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3 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Matt Gaetz has also now tested positive.

All those guys sitting around plotting voter fraud lawsuits are now giving it to each other.

Steve Thomas

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My wife wanted to know what the Biden people were going to do with all that coffee.

"Coffee"?, I asked.

She said, "Yeah. Every time somebody new in the Trump Administration got arrested, Donald Trump would say, "I didn't really know him. He just made coffee."" " I figure there's a ton of the stuff laying around."

Steve Thomas

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51 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

My wife wanted to know what the Biden people were going to do with all that coffee.

"Coffee"?, I asked.

She said, "Yeah. Every time somebody new in the Trump Administration got arrested, Donald Trump would say, "I didn't really know him. He just made coffee."" " I figure there's a ton of the stuff laying around."

Steve Thomas


Trump has inspired a million hilarious and well deserved anecdotes.

Damon Runyan couldn't do him justice.

His crazy presidential legacy will provide new material for comedy routines for years.

One can only imagine the films eventually made about Trump.  Future generations will be asking us who lived through his time as president..."was this guy real?"

Edited by Joe Bauer
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They have officially called the state of Pennsylvania as a Biden victory and declared Joe Biden the winner of the Electorial vote with a total of 273.

Meanwhile the president arrived at his Trump National Golf Club Saturday morning as his path to securing reelection continues to narrow.

Trump falsely tweeted Saturday morning "I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!"

Twitter flagged the tweet saying, "Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted."


Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and New York Times follow suit after NBC Biden victory pronouncement.

And now, even FOX NEWS has declared Joe Biden as our new President!



Edited by Joe Bauer
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17 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Essentially, Chris, I, and many of us here, don't hope for "Change."  We hope for improvement, which four more years of Trumpfinger cannot even legitimately promise.  Neither have the Democrats made any legitimate promises.  I'm just tired of this grande buffo taking up every five-letter space on the internet through an unceasing procession of lies, threats, boasts, incompetence and embarrassments.  So, small-c change is infinitely preferable - that, and an encouragement for the political types he fosters, low and high, to crawl back into their holes.

I can't argue with those words David, as you're seeing it as it is. I think we all would like change for the better. I just think those thinking Biden/Harris are here to do that will be sat in 4 years seeing no change of course. From across the Atlantic this rioting, looting and lawlessness seems appalling and at least from where I am standing I can't blame that on Trump, I sure can point the finger at the political left. It's a a dangerous game thats been played. 

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20 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

We'll know soon enough how committed to democracy he is. Right now, it appears not so much.

You're right, we'll see. But, perhaps we'd kid ourselves there is democracy. Was it Mark Twain who said; "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it" or something like that. 🙂

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19 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

What a load of crap this is.  trump  had cornered the market in word slurs and forgetfulness

We have been through pure de poo and then you come on here with I don't know what the hell going on about somethin'  Hopefully, this is a light at the end of a tunnel for us , and it burns a helluva lot brighter than what we've been through. I want some damn peace and quiet, and  that COVID is addressed, PPE is manufactured, children are reunited with their parents, Natl Parks and Indian lands are not longer breached for corporate gain., stimulus is addressed., and Reality Winner is freed. And maybe Vindman, Yates, etc. will get some sort of apology instead of being talked down by some snots Republican Congressman. (Thank God Doug Collins is gone) I've never seen so many woosies in my life as the spines of foam Republican congress. 

I am sick to death of trump's actions on the national stage too. This will not go away tomorrow, but Biden is exactly the kind of person who could mend fences. Whether you like him or not, i don't have a care.  Many Senators really like him. He's a good man.



I think we all want most of those things Kathy (light at the end of the tunnel) but, just remember, the media chooses what to cover, you choose how much so called news to watch or read. I would suggest for anyone working busily or indulging in their passions for the past 4 years that they may not have seen much of Donald at all. In contrast if you sit glued to CNN all day every day, or FOX, you'd probably be close to insanity right but, I don't think Biden's cognitive decline is related to that, he's one step away from going out for a walk and forgetting his way home. As covered above, picking younger candidates might be an idea. 

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As W. Neiderhut and R. Burrows and others have stated "the nightmare is over."

David Andrew's "Trumpfinger" is toast.

As Don Rickles would say..."It's Over!" ... "It's Over!"





Edited by Joe Bauer
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41 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

As W. Neiderhut and R. Burrows and others have stated "the nightmare is over."

David Andrew's "Trumpfinger" is toast.

As Don Rickles would say..."It's Over!" ... "It's Over!"


Trump had a dozen-odd years to pretend to be a TV star.  He had four years to pretend to be president.  Now he can go squat at Mar-a-Lago and pretend to be Al Capone.

He'll have another best-selling book: Trump: The Lost Art of Winning.

Just imagine his whiny, pouty, accusatory concession speech.  Or will he make one?

Edited by David Andrews
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