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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- that is all propaganda and nonsense, and I think you know it.


I am not sure what portion of my last post you are referring to.  It is my earnest interpretation of events. I am not partisan, having given up on these two parties. 

At my age, I have learned not to give advice to anybody, but if I were to, it would be for you and other Americans to toss these two parties out, and start over.


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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Looking into Alfa Bank was not just a target chosen at random.



But the indictment and political controversy are not about the corrupt nature of the Alfa Bank, it concerns the efforts orchestrated by representatives of the Clinton campaign to suggest direct clandestine communications - “a secret communications channel” -  between the Trump organization and this particular bank.

“In particular, and among other things, the FBI’s investigation revealed that the email server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and hundreds of other clients.”

The indictment reveals the Clinton campaign representatives were aware at all times of the flimsy if not entirely absent factual basis of their claim, and disregarded warnings by the very researchers they were relying on that even a cursory investigation into the allegation would expose the fundamentally weak foundations on which it rested.

This information is being assiduously spun by partisan “journalists” in an effort to continue to bamboozle a targeted audience which includes, it appears, Matt and W Niederhut. I would suggest that dishonest communication strategies is one area where the GOP and Democrats are in fact the same.

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34 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

That kind of logic didn’t work in the  UK.  



      On the contrary, gun control has worked brilliantly to reduce homicide rates in the U.K. and throughout the civilized world, outside of the U.S.  And sophisticated, multi-variate analyses have clearly established beyond any reasonable doubt that America's singularly elevated gun homicide rate is a result of gun access/availability.

     So, please, let's dispense with these idiotic, nonsensical NRA memes on the "Educated Forum."

    The libertarian NRA cheerleaders trot them out after every mass shooting catastrophe in the U.S.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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10 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      On the contrary, gun control has worked brilliantly to reduce homicide rates in the U.K. and throughout the civilized world, outside of the U.S.  And sophisticated, multi-variate analyses have clearly established beyond any reasonable doubt that America's singularly elevated gun homicide rate is a result of gun access/availability.

     So, please, let's dispense with these idiotic, nonsensical NRA memes on the "Educated Forum."

    The libertarian NRA cheerleaders trot them out after every mass shooting catastrophe in the U.S.

I guess you didn’t fact check my post. I heard a report by one of the bereaved Scottish parents who won in the Uk court of public opinion and with the UK government when they succeeded in getting stringent anti gun legislation passed DESPITE the prince’s cricket bat argument. 
I think your post shows, unless I’m misreading something, how far my credibility has fallen in your eyes because I dare to criticize Democrats. Cancel culture at work? 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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6 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      On the contrary, gun control has worked brilliantly to reduce homicide rates in the U.K. and throughout the civilized world, outside of the U.S.  And sophisticated, multi-variate analyses have clearly established beyond any reasonable doubt that America's singularly astronomically elevated gun homicide rate is a result of gun access/availability.

     So, please, let's dispense with these idiotic, nonsensical NRA memes on the "Educated Forum."

    The NRA boosters trot them out after every mass shooting catastrophe in the U.S.

W, that's not the way I took Paul's post.  I see he has replied as I post so I'll let him speak for himself. 

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13 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

But the indictment and political controversy are not about the corrupt nature of the Alfa Bank, it concerns the efforts orchestrated by representatives of the Clinton campaign to suggest direct clandestine communications - “a secret communications channel” -  between the Trump organization and this particular bank.

“In particular, and among other things, the FBI’s investigation revealed that the email server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and hundreds of other clients.”

The indictment reveals the Clinton campaign representatives were aware at all times of the flimsy if not entirely absent factual basis of their claim, and disregarded warnings by the very researchers they were relying on that even a cursory investigation into the allegation would expose the fundamentally weak foundations on which it rested.

This information is being assiduously spun by partisan “journalists” in an effort to continue to bamboozle a targeted audience which includes, it appears, Matt and W Niederhut. I would suggest that dishonest communication strategies is one area where the GOP and Democrats are in fact the same.

Matt - try not to shoot the messengers. I’ve been reading voluminously about Alfa Bank/Trump, and other shenanigans. Democrats are quite capable of fighting as dirty as Republicans. The problem is of course, in my opinion, Democrats knew full well the ties between Putin and Trump. It wasn’t even a secret. They wanted to prove much more than that, and they have gotten nothing for it. In fact, they have continued to dig a deeper hole for themselves. Why not go after Trump for the miserable unqualified wretch he was and is? Wasn’t there enough to go on? Well, unfortunately the Justice department can even get him into court where he belongs. How many years has the NY Justice department been working on that? It’s always just around the the corner, and we all wait, and wait, and wait. The best they can hope for is what - tax evasion? 

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Geez.  Jeff Carter is still prevaricating about Rupert Murdoch's Sussman/Mook non-scandal, as advertised in the WSJ.

How many of these fake Clinton scandals have Republican con men foisted on the American public during the past quarter century?  

First we had the Scaife- and taxpayer-funded Kenneth Starr five year Whitewater "investigation."  Then we had multiple taxpayer-funded GOP Benghazi "investigations" from 2012-16 -- all nothing burgers.  Then we had the non-stop, pre-election M$M  "Emailgate" headlines in 2016-- nothing burgers.  Then we had the FBI/Weiner laptop non-scandal/October Surprise.

Now we have the Bill Barr/Durham investigation nothing burgers.

Meanwhile, where are the commentaries around here about real political crimes?

How about revelations that Trump supported the lynching of Mike Pence on January 6th?

That was a big story this week.  Is Trump guilty of treason for supporting the murder of the U.S. Vice President?

How about the news that Mark Meadows burned documents after a post-election meeting with Rep. Scott Perry?

