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26 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

I know that explicating ironic or metaphorical arguments in literal terms is problematic, but it mighty be worthwhile attempting it here.

Stripped of irony, your argument, as I understand it, is that (a) the vast preponderance of Dallas visit images showing a happy JFK doesn’t mean that (b) the fleeting images of him being assassinated are fake or non-existent.

Now, replace the (a) part of your comparator by “the voluminous footage of violent, chaotic or turbulent J6 scenes” and the (b) part by “the brief exculpatory footage of Jacob Chansley apparently being mutually respectfully and peacefully accompanied by police officers through the Capitol building (not to mention evidence of security stripping and agent provocateurs)”.

That’s what I meant when I suggested that you were arguing against yourself.

I will continue to post this video until the moderators insist I stop.  How in good conscious can you ignore the shaman's actions once he entered the Chamber.  And, for the record, the Capitol Police have debunked Carlson's editorial assessment of the footage you refer to ... the officers were leading Chansley in circles initially, waiting for back up as the hoards rushed into the building and made there way to join the shaman — who by then was near maniacal.  In fairness, prosecution should have, instead of recommending jail time, recommended long term psychiatric treatment for this poor guy whose mother raised him to hate the government.

If you refuse to view the video, and then address the seriousness of what you see and hear, it will be clear to me you are not on this thread in good faith.  


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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35 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

John ask Cliff about Ice Bullets and you'll have your answer as to who you are talking to. 😉💯

John, on the night of the autopsy, Humes, Boswell and Finck struggled to explain the shallow wound in the soft tissue between JFK's T3 and the upper margin of his right shoulder blade.  Same with the wound in the throat -- no exit, no bullet.  The doctors speculated that JFK was  struck with a blood soluble round, a high tech weapon they weren't sure existed.  They called it an "ice bullet."  They asked an FBI guy to call around to see if such a thing existed.

The Church Committee in 1975 revealed that the CIA developed blood soluble paralytics and toxins under the auspices of the US Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

The US government never made the painfully obvious connection between both of JFK's shallow wounds in soft tissue and the weaponry developed by the CIA's MKNAOMI.

The Mainstream Media never mentions it.  Neither do so-called JFKA "critical experts."

I find so-called "JFK assassination researchers" gutless.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Leslie now that I'm your teacher, I am giving you an F on your research project for posting MSNPC and using Wikipedia as your source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_Keepers


SO, if I were to use Leslie's logic that someone is a White Supremest for sharing someone on Twitter who has 2 Million followers... what does that make you since you literally worked for a White Supremest? Because HL Hunt is most definitely a white supremest💯

Here is a day in the life of Leslie, is this the kind of PR you did for HL Hunt?? LOL did you write what this lady is saying? 



sharing someone on Twitter who has 2 Million followers...And that's the most concerning of all, Matthew, otherwise I would ignore your adolescent antics entirely.  You're here as a provocateur.  Prove me wrong?  

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2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

sharing someone on Twitter who has 2 Million followers...And that's the most concerning of all, Matthew, otherwise I would ignore your adolescent antics entirely.  You're here as a provocateur.  Prove me wrong?  


Maybe try opening the links instead of spamming that video.. 

I literally just did 😉


Edited by Matthew Koch
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21 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I've been on an all night flight. Quite a firestorm here.

About Chris's fixation on Fascist, Le Bon.

Chris:Think about it, it’s been a manual for understanding the popular mind and how people behave in a group. You’ve just named some of the most famous  effective propagandists in history. Learning how its done will help you identify when the techniques are being used on you. That was my primary reason for reading it.


