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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

For the past year Russophobes have been saying (a) Putin was at death’s door and Russia was about to implode politically, economically and militarily, and (b) Russia was going to overrun Ukraine and Europe.

Such Orwellian doublethink typifies the West’s intellectual bankruptcy.

Putin had no intention of overrunning Ukraine?

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5 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Thanks John, and I appreciate your subjective interpretation of the videos Tucker has thus far seen fit to show you and the rest of his audience.


But, the question was, why didn't Trump release the remaining JFK files? He had The JFK Act to support doing so. Why didn't he?

Lane was labeled because he represented Carto and Spotlight as I recall. Another story for another day.

Well, I am Ben, not John! 

As I said, likely Trump caved in. Who knows? The CIA had some real dirt on Trump? Trump was a callow, transactional type. Did he cut a deal with the CIA? Who knows? 

But Biden is president now...and implementing a plan to deep-six the JFKA records in perpetuity. 

Ask resident lawyer Larry Schnapf about that. 

You should angry and railing at Biden, not me. 





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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



"Jacob Chansley, the January 6th protester cast by the media as a 'violent insurrectionist' and sentenced to nearly four years in federal prison, has been vindicated in the eyes of many, after new footage emerged last week which refutes the entire narrative surrounding the events of that day.


After reviewing footage withheld from the public by the January 6th Committee, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that Chansley (given the moniker "QAnon Shaman"), was calmly escorted throughout the Capitol complex by Capitol Police, who even helped him find open doors.

“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley," said Carlson. "They helped him. They acted as his tour guides," said Carlson.

Now, footage has emerged of Chansley telling protesters to go home after former President Donald Trump tweeted to his followers.

There is video of Mr Buffalo Horns advising the crowd to demonstrate peacefully. 
Some of what happened to Mr Buffalo Horns is what can and does happen to any defendant. 
The defendant, represented by a public defender, is a given a plea deal to sign. The federal government, with unlimited resources, essentially says something like this:
"Sign the plea deal (as written by the federal government, and with our  narrative), and you will do less time, and you will know the terms of the sentence.  If you do not sign the plea, we prosecute you, we will go for the maximum sentence of 25 years, and there is nearly an unlimited downside for you."
So the mentally challenged Mr. Buffalo Horns signed a plea deal.  
I am not a Trump supporter. Just calling a spade a spade. 

Benjamin, why not just state unequivocally you have no intention of watching the video that picks up after Chansley the Shaman enters the Chamber. We can conclude our echange.


Otherwise ... listen and watch ... knowing that Chansley's at the Speakers podium fully aware that he and the hoodlums standing with him, and those yelling the thrashing through files have terrified elected officials into fleeing the Chamber and that the peacefully transfer of Presidential power has been disrupted.


Please, have the intellectual integrity to either watch the video or admit that you've been propagandized by Carlson and ultimately billionaire Ruppert Murdoch.

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3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, I am Ben, not John! 

As I said, likely Trump caved in. Who knows? The CIA had some real dirt on Trump? Trump was a callow, transactional type. Did he cut a deal with the CIA? Who knows? 

But Biden is president now...and implementing a plan to deep-six the JFKA records in perpetuity. 

Ask resident lawyer Larry Schnapf about that. 

You should angry and railing at Biden, not me. 





I'm addressing hypocrisy, Benjamin. (and I apologized for confusing you with John, and said why.)

I'm following Larry, Bill and their team's progress closely.  I'm anxious that they add Jean Rene Souetre and INS records to the high priority list that is headed up with George Joannides, Morley's decades-long investment in the investigation. 

You may not be familiar with this level of detail of the assassination investigation?

Biden's feet must be held to the fire on the K files. Trump should be exposed as the Dopplegagner he was (and is) lest he win the 2024 election and employs his thugs - Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, et al — to extract retribution as he vowed at CPAC.

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27 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Putin had no intention of overrunning Ukraine?


I fail to see the relevance of your question to my post.

Could you explain it please?

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23 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Benjamin, why not just state unequivocally you have no intention of watching the video that picks up after Chansley the Shaman enters the Chamber. We can conclude our echange.


Otherwise ... listen and watch ... knowing that Chansley's at the Speakers podium fully aware that he and the hoodlums standing with him, and those yelling the thrashing through files have terrified elected officials into fleeing the Chamber and that the peacefully transfer of Presidential power has been disrupted.


Please, have the intellectual integrity to either watch the video or admit that you've been propagandized by Carlson and ultimately billionaire Ruppert Murdoch.

I watched the video. 

Mr Buffalo Horns does not strike me as a dangerous insurrectionist. 

He looks mentally challenged. He has zero followers.  No one even charged Chansley was connected to anyone else that day. 

Chansley had zero previous arrests anywhere. He was a homeless gadfly from Phoenix. 

As stated, Chansley was given the usual treatment of all defendants---plea, and sign the plea deal we wrote, or risk jail for a long, long, long time. (Except in Chansley's case, his case would be heard by a jury selected from the residents of DC, who are 95% Donk.)

