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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Thank you, Matt. I worked with Adam professionally on many occasions over the years. It is ludicrous for anyone to claim that "the C19 virus was benign to people under 65."


Deaths pretty heavily lopsided towards 85+, and then 75+ and many of these people had, of course, co-morbidities. 

Absolute numbers are always upsetting---if I say 1,460 kids under 17 died of C19, that's sounds like a human tragedy, and it is.

As a percentage of the age group, it is very small, and much smaller than deaths by suicide or murder, or cancer, or other heartbreaking episodes. 

I don't know what to say about long C19. 

There it little doubting that it is in the national interest---indeed the global interest---to find out what happened: where did C19 come from? The best minds say through lab manipulation--almost certainly in Wuhan. 

While I may contend C19 was relatively mild for most, the next go 'round could be a lot more serious. 

I do not understand why this, like every issue, has become so politicized.

The Congressional 'Phants want to investigate and the Biden Administration and the Donks just want the topic to disappear. 

Explain that. 


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27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not understand why this, like every issue, has become so politicized.


eh, I don't think it's particularly politicized at the moment. In 2020 it certainly was, but I've zero interest in going over that ground again; extremely pointless.


29 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Congressional 'Phants want to investigate and the Biden Administration and the Donks just want the topic to disappear. 

Well, that's just not true at all. The only reason we even have the DOE report is because Biden ordered the issue investigated.

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50 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben said:  I do not understand why this, like every issue, has become so politicized.


Because you are so political, Ben!  You're the "voice of noise" about this, and you can't prove anything!

All I'm hearing is a lot of noise online like "you guys all thought this"!. Excuse me, i never "opposed " any idea about it. Mostly because i don't think we're ever going to know positively about it anyway.

Ben now hypothesizes  the virus was so benign. The Chinese figured they'd just give it a small trial run through the population!

Yes, so emboldened are the Chinese! Next Ben will get his wet dream  war with China.

This is what having a hundred hours a week in Thailand to spend on a JFK conspiracy forum produces.


And then the "Tucker outrage!" If Tucker was really impressed with it. How come he didn't bring it up for another 2 years?

Tucker/Roger Stone story  followup on the JFKAC over the last 2 and a half months was about what I expected as well.


I saw a very timely thread on the JFKA side.

"Confused  and looking for Ben, Matthew and Chris's brain."

heh heh


Ok, Let's try changing the subject. I bet you can't for 2 days, Ben..

Your favorite congressman Thomas Massie is also making history of sorts.

Only Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie vote against a resolution that mourns the loss of life in Turkey and Syria caused by the earthquakes

Mourning's for babies, right Thomas! Very macho! Very cool statement!

Besides  If all those Turks would just arm their families, like Massie. . Maybe this all wouldn't have happened to them!







Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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51 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

eh, I don't think it's particularly politicized at the moment. In 2020 it certainly was, but I've zero interest in going over that ground again; extremely pointless.


Well, that's just not true at all. The only reason we even have the DOE report is because Biden ordered the issue investigated.

I dunno Matt-

America's globalist elites love doing business with China. Biden does globalist bidding. 


White House downplays DOE report that COVID-19 likely originated in Wuhan lab

February 28, 2023
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7 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Thank you, Matt. I worked with Adam professionally on many occasions over the years. It is ludicrous for anyone to claim that "the C19 virus was benign to people under 65."

There was no deadly viral pandemic.

I’ve posted articles based on the official figures in Britain and Ireland which prove this and which nobody here was able to refute. I’m not interested in engaging in another “debate” about it.

And by the way, I’m an unjabbed 68 year old (turning 69 this month). I fell for the scam at first, but by the time the “vaccine” concoctions were being flogged I saw the scam for what it was.

It’s been estimated that there are 380 trillion viruses in or on the human body or virome. The human immune system has been evolving for millions of years.

Knowing what I’ve learned about human beings at this stage in my life, I have more confidence in my natural immune system than concoctions produced by profiteering corporations with criminal records.

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11 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


Poor Matt seems to believe laughing out loud is a logical rebuttal.

Edited by John Cotter
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Sometimes one's beliefs are shaped, or at least influenced somewhat by what they physically see right in front of them.

A close friend my age and whom I knew since elementary school poo-pooed the virus and the shots. He was a Trumper through and through.

He was fine through the first year and half.

Then about a year ago, he suddenly felt really sick and weak.

He had to go to the hospital here locally. He was diagnosed with the virus. He was overweight.

He was put on a breathing machine and had a very rough go.

He eventually was sent home. Though so weak still his wife and daughter had to care for him. 

He was given some pills by the hospital when he was discharged with the warning that HE MUST TAKE THEM.

He simply refused, again downplaying the warning and trusting his own immune recovery system.

The pills were blood thinners.

Two or three days after his discharge, his wife found him dead when she woke in the morning. 

He died from blood clots.

My nephew ( again a staunch Trumper and Covid disbeliever ) also got the virus as did his wife. He almost died. Suffered for weeks. He completely changed his views after that. Even quitting posting Pro-Trump messages on Facebook.

I know of many, many other similar stories. Close to home ones.

No one who got the shots got sick that I know. 

My wife has had all 4 shots. I have had two.

Losing 1 million in this country over a two year period due to the virus doesn't inspire me to doubt the reality that the shots were absolutely necessary and effective in preventing another million deaths...imo anyways.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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      My brother-in-law received a phone call during the summer of 2020 from an old college buddy who had recently attended Donald Trump's Drink-the-Kool-Aid campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  

      The guy was dying of COVID, after attending the Trump rally, and called my brother-in-law to say goodbye. 

      Then he died. 

      Republican politician, Herman Cain, had also attended that same Tulsa rally, before dying of COVID.

      At the time, we were appalled to see the Trumpsters in Tulsa cheering for Il Douche without masks.

      If I recall correctly, I opined that Trump should have been charged with negligent homicide.


Trump's 2020 Drink-the-Kool-Aid Tulsa Campaign Rally

Photos: Trump draws a big crowd in Duluth | MPR News

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Anyone else remember when Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer told people not to be racist (Like Trump and Maga) and to go out and celebrate Chinese New Year. They also said that shutting down travel to ChiNA was xenophobic before they flip flopped and blamed Cheeto Benito for not shutting things down sooner.. Sad, that Willam and Kirk's misinformation always has to be countered with reality.. 


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