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16 hours ago, John Cotter said:

This is a remarkable presentation by Tucker Carlson about the Chinese lab leak story, Fauci's complicity in it, Trump calling it out and the "liberal-left" mainstream establishment and media colluding in lockstep to suppress the truth.



You're right, it is remarkable.

But how do you know that Tucker's source is telling the truth? She says that China intentionally released the virus. (See her being interviewed at 7:35.) Why would China do that?



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12 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

But how do you know that Tucker's source is telling the truth?

Tucker Carlson lies for a living. That's not an opinion, it's fact-  a fact that has now been proven repeatedly in court documents.

The reality is this: Tucker Carlson is a horrible person to deliver any kind of message/opinion because the vast majority of people automatically assume he's lying.

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55 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Regardless of your political sentiments, or mine, or that of people reading this forum, you have pointed out a serious story.


Ben- everyone knows Elon Musk only released documents critical of Democratic leaders in his "Twitter Files" release; he shielded the MAGA GOP.

So no, it's not a serious story, it's a clown show, featuring fake journalism.

MAGAs love to live in an alternate reality, and are certainly free to do so, but as long as they're still trying to run for elected office and destroy the United States, real patriots will continue to call out their bullsh^t.

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12 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:




You're right, it is remarkable.

But how do you know that Tucker's source is telling the truth? She says that China intentionally released the virus. (See her being interviewed at 7:35.) Why would China do that?




I have the same thoughts as you.  

We should be skeptical of any version of lab leak theory, but even more skeptical that the virus emerged naturally. 

The only reason I can think of for an intentional C19 release was to test the C19 virus as a type of inoculation. That is, Wuhan tried to release what they thought was relatively benign version of the virus. 

In fact, C19 was relatively benign, almost totally so to anyone under 45, very mild in 45-65 racket, and somewhat dangerous to old people with co-morbidities. 

Once a population was inoculated, a more dangerous version could be released, perhaps under wartime conditions. 

That is, Wuhan learned how they could quickly and secretly inoculate Chinese troops in wartime conditions, and then release a more-lethal or debilitating version on enemy troops. 

This is speculative, of course 

Something like our CIA would have done in the 1950-60ss. 

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5 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


Ben- everyone knows Elon Musk only released documents critical of Democratic leaders in his "Twitter Files" release; he shielded the MAGA GOP.

So no, it's not a serious story, it's a clown show, featuring fake journalism.

MAGAs love to live in an alternate reality, and are certainly free to do so, but as long as they're still trying to run for elected office and destroy the United States, real patriots will continue to call out their bullsh^t.


Well, we are worlds apart in our views. 

That is fine---a forum should have varying views. 


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24 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That is, Wuhan learned how they could quickly and secretly inoculate Chinese troops in wartime conditions, and then release a more-lethal or debilitating version on enemy troops. 

Ben- this simply doesn't make any sense. C19 was catastrophic for China; damaged their people and economy far, far more than ours. There's zero chance they would have released that intentionally, or been developing a bioweapon in one of their own crowded metropolises that would run a risk of escape.

If it turns out C19 was a lab leak, I'm still betting it was a vaccine study gone sloppy.

But as I said before, we will never know.

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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- this simply doesn't make any sense. C19 was catastrophic for China; damaged their people and economy far, far more than ours. There's zero chance they would have released that intentionally, or been developing a bioweapon in one of their own crowded metropolises that would run a risk of escape.

If it turns out C19 was a lab leak, I'm still betting it was a vaccine study gone sloppy.

But as I said before, we will never know.

🙈 Jeez ....


“For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Matthew 25:29

Edited by Chris Barnard
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17 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- this simply doesn't make any sense. C19 was catastrophic for China; damaged their people and economy far, far more than ours. There's zero chance they would have released that intentionally, or been developing a bioweapon in one of their own crowded metropolises that would run a risk of escape.

If it turns out C19 was a lab leak, I'm still betting it was a vaccine study gone sloppy.

But as I said before, we will never know.


You misinterpret part of what I wrote.

The Wuhan lab-masters thought the release would be benign, and would inoculate the local population.

In fact the C19 virus was benign to people under 65, and only dangerous to the elderly with co-morbidities, and some other small subsets of the population.