Again, stop bs'ing us Chris. You've showcased this Le Bon probably 5 times. And there's never been a mention of even, "This is a quote from Gustave  Le Bon, who was actually an influential writer to both Hitler and Mussolini.  I posted this so we should always be aware of the rhetoric Fascists may use to influence people." But never was there a word about him being a fascist. That was just immaterial, wasn't it Chris?
Of course you didn't say that.You never gave any real explanation of why you were such a fanboy of Le Bon , but somehow you were confident in your thinking , just the weight of these  words will resonate with everyone here, which was one in just a series of miscalculations you've made. This is the  most quoted statement that you over and over have declared on this forum for yourself. 
Could Leslie be any more right about Chris being the forum's foremost pseudo psychologist?
Something about the Old World rigidity of 100 year old European fascist writing has a rather corny ( or maybe corn syrup?) strange  appeal to you. Even though by today's standards, it's not the least sophisticated and seems almost midieval.
Ok, let's digress a bit. You rail on, curiously with Cotter about equality of outcomes in life, as if that's such a profound concept.  Oh duh, who in this life has ever seen equality of outcome.?
What is important, and it's not to say it always happens,  is that all people should have equal rights before the law and it's apparent to anyone with any kind of trained mind that this asshole is giving his justification and  scheming  to disenfranchise people by hook or by crook, and sees them as only a means to an end. And you're trying to rewrite your history that all along you were only trying to warn us about how fascist's control people? We've had about 7 year real life  education on this, thank you!  Again, stop bs'ing us Chris, you really eat up on this sh-t, like a dog with a bone.  and that's the way you've always portrayed it, before Le bon was exposed..
We've had people sort of like this in the U.S. There was Lee Atwater  and Karl Rove, they also were scumbags, but they are historically small time up to now, and were willing to abide by elections. But this guy  was an inspiration to Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. Ok, but, but you admire his powers of manipulation, Do you Chris? Do you really  aspire to such power?
So how's that been working for you on the forum?
heh heh.



In relation to one point in your rather incoherent post, it seems that you fail to understand that the relationship between Hitler and Gustave Le Bon is somewhat comparable to the relationship between Hitler and Friedrich Nietzsche.


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30 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Boy is it sad that I have to educate you every time I reply to you. Apparently you are unaware of the campaign by 4/Chan to make dumb leftoids think the OK symbol is a hate symbol.. Thats why people like Milo Yiannopolis, Roger Stone and Jack Posobiec are doing it to T roll people like you that aren't capable of doing their own research. 





you miss the point entirely, Matthew.  Master Dirty Trickster Stone knows precisely what he's doing ... At some point, life begins to imitate their art, and what began as a media hoax takes on dangerously radical connotations. This point came when the Australian man charged with killing 51 people at mosques in New Zealand, made the OK gesture during a courtroom appearance after being arrested.

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4 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Benjamin, why didn't Trump release all of the records?  And I hope you don't roll out Napolitano and the suggestion "he was just too afraid".  Where was all this bluster from the new and corrupted research community when Trump backed down? Has anyone asked Roger Stone about this?

Trump caved in, IMHO. 

BTW, I am not a Trump supporter. IMHO his character is deficient.

One can hold Trump in low regard and also Biden in low regard. Biden is president now, however. 

I agree with some of Trump's policies, on immigration, trade, and interventionism. 

I also disagree with the premise that someone who thinks Biden is a craven creature of the Deep State (on trade, foreign policy and interventionism) must, ergo, be a Trump Supporter. 

There has been a string of narratives in the M$M of late that have not held water. 

1. The Columbia Journalism Review, a solidly deeply liberal platform, has 24,000-word article up that Russiagate was a hoax. 

2. The Wuhan lab leak farrago of lies and censorship. 

3. The Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation" story.

4. The "Brian Sicknick was murdered by the mob" narrative. 

5. The "Mr. Buffalo Horns was a dangerous insurrectionist" narrative. 

None of this makes me a Trump supporter. I am just calling a spade a spade. 

I happen to be a liberal on most issues, but even if I was conservative, I would still care about the truth on the JFKA. 

Should I be labeled a "commie sympathizer" for wanting the truth on the JFKA, and not accepting the official narrative that LHO was a leftie, loser, loner? 

I was too young back in the day, but Mark Lane was so labeled....

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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Fascinating story. 

The federal regulation of the banking industry is, like most regulatory edifices, heavily influenced by the regulated.

They regulated are the ones who follow legislation, hire the lawyers, do the lobbying, etc. 

The rest of us are trying to make a living, and voting based on some sort of culture wars cues....

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15 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


For the past year Russophobes have been saying (a) Putin was at death’s door and Russia was about to implode politically, economically and militarily, and (b) Russia was going to overrun Ukraine and Europe.

