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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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12 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Mods- it's rather obvious what Matthew Koch's occupation is, as he has been spamming here literally every waking hour for days.

Please do the job of moderators, or let someone else do it.


I know you’re not gifted in the intelligence department but, this is hilarious. It’s like you think that The Education Forum is the epicentre in the fight of good vs evil, and global democracy. 

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27 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Well, @Matthew Koch, congrats to you and others, you’ve managed to make a swathe of members behave as petulant children. Did you know before hand that it was going to be this easy to whip them into a fever of negative emotions? 



Petulant children, Chris?  Do tell, oh wise one, how you manage to keep a straight face as you project your pathology onto others.

Perhaps you might tee up a month in the woods with Matthew? Build another tree house maybe, "no girls allowed" of course.

Would that Robert Bly was still around, god rest his soul, to help you thru this crisis of gender identification you both seem to be struggling with.

Now, can you tell me who you think plotted to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas? and why you're interested in the inevitable result of the past [60] years ? Can you share how the assassination impacted, for instance, life in Britain, or maybe Ireland?


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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Mark, Sandy & Kathy,

      This thread should either be deleted, or re-named the, "Education Forum MAGA Spam Thread."


This has tickled me this morning. I don’t think we should delete it. It’s a fantastic written record of the ‘cognitive dissonance’ amongst some of the democrat voters here. Such a thing should surely be preserved for future amusement. 

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On 3/11/2023 at 4:02 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

If I were a mod here, I wouldn't have allowed that from the onset!

I think you’re probably having ideas above your station old boy. You’d probably need to be a decent person to be considered. ;) 

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38 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Stray thought:

In this forum, sometimes alt-r or alt-l groups are mentioned as threats or dangers. 

But I suspect it works the other way around.

The centrists in both parties (aka the purple party) are most aligned with the status quo, have the Wall Street-Silicon Valley-defense money behind them, and will brook no competing narratives, and engage in endless foreign wars on behalf of multinationals and globalists. 

As I say, who can tell the difference between Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton? 

Was it the alt-r that lied about the Wuhan lab leak?

Was it the alt-l that lied about the JFKA?

That doesn't mean everyone in the alt crowd is omniscient or saintly. 

But who can control the narrative, and marshal thousands of useful idiots? 


The precursor to the alt-right drove the decision to remove Kennedy permanently.  So, I think your observation is moot.

You and yours here are attempting to control a narrative of January 6 that is anathema to the truth.  Wisner must be smiling down on you and yours with a "well done Boys!"

. . . "The alt-right became a political force, trolling America with obscure philosophizing, pro-Trump messages, and outright racism, while Richard Spencer gave Regnery’s movement of aging white nationalists a clean-shaven, camera-ready face. Since Trump’s win, the movement has only gained prominence.” . . . — Aron Roston, Joel Anderson.

From Coup in Dallas . . . Membership in the America First Committee grew quickly, attracting around 800,000 Americans, due in part to the wealth of the founders who could subsidize the slick promotion for the movement, a phenomenon perfected over ensuing decades. Described by its detractors as an isolationist pressure group whose original leaders included anti-Semitic and pro-fascists, the AFC capitalized on the believability of famed aviator and National Socialist apologist Charles Lindbergh to assuage skepticism and concern. Just weeks before the US entered WWII, at a rousing speech in Des Moines, Iowa, home of Cowles media company and The Des Moines Register, the famed aviator was joined by textile industrialist William Henry Regnery. One of the organizing members of the AFC, Regnery’s parents had emigrated from Germany. His son Henry would later found one of the foremost Holocaust Denial and anti-Semitic publishing houses in the US following the war. Other prominent leaders of the original AFC included the Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith who was perhaps the most prominent fascist clerical of the 20th century, and of course, Gen. Wood, Chairman of Sears Roebuck and future founder of the American Security Council comprised of corporatists, some of whose international investments had been adversely impacted by President Roosevelt’s stated policy against the rise of Hitler’s N azism.. . .

It was Bill Regnery who philosophically and financially mentored what became known in the mid-2000s as the “alt-right.” Avowed Neo-National Socialist Richard Spencer served as his spokesman. While at Duke University, Spencer had brushed against a future advisor to the 45th president, Stephen Miller, who would later serve as aid to Senator and future Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Together, the two archconservatives formulated the idea of “nation-state populism”, an economic nationalist movement modeled on the populism of Andrew Jackson, the senator from Tennessee before becoming the seventh president of the United States whose harsh policies toward enslaved people and Native Americans are a blight on America’s past. Nation-state populism would greatly influence the Trump anti-immigration campaign. 