The CCP lab-masters miscalculated the percentage of the population vulnerable to the C19 virus--though small, large enough when millions are exposed to cause short-term concerns. 

I disagree with you on one point---I think the scientific consensus is C19 was either a lab leak or an intentional release. The natural origin explanation is looking very, very weak. That strikes me as posture financed by multinational/globalists, who want to do business in China unimpeded. 

But all views welcome here, this is a forum.


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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In fact the C19 virus was benign to people under 65

As much as I wish that were true, it isn't. Many young and middle-aged people now suffer from Long Covid, and there were still an immense amount of deaths in those age groups, including one of my favorite musicians:



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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Tucker Carlson lies for a living. That's not an opinion, it's fact-  a fact that has now been proven repeatedly in court documents.

The reality is this: Tucker Carlson is a horrible person to deliver any kind of message/opinion because the vast majority of people automatically assume he's lying.

[In Movie trailer announcer Voice]

"Imagine a world.. In our world.. 

Where TDS  BlueAnon democrats ..

Apply the same level of skepticism, of Tucker Carlson.. 

To their own conspiracy theories..

 Russia Collusion, Quid Pro Quo,  Ukrainian (N)azis, J6.. 

Where a band of rag tag midwits become aware..

That a media they thought were acting in their best interests..

Are actually part of the intelligence services they've being railing against for years.

..Now, they must put their biases aside and join forces with people they were told to hate, for their only to chance to bring down the establishment they they've been railing against for years. 

One Chance, One Decision, One Destiny..

'Operation Mocking bird' coming soon, to a theater near you.. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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43 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

GAO report on 1/6 has been released:


As they are recommendations can the FBI, DHS, Capitol Police just thumb their noses at the GAO.  Would congress possibly take up the cause? 

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

As much as I wish that were true, it isn't. Many young and middle-aged people now suffer from Long Covid, and there were still an immense amount of deaths in those age groups, including one of my favorite musicians:



Paywall there for me Matt.  I'd never heard of him and found this.  A very interesting bio and one funny catchy video.

Adam Schlesinger obituary | Music | The Guardian

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

As much as I wish that were true, it isn't. Many young and middle-aged people now suffer from Long Covid, and there were still an immense amount of deaths in those age groups, including one of my favorite musicians:



matt a word of wisdom.. Stick to recording Teenage punk rockers  and leave the Politics and Science up to people with fully developed brains.. 


URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows

Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for people with preexisting autoimmune problems

Adults have sharply higher risks of being diagnosed with heart, skin, and psychiatric conditions for at least 90 days after they receive Covid jabs, a peer-reviewed study of almost 300,000 people in California has shown.

The researchers examined new diagnoses given to the same people before and after they were vaccinated to see whether the shots changed the risk of new health problems.

They found that people were about 21 percent more likely to receive a new diagnosis in the three months after a shot, compared to the three months before. With almost 240 million American adults jabbed, the rise translates into millions of extra new medical problems found in the months after vaccination, and tens of millions worldwide.

Serious conditions such as hypertension were about 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed in the three months following a shot than the three months before, the researchers found.

Depression, eczema, diabetes, and cellulitis were 10 to 20 percent more likely.

Myocarditis diagnoses had the highest additional risk. They were about 2.6 times as likely overall, with an even higher risk in men. Myocarditis is a known side effect of the mRNAs, so the fact it had a particularly high rate of extra diagnoses provides strong evidence that the signal the researchers found was real.

Overall, the researchers reported that the 284,000 Covid-vaccinated adults they examined received almost 6,000 additional diagnoses of health conditions in the 90 days after being jabbed compared to the 90 days before. 

With about 237 million American adults vaccinated, that estimate would translate into about 5 million extra diagnoses for problems like diabetes in the three months following the shots. Worldwide, the number could be up to 25 million

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

As much as I wish that were true, it isn't. Many young and middle-aged people now suffer from Long Covid, and there were still an immense amount of deaths in those age groups, including one of my favorite musicians:



Thank you, Matt. I worked with Adam professionally on many occasions over the years. It is ludicrous for anyone to claim that "the C19 virus was benign to people under 65."

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