How about Meadows, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, and Kevin McCarthy ducking Congressional subpoenas?

Seditious conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding of Congress on January 6th is a felony with a 20 year prison sentence.

Trump also attempted to alter election results in Georgia and other states.

He's a felon.  And he actively attacked/retaliated against a member of Congress this weekend (in Wyoming) for investigating his serious crimes.


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7 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez.  Jeff Carter is still prevaricating about Rupert Murdoch's Sussman/Mook non-scandal, as advertised in the WSJ.

How many of these fake Clinton scandals have Republican con men foisted on the American public during the past quarter century?  

First we had the Scaife- and taxpayer-funded Kenneth Starr five year Whitewater "investigation."  Then we had multiple taxpayer-funded GOP Benghazi "investigations" from 2012-16 -- all nothing burgers.  Then we had the non-stop, pre-election M$M  "Emailgate" headlines in 2016-- nothing burgers.  Then we had the FBI/Weiner laptop non-scandal/October Surprise.

Now we have the Bill Barr/Durham investigation nothing burgers.

Meanwhile, where are the commentaries around here about real political crimes?

How about revelations that Trump supported the lynching of Mike Pence on January 6th?

That was a big story this week.  Is Trump guilty of treason for supporting the murder of the U.S. Vice President?

How about the news that Mark Meadows burned documents after a post-election meeting with Rep. Scott Perry?

How about Meadows, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, and Kevin McCarthy ducking Congressional subpoenas?

Seditious conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding of Congress on January 6th is a felony with a 20 year prison sentence.

Trump also attempted to alter election results in Georgia and other states.

He's a felon.  And he actively attacked/retaliated against a member of Congress this weekend (in Wyoming) for investigating his serious crimes.


Yes he is a felon - agree - free to spout his poison. Why is that do you think? 

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A shot across the bow?  From his and JFK's alma mater.  Is he possibly hinting they might be going to do something sometime halfway soon?  The timing of whatever might happen is interesting.

The House hearings start in June, how long will they go on?  Any proceedings by the Justice Department will take time as well.  But theoretically any Justice actions would be supported by Committee results???

If there are any major revelations, indictments, how might this affect the mid-term elections if they come out before them?

Garland Warns of Threats to US Democracy in Harvard Speech (msn.com)

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Yes he is a felon - agree - free to spout his poison. Why is that do you think? 

A felon is someone convicted of a felony. 

Headlines and allegations, and commission or committee reports....do not a felony make. 

This Trump-Hillary theater turns into a red-blue kool-aid pissing contest. 

In other words, one partisan can say all the allegations against HRC are true, and the Fox headlines also, and so she is a felon. 

Vice-versa on Trump. 

You know what? It hardly matters if Trump or HRC are felons. 

When they are gone, the Deep State will even bigger and more powerful.

Maybe you think America was reborn when Biden was elected? 

Or after Nixon was routed from office? (I was happy to see that). 

Bush jr. and Liz Cheney are the New Donk heroes. What does that tell you? 



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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

This information is being assiduously spun by partisan “journalists” in an effort to continue to bamboozle a targeted audience which includes, it appears, Matt and W Niederhut. I would suggest that dishonest communication strategies is one area where the GOP and Democrats are in fact the same.


Btw, the whole "both sides are the same" is part of the same Russian propaganda op that was set in motion in an attempt to poison our electoral process.

It is used against younger, more affluent white voters instead of the disenfranchised, as they, having experienced the cruelty of Republicans first-hand, are not fooled by such nonsense.


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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

A shot across the bow?  From his and JFK's alma mater.  Is he possibly hinting they might be going to do something sometime halfway soon?  The timing of whatever might happen is interesting.

The House hearings start in June, how long will they go on?  Any proceedings by the Justice Department will take time as well.  But theoretically any Justice actions would be supported by Committee results???

If there are any major revelations, indictments, how might this affect the mid-term elections if they come out before them?

Garland Warns of Threats to US Democracy in Harvard Speech (msn.com)

It's a relief to know that our AG is deeply concerned about the war on our democracy.

(Incidentally, Garland graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College before graduating from Harvard Law School.)

If the rule of law prevails, Donald Trump will die in prison, unless he flees the country.

He's a felonious skunk.   (Rhymes with Thelonious Monk.)

Trump repeatedly obstructed justice during the Mueller investigation, but Mueller was, allegedly, not permitted by the DOJ to indict a sitting president for obstruction of justice. 

Trump also unlawfully attempted to alter vote counts in Georgia and other states, and conspired to obstruct Congress's official certification of Biden's electoral victory-- a serious 20 year felony.

More significantly, Trump served in the White House as a compromised asset of a hostile foreign adversary, and he and his family also took massive bribes in exchange for U.S. policy favors, in gross violation of the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I did not know this.  Are you sure Bill?

That's where they said he was going on the broadcast I was watching in France.  I remember because I was so surprised.

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9 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:
9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yes he is a felon - agree - free to spout his poison. Why is that do you think? 

It’s obvious, isn’t it? Because he is part of a class of corrupt politicians. If they were to dare to convict him of something, whether legitimate or not, he’ll bellyache and throw 100+ names about, implicating them with corruption (dems and reps). Thats the one thing we know about Trump’s nature, he isn’t a quiet guy, he’s shout from the rooftops with a megaphone. He loves washing his dirty laundry in front of the street.

Why do you think we never saw his taxes, which people assume to be close to zero? It’s obvious, so many of these businessmen and blue bloods are paying zero or close to that. If you out one; you gotta get at the whole lot. 

The system that claims to want justice is actually protecting him. We’re just watching the theatre. 

Another question might be; is Trump rousing Republican voters again, useful to the state or narrative? 

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