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41 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

William- it seems it pains John too much to ever repeat any claimed denunciation of the Russian rapists and child killers...


Do you have proof of this? That silly Hersh article has already been debunked 50 ways from Sunday, so I hope you're not referring to that. 

Your request might also make more sense if you can give an example of any government ever giving out strategic details of a retaliatory military strike.

Perhaps your beloved Russia has done so? I'm sure you have an example of them doing such a thing, right?


Presumably William has run for cover again and so you have to provide some obfuscation.

Your first sentence needs recasting as it doesn’t make any sense. But let me help out you and William in this regard.

As I’ve said many times, Professor John Mearsheimer has elucidated an objective perspective on the US proxy war in Ukraine to which I subscribe. Why should I have to repeat at length my position on this. Are you, William and your fellow travellers pretending to be stupid?

Regarding the second part of your post, you’re completely missing the point. William has already admitted the obvious fact that US/NATO blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.

Both you and William have again dodged the question I’ve repeatedly asked in this respect: Why have US/NATO not accepted responsibility for this “strategic counter measure”, as William called it?

The reason both of you have dodged this question is obvious. US/NATO haven’t accepted responsibility for blowing up the pipelines because they know it’s an act of economic and environmental terrorism. And you know it too.

Are you and William going to continue dodging these questions and spamming the thread with your evasive verbiage?


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On 2/23/2023 at 4:38 PM, John Cotter said:


 I see a lot of emotion and very little, if any, sense or logic in your above post.

For example, I’ve already rebutted your strawman response to my post about the Biden-Kelensky photo-shoot, but you’ve ignored my rebuttal and gone straw-manning again.

Regarding the gullibility of the masses, one book about that is Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahnemann. The gist of the book is that most people are irrational most of the time and are too frazzled by our manic western culture – not to mention the manipulation, gaslighting and scaremongering that have increasingly become default government stratagems – to think properly about anything.

Kahnemann explains that in this frazzled state people use what he calls “System 1” thinking, which is reactive and emotional, rather than “System 2” thinking, which is logical and effortful. On page 85 he writes “System 1 is gullible and biased to believe”. He cites numerous experiments illustrating this phenomenon.

 Any reasonably intelligent person shouldn’t need to read Kahneman’s book to see this for themselves. Even a cursory review of history shows that at any given time most people’s beliefs and behaviour are dictated not by their own independent reasoning but by majority groupthink. Why else do social norms change from time to time?

 Why for example did the majority once think there was nothing wrong with slavery, the subjugation of women, homophobia or corporal punishment in school? Obviously because most people don’t think for themselves and instead stick with the herd.

 Why does my citing this simple self-evident fact upset you so much?


First  John, One big criticism I have about this discussion about  the war in Ukraine is that it's  had all the probative value of a food fight.  That's why I proposed that you might share your feelings about what was said in that meme about Western hegemony. But generally when what I say  on the forum is met  with stunned silence. I just assume it's due to a  lack of real conviction
To address your  question John. The other problem I have is that we are discussing the Russian invasion and War in Ukraine and the conversations keep losing focus.
And you're a case in point, you come out with a commentary about the dreaded Biden and Zelensky, that's  seems only to be your personal bid to become forum "Fashion Police" Chief!  I pointed out that I saw no real relevance to that post, which it appears you've conceded as now you've segued into this an unrelated"dissertation" that I find rather boring. I'm not going to just jump around to whatever arbitrary topic that captures your fancy in the moment. We were talking about the War in Ukraine.    
John: You seem upset!
Not in the least. John, as Harry T. said,  "I just tell you the truth and you think it's hell!"  But I do it with love. Though it may not seems so at the time.
As you've seen John ,  I try to speak truth to power but also powerlessness, which isn't easy, and  can be misunderstood.
You understand I can only work with the limited materials I've been given, and hope a pattern will emerge to an everyday guy like you  over time.
But if not, that's fine too!
"To strengthen what is right in a fool is a holy task"
Ancient Chinese wisdom  2000 BC
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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


I've already answered your question many times on this and the other related sidelined thread.

On the other hand, you have again dodged a question of mine, namely:

Since you claim that the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline was justified, why has the US and/or NATO not accepted responsibility for this "strategic counter measure" as you call it?


     It wasn't a question.  It was a suggestion that you should stop posting your ludicrous Putin apologetics and start acknowledging that the man is a bloody tyrant and a war criminal.  He is killing people by the thousands, including his own oppressed citizens.

    His only allies are dictators like Lukashenko and Kim Jong Un.

     As for sabotage of funding for Putin's genocidal war machine, you have mislabeled it as an act of terrorism, and you've now cluttered the board with redundant nonsense condemning those who are trying to defend Ukraine from Putin's depredations.

    Can you think of a war in which economic sanctions, blockades, and covert sabotage were not a component of military strategy?

