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Civil War May Have 'Already Begun,' MSNBC Host Says, Citing MAGA Violence

BY THOMAS KIKA ON 9/3/22 AT 6:48 PM EDT--Newsweek
As I said, the left-wing keeps saying a civil war is in the offing, but now, perhaps, the war has already begun. 
Are the readers of EF putting sandbags around the house? Going to the mattresses? 
Be afraid. Be very afraid. 
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Wow! I was scrolling through channels. Apparently this Trump speech was on Newsmax! When I started reading the article, I thought I might see it live. But it was over. Then I look at Newsmax next 3 hours of programming.

9:00 Momo: The Sam Giancana story   (Momos involvement in the assassinations of Marilyn Monroe and JFK)

10:00  Marilyn Monroe:fascination

11:00  JFK's Women: The Scandals Revealed


They obviously see a marketing bonanza and a ready group of right wing suckers among the JFK conspiracy crowd!

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- Donald Trump -

He said: "It was not just my home that was raided last month. It was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who I've been fighting for since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015, wanting to represent the people."

This is the 4th or 5th time I've heard him say he descended the "golden escalator" from on high.

I'm getting the willie's.

Steve Thomas

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"Armed" Idahoans show up at their local library to promote their book ban beliefs.

In these "You better fight like hell or you will lose this country " Trump times we are so used to scary armed protesters showing up all over the place and so regularly we don't even express alarm any more.

Compare this almost daily armed camp Trump time to 20 or 30 years ago.

Only rare extreme violence advocating group incidents like "Ruby Ridge" took place then, and only once every few years.

Automatic rifle armed kid Kyle Rittenhouse ( illegal purchase and transporting over state lines ) blows away two unarmed protesters in Wisconsin and he is hailed ( and HONORED!) as a hero ???

Trump has truly led us all into a civil war North/South divided armed camp threat mentality with his constant "us against them" angry toned demagoguery.

When highly respected conservative ( and life long Republican ) high court judges like J. Michael Luttig states the most grave warning to the entire nation on national TV that he feels Trump is " a clear and present danger to our democracy" I wonder how this warning just isn't registering at all with Trump's 100 million cult blind rabid followers.



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2 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

New York Times reporting today on Trump's intelligence consumption. Unlike most of his predecessors, no interest in UFOs, but asked lots of questions about JFK assassination.


Yet, as Oliver Stone put it, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State," when it came to releasing the JFK records.

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19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yet, as Oliver Stone put it, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State," when it came to releasing the JFK records.

When it comes to American history, you will not find a former POTUS more bereft of knowledge than Donald Trump. 

Every single person on this board has an exponentially greater command of history than he does.

That's not a joke or an exaggeration. He is not a bright person. He is not intellectually curious. He's a very base politician who's interests revolve exclusively around himself. Anything he was looking for with regard to the JFK assassination was done in the hope he or Putin could use it against the FBI or CIA.

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41 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:




I wonder if we will ever get to learn any details about all of the undercover CIA informants who disappeared in 2021.

The problem was reported in the NYT last October, before we heard anything about Trump's Mar-a-Lago stash of classified records, including his files about undercover CIA informants.

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4 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Are we on the side of the heroes or the villains regarding Ukraine and Zelensky? Some sobering reading... 




Well, for one thing, we may need the arms we are sending to Ukraine to fight our own, highly anticipated and predicted, civil war here in the US. 




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       So, notice how Trump now has his MAGA cult focusing on their rage at the U.S. government, and resistance to the rule of law, in response to what, exactly?  To the belated, drawn out investigations of his serious crimes-- his coup attempt on January 6th, and his blatantly illegal handling of classified documents.

      Quite a mob psychology trick, with a major assist from Trump Republicans and the right wing media.

      And, IMO, the longer these belated Trump investigations fester, the worse the MAGA cult violence problem will become.  Trump would burn the country down to save his own skin.

      Trump's lap dog, Lindsey Graham, is threatening violence if Trump is indicted, but I think the risk of violence is worsened by allowing Trump to control the narrative and incite violence.

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