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16 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

I dunno. Judges and juries are pretty good at sorting out this kind of thing. They get it right most of the time. You and I rarely get all the information and nuances.

I suspect Alberts was facing a trespassing type of charge to begin with and that ramped up after the superseding indictments.

Well, they knew on Jan. 6 Alberts was armed and that is what the first indictment said. 

"On or about January 6, 2021, within the District of Columbia, CHRISTOPHER ALBERTS, did carry and have readily accessible, a firearm, that is, a Taurus G2C semi-automatic handgun, on the United States Capitol Grounds and in any of the Capitol Buildings."


"On or about January 6, 2021, within the District of Columbia, CHRISTOPHER ALBERTS, did possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device. (Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device, in violation of Title 22, District of Columbia Code, Section 2506.0l(b)(2001 ed.))"

I do not understand how someone carries a Taurus into the Capital grounds on Jan. 6, and a large capacity ammunition feeding device...is arrested...and is let go on Jan. 7. 


Mr. Buffalo Horns, despite his signature regalia, deftly slipped through the incredibly porous Capital Police Department lines (well, they only have 3,500 officers), and fled back to Phoenix. 

Really, the whole 1/6 scrum is fishy, and I smell a rat.  





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23 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Do you have an opinion about a 20 year sentence for Donald Trump and his Willard Hotel cabal for conspiring to obstruct Congress's certification of a U.S. Presidential election?

    Ginni Thomas?

It's chalk full of imponderables I'm afraid. Not a simple question at all. Many of the issues revolve around First Amendment claims for any of these slime balls and I'd imagine a criminal conviction would be difficult without a direct, physical act that either could or did result in preventing the body from performing its function. Very technical and IANAL so take it for what it's worth.

My question would be are these people being prosecuted for being wrong? Stupid? Mentally disabled (Sydney Powell)? 

If Ginni asked Meadows to look into whatever is that a crime?

With the Republican party now slithering around lower than just about any group who has ever graced the shores they're apt to take up and sell any idea or proposal as long as they retain power in the end. There is a reason they're the preferred party of the pedophiles and white nationalists. Many of them are that low - a very high percentage compared to the general population (5-10%??). The rest are made up mostly of opportunists and "low-information voters" (or the easily duped), who need to be continuously sold on "the big steal" to keep the con going and collect money.

That's the single biggest reason Trump keeps selling that bilge water - and everyone of the surface scum of Trump World knows it. Every. Single. One. In fact many of them are cashing in on the big con.

Edited by Bob Ness
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29 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, they knew on Jan. 6 Alberts was armed and that is what the first indictment said. 

"On or about January 6, 2021, within the District of Columbia, CHRISTOPHER ALBERTS, did carry and have readily accessible, a firearm, that is, a Taurus G2C semi-automatic handgun, on the United States Capitol Grounds and in any of the Capitol Buildings."

He was originally arrested outside and did not enter the building (or wasn't charged at that point). The arrest was for carrying a gun on Capitol grounds. He'll get his due I'm sure.

40 U.S. Code§ 5104(e)(1)(A)(i) did carry or have readily accessible, on the Grounds of the United States Capitol Building, a firearm and ammunition, that is, a Taurus G2C, 9mm handgun and 9mm caliber ammunition. - Criminal Complaint

"Based on the foregoing, I submit that there is probable cause to believe that the ALBERTS violated 40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(1)(A)(i), which makes it a crime to, among other things, carry or have readily accessible a firearm or other dangerous weapon on Capitol Grounds. - Statement of Facts

Chansley went by different names, had no address apparently and was facing a substantial prison sentence. He did go into the building armed (flagpole) and was a flight risk. There's nothing suspicious about it.

The rats exist right out in the open - Trumpsters sold a bill of goods, that they're still buying I might add. It's not sneaky FBI agents.


Edited by Bob Ness
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21 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

He was originally arrested outside and did not enter the building (or wasn't charged at that point). The arrest was for carrying a gun on Capitol grounds. He'll get his due I'm sure.

