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Again, I disagree with the commentary.  As I do not see any kind of viable CI investigation.

And BTW, if you think this is bad, wait until the later inquiry comes in.  Trump has that timed for the campaign.

This is what I meant about Pelosi playing checkers and Trump playing  chess.

Can you imagine if Trump actually wins again in spite of the plague?  I mean how bad can the Dems and Biden be?  

I do agree with you that the court should declassify the whole report.  That with the 53 depositions would be a nice exercise in transparency.  We can compare the two.

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36 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Again, I disagree with the commentary.  As I do not see any kind of viable CI investigation.

A former top US intelligence official was paid $45,000 in 2015 to give a speech in Moscow, where he rubbed elbows with Vladimir Putin and Paul Manafort.

How could the FBI not look into it?





Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents


Materials from the Committee's Investigation into Russian Active Measures






Edited by Douglas Caddy
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If I recall, was not that picture from the launch of RT?

I thought Jill Stein was there also.

If that is so, I have no problem saying I like RT.  I have been on that network interviewed by Jesse Ventura.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

If I recall, was not that picture from the launch of RT?

I thought Jill Stein was there also.

If that is so, I have no problem saying I like RT.  I have been on that network interviewed by Jesse Ventura.

Ah! So that makes it hunky dorry for a former top US intelligence official to take money from the Russian government?

Flynn was also on the payroll of the Turkish government — nothing to see here folks, move along...


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I just looked it up.  That was what I thought it was and Jill Stein was there.

Geez Doug, was Jill part of the plotting also?  Is RT really a shell company to undermine democracy and overthrow our government?

Like I said, I like RT.  Put me down as being part of the plot  then or  maybe I'm a commie symp?.  Which is hard to be since today Russia is not a communist system anymore.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I just looked it up.  That was what I thought it was and Jill Stein was there.

Geez Doug, was Jill part of the plotting also?  It RT really a shell company to undermine democracy and overthrow our government?

Like I said, I like RT.  Put me down as being part of the plot  then or a maybe I'm a commie sym?.  Which is hard to do since Russia is not a communist system anymore.

Jill Stein isn’t a former top US intelligence official. 

Flynn is.  A counter-intelligence investigation can be expected in any instance where someone with that background goes on the payroll of foreign governments.

I used to watch RT regularly until Comcast dropped it. Watching the Hawks was a good show.  I took the propaganda elements with a grain of salt — just like American propaganda.

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On 5/9/2020 at 9:47 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Ironically perhaps, the Radical Left also played into Trump’s hands, just like they are doing now. Over the years I’ve appreciated their criticisms of the Democratic Party and their unwavering support of US foreign policies. But it was, and is, a surprise to me that they don’t weigh those criticisms against the very real possibility that by helping Trump in this way they are ushering in a truly fascist regime. 

Paul, I don’t get it, either. Trump is making a play for outright fascism with the Justice Dept. as the tip of the spear.  Why so many on the Left repeat Bill Barr talking points on the Mueller investigation is a mystery to me.

A lot of self-described analysts of the deep state couldn’t “deep analyze” their way out of an open paper bag, imo.

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And Robert Kennedy Jr:


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Here is another one with Bobby Jr.


BTW, wait until you see him in Stone's documentary.

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