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15 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Perhaps it is, but certainly not because of your interpretation of it, which is 100% nonsensical...

Seeing as you shamelessly shill for the 21st Century Hitler, Vladimir Putin, and have no issue with his genocidal war crimes, you'll have to excuse me, and every other sane person, for not taking anything you say even remotely seriously.


I now know how Denis Healey felt after being attacked by Geoffrey Howe. 

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31 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- Tucker Carlson had 44,000 hours of video and all he managed to produce was some shots of Mr. Buffalo Horns when he wasn't in the Senate Chamber doing his howl-at-the-moon act.

Needless to say, Tucker is intellectually dishonest, a truly pathological l i a r, so it's no surprise he didn't also show the footage of Mr. Buffalo Horn's antics that put him in the slammer.

No thinking person believes they can go into the U.S. Senate Chamber dressed like that and deface things without receiving a hefty prison sentence as a deterrent to others, but I'm curious what you think a just punishment would have been.


Well, I am not a lawyer. I do wonder what sort of sentence Mr. BH would have received if----

1) The videos were public at the time of his trial.

2) If Mr BH could have afforded million-dollar legal counsel (this applies to all defendants). 

I do not know if Carlson is finished with his video reviews.  

My amateur assessment of Mr. BH's proper punishment....

Since he turned himself in, and is homeless, and mentally challenged, was evidently was let into the Capitol, and poses no threat to anybody...

is a couple of years of community service (if he could even do that reliably). 

My take is Mr. BH is any of us, with a few strokes of bad luck.  

Once, during a streak of joblessness, I got into a stupid street altercation. Luckily, no serious ramifications. Could have gone another way. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Since he turned himself in, and is homeless, and mentally challenged, was evidently was let into the Capitol, and poses no threat to anybody...

is a couple of years of community service (if he could even do that reliably). 

I honestly feel a bit bad for the guy as well; I don't think of him as a domestic terrorist, as those that tried to kill the police officers so obviously were.

But like I say, there's no way somebody pulls a stunt like that and doesn't go to prison.

I hope good behavior nets him an earlier release than his sentence stipulates.

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25 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I honestly feel a bit bad for the guy as well; I don't think of him as a domestic terrorist, as those that tried to kill the police officers so obviously were.

But like I say, there's no way somebody pulls a stunt like that and doesn't go to prison.

I hope good behavior nets him an earlier release than his sentence stipulates.

Yes, fine, the slammer for those who perped violence on 1/6.  

A lost soul like Mr BH....well....

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MARCH 8, 2023

Indian Punchline


It is Zugzwang for Biden in Ukraine


New York Times reported Tuesday that a ‘pro-Ukrainian group’ sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic on Sept. 27, 2022

There is a cardinal difference between the Washington Post report of June 18, 1972 by Alfred Lewis breaking the news of the Watergate burglary and the sensational claim by the New York Times on Tuesday — per a CNN report — that “intelligence suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group” sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

The WaPo reported on Watergate several months after Richard Nixon’s thumping victory for a second term as president, while the Times’ claim has been advanced even before Joe Biden has announced his candidacy for the November 2024 election.

A common thread, though, could be that while the Lewis story was followed up a day later by two young Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the Times report  also hopes to be a developing story but with a contrarian purpose.

If Watergate wiretapping forced Nixon to resign eventually, the big question is whether the Nord Stream sabotage will also be the undoing of the Biden presidency?

These are early days. But the reverberations of the Times’ claim are already being felt in Europe — Ukraine and Germany — although the report was carefully worded to keep out Ukrainian leaders outside its purview. 

But the bottom line is the caveat that the Times report was not made with high confidence and is apparently not the predominant view of the US intelligence community, and that the Biden Administration has not yet identified a culprit for the attack — succinctly put, this isn’t necessarily the last word on the subject!

That’s smart thinking — with an eye on Seymour Hersh, perhaps?  Meanwhile, Ukraine has flatly denied involvement and German media reports stressed that there’s no proof that Ukrainian authorities ordered the attack or were involved in it. Evidently, Kiev and Berlin (and Washington) prioritise that the business of war must continue as before. And neither is in a position to hit back in defence.

But Moscow is plainly derisive. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told RIA Novosti, “Clearly, the authors of the terrorist attack want to distract attention. Obviously, this is a coordinated stuffing in the media.”

Indeed, when asked about the Times report, the highly opinionated US National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, John Kirby referred questions to investigating European authorities and excused himself saying he was “not going to get ahead of that investigative work.” Kirby played it safe.  

So, as Lenin would have asked: ‘Who stands to gain?’ To be sure, what we have here is a high level leak planted in the Times by the US intelligence, which is non-attributable but probably serves as kite flying to see how far it will travel, especially in Europe, or, equally, it could just be, as Peskov put it, the stuff of “obvious misinformation campaign coordinated by the media.”

Either way, someone high up in the Biden Administration is playing for high stakes. This is taking place at a time when Biden himself has been implicated by Seymour Hersh for ordering the destruction of Nord Stream   — an act of international terrorism  —- and of course Biden is yet to announce his candidacy for the 2024 election.

As things stand, candidate Biden will not want the Nord Stream scandal to be another Albatross around his neck. The point is, if he stands for election, which he likely intends to, Biden can be sure that the scandalous Ukraine stories concerning him and his son Hunter Biden, dating back to his time as vice-president, will roar back to the centrestage.

The questioning that the US ambassador to Estonia  Senator George Kent was subjected to by Senator Tom Cruz at the hearings on his appointment in Tallinn in December suggested that the Republicans have a lot of dope on Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine and are waiting for the right moment to strike.

