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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

There's no reason to think Putin told that guy the truth about anything.

Putin is very much the same as Trump; when you add up all the statements they make in a given day, you'll find the majority are lies.

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:


10 Top Democratic candidates for President in 2024 ranked by the Washington Post



The guy that wrote this is out of his mind if he thinks the U.S. would elect a woman as President in 2024. Sadly, the MAGA cult will likely still have just enough influence to keep that from happening. But the first woman to win the Presidency will be a Republican.

Gavin Newsom will likely be the next Dem President after Biden, but when exactly that will happen is completely unclear. Might not be until 2032.

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3 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The guy that wrote this is out of his mind if he thinks the U.S. would elect a woman as President in 2024. Sadly, the MAGA cult will likely still have just enough influence to keep that from happening. But the first woman to win the Presidency will be a Republican.

Gavin Newsom will likely be the next Dem President after Biden, but when exactly that will happen is completely unclear. Might not be until 2032.


Sure, the US would elect a woman president. Why do you say that?

Hillary Clinton won a majority of the popular vote in 2016, after a campaign designed to be dull. Trump squeaked through in the Electoral College. 

I do think the Donks need to go back to their base, which should be every employee in America, a voting bloc of 160 million people. 

It may be that if the Donks go woke, they will lose in 2024, whoever they run. The nice thing for the Donks is that the 'Phants also look like they want to self-immolate. 

The experts say the Donks are going to get pasted in 2022 mid-terms. That seems to be in the bag for the 'Phants. But there are a few months yet.

If Biden can pull off a miracle in Ukraine, and develop a housing policy that actually produces millions of units of more housing...maybe there is hope for the Donks in 2024. Border security is an issue for people all over the world---why do the Donks misstep so badly on this one? 

I think a centrist Hispanic woman, right on the issues from the labor perspective, could win.  For either party, btw. 


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Ben- of course the U.S. will eventually elect a woman President. But not in 2024. The GOP nominee will be DeSantis, not some Republican woman. And the only woman the Dems could nominate without insane internal squabbling would be Kamala Harris, who unfortunately has poor popularity numbers, although I'd be perfectly happy to vote for her myself.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- of course the U.S. will eventually elect a woman President. But not in 2024. The GOP nominee will be DeSantis, not some Republican woman. And the only woman the Dems could nominate without insane internal squabbling would be Kamala Harris, who unfortunately has poor popularity numbers, although I'd be perfectly happy to vote for her myself.

I haven't followed DeSantis much. 

Kamala Harris has not impressed me, now now or ever ( I am a Californian). Sadly, she is someone in the game so long, that they "triangulate" everything. Not necessarily a bad person, but just wonder what her vision is, or if she has one.  

Sheesh, anyone in politics lives in a world suffused, infused, and refused with money for so long, that their idea of a commoner is someone making $600,000 a year.  That's the milieu. 

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Aleksandr Dugin is Putin's main literary geopolitical  influence.  In this 2017 interview. He says he wants a re establishment of a Russian empire to it's proper place as co equals to the U.S. and China, sort of bridging the gap as Eurasia. And annexing Ukraine is an integral part of that.

Unfortunately he thinks Putin is a bit of pussy, because he's done nothing toward that end in 17 years. Putin is pushing 70 this year. Putin  thinks if he's going to be a great Russian historical figure, times running out and he's going to have to push it now, at least as far as he can.

A more detailed interview by the BBC below .


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One of the things I have always valued about this forum is the general commitment here to discerning and telling the truth about our "untold history" and relevant contemporary events.  It has been an intellectual sanctuary in a society awash in mass media disinformation.

Some people, more recently, seem to be promoting the false premise that all points of view about history and current events are equally valid and deserving of respect-- regardless of the actual facts.

Posting the facts and standing up for the truth, in this view, is viewed as discourteous-- i.e., we should all be tolerant and respectful of falsehoods.

In contrast, the great English sage, Samuel Johnson, once told James Boswell that there is nothing rude or unethical about being indignant about falsehoods regarding issues that really matter.

For example, if a POTUS tries to violently overturn a U.S. election that he lost, we should be morally indignant.  Our democracy and the rule of law matter. 

A related false premise is that, "No one has a monopoly on truth."

The problem with this kind of solipsistic, fact-free relativism and false equivalence is that it may result in a betrayal of the public good, of humanity.  And humanity can also be betrayed by silence about things that really matter, as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. often said.

We can all agree that JFK's murder was a betrayal of humanity.  Almost all of us feel morally indignant about the murder.  And we speak up to advocate the truth, based on the known facts.  We also feel morally indignant about the coverup of the murder, the lies-- at least I do.

The same thing can be said about contemporary political issues that matter to humanity.

There is nothing rude about confronting the destructive falsehoods in our society and mass media.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Putin Prepared to Use Nuclear Weapons—Khrushchev's Great-granddaughter (msn.com)

There's no guarantee any of Russia's weapons even function correctly.

If anyone in the world is likely to accidentally destroy his own country with a defective nuclear weapon, it's Putin.

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- Donald Trump -

"“Happy Easter to all including the Radical Left Maniacs who are doing everything possible to destroy our Country,"


Pace on Earth. Good will towards men.


Let's bring that into our lives everyday again.

Steve Thomas

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1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:

- Donald Trump -

"“Happy Easter to all including the Radical Left Maniacs who are doing everything possible to destroy our Country,"

Pace on Earth. Good will towards men.


Let's bring that into our lives everyday again.

Steve Thomas

It's always lies and projection with him, isn't it? Always.

Funny thing, if you replace the word "left" with "GOP" in his screed, you have an actual true statement about MAGA world.

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What is the War in Ukraine?

It's a Holy War!

Just ask Russia.

"During Friday’s edition of the program The Big Game on Channel One, deputy of the State Duma Vyacheslav Nikonov claimed: “In the modern world, we are the embodiment of the forces of good. This is a metaphysical clash between the forces of good and evil... We’re on the side of good against absolute evil, represented by the Ukrainian nationalist battalions... and the American temple of Satan, located in Salem, expressed its support for Ukraine. This is truly a holy war, a holy war we’re waging and we must win.”


Steve Thomas

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I was wondering when the transexual issue would be brought to the fore in Ukraine. Leave it to CIA mouthpiece Rolling Stone

BTW, I believe in the forceful kinetic repulsion of the Russian invasion, which might actually be de-escalatory.

And I totally support people's right to their private lives, or to choose their religion or lifestyles, etc. Live and let live.

But M$M has become rather predictable---a perfect story for Rolling Stone.  

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