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On 1/18/2023 at 10:35 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

How on earth could 6,000+ officers of the Capitol Police and Metro Police Dep't, with access to any amount of intel, allow hundreds of unarmed lulus get inside the Capitol?



You would know the answer to that question if you paid any attention at all to the incriminating videos of violent thugs breaking through the Capitol barriers and then the windows. The fact that you ask that question tells me that ignore these videos even though they are widely available.

This reminds me of the Russian classified ("Yeltsin-Clinton") letter I brought to your attention because it surprisingly answered all of a series of questions you had just asked. You summarily dismissed the document because it didn't agree with your "story" that you were "sticking to."

Ben, you often admonish us all to keep an open mind. No offense dude, but you have one of the stickiest minds I've ever observed.

But I must say, you Surely are a polite person. And, having read a an article written by you and published on Kennedys & King, you Surely are a fine writer.

(And I apologize for calling you "Shirley.")


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2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



You would know the answer to that question if you paid any attention at all to the incriminating videos of violent thugs breaking through the Capitol barriers and then the windows. The fact that you ask that question tells me that ignore these videos even though they are widely available.

This reminds me of the Russian classified ("Yeltsin-Clinton") letter I brought to your attention because it surprisingly answered all of a series of questions you had just asked. You summarily dismissed the document because it didn't agree with your "story" that you were "sticking to."

Ben, you often admonish us all to keep an open mind. No offense dude, but you have one of the stickiest minds I've ever observed.

But I must say, you Surely are a polite person. And, having read a an article written by you and published on Kennedys & King, you Surely are a fine writer.

(And I apologize for calling you "Shirley.")


Sandy Larsen:

Well, I have the same sentiments---how can anyone ever disagree with my perceptions on the world! 

We must all share this bias. 


This letter is somewhat ambiguous. Which Embassy? DC or MC? 

My question remains: Why did not Moscow ever issue a simple declaration: "LHO never visited our Embassy in MC, at least not during September/October of 1963."

Then we have Kostikov and pals going on national US TV (Frontline 1993), and saying they met the real LHO in MC. Again no denials, or alternative narratives from Moscow. No one saying, "Oh, those washed-up KGB guys hoodwinked Frontline, and made some fast cash."

Perhaps LHO got to MC by bus or plane. Implying confederates. Hence the fabricated bus story. 

We actually agree on the underlying case; The CIA wanted a record of LHO meeting Kostikov. OK, we have a minor disagreement on LHO whereabouts. 


On the Jan. 6 event, I am aware of the ugly confrontations on that day, the rabble crowd, and media spin thereafter.

It was an ugly day...but then the Capitol Police, who had shown up in small numbers, and used bicycle racks as barriers, stood down. 

Some people are skeptical of the Secret Service for curious lapses on 11/22. I am skeptical of lapses made by the Capitol Police and others on Jan. 6., and the role of provocateurs. 

This is no way makes Trump a hero or nice guy. Sheesh, I thought Nixon was a war criminal...but did the CIA entrap him? Howard Hunt and most of the Watergate team was CIA. Reasonably serious books have been written about the CIA's role in Watergate. 

So, for sake of argument---suppose the CIA was behind the JFKA, and then the Nixon purge.

Why not the Trump dump? Trump was awful, meeting with North Koreans, and talking about getting out of NATO. Put tariffs on China goods and wanted to close the southern border to cheap labor. Too buddy-buddy with Putin.  

Russiagate has been dismissed as "an elaborate hoax" by Bret Stephens, many others. Was it not an establishment plan to put the long knife into Trump?

An investigation ran by Mueller, who as FBI chief said the 24 9/11 hijackers had no connections to anybody (24 LHOs, in other words) and shut down the investigation in two weeks. 

I do not trust Mueller. Who would trust Mueller? 

As pointed out by commenter W., Secret Service texts and records have again disappeared (regarding 1/6, an echo of 11/22), while the Secret Service was being run by 24-year veteran Director James Murray---not a Trump appointee. Murray was lionized by the Biden family when he recently retired. 

Since Congress is not about to investigate itself, we do not know if Congressional texts and documents have disappeared. 

I could go on. I authored an interesting piece for DeEugenio, but he did not run it. 

The 1/6 committee has a lot of parallels to the WC: All prosecution and no defense. Only one narrator. Made for public consumption, and driven by expedient results. Worse in a way: heavy partisan influences. The nominal 'Phant on the committee was Liz Cheney, the warmonger who was booted out of office by a Trumper. Think she might be bitter? 

And now, Congress is keeping 14,000 hours of video from 1/6 secret. Secrecy is good? 

Well, interesting topic. I am waiting for a real investigation into 1/6.

I doubt the 'Phants can do it. Same shortcomings as the Donks. 

Anyway, the purpose of this forum (IMHO) should be to provide a forum for people with varying views on the Deep State, past and present.

Why take umbrage at another's views? 

I welcome your views. These are interesting topics. Better than watching Bonanza reruns.  






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On 1/19/2023 at 12:13 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

Maybe. You realize Joe Biden has a grand-daughter he does not even recognize? 

To me, this is awful. The little girl is innocent. It is Biden's grand-daughter. The little girl is not a fault for how she was brought into the world.


Let me get this straight...

Hunter Biden has a fling with a prostitute and she gets pregnant. Biden wants nothing to do with the child and doesn't even know if it is his. DNA tests prove the child is indeed Hunter's and he is ordered to pay child support.

So Hunter pays child support -- as he should -- but wants nothing to do with the child or the mother.

