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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Of course we're accustom to Ben repeatedly voicing his feelings about "absolute free speech", (which of course is protected under "free speech" heh heh ) but there may be some conflict of interest between another of Ben's most repeated warnings about China. A point I share. China is a key market for Tesla's cars. But not the only point I have against Musk.
Let's  do a 360 on this!


Andre Ross Sorkin: But some will have sway over him, too, in ways that could distort what the public sees on Twitter. For example, Twitter has no presence in China. Musk does: A huge chunk of Tesla’s growth is dependent on that country. What happens when Chinese officials tell him to remove content from Twitter that they find objectionable?

Another tweet. I'm sorry I lost the author.


Back here in the U.S., Musk’s SpaceX business relies, in large part, on contracts with the Defense Department. His Tesla business is in discussions with the U.S. government about a national charging station infrastructure. His Boring Company, which digs tunnels, relies on governments for contracts. If a politician that controls the purse strings for any of Musk’s companies were to publish misinformation, would Musk remove it?


But now Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, response!

Bezos: Interesting question. Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage over the town square?
Apropos of something: -Tesla's second-biggest market in 2021 was China (after the US) -Chinese battery makers are major suppliers for Tesla's EVs. -After 2009, when China banned Twitter, the government there had almost no leverage over the platform -That may have just changed
So that's the choice we everyday people are being given, the choice between billionaires???

But then, maybe Musk taking over twitter isn't "absolute free speech, as Ben had hoped? Still I'm a little confused.

Musk: By “free speech”, I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.




You deserve a pat on the head for your concern about the CCP-Beijing-Xi influence in the US. 

Disney, Apple, NBA, NBC, GM, Tesla, WalMart, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock and who knows who else are deep into bed with the CCP. If you do business in China, you are doing business with the CCP. 

Sooner or later, the CCP will tell Musk to limit content on Twitter. Maybe we will not even know it happened. Algorithms will change.

Still, US social and mass media (and Twitter in particular) already tipped their hand when they censored the Wuhan lab leak story. 

Can it get worse than that? 

We will find out. 


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On 4/26/2022 at 8:07 PM, W. Niederhut said:

         Toxic disinformation is a very serious, even deadly, problem for humanity.  The examples are legion.

         Who among us advocates false advertising?  Toxic snake oil sales?

         Can we rely on self-interested capitalist profiteers to adequately police it?  The concept is laughable.  Look at Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer, Phil Anschutz, et.al.

         Industrial and media tycoons have never been motivated chiefly by concern for the public welfare.  They want profits, low tax rates, and government de-regulation of fraudulence, pollution, etc.

         How many times must we re-experience the societal destruction of Gilded Age Robber Baron-ism before we finally acknowledge that unregulated, laissez faire capitalism-- in any business, including media-- can potentially damage the public welfare?

        Only constructive governance-- in the public interest-- can protect the public from unscrupulous profiteers, including media moguls.

        Some Republicans have been outraged recently about the belated, feeble attempts by a few social media corporations to protect the American public from toxic disinformation-- e.g., false information undermining public health interventions during the deadly COVID pandemic, and Trump's dishonest rabble-rousing after losing the 2020 election.

       Let's recall that Trump was only kicked off of Twitter after he incited his delusional fans to attack the U.S. Congress on January 6th, to "Stop the Steal."  The man told 30,000 documented lies during his White House tenure.

       If I understand it correctly, Elon Musk was kicked off of Twitter for posting misleading information to defraud investors. 

      Tucker Carlson was kicked off of Twitter for publicly attacking a transgender public official.

       Is for-profit fraudulence, hate speech, and incitement of violence supposed to be protected?

Exactly WN. 

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Some Republicans planned to end democracy with Martial Law - the ultimate 'big government'

by Thom Hartmann April 28, 2022


It was 58 years ago that Barry Goldwater proclaimed:

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.”

Republican advocates of “small government,” in addition to trying to pull the ultimate big government trigger of martial law in January of 2021, now also brag that they want to use the power of the governments they control to:

  • Narrow your right to vote

  • Imprison women seeking abortions

  • Ban books

  • Block efforts to green our energy sector

  • Harass gay and trans kids

  • Prevent minorities from having full representation in Congress

  • Turn school boards into inquisitors

  • Let utilities rip off solar customers

  • Trash public health

  • Put more guns in the hands of deranged mass shooters

  • Purge voting rolls of Democrats and minorities

  • Preempt local communities from protecting their own environment

  • Reduce the accountability of police for violent behavior

  • Ban gay marriage

  • Allow state legislatures to overturn the will of the voters in elections

  • Keep students in debt

  • Hand Medicare over to the big insurance companies

  • Increase hundreds of billions of dollars a year in taxpayer subsidies to the fossil fuel industry

  • Terrorize refugee children

  • Eliminate or turn most national parks into drilling and mining sites

  • End environmental protections

  • Thwart enforcement of food safety laws

  • Destroy workers’ rights to union representation


Steve Thomas

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58 years to get to this.  I wonder if Nixon would have used such tactics against JFK if he could have?  "Knuckling under to bullies, this is how Democracy dies and autocrats arise."  "The culture wars are interested in him."  What's next trying to run his buss off the road?

Cancel Culture Comes for Beto O’Rourke – Texas Monthly

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- This message board has rules about speech, correct? That doesn't seem to prevent you from energetically participating...


Yes, but people who tried to post stories about the Wuhan lab leak or Hunter Biden's laptop were banned from Twitter, a de facto town square. 

Establishment DC is more and more "suggesting" social media platforms should control content. 

Obama has all but called for a Ministry of Truth.

But really, even more than that. Not just a Ministry of Truth, but a Ministry of Social Media Platform Control.

For example, there is a popular twitter site called #LibsofTikTok. 

This twitter site copies TikToks posted by liberals, selecting the most eccentric or extreme examples. Right-wingers read this twitter site and then chortle at the eccentric liberals. 

(Some posters here do the same thing, picking out the dumbest right-wingers and re-posting the dumb things they said.) 

The WaPo got wind of #libsofTikTok, and doxxed the operator. The WaPo wants #LibsofTikTok dead. 

So...it is not just a Ministry of Truth...the M$M wants some material off of the social media platforms, even if it is satire or comedy they find offensive. 

Censorship is always a slippery slope. Or an icy precipice. 



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On 4/28/2022 at 8:08 PM, Ron Bulman said:

58 years to get to this.  I wonder if Nixon would have used such tactics against JFK if he could have?  "Knuckling under to bullies, this is how Democracy dies and autocrats arise."  "The culture wars are interested in him."  What's next trying to run his buss off the road?

Cancel Culture Comes for Beto O’Rourke – Texas Monthly

This is the big issue for me.  $85,000 increase in one year on a $207,000 property, 41%.  Abbott's full of dooky on reductions.

As governor, Beto O'Rourke wants to reduce property taxes. Here's how he plans to do it (msn.com)

Edited by Ron Bulman
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