    Putin's FSB terror state is a poisonous snake that needs to be deprived of sustenance.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


I've already answered your question many times on this and the other related sidelined thread.

On the other hand, you have again dodged a question of mine, namely:

Since you claim that the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline was justified, why has the US and/or NATO not accepted responsibility for this "strategic counter measure" as you call it?

John I used to hang out with a group of car mechanics around ten years ago.. and the funny thing they did that I noticed was: They would refer to people like they did the cars and they would say things like; "Oh he's known for that" or "That's a common problem with the guy" 😝

Well, the guy you're arguing with is known for not answering the question, and also logical fallacy based argument and circular reasoning seems to be a common problem as well! 😉 

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Presumably William has run for cover again and so you have to provide some obfuscation.


1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Why should I have to repeat at length my position on this.


Check out what can be said with brevity, no length required:

"I abhor the raping and child killing Putin has unleashed on Ukraine."

See? How easy.

1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Both you and William have again dodged the question I’ve repeatedly asked in this respect: Why have US/NATO not accepted responsibility for this “strategic counter measure”, as William called it?

I hope this projection of yours isn't a trend...

You need to provide proof of your claim before anyone, and especially "US/NATO", accepts responsibility for the Russian pipeline being blown up; particularly as it is already assumed Ukraine did it, because... Russia invaded them!!! 


1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Are you and William going to continue dodging these questions and spamming the thread with your evasive verbiage?

Are you and Matthew going to continue to make excuses for the worst genocidal dictator since Hitler by spamming the thread with your evasive verbiage?

See? Your silly game is easy to spot and trivial to mock.

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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

John I used to hang out with a group of car mechanics around ten years ago.. and the funny thing they did that I noticed was: They would refer to people like they did the cars and they would say things like; "Oh he's known for that" or "That's a common problem with the guy" 😝

Well, the guy you're arguing with is known for not answering the question, and also logical fallacy based argument and circular reasoning seems to be a common problem as well! 😉 

Get a clue, Mathew.

My answer to John's redundant, deflective Nordstream question was implicit in my post.

And, as usual, you missed the essential thesis in my response about depriving Putin's FSB terror state of funding.

You also missed my observation recently that the strange bedfellows on opposite sides of the Atlantic who are Putin apologists-- right wing American MAGAts and liberals in the British Isles-- can be understood as dupes of different facets of Russian propaganda.

The old Dugin/Putin propaganda strategy (in Foundations of Geopolitics) was to; 1) fracture the U.S. along racial and cultural fault lines, (i.e., Trumpism) and 2) to isolate the U.K. from the U.S. and the EU.

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51 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     It wasn't a question.  It was a suggestion that you should stop posting your ludicrous Putin apologetics and start acknowledging that the man is a bloody tyrant and a war criminal.  He is killing people by the thousands, including his own oppressed citizens.

    His only allies are dictators like Lukashenko and Kim Jong Un.

     As for sabotage of funding for Putin's genocidal war machine, you have mislabeled it as an act of terrorism, and you've now cluttered the board with redundant nonsense condemning those who are trying to defend Ukraine from Putin's depredations.

    Can you think of a war in which economic sanctions, blockades, and covert sabotage were not a component of military strategy?

    Putin's FSB terror state is a poisonous snake that needs to be deprived of sustenance.

And yet again, William, you have failed to answer my question.

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15 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

And yet again, William, you have failed to answer my question.

Learn how to read, John. 

What did I write about strategic military sabotage and depriving Putin's war machine of funding?

And what useful purpose would it serve to make such strategic covert ops overt, in time of war?

As for the op, does it make sense to deprive Putin of funds for his, illegal, genocidal war? 

Speak up.  Tell us what you have to say about Putin's FSB terror state and his war crimes against Ukraine.

Are you with the UN and the world in condemning Putin's illegal invasion, or with the dictators Putin, Lukashenko, and Kim Jong Un in condoning it?

Stop pissing down our backs while telling us that it's raining.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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54 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

John I used to hang out with a group of car mechanics around ten years ago.. and the funny thing they did that I noticed was: They would refer to people like they did the cars and they would say things like; "Oh he's known for that" or "That's a common problem with the guy" 😝

Well, the guy you're arguing with is known for not answering the question, and also logical fallacy based argument and circular reasoning seems to be a common problem as well! 😉 

I know what you mean, Matthew.

The persistent sabotaging of rational debate is an admission by the saboteurs that their position is logically untenable.

I thank them for thus validating my position.

Edited by John Cotter
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52 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

John seems to behave as if what he says could have some bearing on his freedom to be near windows in tall buildings...

A wise man once told me;  "Those who throw mud are losing ground"

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I once read, never wrestle with pigs, you only get muddy and they love it.  But sometimes I can't resist the slippery bastards and their pork bellies.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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