40 U.S. Code§ 5104(e)(1)(A)(i) did carry or have readily accessible, on the Grounds of the United States Capitol Building, a firearm and ammunition, that is, a Taurus G2C, 9mm handgun and 9mm caliber ammunition. - Criminal Complaint

"Based on the foregoing, I submit that there is probable cause to believe that the ALBERTS violated 40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(1)(A)(i), which makes it a crime to, among other things, carry or have readily accessible a firearm or other dangerous weapon on Capitol Grounds. - Statement of Facts

Chansley went by different names, had no address apparently and was facing a substantial prison sentence. He did go into the building armed (flagpole) and was a flight risk. There's nothing suspicious about it.

The rats exist right out in the open - Trumpsters sold a bill of goods, that they're still buying I might add. It's not sneaky FBI agents.


Here's the thing: The Trump people can be thoroughly rotten, and there can also be national-security-state instigated events and affiliated media coverage to "get" the Trump. 

I once wrote a story about Nixon (a war criminal) who requested the Bay of Pigs file from Helms and the CIA. And was sandbagged. 

That is an intolerable arrangement when the President cannot see a file that he requests from an intel agency. 

By writing that story, I was not a "Nixon supporter" or apologist. 

I was just pointing out what happened, and that a dangerous precedent or standard existed. 

Washington is a town where the long knives are carried by all parties. Trump had some long knives stuck into him. 

I just call as I see it. 

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Ben- Only people that entered the Capitol are being charged in the tranche of 1/6 related arrests.

I think we've relayed that fact to you a few hundred times at this point...

Your Alberts fellow broke DC gun laws, and is being charged with... breaking DC gun laws. Just like any person that breaks them, any other day of the year.

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20 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- Only people that entered the Capitol are being charged in the tranche of 1/6 related arrests.

I think we've relayed that fact to you a few hundred times at this point...

Your Alberts fellow broke DC gun laws, and is being charged with... breaking DC gun laws. Just like any person that breaks them, any other day of the year.


Here is a section of the original complaint:

"(Alberts) did carry or have readily accessible, on the Grounds of the United States Capitol Building, a firearm and ammunition, that is, a Taurus G2C, 9mm handgun and 9mm caliber ammunition."


Yes, Alberts was arrested on the grounds of the US Capitol. 

DC Metro Police made the actual and forcible arrest.

I would like to know what Alberts said or did, or what information was revealed, that enabled Alberts to be released the very next day on his own recognizance. 

Mr Buffalo Horns, in contrast voluntarily turned himself in to the FBI in Phoenix and was immediately clapped into irons and has not been on the outside since.

This strikes me as fishy. 





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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I would like to know what Alberts said or did, or what information was revealed, that enabled Alberts to be released the very next day on his own recognizance. 

The charging office wanted him detained. The judge denied the detention - COVID? I don't know what the mystery is. Happens every day in court.

The Grand Jury has now returned indictments for something like ten different charges, so I doubt he'll get off easy and I seriously doubt he's a double-secret FBI agent or something.

He's one of the millions of chumps that Trump is playing for money. A mark. Believe me that's what Trump is doing and he was quite successful with it for a time.

The marks are so far into the con at this point they can't possibly admit to themselves they've been played for fools. That's the definition of the ideal con game. A lot of Madoff's victims never came forward because they didn't want people to know they'd been had. Happens a lot. It's classic and Trump knows it well, as do most con artists.

Years ago I researched the subject extensively for a project and the famous cons, like from the movie The Sting, will tell you how to identify the person right away. They inappropriately compliment their marks - they get your confidence by giving you theirs. Sociopathic behavior all the way.

Sorry - I digress.

Trump wasn't set up. He was recognized for what he was.

Edited by Bob Ness
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1 hour ago, Bob Ness said:

The charging office wanted him detained. The judge denied the detention - COVID? I don't know what the mystery is. Happens every day in court.

The Grand Jury has now returned indictments for something like ten different charges, so I doubt he'll get off easy and I seriously doubt he's a double-secret FBI agent or something.

He's one of the millions of chumps that Trump is playing for money. A mark. Believe me that's what Trump is doing and he was quite successful with it for a time.

The marks are so far into the con at this point they can't possibly admit to themselves they've been played for fools. That's the definition of the ideal con game. A lot of Madoff's victims never came forward because they didn't want people to know they'd been had. Happens a lot. It's classic and Trump knows it well, as do most con artists.