And you think Joe Biden should step around Hunter's wishes and establish his own relationship with the child?

Well that's about one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. But I'm not surprised that those on the right would make a big deal about such a thing.

Joe Biden is a class act.


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3 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:


I searched the Guardian writer and found that article, interesting that people who write articles like that are the ones telling us about Qanon. I'm sure @Kirk Gallaway would be interesting in these links he loves telling us about Qanons and what they believe. 

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On 1/19/2023 at 7:11 AM, Matthew Koch said:

Storing documents in Car-A-Largo and having to be scolded by a Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy isn't classy. It's against the Law, but it's not Cheeto Benito, so you are okay with it like all the other partasians who haven't said a peep about Biden but wanted to Crucify Trump for storing them in a locked room, with a security camera that was protected by the secret service and security staff.


I'm not the partisan here Sam, you are.

I've never said or thought that taking the documents to Mar-a-lago was a crime. What I've said is that it was most likely a crime for Trump to refuse to return them. The fact that one day he said the documents were planted, and the next saying that he magically declassified them tells me he's an f-ing l.i.a.r.

So far, the only less-than-noble thing I've seen the Biden administration do is wait a few days till after the election before reporting the documents. That was in their self interest, but it wasn't illegal.

Joe Biden is a class act.


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4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Let me get this straight...

Hunter Biden has a fling with a prostitute and she gets pregnant. Biden wants nothing to do with the child and doesn't even know if it is his. DNA tests prove the child is indeed Hunter's and he is ordered to pay child support.

So Hunter pays child support -- as he should -- but wants nothing to do with the child or the mother.

And you think Joe Biden should step around Hunter's wishes and establish his own relationship with the child?

Well that's about one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. But I'm not surprised that those on the right would make a big deal about such a thing.

Joe Biden is a class act.


Sandy, my brother in JFK sentiment arms...

I respectfully disagree with you on this one point.

I personally would connect with this woman who gave birth to Hunter Biden's child and try to establish some type of relationship to in some way help this child in anyway possible.

Most Americans don't have the financial means to do much more than offer their time and help if needed for this child's needs. Those who do have better standing financially could offer more.

It could be a risky connection. The mother of the child could be someone who might try to take selfish advantage of such help. Maybe keeping any funds sent to the child for her own use? Maybe even a drug abuser?

Or trying to milk the grandparents constantly for more?

Still, I know myself. I would be willing to face those risk scenarios.

I have a deep, deep conviction regards caring about an innocent child born into my family no matter what the unintentional wrong-side-of-the-tracks procreating circumstances.

I've dealt with drug and alcohol addicted persons in or near my family most of my life.

Outside of violent behavior towards others, I have never abandoned them when they ever came to me in need. Their children especially.

I've visited family ( and friends ) in jail. I've helped to bail them out. I've given them my time and companionship and help when I could. I've sent money ( maybe just a couple hundred dollars) to a few friends and family through the mail or those grocery store money grams. I try to be tolerant regards how they got in such binds.

I have this powerful seed of do-gooder sentiment inside of me.

It's just who I am. It's just me.

Guess it stems from my own childhood. Always praying for someone to jump in and help me during the roughest times. No family was there to do this...but by the grace of good, several adult people outside of family did...from time to time anyway.

Can you imagine what it would mean to this child of Hunter Biden's living on the other side of the tracks from his or her father's side, to have the love and support from this side of her paternal family giving her seriously committed acknowledgement, love and support while he or she is growing up?

It would mean ... EVERYTHING!

Very little is more important than such loving effort in my book of life values.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:
5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Ben, you often admonish us all to keep an open mind. No offense dude, but you have one of the stickiest minds I've ever observed.

4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, I have the same sentiments---how can anyone ever disagree with my perceptions on the world!


Those aren't my sentiments, Ben. My beliefs are always open to change as new information comes in.

I use a form of adaptive reasoning to correct my beliefs and (slowly) zoom in on the truth over time. It is adapted from on the LMS filter algorithm I was taught in college.


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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:
5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

This reminds me of the Russian classified ("Yeltsin-Clinton") letter I brought to your attention because it surprisingly answered all of a series of questions you had just asked. You summarily dismissed the document because it didn't agree with your "story" that you were "sticking to."


4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


This letter is somewhat ambiguous. Which Embassy? DC or MC? 

My question remains: Why did not Moscow ever issue a simple declaration: "LHO never visited our Embassy in MC, at least not during September/October of 1963."


There is one ambiguous sentence in the letter. But you threw the whole thing out even though it answered all your other questions.


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Many thanks to Kirk, Matt, Ron, and Chris for posting those great David Crosby/Byrds clips.

Sharing these songs and interviews is kind of like sitting shiva for David Crosby here on the forum.

And, incidentally, along with David Crosby's interview clip about his relationship with Joni Mitchell, Crosby also talked to Howard Stern in June of 2021 about death and dying.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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David Crosby and his music were a big part of my teens and 20s. His passing once more shows me that our musical influences of the '60s and '70s are at "that age."

And many of us aren't far behind.

My favorite CSNY album is 4 Way Street, the live double album. All four artists doing solos and harmonies. That's an act that most bands would hesitate to follow. In my college days, I had an 8-track tape of that album, and many nights I would drift off to sleep with my headphones on, listening to that album.


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For those that don't know the back story of this, Croz took a lot of heat back in 1967 when he talked about the JFKA from the stage at the Monterey Pop Festival.

And FYI, for years David Crosby had dealt with hepatitis C, diabetes, and a liver transplant among his list of health challenges

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