Ten years earlier, in 2005, Bill Regnery had formed the National Policy Institute. The first NPI chairman, Louis R. Andrews explained that in the 2008 election, he had voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama because, “I want to see the Republican Party destroyed so it can be reborn as a party representing the interests of white people, not entrenched corporate elites.” In a July 2017 piece titled, “The Moneyman Behind the Alt-Right,” BuzzFeed reporters Aram Roston and Joel Anderson noted, “Suddenly, the seed money Regnery had doled out—often in small grants under $25,000—started to show returns. The alt-right became a political force, trolling America with obscure philosophizing, pro-Trump messages, and outright racism, while Richard Spencer gave Regnery’s movement of aging white nationalists a clean-shaven, camera-ready face. Since Trump’s win, the movement has only gained prominence.” 


When Donald Trump was elected president, a number of leaders from the alt-right movement assumed important advisory positions, including those responsible for creating a platform for the “alt-right,” the online publication Breitbart News. In a piece titled, “An Establishment Conservatives’ Guide to the Alt-Right” published in 2016, the Italian philosopher and occultist Julius Evola is touted as “one of the thinkers in whose writings the origins of the alternative right can be found.” Evola, identified earlier in this book, was the intellectual and spiritual inspiration of leading Italian fascists, including “The Black Prince” Julius Borghese and Stefano delle Chiaie who were inclined toward murder and blackmail as political solutions. As noted, Evola was also an early admirer of American fascist Francis Parker Yockey whose fervent adherent, H. Keith Thompson, would serve a similar role as that of Isaac Don Levine when he became a publicist for Marguerite Oswald. Yockey’s writings were advanced almost exclusively by American propagandist Willis Carto, philosophically aligned in 1963 with Rev. Gerald L K. Smith, a cofounder of the America First Committee. Carto would leave as his final legacy, the American Free Press where Patrick Buchanan found a well-primed audience. 



Edited by Leslie Sharp
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4 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Petulant children, Chris?  Do tell, oh wise one, how you manage to keep a straight face as you project your pathology onto others.

Perhaps you might tee up a month in the woods with Matthew? Build another tree house maybe, "no girls allowed" of course.

Would that Robert Bly was still around, god rest his soul, to help you thru this crisis of gender identification you both seem to be struggling with.

Now, can you tell me who you think plotted to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas? and why you're interested in the inevitable result of the past [60] years ? Can you share how the assassination impacted, for instance, life in Britain, or maybe Ireland?


That ‘woman scorned’ comment turned out to he pretty accurate, eh Leslie?! 

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7 hours ago, John Cotter said:

For the past year Russophobes have been saying (a) Putin was at death’s door and Russia was about to implode politically, economically and militarily, and (b) Russia was going to overrun Ukraine and Europe.

Such Orwellian doublethink typifies the West’s intellectual bankruptcy.

They’re very confused souls. 

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8 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

The precursor to the alt-right drove the decision to remove Kennedy permanently.  So, I think your question is moot.

You and yours here are attempting to control a narrative of January 6 that is anathema to the truth.  Wisner must be smiling down on you and yours ... with a "well done Boys!"


I have little ability to control the narrative of anything.

I would say, in this little teeny-weeny corner of the internet (readership in the dozens), I am airing out or bringing a little sunlight to the official and dubious narrative of 1/6. 

I do not pretend to have the whole story, but I am justifiably skeptical of the official-MSM narratives of that day. 

On top of that, I think the 1/6 "insurrection" had about as much chance of succeeding as a spit-wad has of sinking a battleship. 

A lot of hyperbole and fear-mongering has been going on. 

But I encourage you to seek your perspective of matters. 


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15 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

That ‘woman scorned’ comment turned out to he pretty accurate, eh Leslie?! 

I'm flattered to be the woman who ruffles your feathers, Chris.  

Let me reiterate, as obscure philosophizing seems to be your forte. . . .

. . . "The alt-right became a political force, trolling America with obscure philosophizing, pro-Trump messages, and outright racism, while Richard Spencer gave Regnery’s movement of aging white nationalists a clean-shaven, camera-ready face. Since Trump’s win, the movement has only gained prominence.” . . . — Aron Roston, Joel Anderson.

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18 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I have little ability to control the narrative of anything.

I would say, in this little teeny-weeny corner of the internet (readership in the dozens), I am airing out or bringing a little sunlight to the official and dubious narrative of 1/6. 

I do not pretend to have the whole story, but I am justifiably skeptical of the official-MSM narratives of that day. 

On top of that, I think the 1/6 "insurrection" had about as much chance of succeeding as a spit-wad has of sinking a battleship. 

A lot of hyperbole and fear-mongering has been going on. 

But I encourage you to seek your perspective of matters. 


Jan 6 was not meant to "succeed", in the fashion you seem to suggest.  The assault on the Capitol was meant to disrupt, and to prove that 'they' could continue to disrupt.  I think your particular blancmange attitude in even this small pond has ripple effects.  You may be under the impression that few read these threads, but I have reason to beg to differ. Encouraging an impressionable lad like Matthew Koch to promote Posobiec's propaganda is a reflection on you whether you welcome it or not.