Such Orwellian doublethink typifies the West’s intellectual bankruptcy.

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39 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:


Maybe try opening the links instead of spamming that video.. 

I literally just did 😉


If you're referring to the Hunt vid, I've watched it, along with several similar. I worked around those who inherited his philosophy. Had you read Coup, you would know that we have Jacques Godard stating the funding for Aginter originated in part from Dallas oilmen including H. L. Hunt.  So, if you want Hunt's head on a platter, you have to accept the rest of the evidence we present in Coup, including the direct involvement of neo-Fascist generals Edwin Walker — who Hunt supported financially — and Charles Willoughby — who was added to Hunt's payroll after the hit in Dealey. It was Walker who got tossed out of the military on his ear for promoting fringe right JBS propaganda to his troops in Germany ... as should have Trump's favorite Gen. Mike Flynn and his brother who btw played a pivotal role in the immediate assault on the Capitol.  But then, I'm guessing you ignore these details, and the parallels with Cold War fanatical N-azi sympathizers in America involved or supportive of the plot to murder Kennedy in Dallas.

As you know, I summarize most of this in the Postscript.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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40 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Trump caved in, IMHO. 

BTW, I am not a Trump supporter. IMHO his character is deficient.

One can hold Trump in low regard and also Biden in low regard. Biden is president now, however. 

I agree with some of Trump's policies, on immigration, trade, and interventionism. 

I also disagree with the premise that someone who thinks Biden is a craven creature of the Deep State (on trade, foreign policy and interventionism) must, ergo, be a Trump Supporter. 

There has been a string of narratives in the M$M of late that have not held water. 

1. The Columbia Journalism Review, a solidly deeply liberal platform, has 24,000-word article up that Russiagate was a hoax. 

2. The Wuhan lab leak farrago of lies and censorship. 

3. The Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation" story.

4. The "Brian Sicknick was murdered by the mob" narrative. 

5. The "Mr. Buffalo Horns was a dangerous insurrectionist" narrative. 

None of this makes me a Trump supporter. I am just calling a spade a spade. 

I happen to be a liberal on most issues, but even if I was conservative, I would still care about the truth on the JFKA. 

Should I be labeled a "commie sympathizer" for wanting the truth on the JFKA, and not accepting the official narrative that LHO was a leftie, loser, loner? 

I was too young back in the day, but Mark Lane was so labeled....

Thanks Benjamin (and apologies John ... I met the lot of you in one fell swoop and am adjusting to the individualism because to be honest, occasionally it seems to me you move in a pack), and I appreciate your subjective interpretation of the videos Tucker has thus far seen fit to show you and the rest of his audience.


But, the question was, why didn't Trump release the remaining JFK files? He had The JFK Act to support doing so. Why didn't he?

Lane was labeled because he represented Carto and Spotlight as I recall. Another story for another day.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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"Jacob Chansley, the January 6th protester cast by the media as a 'violent insurrectionist' and sentenced to nearly four years in federal prison, has been vindicated in the eyes of many, after new footage emerged last week which refutes the entire narrative surrounding the events of that day.


After reviewing footage withheld from the public by the January 6th Committee, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that Chansley (given the moniker "QAnon Shaman"), was calmly escorted throughout the Capitol complex by Capitol Police, who even helped him find open doors.

“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley," said Carlson. "They helped him. They acted as his tour guides," said Carlson.

Now, footage has emerged of Chansley telling protesters to go home after former President Donald Trump tweeted to his followers.

There is video of Mr Buffalo Horns advising the crowd to demonstrate peacefully. 
Some of what happened to Mr Buffalo Horns is what can and does happen to any defendant. 
The defendant, represented by a public defender, is a given a plea deal to sign. The federal government, with unlimited resources, essentially says something like this:
"Sign the plea deal (as written by the federal government, and with our  narrative), and you will do less time, and you will know the terms of the sentence.  If you do not sign the plea, we prosecute you, we will go for the maximum sentence of 25 years, and there is nearly an unlimited downside for you."
So the mentally challenged Mr. Buffalo Horns signed a plea deal.  
I am not a Trump supporter. Just calling a spade a spade. 
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