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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Man, that's a powerful bit of writing you have produced.

I disagree with you on some issues (Ukraine comes to mind), but I certainly respect your opinions. 

Globalists rule both parties. 

Sad story: If HRC had won in 2016, the US would still be entangled in Afcrapistan. 

Rainbow bombs away!

Benjamin and @Matthew Koch, vive la difference.

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16 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Benjamin and @Matthew Koch, vive la difference.



You could have added the Donks are absolutely obsessed with ID politics and PC-sim of all kinds---effectively splintering a middle and employee class who should be far more unified. Maybe that is the plan? 

Some dark humor:

The American Friends Services Committee recently hired a woman named Raquel Evita Saraswati. 

It turns out Saraswati was of European descent. 


Oskar Pierre Castro, a human resources official who helped AFSC hire Saraswati, said the activist presented herself as a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman.”

"In my mind it was, “Great, a person of color, a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim, it’s a woman,” all these things, and someone who seemed to get it. I definitely feel conned. I feel deceived," she told The Intercept.

I guess a straight white dude is totally out of the question. Horrors!

Funny, true...but also divisive. 


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Alaska Republican stuns observers by asking about economic benefits of abused children's deaths

by Brad Reed February 22, 2023


“Republican Alaska state Rep. David Eastman this week stunned observers when he asked about the potential economic benefits of abused children dying.

The Anchorage Daily News reports that Eastman spoke up during a House Judiciary Committee hearing that was centered on the deleterious long-term effects that being sexually abused has on children.

As ADN notes, part of the presentation included economic data showing that an abused child "could cost the family and broader society $1.5 million in terms of trauma and what the child could potentially have earned over their lifetime."

It was based on this that Eastman started asking if society might save money if the child were to simply die instead of remaining alive to be a burden on society.

“It can be argued, periodically, that it’s actually a cost savings because that child is not going to need any of those government services that they might otherwise be entitled to receive and need based on growing up in this type of environment," he said.”

“Eastman has long been a controversial figure, as he is a member of the Oath Keepers militia and was present in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, although there is no evidence linking him to any violence that took place at the Capitol on that day.”

Ah yes, the Final Solution.

Steve Thomas

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20 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Matt: Thousands of innocents dead, but John Cotter thinks this is the issue uh huh lol


Yeah  Matt. that's all sort of part and parcel of John's general issues.

Also that sort of disdaining the lowly masses is also continually regurgitated by Chris as well.

I guess a certain  colonialist disdain has been inbred, even to the everyday commoner in the U.K!

And of course, as to John's taste for fashion, always using impeccable dress and appearance was long a means to get a leg up on colonial subjects when British officials visited the colonies!

heh heh

I do have my thinking about the ages when such responses disdaining "the lowly masses" while never preferable, are at least  understandable. But I'll leave that out for now.


If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them?

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11 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them?

Marx called it "false consciousness."

The white working class Trump cult voters in the U.S. are a case study.

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33 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them?

Kirk 100% believes Trump supporters are gullible. You won’t catch him criticising Hilary Clinton for calling a vast swathe of the population ‘deplorables’, unless its to point out that it played a significant part on her losing the election.
He also called those who decided to exercise caution around the C19 vaccines, ‘filthy slobs’. He is willing to stigmatise social groups and dehumanise them when it suits him, and sit on a high horse, feeling superior.

Bear in mind John, when anyone points out that vast numbers of people are coerced, conned, and manipulated into situations, and Kirk agrees with those who are tricked, he then takes that as an attack on himself. He then has to attack back. He doesn’t understand that people like yourself are just trying to say “wake up, sunshine”, you’re being made a fool of and its screwing us all. 


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28 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Kirk 100% believes Trump supporters are gullible. You won’t catch him criticising Hilary Clinton for calling a vast swathe of the population ‘deplorables’, unless its to point out that it played a significant part on her losing the election.
He also called those who decided to exercise caution around the C19 vaccines, ‘filthy slobs’. He is willing to stigmatise social groups and dehumanise them when it suits him, and sit on a high horse, feeling superior.