Do you understand that the murder of Kennedy, the man, was a criminal act, but the assassination in Dallas was an attack on the Presidency ergo an attack on our democracy.  Trump's refusal to accept the election results was also an attack on the presidency, (perhaps the final before an authoritarian dictator takes control), and a mirror of Dallas 1963.


I too hope that you will inform yourself daily.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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11 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I haven’t seen anyone ‘far right’, ‘fascist’, ‘National Socialist’ or anything like it on the forum. Nobody even close. 

that they choose to look at the world in this tribal, myopic lens.

It may be worth considering that these types are not driven by kindness, compassion or bettering humanity. 


Did you watch the video, Chris.  Are you relegating it to the "alternate" version of Tucker Carlson's version of Jan 6 ? Do you not see and hear the shaman in this footage? 

And speaking of tribal, how bloody ironic that a "friend" of Roger Stone founded Proud Boys in 2016.  The timing is purely coincidental, right? 

Your card has been marked, and I venture that you and yours will be revealed as provocateurs on this forum, eventually.

Roger Stone, the Proud Boys , & Stone’s nework of miscreants— Part 2 (2017–2018)

For years, Stone & his associates have courted & elevated violent extremists & re-branded them as “patriots.”

Even before the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s longtime confidante, Roger Stone, had created a dangerous new template for American politics, combining information warfare with physical intimidation. The Proud Boys, an extremist group founded by one of Stone’s friends in September 2016, were a key element of this template. Five Proud Boys leaders have since been indicted on sedition conspiracy charges relating to the insurrection.


At your request, I have sat through this video which I think I previously watched. 
I’ve been in situations while leaving football (soccer) stadiums that were worse than this. It’s exactly what I originally thought, a protest gone wrong and exploited. Its not a great advert for Americans. 

What’s super interesting is that claim to have some previous experience representing the HL Hunt family in a PR capacity. Yet, it doesn’t occur to you that with 44 hours of footage, that a skilled PR person and an editor could tell any number of stories with that much footage. I certainly could. 

Just to stoke your imagination:

Shouldn’t all of the footage be in the public domain? 

Should we have a proper explanation as why why Mr Buffalo Horns is being assisted by the cops? 

You may not know this, Leslie, but, peoples ability to think critically is severely impaired when subjected to waves of fear. It was clear to me that there was a ‘fear psychosis’ brought on by the use of propaganda. Whether we look at the persecution of witches or 9/11, it’s very easy to manipulate people who are afraid. Joost Meerloo, the Dutch psychologist writes a great book about this process called; “The rape of the mind.” 

I just see it as Plato’s allegory of the cave.


I am sorry to say it but, you guys are like kids at a magic show. 

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29 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:
46 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


I'm flattered to be the woman who ruffles your feathers, Chris.  

I’ll let you know when you do, buttercup. 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

At your request, I have sat through this video which I think I previously watched. 
I’ve been in situations while leaving football (soccer) stadiums that were worse than this. It’s exactly what I originally thought, a protest gone wrong and exploited. Its not a great advert for Americans. 

What’s super interesting is that claim to have some previous experience representing the HL Hunt family in a PR capacity. Yet, it doesn’t occur to you that with 44 hours of footage, that a skilled PR person and an editor could tell any number of stories with that much footage. I certainly could. 

Just to stoke your imagination:

Shouldn’t all of the footage be in the public domain? 

Should we have a proper explanation as why why Mr Buffalo Horns is being assisted by the cops? 

You may not know this, Leslie, but, peoples ability to think critically is severely impaired when subjected to waves of fear. It was clear to me that there was a ‘fear psychosis’ brought on by the use of propaganda. Whether we look at the persecution of witches or 9/11, it’s very easy to manipulate people who are afraid. Joost Meerloo, the Dutch psychologist writes a great book about this process called; “The rape of the mind.” 

I just see it as Plato’s allegory of the cave.


I am sorry to say it but, you guys are like kids at a magic show. 

And  with the utmost candor, Chris, I think what you're positing is batshit crazy.  An experimental psychotherapist in Dublin played this game with her clientele, her "customers" as it were -- and ended up being sued after two of her customers committed suicide.  She promoted perception is reality kind of madness that those young damaged psyches couldn't process. I was old enough to recognize the psychological sadism.

Most of us saw in that video a platform erected with a noose and heard "hang Mike Pence", and you SAY you saw a goal post and heard Ooh Ahh Paul McGrah??  Dishonesty in addition to mind games is crass and a reflection of a damaged personality.

So, what you're suggesting here is utterly insane, and I suspect you know it and achieve some strange pleasure mindf-cking those who've only just met you. Like I said, your card is marked in my books. You are a provocateur in the mold of Roger Stone.  I revisited Ed Forum recently to see if it  had been corrupted similar to a number of Facebook forums.  Sadly this thread confirm that's the case.

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