Years ago I researched the subject extensively for a project and the famous cons, like from the movie The Sting, will tell you how to identify the person right away. They inappropriately compliment their marks - they get your confidence by giving you theirs. Sociopathic behavior all the way.

Sorry - I digress.

Trump wasn't set up. He was recognized for what he was.

On Alberts: No, I doubt he was an official secret agent, but possibly a federal informant, plant, or instigator.

Regardless of politics, and against Islamic, left-wing or right-wing groups, the FBI and other agencies have used hundreds and possibly thousands of plants, informants and instigators in recent years, as copiously recorded. The whole Gov. Whitmer case is looking iffy.  

These plants, informants and instigators can go off the rails, even while plied with federal money.

The reason I bring this up, is that before the JFKA, the CIA was running thousands of Cuban exiles in the US and nations along the Caribbean, and also ex-military guys, some mercenaries and so on. They are not employees, but they are assets, and they are not controlled in the manner of employees or soldiers in uniform. 

There are grounds to suspect a few of the CIA-run Cuban exiles splintered off, and performed the JFKA. 

So, there are precedents to suspect such individuals could play a role in public political events. 

That does not mean Trump was a nice guy. In politics, there can be more than two teams on the field at once. And alliances and loyalties are as thick as a dollar bill. 



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Ginni Thomas and the truckers' convoy: Why the right seeks refuge in conspiracy theories

by Amanda Marcotte, Salon


Ultimately, what Thomas and the truckers are coming up against is a problem that's plagued the GOP for so long that I wrote an entire book about it: Their actual beliefs are indefensible by any reasonable or evidence-based standard. So, instead of making their arguments directly, they swaddle them in lies and conspiracy theories. They rail against vaccine mandates that don't exist. They rave about election theft that didn't happen. All to justify that which cannot be justified on its own: Their belief that they are entitled to rule no matter what. And the more unjustifiable their actual beliefs become, the deeper they dive down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, rather than face the truth of what they've become."


Steve Thomas

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South Dakota Tribal Leaders Say Hotel Banning Native Americans Is Trespassing

A hotel owner wrote a racist rant against Native Americans. Now the Great Sioux Nation is asking the hotel to evacuate its lands immediately, citing treaties.

By  Andre Ellington Mar. 28, 2022


“In a now-deleted Facebook post, Connie Uhre, owner of the Grand Gateway Hotel in Rapid City, wrote that she wouldn’t allow Native Americans to enter the hotel after a shooting took place there, citing vandalism and “Natives killing Natives.”

“[Due] to the killing that took place at the Grand Gateway Hotel on March 19, 2022 at 4 am plus all the vandalism we have had since the Mayor and Police Department are working with the non profit organization (Dark Money). We will no longer allow any Native American on property,” Uhre wrote, adding that she would also ban Native Americans from the sports bar inside the hotel. “

“Meanwhile, tribal leaders issued a Notice To Trespass order to the hotel over the weekend, citing the hotel for being in violation of provisions of the “Treaty with the Sioux, April 29, 1868.”

The treaty states that “no white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy any portion of the [land north of the North Platte River or east of the summits of the Big Horn Mountains]; or without the consent of the Indians first had and obtained, to pass through the same.”

The Great Sioux Nation is instructing the Grand Gateway Hotel to evacuate immediately.

“You are further notified that the Great Sioux Nation, in order to prevent further trespass upon said land, may … take possession, destroy, or remove said property at your expense,” the order states. “”


Good enough for ya.

Steve Thomas

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10 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

He's one of the millions of chumps that Trump is playing for money. A mark. Believe me that's what Trump is doing and he was quite successful with it for a time.

The marks are so far into the con at this point they can't possibly admit to themselves they've been played for fools. That's the definition of the ideal con game. A lot of Madoff's victims never came forward because they didn't want people to know they'd been had. Happens a lot. It's classic and Trump knows it well, as do most con artists.

Years ago I researched the subject extensively for a project and the famous cons, like from the movie The Sting, will tell you how to identify the person right away. They inappropriately compliment their marks - they get your confidence by giving you theirs. Sociopathic behavior all the way.

Sorry - I digress.

Trump wasn't set up. He was recognized for what he was.

Exactly correct. This simple assessment is the essence of Trump.

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