Bear in mind John, when anyone points out that vast numbers of people are coerced, conned, and manipulated into situations, and Kirk agrees with those who are tricked, he then takes that as an attack on himself. He then has to attack back. He doesn’t understand that people like yourself are just trying to say “wake up, sunshine”, you’re being made a fool of and its screwing us all. 



   You really don't understand American politics very well.

   White working class Trump voters are a case study in false consciousness. 

   They have been tricked by Trump's racist dog whistles and flag-waving into voting against their own economic interests.

   Trump's signature legislative achievement was the massive 2017 GOP tax cut for billionaires and corporations.

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15 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


   You really don't understand American politics very well.

   White working class Trump voters are a case study in false consciousness. 

   They have been tricked by Trump's racist dog whistles and flag-waving into voting against their own economic interests.

   Trump's signature legislative achievement was the massive 2017 GOP tax cut for billionaires and corporations.

William, this is a great example of what I have been trying to explain in Matt K’s latest Tucker thread. There is much to consider for you and others. I would start with what triggers you, and work from there. 

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32 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

William, this is a great example of what I have been trying to explain in Matt K’s latest Tucker thread. There is much to consider for you and others. I would start with what triggers you, and work from there. 


I'm triggered by bullsh*t.

I often do what I can to clean it up.

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On 2/21/2023 at 5:32 AM, John Cotter said:

And of course the gullible masses won't ask the obvious question about this photo: Why is Zelensky wearing military style fatigues but Biden not? 

The spurious posturing by both of them is belied by the contrasting clothing. If Zelensky is so immersed in the blood and mud of frontline battle as to require his wearing a soldier's outfit, why not Biden who professes to "stand with" Zelensky and Ukraine?

Of course neither of them is on the battle frontline where the ultimate price is being paid by countless conscripts for the decisions of these two poseurs. But such is the degenerate state of western democracy that the masses are supposed to believe the empty rhetoric and absurd antics of these two clowns.



John says: Kirk, If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them?

Ok, Since you want to go back there.

You ignore your context using the "gullible masses". John.
John: And of course the "gullible masses" won't ask the obvious question about this photo: Why is Zelensky wearing military style fatigues but Biden not?  
So the masses are gullible because they don't question why Biden and Zelensky aren't dressed the same? You distinguish yourself only as a member of the fashion conscious "masses".  Who would you be to talk??
I have commented on a number of occasions how everyday people, particularly, I think in the U.S. don't vote in their interests. Before we could have a broader discussion. I'm calling this " John's hot air fashion post". Would you admit your example here was not adroitly used?
And here below is the "hot air" segment, using the phrase "the masses". Used twice in what amounts to a paragraph! Again shades of "full spectrum dominance'" all over again, John? .
John: But such is the degenerate state of western democracy that "the masses" are supposed to believe the empty rhetoric and "absurd antics" of these two "clowns."
But other than a fashion faux pas, you don't substantiate your statement and explain why? So isn't this statement  a lot of pomp and empty rhetoric and another case of empty  "absurd antics" John? You're going have to raise your bar.  For this comment, I don't give you a downgrade. I give  you a clowngrade.  This is why all you guys got rightfully banished to the Stalag 57 attic alongside  the 2003 posts.
I don't put everybody who doesn't agree with me in one category like you John. And before that thread got banished from the JFKA side. I saw what a joke it was and I was trying to engage with each of you, who want to promptly end the war,  as to why, among a number of possible reasons, that you believe the way you do, and to what extent each reason, and it was like pulling teeth.
I do agree with Ben, what started as largely your unknowing critique of the right to a young Republican Super Capitalist, was the most substantive thing I've seen you post as to who John is. But back to your earlier post.
John"But such a degenerate state  of Western Democracy.
Ok, I can agree with that. But I'm not sure of your context.
John. In good faith. I tried earnestly to once again engage both sides with, what is dismissed as only a meme at the top of the last page. The problem is on both sides. It appears W's so engaged with you guys. He didn't read it either. I think it's a good starting point. If you want to just continue arguing and getting nowhere. That's your choice too.
Would you be so kind to address that comment of the guy on the right?
Don't hold back! Give me your most crotchety!





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


I'm triggered by bullsh*t.

I often do what I can to clean it up.

Yep, all day every day but, the purpose was just to keep you consumed. 

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