This does not make me a Trump supporter. I am just calling a spade a spade. 

Chansley should be granted clemency and sent home (well, back to Phoenix. He does not have a home). 



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34 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Benjamin, why not just state unequivocally you have no intention of watching the video that picks up after Chansley the Shaman enters the Chamber. We can conclude our echange.


Otherwise ... listen and watch ... knowing that Chansley's at the Speakers podium fully aware that he and the hoodlums standing with him, and those yelling the thrashing through files have terrified elected officials into fleeing the Chamber and that the peacefully transfer of Presidential power has been disrupted.


Please, have the intellectual integrity to either watch the video or admit that you've been propagandized by Carlson and ultimately billionaire Ruppert Murdoch.


    To give you the back story, Ben Cole is the guy who has been claiming for the past year that Chansley is the key figure in Trump's J6 coup attempt-- while the rest of us, including the J6 Committee, have focused on Donald Trump and his coup co-conspirators, viewing Chansley as a minor, peripheral character in Trump's J6 travesty. 

   So, it's not surprising that Ben, Mathew Koch, John Cotter, Paul Rigby, et.al., have embraced Tucker Carlson's false J6 narrative focusing on Chansley, while assiduously avoiding Politifacts detailed debunking of Carlson's narrative.

   This has always been Ben's modus operandi-- dodging the contrary evidence that debunks his paradigm.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:


I fail to see the relevance of your question to my post.

Could you explain it please?

I fail to see the double-think in observing both Putin’s intention to overrun Ukraine and the severe domestic consequences of that intent.



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14 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I fail to see the double-think in observing both Putin’s intention to overrun Ukraine and the severe domestic consequences of that intent.



That's not the doublethink I referred to.

As @Matthew Kochsuggested, perhaps you should stick to your ice bullets theory.

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

That's not the doublethink I referred to.

You didn’t refer to a) the implosion of the Russian economy and b) Putin’s intent to overrun Ukraine as doublethink?

1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

As @Matthew Kochsuggested, perhaps you should stick to your ice bullets theory.

This is exactly what I’m talking about when I refer to the gutless “JFK Critical community”.  Won’t take “CIA conspiracy” for an answer.

The night of the autopsy the autopsists developed the theory that JFK was hit with a blood soluble round.

Care to explain, John, how that’s *my* theory?



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14 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Essential reading for some here. The mindset of these emotional, rabid animals is that anyone who doesn’t occupy their exact position or POV is Hitler. It’s intellectually lazy, lacking rationality or basic common sense. It’s also malicious. 

I haven’t seen anyone ‘far right’, ‘fascist’, ‘National Socialist’ or anything like it on the forum. Nobody even close. Is there even anyone here who identifies with any of the totalitarian ideologies? We may have some authoritarians. At the drop of a hat, those incapable or debate or any sort of reasoning just throw the mud, hoping some will stick. It highlights what a poor state society is in. Imagine calling traditional libertarians, racists fascists or third-reichers.


Imagine thinking in a world full of complexity with so much knowledge to be found for those looking, that they choose to look at the world in this tribal, myopic lens, where a human being can only be two things; ie in full support of the party and collectivism, or they’re a racist, transphobic, anti-semitic, far right, fascist, national socialist, white privileged, supporter of the patriarchy. The programming of media has left these types as social and intellectual vegetables. 


It may be worth considering that these types are not driven by kindness, compassion or bettering humanity. The shroud of virtue signallers often slips off and reveals their macabre intentions. As many psychologists have pointed out, resentment is a powerful emotion. 


Chris seconds Matthew's recommendation of "Everything I don't like is Hitler"


I'm sorry my time zones and proclivities don't  match up much at this time.
Let's be clear here. I've never called anyone here a Fascist. All my opposition being voiced now  just represents their uneasiness at being asked more probative questions about where their leanings lie.
So I see I now have successfully sucked in, and outed some posters here to their true leanings. Yet interestingly enough what lead to this great revealing was a really petty intolerance crying to the mods about a one sentence offhand very indirect reference to a "misunderstood historic figure" such as Hitler. I guess my silly comment about someone's personal "struggle" turned out to in fact be "a prophecy"of  a second coming now to  the forum of what we might have previously thought a "crypto"  right wing ideology, but  now coming to the fore!
I say "crypto" because  Chris by never identifying the leanings of his most esteemed writer certainly doesn't give reason for others to trust him. Le Bon's  leanings are important. Most of us are not so impressed by Chris's repeated recommendations and  don't have the time to research Le Bon. Why not just say who he is? Why specifically you like him?, and how does it specifically apply to today?
Those were always opportunities. But these are questions I found Chris can never answer. But on the other hand of course would cry, to the mods to censure, if he thought he was being unjustly maligned! What a surprise! Go ahead, Chris, just bury the mods in endless controversy because you take offense at the slightest thing, but can't  explain in any depth what your ideas really are. Make into a game, where all the mods have to take time out and study your complaints.
So Chris, Paul and Matthew, You're saying Hitler wasn't as bad as everyone thought. I don't have time to read your recommended reading.
You have the forum. What did Hitler get right? How is he misunderstood? I fully suspect Paul to be the most articulate, if he doesn't launch into the stratosphere and race away from us commoners.
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Side thought:

There have been more than 900 trials of Jan. 6 defendants. 

