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47 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

If it's not a video, but only available in print media, Mr. Koch won't read it. That was established on this thread long ago.


But no one here is actually changing anyone else's mind. If changing someone else's mind is your intent, let me remind you that we are now 1103 pages into a large exercise in futility.

As a moderator, I once wanted to delete this entire thread, due to its lack of relevance to the JFK assassination. Another mod intervened because [in my words, not theirs], if we allow the unruly "discussions" to proceed on this thread, it will allow members to vent and keep the REST of the forum more peaceful.

And so here we are.

1103 pages and no one is swaying anyone else's opinions.

Mark, I believe that swaying others isn't more the intended point of this thread versus the one your fellow moderator expressed regards her feeling it is more a release valve one?

I believe that rock hard stances on issues we bring up on this thread can be swayed "over time" if evidence comes out bolstering certain takes and views over others.

It is separated from our regular JFK focused posting threads well enough that anyone here can clearly avoid even looking at it's contents.


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1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:

If it's not a video, but only available in print media, Mr. Koch won't read it. That was established on this thread long ago.


But no one here is actually changing anyone else's mind. If changing someone else's mind is your intent, let me remind you that we are now 1103 pages into a large exercise in futility.

As a moderator, I once wanted to delete this entire thread, due to its lack of relevance to the JFK assassination. Another mod intervened because [in my words, not theirs], if we allow the unruly "discussions" to proceed on this thread, it will allow members to vent and keep the REST of the forum more peaceful.

And so here we are.

1103 pages and no one is swaying anyone else's opinions.

You've guys have been at it for over two years with little or no results what does that tell you? 

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32 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Mark, I believe that swaying others isn't more the intended point of this thread versus the one your fellow moderator expressed regards her feeling it is more a release valve one?

I believe that rock hard stances on issues we bring up on this thread can be swayed "over time" if evidence comes out bolstering certain takes and views over others.

It is separated from our regular JFK focused posting threads well enough that anyone here can clearly avoid even looking at it's contents.


Mark, i completely agree with Joe. I think this is a release valve , but also to keep up with current events. I've learned a lot from my fellow forum members.

We have sort of a wall here. I try my best to comment when people broach the other side with current events, because I think most people over there don't want it. But when it's done,often people from the other side can't resist commenting.     

I think without this thread, it could become a mod's mess over there!   JMO

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8 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Mark, i completely agree with Joe. I think this is a release valve , but also to keep up with current events. I've learned a lot from my fellow forum members.

We have sort of a wall here. I try my best to comment when people broach the other side with current events, because I think most people over there don't want it. But when it's done,often people from the other side can't resist commenting.     

I think without this thread, it could become a mod's mess over there!   JMO

Allowing for "one" thread to discuss major current events of the day as a side forum does keep some members checking into the main JFK one more often imo.

At least me anyway.

I scan every new posted thread in the main JFK focus forum.

Ones that inspire me I read and may respond to.

The Joseph McBride thread is just a fun distraction one to take a break from the heavier JFK ones for me from time to time.

Like running out the main theater seats to the snack bar to get some malt balls or other sweet treats.



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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Forum MAGA Alert...

Mathew Koch still, apparently, believes that Gym Jordan's J6-investigation Obstruction Committee Kooks (JOCKs) are a 21st century iteration of the Church Committee.

Mathew, obviously, missed Gary Hart's recent NYT op ed on the subject.

William can't say what the damning evidence is because he's just parroting Schiff. You'd think if he read the report he could type a paragraph or maybe even two outlining the "Damning and Detailed" evidence.. What's holding you back William tell me something so I can look into it. But you're here to play partisan games so I get it.. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

William can't say what the damning evidence is because he's just parroting Schiff. You'd think if he read the report he could type a paragraph or maybe even two outlining the "Damning and Detailed" evidence.. What's holding you back William tell me something so I can look into it. But you're here to play partisan games so I get it.. 

Which "damning report" are you talking about, Mathew?

1) The (redacted) Mueller Report? 

2) The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in our 2016 election?

3) The J6 Committee Report?

I read the first two and watched all of the Congressional J6 Committee hearings in 2022.

Conversely, you are clueless about the evidence unearthed in any of these investigations, which has been discussed and referenced here at length during the past few years.

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

Which "damning report" are you talking about, Mathew?

1) The (redacted) Mueller Report? 

2) The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in our 2016 election?

3) The J6 Committee Report?

I read the first two and watched all of the Congressional J6 Committee hearings in 2022.

Conversely, you are clueless about the evidence unearthed in any of these investigations, which has been discussed and referenced here at length during the past few years.

William, I haven’t read these reports that you reference, nor do I have the inclination to. Watching this back and forth, I think you are saying there is incontrovertible evidence. Matthew is asking what that incontrovertible evidence is. You are then telling him to read the equivalent of War & Peace or the Old Testament to find it in these lengthy reports. If you have read it, you surely must be clear what the evidence is, having so much conviction to it being incontrovertible. Could you state it in 5-10 lines and which sections of the report the evidence is to be found? 

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55 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

William, I haven’t read these reports that you reference, nor do I have the inclination to. Watching this back and forth, I think you are saying there is incontrovertible evidence. Matthew is asking what that incontrovertible evidence is. You are then telling him to read the equivalent of War & Peace or the Old Testament to find it in these lengthy reports. If you have read it, you surely must be clear what the evidence is, having so much conviction to it being incontrovertible. Could you state it in 5-10 lines and which sections of the report the evidence is to be found? 

You want a 5-10 line summary of the copious evidence for guys like Mathew Koch, who adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 Committee hearings?

