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On 2/26/2023 at 4:37 PM, Chris Barnard said:

     "Woke" refers to being informed about actual history, including the true history of systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia in American society-- slavery, Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, etc.

       The anti-Woke movement in contemporary Republican red states refers to active GOP measures to suppress education, public consciousness, and mitigation of and about racism, misogyny, and homophobia.“

@W. Niederhut they are your words above and I am moving the conversation here, as Larry has requested the divisive stuff doesn’t continue on the other thread. @Paul Brancato


Could the term “woke” be amply characterised as “historical inequality?”. And that the end goal of the woke movement is to achieve equality? 

@W. Niederhut You have specified ‘American society’, does ‘woke’ not apply to Europe, the wider West, or even the whole world? 

Do both of you identify as ‘woke’ ? 
Is there any middle ground between woke and anti-woke? Is it possible for anyone to occupy a third position? 


I’ll try to answer some of this. But first I wish there was another word for it because the word Woke has become a lighting rod and a source of division. Essentially yes, equality in our hearts and minds. Right action should naturally follow. How would you define a third position? 
i think ‘wokeness’ is a process. I wouldn’t declare myself anything, but I try. Yes it needs to be global. But I think it’s too complicated to continue a discussion here since it involves how we basically feel about everything. I don’t see the world as we and they. I have to cut some trees to safeguard my house. I’m very aware of the hidden life of trees. I mourn mankind destroying species of all kinds. 

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39 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

All this amounts to “collusion”, they are in bed with eachother. If one fails, both fail. Lest we forget that it was the US funding Mao, and the third super-power, under the rationale that the world with safer with 3, instead of two. In a finance sense, China’s labour force offered so much growth. 

The illusion is that the people at the top of society are buffoons, perpetually making simple errors. The actual reality is that people at the top of any dominance hierarchy are hyper-competent. 

The war is on you, it’s a class war. The Chinese hierarchy does not give a flying F about its people, neither does the US ruling class. Look carefully at what has happened since a pandemic was announced in March 20. 

Basically yes. In my view the Cold War was a ruse, a farce. Not a popular position. Endless enemies makes lots of money and supports power structures and Empires. 

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3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Ok, but i want to know what the May 11th is for? 

Kathy, probably Matthew can tell you why it's May 11 because it's probably based on a Q anon numerological gematria which Matthew claims he's an expert, and said earlier he wanted to give all of us on the forum a presentation about. Probably the predicted return of JFK and JFK Jr. to Dealey Plaza had some numerical gematria significance  to a Qball as well.


Ben , since we know now from his January 2020 tweet that globalist Trump seems to be covering up for Xi at the very earliest moments of Xi's alleged discovery of the Wu Han lab breakout! Is this the hard evidence you were looking for of Chief Executive Trump's globalist cronies silence and complicity in the XI coverup?

Well check this  clip, where Jamie Raskin eloquently confronted your cohort Lauren Boebert saying that Trump defended XI no less than 20 times publicly during this period that the Chinese  were trying to cover up the alleged fact that they let a deadly virus out in the world as you contend.

Raskin  also takes on Trump's attempts at censoring twitter, and takes on Gym Jordan's attempt to use his influence to bully AT&T into carrying Newsmax!

The hypocrisy! You just can't make this stuff up!





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3 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Basically yes. In my view the Cold War was a ruse, a farce. Not a popular position. Endless enemies makes lots of money and supports power structures and Empires. 

On the present trajectory, people will have everything taken from them, and at their worst point of crisis and desperation, wolves in sheep’s clothing will miraculously offer up a new system that is much less equitable than the existing. That’s our technocracy, a scientific caste system. 

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I received this email today from Congressman Adam Schiff of California:

Douglas, the Supreme Court just heard oral arguments to overrule President Biden’s executive order on student debt cancellation.

Let’s be very clear: The effort to deny tens of millions of people relief from student debt is a project engineered by far-right billionaires and dark money groups, and put before a rigged right-wing Supreme Court majority. And they must be stopped.

Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump gamed the system. And stacked the Court.

McConnell blocked President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for more than eight months, with the excuse that the Senate should not confirm a presidential nominee during an election year, and then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett while tens of millions of people were literally voting for Joe Biden.

This fight is personal to me. I have two kids in their early twenties, and I refuse to let their entire adult lives be dictated by an unjust and extreme SCOTUS that is attacking so many of the legal precedents that form the foundation of our Constitutional rights.

It took me a decade to pay off my student loans. I had to borrow at 9, 12 and 14 percent interest, and for most of that decade my loan payments were more than my Los Angeles rent — no easy feat. But I was lucky and went into a profession where I could pay them off. So many others aren’t that fortunate. This debt burden is holding our economy back by preventing people from purchasing homes, cars, and getting on with their lives after pursuing their education. And this reactionary Supreme Court could make the problem worse.

Republicans stacked the Court. That’s why we need to unstack it.

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20 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The actual reality is that people at the top of any dominance hierarchy are hyper-competent. --Chris

I wonder about this. Relentless, ruthless, cynical...but hyper-competent? 

Maybe so. 


They’re playing 5 moves ahead while we’re looking at the world in this heroes and villains, comic book fantasy version of reality. 🙈

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16 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Speaking of hyper-competence, high school wrestling coach and abuser coverup artist Jim Jordan got so thoroughly pantsed by constitutional scholar Jamie Raskin that his Committee of Fake Outrage seems to have imploded...



