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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

 My take on the discovery of the Biden classified documents is that it is a gift to the prosecutors if they indict Trump for his theft of many classified documents, some of which are still missing.

This is because if Trump is indicted (as is expected to happen soon), at the forthcoming trial the prosecution can show that Biden handled his discovery of the documents the proper way by turning them over the next day to the National Archives. Now, jury members, contrast what Biden did and what Trump did and didn't do. 


You'd certainly think so, Doug. That would make sense..

It is remarkable. If you told me 2 years ago that these security blunders could be happening on so many levels, i would ask whereTF is the "Deep State!'  They can't even hold on go their secrets!

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8 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

No, Ben, I want to be accurate.  When you say that the Chinese funded the Biden Center you are acting like a partisan.  


     Many thanks for your diligent fact-checking of Ben's nightly, large print ampliganda posts.  They never end.

     We see the same thing with Mathew Koch's daily YouTube ampliganda non sequiturs on the forum.

     I have no doubt that Ben and Mathew will continue to spam the forum this year with daily propaganda nothing burgers from the Fox/GOP MAGA-verse-- about Hunter Biden's laptop, the 10 classified documents found at Biden's university office, China and U. Penn, Burisma, etc., etc.

     The point of serving up these GOP nothing burgers is to create an illusion of false equivalence between the Trump/GOP's serious crimes-- Russiagate, Emoluments violations, January 6th, Mar-a-Lago document theft, etc.-- and alleged Democratic misconduct.

     While they often post about Hunter Biden's laptop, has anyone ever seen Ben or Mathew post anything about Jared Kushner's 2 billion Saudi bribe, taken while Kushner was in charge of Trump's Middle East policies?

     As for the new Republican "Cover Up" Committee, we've all seen this B movie before-- Whitewater, Fast and Furious, the endless GOP Benghazi "investigations," Obamagate, Spygate, Nunes memo, Durham Report, etc.

     Talk about "weaponizing government" for political purposes!

      Kevin McCarthy even bragged openly during the Benghazi investigations that the Republican "investigations" had succeeded in reducing Hillary Clinton's high approval ratings.  Wink.  Wink.


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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:


I don't find Scott Ritter implausible , Chris.

I'm not sure if you remember Ritter, Chris . But he was first  a thorn in your side, an outright nemesis to you, being an advocate for the Bush Blair War in Iraq. I first followed him approvingly because he was asking , Where is the WMD?

I personally don't have 40 minutes to give to him anymore, but I did enthusiastically watch all your first installment of Scott Ritter, I believe  just before Putin invaded.  He was very confident and scoffing at the West and Nato, declaring Nato would be totally exposed for the fraud it was  once Putin invaded Ukraine as there was no way they were going to be able to keep together because they're all so inherently selfish and will thankfully disintegrate once Putin cuts their  off oil, and that goes doubly when winter comes later, but it won't even even last that long!

I'm always interested in people's predictions, and like to make a few myself, because I believe, you can only make successful predictions,  if you have an unbiased grip on the present reality. When people exhibit that, despite if i like the result of their predictions, I give them credit.

I award no bonus points to Scott Ritter for his pre Putin invasion prediction, as I think he got complete egg on his face. His cocky tone of Russian superiority was a bit off  putting honestly.

I listened to the last 15 minutes to try to get to his futures. He predicts Ukraine should come to the table immediately, accept reality,  and thankfully accept that they will lose only Crimea, Kherson, the Donbass Region and province starting with "Z". They should also swear to never join Nato., eliminate the Bandera National Socialist influence, (whose to say to what degree it still exists anyway, apart from anywhere else in East Europe?) and in exchange, Ukraine will be let to live, and can actually keep Zelensky. And his tone at 37:00 is spiteful and punishing as if talking to an errant 6 year old. Do you share Scott's emotions on that Chris?   

Ritter presumes to have some inside tract on Putin, (even though I don't believe he ever thought Putin was going to invade in the first place!) and confidently predicts that Russia's only intention at first was to seize the Donbass from National Socialist Ukraine and hold on to Crimea!    He say the U.S., Russia and Nato should negotiate a more lasting peace after this, (which sounds good!) but a Peace that will benefit everybody except  Ukraine, which lost the War!


