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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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11 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

That kind of logic didn’t work in the  UK.  


It’s not my country, I can only give an outside perspective. There is some sense in the memes that are flying about at present (not this unhelpful one from a royal who said lots of stupid stuff). The guns aren’t the cause of these catastrophe’s, just like cars aren’t the cause of drunk driver fatalities. They are the means and it’s too easy to make them a reality for the malevolent or mentally ill. Myself and an Aussie mate were discussing this and we both admitted that we’ve changed our minds with this recent spate. Gun controls have surely got to get much stricter as have the authorities in stopping illegal weapons coming in. In Britain we have heinous stuff in terms of knife crime and people chucking acid on each other. But, nothing really has the capacity to do that much harm compared with some of these firearms. The stats that I think William posted the other day were startling, mass shootings vs any other country, with Mexico being second, with a tiny fraction. When I am in Britain, I sometimes go shooting with my brother, getting a shotgun license requires a full police check and an interview. Sales of firearms are tracked and you can only have a shotgun that fires two shots, no magazines. You can obtain a rifle license, single shot, but, this is a bit more difficult and time consuming. Pistols can I think only be fired at ranges and the guns must be kept at the gun range. We also have laws on carrying knives, you have to have a justifiable purpose, ie Chef, fisherman etc

I understand your history (to some degree), the right to bear arms etc. I look at Switzerland that has a lot of guns and they seem to be doing a good job of things but, they don’t have a broken society, they have money, they take care of their people. I do feel in general like a nation full of guns makes everyone more unsafe.  

We gotta stop these atrocities. Children don’t deserve to be living in a world like this. 


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On 5/28/2022 at 8:26 PM, Greg Doudna said:

Chris, what is this "needs doing first" business? Why? Why does all of government have to be reformed first, before there could be an estate tax funding an Inheritance for All trust fund?

You’re missing the point entirely, Greg. Many of these people you want to tax are paying zero taxes or close to. It’ll be the same if you introduce this tax, because there are loopholes that are left open so wealthy smart people can pay nothIng in taxes. To get the loopholes closed, you need to get the foxes out of the government hen house.

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America is a nation and society so diverse in every way...economic, culture, ethnicity, ideologically, politically, socially, gender and age, geographically and in a daily changing way that it is impossible to discuss any inclusive national policy direction with any rational and logical framework without realizing we are living in an almost out-of-control, runaway train cultural situation.

From one state to another, one county and city to another and even one neighborhood to another, we have so much diversity (and disparity) it's just...well...crazy!

Here in California for instance, we have enclaves of super wealthy, living just miles from the extreme opposite lowest end spectrum of poverty, homelessness and crime.

Miles away from populations that speak different languages, eat different foods, have totally different cultural and moral beliefs. 

Travel the country and you will see living environments and cultural ways as different from each other as night and day.

Illegal immigration of up to 50 million in the last 20 to 30 years has exasperated this diversity even more. Seems like 1/3rd have settled here in California.

Up and down California it is more Mexico and Central American in language and culture now than the typical traditional American English language culture we experienced up until the 1990's and still see in most of the upper latitude parts of our country.

Hispanics are the majority ethnic population in California now. Caucasions are only 38% of the population.

In just one or two generations, the ethnic culture, language and value change dynamic in many parts of the U.S. ( California is just crazy this way ) has changed more than at any other time in the last 140 years.

It is going to take multiple massive hard facts studies in the diversity reality of this country to even begin to address our most pressing needs in national policy and priority decision making.

America is like a huge ship with 100 engines operating at different speeds and 100 different groups of passengers all wanting to steer the rudder in different directions.



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Moment excited gun enthusiasts raffle off $10,000 24 karat gold AK-47 rifle together with 1,000 rounds of ammunition for just $5 a ticket during NRA convention - days after Texas elementary school shooting

  • The NRA raffled off some rare firearms including a $10,000 24-karat gold AK-47 rifle on the last day of its annual convention on Sunday

  • Video from DailyMail.com shows an auctioneer flaunting the solid gold firearm to hundreds of gun enthusiasts who paid $5 to enter the raffle

  • In the end, it went to Leslie Castillo, who told DailyMail.com she was 'in shock,' and described the gun as 'beautiful'

  • Other guns raffled off on Sunday include a Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 rifle - the same model used in the Robb Elementary School shooting last week


This is not just obscenity, this is debauchery.

Steve Thomas

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U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) now has a podcast,



“You have to accept the fact that the government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life.”

“They want to know when you’re eating,” Greene claims in her podcast. “They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.”

“You’ll probably get a little zap inside your body and that’s saying ‘No, no. Don’t eat a real cheeseburger, you need to eat the fake burger, the fake meat, from Bill Gates.”

“They probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom and if your bowel movements are on time or consistent,”



I miss the good old days of Jewish space lasers.

I gotta get me one of them peach tree dishes.

Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) now has a podcast,



“You have to accept the fact that the government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life.”

“They want to know when you’re eating,” Greene claims in her podcast. “They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.”


I think MTG is referring here to those damned Gazpacho Police.

First they came for the gazpacho.   Next, they're coming for the cheeseburgers...🤥

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Chris--Yes, the Federal Reserve has been buying US Treasuries through the pandemic, and did also during and after the 2007-9 Global Financial Crisis. This is called quantitative easing. 

BTW, the Bank of Japan (their central bank) owns about one-half of all Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) outstanding. The Japan government debt to GDP ratio is far higher than that of the US. 

But is the Japanese public "heavily leveraged" or in debt? Well, the Bank of Japan is owned by the publics, and remaining government debt is owned by Japanese. You tell me. 

This is entirely a fascinating topic, which books could and have been written about.  

My own interpretation is this activity is relatively benign, and that the tight-money crowd would rather suffocate an economy than "endure" prosperity with 2% to 3% inflation. 

There are two topics I have studied for 50 years: macroeconomics and the JFKA. 

And my conclusions? "If you are not confused, then maybe you do not understand the situation." 

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Mass shootings are horrible. On the other hand, the US is nation of 330 million. 


Mass shootings, statistically, are a hardly a blip on the gun-violence scale, when compared to daily ordinary gun violence. 

"Just like the daily gun violence that contributes to the more than 110 gun deaths each day in the US, mass shootings are largely preventable through evidence-based policy interventions."

The above figure includes suicides.

Taking out suicides, you get about 19,300 gun homicides in the US annually, or about 53 a day. 

In other words, US policymakers endure the equivalent of five mass shootings every day, though spread out in ones and twos. 

Some nations, such as Israel, are armed to the teeth with automatic weapons (almost every Israeli is conscripted, and such weapons are commonplace) but gun violence between Israelis is rare. 

Many US people try to talk about what worked in other nations, such as liberals jibber-jabbering about Sweden this or that, and conservatives that Israel and Switzerland have guns up the wazoo, but murders are rare in those two nations.

But the US is the US. What works elsewhere often does not work in the US. 

My own preference is that a single-shot revolver is all the gun 99% of citizens need. But citizens are entitled to such protection, and concealed if they want.  Streets are not safe in America. 

The other preference is Americans take a page out of Thai culture. Criminals are monkeys, and should be placed on work farms. Americans are violent, and incarceration rates should be higher than in a Sweden or Israel. 

The M$M loves to highlight mass shootings. As usual, the M$M is mostly off-target. Or maybe, it is another chance to create a divisive social issue. 



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