1)  Trump planned even before the November 2020 election to declare himself the winner, and claim that the election was stolen, in the event that he lost.  (Source: Steve Bannon)

2)  He then tried to organize slates of false electors in several states that he lost, including Arizona, (per Rusty Bowers) and Georgia (per Brad Raffensperger.)

3)  He refused to concede after the state electors had been certified in December of 2020, and opted, instead, to summon his supporters to Washington D.C. to disrupt the January 6th certification of Biden's election-- with the encouragement of his Willard Hotel coup co-conspirators, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and members of Congress. (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

4)  He urged his armed J6 mob to "march down to the Capitol" and "fight like hell"-- knowing that members of his angry mob were armed.  When informed that they were armed, Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."  (Source: Cipollone, Hutchinson)

5)   He and John Eastman repeatedly pressured Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results on January 6th, then Tweeted to the mob that Mike Pence had betrayed the country. (Source: Marc Short)

6)   Trump did nothing to protect Congress for three hours, while gleefully watching the violent attack on the Capitol, and dispatching Secret Service agents to remove Pence from the Capitol before the election could be certified.  (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

There are your 15 lines...

Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

You want a 5-10 line summary of the copious evidence for guys like Mathew Koch, who adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 Committee hearings?

1)  Trump planned even before the November 2020 election to declare himself the winner, and claim that the election was stolen, in the event that he lost.  (Source: Steve Bannon)

2)  He then tried to organize slates of false electors in several states that he lost, including Arizona, (per Rusty Bowers) and Georgia (per Brad Raffensperger.)

3)  He refused to concede after the state electors had been certified in December of 2020, and opted, instead, to summon his supporters to Washington D.C. to disrupt the January 6th certification of Biden's election-- with the encouragement of his Willard Hotel coup co-conspirators, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and members of Congress. (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

4)  He urged his armed J6 mob to "march down to the Capitol" and "fight like hell"-- knowing that members of his angry mob were armed.  When informed that they were armed, Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."  (Source: Cipollone, Hutchinson)

5)   He and John Eastman repeatedly pressured Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results on January 6th, then Tweeted to the mob that Mike Pence had betrayed the country.

6)   Trump did nothing to protect Congress for three hours, while gleefully watching the violent attack on the Capitol, and dispatching Secret Service agents to remove Pence from the Capitol before the election could be certified.

There are your 15 lines...

William🦆 here is a good article by Cass Sustein about how the Government did a cointel pro against  conspiracy groups by countering them though infiltrating them. There were 8 in Proud Boys including the leader and 22 in Oath Keepers organization. The FBI wouldn't say on record that they didn't have Agents dressed up as Trump supporters. This also explains the QAnon nonsense and the mocking bird media pushing the Russia Collusion Hoax and always pushing QAnon to people like you who then work to spread the misinformation.. No wonder you are so resistant. Please read the article... https://www.salon.com/2010/01/15/sunstein_2/


Edited by Matthew Koch
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9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

You want a 5-10 line summary of the copious evidence for guys like Mathew Koch, who adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 Committee hearings?

1)  Trump planned even before the November 2020 election to declare himself the winner, and claim that the election was stolen, in the event that he lost.  (Source: Steve Bannon)

2)  He then tried to organize slates of false electors in several states that he lost, including Arizona, (per Rusty Bowers) and Georgia (per Brad Raffensperger.)

3)  He refused to concede after the state electors had been certified in December of 2020, and opted, instead, to summon his supporters to Washington D.C. to disrupt the January 6th certification of Biden's election-- with the encouragement of his Willard Hotel coup co-conspirators, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and members of Congress. (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

4)  He urged his armed J6 mob to "march down to the Capitol" and "fight like hell"-- knowing that members of his angry mob were armed.  When informed that they were armed, Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."  (Source: Cipollone, Hutchinson)

5)   He and John Eastman repeatedly pressured Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results on January 6th, then Tweeted to the mob that Mike Pence had betrayed the country. (Source: Marc Short)

6)   Trump did nothing to protect Congress for three hours, while gleefully watching the violent attack on the Capitol, and dispatching Secret Service agents to remove Pence from the Capitol before the election could be certified.  (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

There are your 15 lines...

Thank you. I think I’ve seen you say a lot of this before. Is any of that subjective or open to interpretation? 

Do you feel certain that Trump will be convicted at this point? When is the result?

Apologies if this has been said recently, I have tuned out on this topic. 

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18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

You want a 5-10 line summary of the copious evidence for guys like Mathew Koch, who adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 Committee hearings?

1)  Trump planned even before the November 2020 election to declare himself the winner, and claim that the election was stolen, in the event that he lost.  (Source: Steve Bannon)

2)  He then tried to organize slates of false electors in several states that he lost, including Arizona, (per Rusty Bowers) and Georgia (per Brad Raffensperger.)

3)  He refused to concede after the state electors had been certified in December of 2020, and opted, instead, to summon his supporters to Washington D.C. to disrupt the January 6th certification of Biden's election-- with the encouragement of his Willard Hotel coup co-conspirators, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and members of Congress. (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

4)  He urged his armed J6 mob to "march down to the Capitol" and "fight like hell"-- knowing that members of his angry mob were armed.  When informed that they were armed, Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."  (Source: Cipollone, Hutchinson)

5)   He and John Eastman repeatedly pressured Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results on January 6th, then Tweeted to the mob that Mike Pence had betrayed the country. (Source: Marc Short)

6)   Trump did nothing to protect Congress for three hours, while gleefully watching the violent attack on the Capitol, and dispatching Secret Service agents to remove Pence from the Capitol before the election could be certified.  (Source: Twitter, Cipollone, Hutchinson)

There are your 15 lines...

I asked for Russia Collusion and he couldn't deliver the goods because Adam Schiff is his secret source.. 

The self professed "Scholar" is a partisan fraud.. 

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