Chris, I find myself wanting to cut film lengths that I submit here, so people will watch them, but I realize it's not possible. But what I've done in the last couple of paragraphs, summing up what Ritter's solutions are , you could also be doing for us , rather than just submitting  a 40 minute film , and just say "plausible?"  It would be interesting hearing in your words , how you interpret Ritter's solutions. Somebody said this recently on the JFK side, when submitted a long video clip. "Could you quickly give us some idea?" and then let us decide if we want to spend 40 minutes on it , or how we're going to handle it. It's a good suggestion, if you want people to listen to you.


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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Many thanks for your diligent fact-checking of Ben's nightly, large print ampliganda posts.  They never end.

     We see the same thing with Mathew Koch's daily YouTube ampliganda non sequiturs on the forum.

     I have no doubt that Ben and Mathew will continue to spam the forum this year with daily propaganda nothing burgers from the Fox/GOP MAGA-verse-- about Hunter Biden's laptop, the 10 classified documents found at Biden's university office, China and U. Penn, Burisma, etc., etc.

     The point of serving up these GOP nothing burgers is to create an illusion of false equivalence between the Trump/GOP's serious crimes-- Russiagate, Emoluments violations, January 6th, Mar-a-Lago document theft, etc.-- and alleged Democratic misconduct.

     While they often post about Hunter Biden's laptop, has anyone ever seen Ben or Mathew post anything about Jared Kushner's 2 billion Saudi bribe, taken while Kushner was in charge of Trump's Middle East policies?

     As for the new Republican "Cover Up" Committee, we've all seen this B movie before-- Whitewater, Fast and Furious, the endless GOP Benghazi "investigations," Obamagate, Spygate, Nunes memo, Durham Report, etc.

     Talk about "weaponizing government" for political purposes!

      Kevin McCarthy even bragged openly during the Benghazi investigations that the Republican "investigations" had succeeded in reducing Hillary Clinton's high approval ratings.  Wink.  Wink.


Adam Schiff slammed McCarthy's GOP Circus today, even mentioning McCarthy's infamous bragging about how the Republican Benghazi Circus had succeeded in lowering Hillary's approval ratings -- which I referenced (above.)

Schiff's comments begin at the 1:38 mark.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Absolutely Doug.

You are a major American historic event lawyer and your assessment above is uniquely qualified and insightful.

Unfortunately, a second batch of Biden documents has been found. This complicates things but still the case against Trump is strong because his actions were intentional, while Biden's are accidental.

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Interesting article.

The fact that the Biden family was grifting does not exonerate Trump and his follies. 

To be concerned that the Bidens have been corrupted by large foreign cash transfusions into the Biden family does not make the observer a Trumper or aligned with either party.

How does Biden make policy re China, Ukraine, Russia, Syria, and on trade issues? Does foreign money play a role? 


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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Adam Schiff slammed McCarthy's GOP Circus today, even mentioning McCarthy's infamous bragging about how the Republican Benghazi Circus had succeeded in lowering Hillary's approval ratings -- which I referenced (above.)

Schiff's comments begin at the 1:38 mark.


That xxxx is losing his committee 🤣


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Interesting article.

The fact that the Biden family was grifting does not exonerate Trump and his follies. 

And your proof of this grifting is the timing of a Chinese donation soon after the opening of the Biden Center?  Proximity always equals causation?

The UPenn spokesman said the Biden Center was paid out of University funds.  And according to you he’s a l-i-a-r.

Biden got paid for having his name in a building — oh my Trump what a scandal!

Show us the quid pro quo — what did the Chinese get in return?

1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

To be concerned that the Bidens have been corrupted by large foreign cash transfusions into the Biden family does not make the observer a Trumper or aligned with either party.

Repeating every Trump talking point on a daily basis is the work of a die-hard partisan.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

And your proof of this grifting is the timing of a Chinese donation soon after the opening of the Biden Center?  Proximity always equals causation?

The UPenn spokesman said the Biden Center was paid out of University funds.  And according to you he’s a l-i-a-r.

Biden got paid for having his name in a building — oh my Trump what a scandal!

Show us the quid pro quo — what did the Chinese get in return?

Repeating every Trump talking point on a daily basis is the work of a die-hard partisan.

One nature of the two-party system is that when dirt is unveiled, one party raises the dirt into a mountain, and the other party says the dirt is a molehill. 

The grifting of the Biden family ergo becomes 'Phant-party fodder. The Donks say it is a molehill. 

That does not make the dirt untrue, or me a Trumper for wondering about the Biden family grifting. 

Sure, Biden family grifting automatically becomes Trump-'Phant talking points. I can't help that. 

The more important question: Why is so much foreign cash pouring into Biden family coffers?

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