Despite the federal panopticon (they can read your emails, texts, listen to phone calls, Facebook posts---all retroactively---and know your location through your smartphone or vehicle license plates)...not one Jan. 6 defendant has been even been "linked" (that catch-all phrase of witch-hunts) to the Trump Administration. 

Some observers, even in this forum where there should be skepticism of M$M-official government narratives---have conflated the Jan. 6 scrum with the Trump Administration, or even Trump himself.

The sloppy M$M narrative.

Stay skeptical. If an M$M narrative flatters your political biases, then be extra skeptical.

That flattering or appealing narrative is by design, no? 

LHO was a leftie, loser, loner, right? 


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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

you miss the point entirely, Matthew.  Master Dirty Trickster Stone knows precisely what he's doing ... At some point, life begins to imitate their art, and what began as a media hoax takes on dangerously radical connotations. This point came when the Australian man charged with killing 51 people at mosques in New Zealand, made the OK gesture during a courtroom appearance after being arrested.

My theory on this is that Brenton has a double digit IQ like you do and thought the meme was real and not a joke.. Remember how I showed you that there are Neo (N)azis in the Azov Brigade. Brenton traveled to Ukraine and mentioned them in his manifest, he might have been live streaming it for them. 

Brenton Tarrant the Christ Church shooter who killed 51 people in a Mosque in New Zealand went on a world tour before planning and training for his massacre. One of the places he visited was Ukraine and in his Manifesto he mentioned the Azov Battalion. His manifesto is where the radicalized "White Replacement Theory" was popularized and why we hear ultra leftists mention it. It has been cited in copy cat killings in America like in El Paso and the Buffalo shooting. Buffalo shooter wore the black sun that Azov and many others wear in Ukraine on their kits (which is National Socialist based) and had a Azov flag. The Azov (N)azi thing is real but it's Neo and different than 1930 German National Socialism. 




https://www.thestatesman.com/opinion/ukraine-battleground-neo-National Socialists-1503052117.html




https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/oped/buffalo-shooter-drew-inspiration-from-ukrainian-neo-National Socialists-3818882




Gee you'd think if I was the White Supremest Anti Semite that you slander me as.. you'd think that I would be rooting for the Azov Hohols instead of the Ruskies. 

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Matt's NAFO buddies got BTFO'd the other day😝


Disaster: Russian Hypersonic Missiles Wipe Out US/NATO Secret Command in Kiev, Dozens of Top US Officers Vaporized


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46 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris seconds Matthew's recommendation of "Everything I don't like is Hitler"


I'm sorry my time zones and proclivities don't  match up much at this time.
Let's be clear here. I've never called anyone here a Fascist. All my opposition being voiced now  just represents their uneasiness at being asked more probative questions about where their leanings lie.
So I see I now have successfully sucked in, and outed some posters here to their true leanings. Yet interestingly enough what lead to this great revealing was a really petty intolerance crying to the mods about a one sentence offhand very indirect reference to a "misunderstood historic figure" such as Hitler. I guess my silly comment about someone's personal "struggle" turned out to in fact be "a prophecy"of  a second coming now to  the forum of what we might have previously thought a "crypto"  right wing ideology, but  now coming to the fore!
I say "crypto" because  Chris by never identifying the leanings of his most esteemed writer certainly doesn't give reason for others to trust him. Le Bon's  leanings are important. Most of us are not so impressed by Chris's repeated recommendations and  don't have the time to research Le Bon. Why not just say who he is? Why specifically you like him?, and how does it specifically apply to today?
Those were always opportunities. But these are questions I found Chris can never answer. But on the other hand of course would cry, to the mods to censure, if he thought he was being unjustly maligned! What a surprise! Go ahead, Chris, just bury the mods in endless controversy because you take offense at the slightest thing, but can't  explain in any depth what your ideas really are. Make into a game, where all the mods have to take time out and study your complaints.
So Chris, Paul and Matthew, You're saying Hitler wasn't as bad as everyone thought. I don't have time to read your recommended reading.
You have the forum. What did Hitler get right? How is he misunderstood? I fully suspect Paul to be the most articulate, if he doesn't launch into the stratosphere and race away from us commoners.

This is what the third time you've done this in the past couple of days?

Please delete your comment Kirk you are saying that Chris is a Crypto fascist and that I said Hitler wasn't as bad as everyone thought which I haven't.. Thus it is offensive.. Thanks 

BTW You're trying to be a lawyer, you use other words to say it like Kapo.. you have called people fascist through implication and other abstract words you called me a KAPO in this thread which has an offensive meaning..  



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