Something to ponder ...

Perhaps in a neo-feudal society, the politicians may be best regarded as the  jesters. There to provide theatre and entertainment. 

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16 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ll try to answer some of this. But first I wish there was another word for it because the word Woke has become a lighting rod and a source of division. Essentially yes, equality in our hearts and minds. Right action should naturally follow. How would you define a third position? 
i think ‘wokeness’ is a process. I wouldn’t declare myself anything, but I try. Yes it needs to be global. But I think it’s too complicated to continue a discussion here since it involves how we basically feel about everything. I don’t see the world as we and they. I have to cut some trees to safeguard my house. I’m very aware of the hidden life of trees. I mourn mankind destroying species of all kinds. 

Perhaps the third position is occupied by those who can see how we move forward from all of this. 

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14 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ll try to answer some of this. But first I wish there was another word for it because the word Woke has become a lighting rod and a source of division. Essentially yes, equality in our hearts and minds. Right action should naturally follow. How would you define a third position? 
i think ‘wokeness’ is a process. I wouldn’t declare myself anything, but I try. Yes it needs to be global. But I think it’s too complicated to continue a discussion here since it involves how we basically feel about everything. I don’t see the world as we and they. I have to cut some trees to safeguard my house. I’m very aware of the hidden life of trees. I mourn mankind destroying species of all kinds. 

Woke is code word for  Neo-Liberation theology that hypercritical dogwhistle hearing, tuxedo wearing Champagne Communist "Anarchists" believe in.. 

It's a process that's why they call themselves "Progressives" because they are progressively ruining the country with their policies as we see the rise of homelessness and crime.

It's too diffucult because you have to be in a SF echo chamber to believe it otherwise people point out the flaws which is Human Nature something real Anarchists would point out. Paul maybe educate yourself by reading an actually anarchist book like No Gods, Masters.. 

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22 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Speaking of hyper-competence, high school wrestling coach and abuser coverup artist Jim Jordan got so thoroughly pantsed by constitutional scholar Jamie Raskin that his Committee of Fake Outrage seems to have imploded...



Fair observations.

Is this going to be yet another "investigation" of the intel-state that gets torpedoed, sidetracked, infiltrated, or even becomes stillborn? 

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14 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I received this email today from Congressman Adam Schiff of California:

Douglas, the Supreme Court just heard oral arguments to overrule President Biden’s executive order on student debt cancellation.

Let’s be very clear: The effort to deny tens of millions of people relief from student debt is a project engineered by far-right billionaires and dark money groups, and put before a rigged right-wing Supreme Court majority. And they must be stopped.

Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump gamed the system. And stacked the Court.

McConnell blocked President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for more than eight months, with the excuse that the Senate should not confirm a presidential nominee during an election year, and then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett while tens of millions of people were literally voting for Joe Biden.

This fight is personal to me. I have two kids in their early twenties, and I refuse to let their entire adult lives be dictated by an unjust and extreme SCOTUS that is attacking so many of the legal precedents that form the foundation of our Constitutional rights.

It took me a decade to pay off my student loans. I had to borrow at 9, 12 and 14 percent interest, and for most of that decade my loan payments were more than my Los Angeles rent — no easy feat. But I was lucky and went into a profession where I could pay them off. So many others aren’t that fortunate. This debt burden is holding our economy back by preventing people from purchasing homes, cars, and getting on with their lives after pursuing their education. And this reactionary Supreme Court could make the problem worse.

Republicans stacked the Court. That’s why we need to unstack it.


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35 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Basically yes. In my view the Cold War was a ruse, a farce. Not a popular position. Endless enemies makes lots of money and supports power structures and Empires. 

The anti-Woke movement in contemporary Republican red states refers to active GOP measures to suppress education, public consciousness, and mitigation of and about racism, misogyny, and homophobia.“ -Paul 

Translating: "we're the anti bad guys so if you don't like us you must be a bad guy".. This is High IQ logic right there💯 (Sarcasm added)

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55 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I received this email today from Congressman Adam Schiff of California:

Douglas, the Supreme Court just heard oral arguments to overrule President Biden’s executive order on student debt cancellation.

Let’s be very clear: The effort to deny tens of millions of people relief from student debt is a project engineered by far-right billionaires and dark money groups, and put before a rigged right-wing Supreme Court majority. And they must be stopped.

Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump gamed the system. And stacked the Court.

McConnell blocked President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for more than eight months, with the excuse that the Senate should not confirm a presidential nominee during an election year, and then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett while tens of millions of people were literally voting for Joe Biden.

This fight is personal to me. I have two kids in their early twenties, and I refuse to let their entire adult lives be dictated by an unjust and extreme SCOTUS that is attacking so many of the legal precedents that form the foundation of our Constitutional rights.

It took me a decade to pay off my student loans. I had to borrow at 9, 12 and 14 percent interest, and for most of that decade my loan payments were more than my Los Angeles rent — no easy feat. But I was lucky and went into a profession where I could pay them off. So many others aren’t that fortunate. This debt burden is holding our economy back by preventing people from purchasing homes, cars, and getting on with their lives after pursuing their education. And this reactionary Supreme Court could make the problem worse.

Republicans stacked the Court. That’s why we need to unstack it.

Thanks for sharing Douglass.  Schiff's personal story is interesting.  They are predatory loans, backed by the USG.  He is right about holding the economy back.  The forgivance would be reinvested by most.

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