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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

This story is relatively important, not as more in the uselessly divisive blue-red kool-aid pissing contest (actually, the press secretary was working for the Georgians, considered a nation repressed by Russia). 

Over and over again, we see lobbyist money, foreign and domestic, flooding every important person in DC...the entire Biden family, or the close relations of the Bushes to Mideast oil potentates just two recent examples.

This leads to excruciating situations, such as the Biden family extracting a couple million dollars from Ukraine, and then later President Biden deciding to intervene on the behalf of Ukrainians against Russia. Or Bush Jr's rush into Mideast perma-wars. 

I happen to support Western powers blocking Russia's take-over of Ukraine, for humanitarian reasons. But if Biden were a judge, he would have to recuse himself from making decisions on Ukraine. 

On a larger level, these gushers of foreign cash into the Bidens or Bushes help support  interventionist internationalism. The Bidens and Bushes have stakes in what happens globally and are compromised by those stakes.

So, for the Bushes and the Bidens, more support for the multi-nationalist global guard service the US operates is a given. The entire DC establishment is compromised. 

A global guard service for multinationals at $1.4 trillion annually and counting. That's $4,000 per year for every man, woman and child (and trans-person) in America.

$16,000 a year for a family of four----every year in perpetuity. 

But the M$M never asks about the $1.4 trillion a year. Instead it inflames divisions in social issues such as abortion, guns, ID politics, red v blue and the like. Donks v. 'Phants. 




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The pediatrician's description about 2/3 of the way down made me turn away, get up, and go fix a drink.  I cannot fathom the horror, hate in the mind of the newly turned 18-year-old as he did this.

House passes sweeping gun reform package as Senate talks continue (msn.com)

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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


I happen to believe no one in America needs more than a six-shot revolver for self-defense, and that only because the leadership class chooses to not make safe streets. I guess hunters can have single-shot bolt-action rifles. 

But if the NRA should disappear tomorrow, what would happen to the American middle and employee classes? To the US neo-con, neo-liberal global trade, immigration and war policies? 


Beyond that, the number of mass shooting deaths in the US is minute compared with the size of the population. 

"The FBI collects data on “active shooter incidents,” which it defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” Using the FBI’s definition, 38 people – excluding the shooters – died in such incidents in 2020.

The Gun Violence Archive, an online database of gun violence incidents in the U.S., defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are shot, even if no one was killed (again excluding the shooters). Using this definition, 513 people died in these incidents in 2020."


The US has a population of 330 million. While 513 human beings is a awful number, in scale it is hardly a blip. 

Yes, mass shooting and (much more common) routine gun violence is repulsive. But as an issue--useful, a divisive wedge. That is its role as an issue. 

Why do you want to be divided from other people in the same economic class as yourself? 


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57 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I happen to believe no one in America needs more than a six-shot revolver for self-defense, and that only because the leadership class chooses to not make safe streets. I guess hunters can have single-shot bolt-action rifles. 

But if the NRA should disappear tomorrow, what would happen to the American middle and employee classes? To the US neo-con, neo-liberal global trade, immigration and war policies? 


Beyond that, the number of mass shooting deaths in the US is minute compared with the size of the population. 

"The FBI collects data on “active shooter incidents,” which it defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” Using the FBI’s definition, 38 people – excluding the shooters – died in such incidents in 2020.

The Gun Violence Archive, an online database of gun violence incidents in the U.S., defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are shot, even if no one was killed (again excluding the shooters). Using this definition, 513 people died in these incidents in 2020."


The US has a population of 330 million. While 513 human beings is a awful number, in scale it is hardly a blip. 

Yes, mass shooting and (much more common) routine gun violence is repulsive. But as an issue--useful, a divisive wedge. That is its role as an issue. 

Why do you want to be divided from other people in the same economic class as yourself? 


Ridiculous bs.  A distraction with absurd numbers.  Two children, whose bodies had been so pulverized byt the bullets fired at them over and over again, whose flesh had been so ripped apart, that the only clue to their identities were the blood spattered cartoon clothes still clinging to them.  My granddaughter graduated HS today.  California School of the Arts, 4.0.  I'm so proud, and fearful for what the other grandkids have to deal with growing up.   Yeah, gimmie another bs jabber jabber reply.  Gimme shelter.


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White House Defends Biden's Plans To Visit 'Pariah' Saudi Arabia & Meet With MbS

Rep. Adam Schiff: "I wouldn’t go. I wouldn’t shake his hand. This is someone who butchered an American resident, cut him up into pieces and in the most terrible...."


This does seem off-key. 


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If this isn't the clearest, strongest case of "aiding and abetting" and even encouraging the capital crime of extremely violent "Seditious Insurrection" ... what is?

What we know about Trump's actions as insurrection unfolded

If reading all the documented accounts of dozens of Trump's closest aides, family and even his most loyal Fox News propaganda team in their desperate attempts to get Trump to call off his multi-thousands sized attack dog mob in their hours long violent attack on our Capital building, police and members of Congress and Trump's gleeful refusal to do so doesn't make you sick to your stomach ... What would?
Trump's refusal to protect his own congress and his own Capital police from his personally inspired violent attack horde, until they were all traumatized with life and death fear for hours and even a death had occurred because of the attack ...screams presidential duty neglect to a criminal level so beyond question, doubt and debate it is sickening to hear anyone downplay or deny this criminal act reality ...or even proclaim the opposite!
Trump to his attack mob ... "We love you." 
What a sick ( and even dangerous ) comment and mind set! 
"We love you."  !!! ???
You who were violently attacking our Capital building, it's police and our own members of Congress in trying to subvert our election process and initiating a coup? We love you?
Donald J. Trump.
A president who tried to destroy our democratic principles election process by siccing his attack mob supporters on our own Congress during the certification process!
And FOX NEWS won't show this committee hearing news to their followers?
That's not what a "NEWS" corporation is supposed to do....right?
Picking and choosing the news according to their own political alliances?
If these Jan 6th Committe hearings aren't the biggest news story since Watergate ( and even more importantly so ) what is?
FOX NEWS is NOT a News organization.
That we all know.
Surprised someone or some group hasn't sued the FOX NEWS corporation for false business proclaiming practices.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I wonder whether any of our forum members ( especially those who regularly post or even just visit this specific broader political current news thread ) will choose not to tune into and watch the January 6th investigation committee hearings tonight and in later days?

I'm not asking for anyone here to say whether they will or will not choose to watch.

No need at all to initiate personal angst back and forths about such decisions.

Just hoping more of us versus less give these hearings their national interest caring viewing dues.

Avoiding hearing what the committee has found and will be reporting regards their months of investigative research into the extremely violent January 6th coup attempt upon our congress members, the Capital police and our Capital building and our constitutional election process just seems so blatantly and illogically irresponsible imo.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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