Kent, a career diplomat and former deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs with three stints in Kiev — the second time as DCM from 2015 to 2018 and the third as Charge d’Affaires a.i, in 2021 during Biden presidency— is in Senator Cruz’s crosshairs.

Last week, again, Sen. Cruz returned to the topic. This time around, he tore into attorney general Merrick Garland accusing the Justice Department of leaking uncontrollably in a calibrated bid to save Biden’s reputation.

Conceivably, the implication by the Times report that a “pro-Ukrainian group” may have been behind the Nord Stream attack can be seen as a veiled threat to the powers that be in Kiev to understand which side of their bread is buttered if push comes to the shove.

So far, Zelensky has played ball. Biden is bending over backward to appease Zelensky, if the manner in which the move to sack the Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, a close ally of the president, was summarily shelved is any indication.

The western media was copiously reporting on a purge under way in Kiev but when the trail came to Reznikov and Zelensky dug in, the US inspectors deputed from Washington to investigate the corruption scandal in the defence ministry simply disappeared. 

Indeed, Biden must willy-nilly remain in power beyond 2024 or else  he becomes extremely vulnerable. Therefore, Biden desperately needs a second term. He cannot be too sure even if some other Democratic candidate wins in 2024. God forbid, if the Republicans seize the presidency, Biden and his family members will be fighting with their backs against the wall.

But there is also the flip side. Biden’s candidacy will bring Nord Stream, Hunter Biden, Ukraine war, et al, to the centre stage of the election campaign. Is it worth the risk?

Frankly, it is a ‘zugzwang’ for Biden. It is his turn to move, but all of his moves are so bad that having to move can lose the game — and in chess, there is nothing like “pass,” either.  

The sabotage of the Nord Stream forms part of the Ukraine issue. Whoever destroyed that pipeline did it with the intention to eliminate any residual prospect left of a revival of the post-cold war Russian-German alliance in Europe built around the two countries’ energy cooperation and interdependency.

The Biden team in sheer naïveté thought that sabotage of the Nord Stream would be a geopolitical masterstroke to humiliate Germany and make it a vassal state, destroy all bridges leading from Russia to Europe, and consolidate the US’ transatlantic leadership. They overlooked, out of sheer hubris,  that it still remained a cowardly criminal act.

To compound matters, the war in Ukraine flowed out of Biden’s  decision to destroy the Nord Stream (which, according to Hersh, dated back to September 2021.) Today, Biden cannot easily end his war as he is also beholden to Zelensky (who knows far too much about Hunter Biden’s escapades in Kiev.)   

Will Biden Administration succeed in hushing up the Nord Stream scandal? Hersh is sure to revisit the topic. Biden cannot walk away from the crime now. But it doesn’t cease to be a crime.

Biden’s remaining option may be to announce he’s going to contest the 2024 election because Build Back Better Framework is still a work in progress.  

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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

uh, what?

Asking you a question is getting emotional? I didn't realize you were so sensitive to interactions lol

Ok then, trigger warning... ready? Got a blankie close?

For those looking for truth (Chris obviously isn't), this is a free read:


On one hand, perhaps its good that you now don’t believe that Russia attacked its own pipeline. Slow progress but, baby steps forward. 

The gullible mindset of yours is quite something to observe. When any ‘friendly’ MSM network throws you a story, you unthinkingly welcome it with open arms. Its very clear that you haven’t thought it through at all. 🙂 

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8 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

A strong contender for the most ludicrous and cynical cover story of all-time. All things considered, I think the Old Grey Hooker's editorial board should stick to wrestling with transvestites (or whatever the current imbroglio is about).

Talk about the Yanks throwing the Ukie junta under the bus is quite wrong, though. It's actually the entire bloody North Sea...


Both the NYT and WaPo articles are almost comedic in terms of the misty logic that they present. They certainly know their target audience. 🙂 

Ukraine is being hung out to dry. 

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:



Again, hilarious!

The Tucker Carlson hour has turned into a whacky reality show.

A guy who says one thing to his Trump's followers on his TV show. Then shares that he thinks Trump is a whack job to his insider friends.

Even his viewers must be saying:

"what in the sam hell ... ???"

"Is this guy lyin' to us?"

What's he think we is...suckers?"

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I don't understand this one at all.

The Republican National Committee and various Republican Legislators are sending out screaming email and social media fundraising posts, urging people to send in money to Stop the Plan to destroy Mount Rushmore.

The appeals say that the Democrats have a plan to destroy Mount Rushmore, and we have to stop it.

1) There is no such plan.

2) Even if there was, the Democrats are in the minority in the House.

3) If there were such a Plan, why would the Republicans need private donations to stop it. What happened to their power as Federal Legislators?

This is so bizarre.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Again, hilarious!

The Tucker Carlson hour has turned into a whacky reality show.

A guy who says one thing to his Trump's followers on his TV show. Then shares that he thinks Trump is a whack job to his insider friends.

Even his viewers must be saying:

"what in the sam hell ... ???"

"Is this guy lyin' to us?"

What's he think we is...suckers?"


     My hunch is that most Fox News watchers don't know anything about the Fox transcripts from the Dominion lawsuit-- including Tucker Carlson's shocking comment about "hating Trump passionately."

     I seriously doubt that Fox has covered the story on their network.

    Like Mathew Koch and Chris Barnard, most Fox News watchers have also, apparently, embraced Tucker Carlson's latest false J6 narrative.

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