly, this group below was a who's who  of populist heroes Ben was hoping would take over the Republican Party.

I disagree with Ben about the 5th,  I also think  seeking a pardon, anticipating being indicted pretty much tells you everything you need to know.









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