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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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10 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

No, I do not claim to be the only person to know. Those who know how the world works know.

The middle of a golf course has long been known as a safe place to have a confidential conversation.

Nixon's first public step outside after he resigned the presidency was with Anthony Provenzano in the middle of a golf course in New Jersey. What did they talk about? The Wikipedia entry about the union leader/mafia kingpin gives us a big hint.

Anthony Provenzano - Wikipedia

One of my favorite novelists, John D. MacDonald, wrote in one of his best-selling books about three lawyers who were playing golf with a judge. While the judge was getting ready to swing his club at the ball, the lawyers a short distance away talked casually but loud enough for him to hear about an inside stock tip that would pay off bigtime. Of course, it was just small talk among the lawyers and only a coincidence later when the judge ruled in their favor in an important case for which they stood to receive a lucrative fee.


You have a wealth of (innocent, as a lawyer) personal experience with skullduggery. 

But wouldn't a cell phone transmission, from whatever physical location be interceptable?

Wouldn't US intel services (Secret Service protection, after all, is always on duty) be aware of Trump's location 24/7 and have ready measures to intercept transmissions? 

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44 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:



May be an image of text

Interesting the former prez loves McDonalds and now this bud of his seems to patronize Hardees.  Seems like these Billionaire's could afford a decent burger. 

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Apr 11, 2565 BE  Jared Kushner's new private equity firm got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia because maybe that's how you can cash in when your investing ...
Well, nothing changes, except the number of zeroes goes up.
Washington floats on top of a pool of lobbyist and "investment" money. 
You see the Obama's estate in Martha's Vineyard? Looks like a hotel. 
William Cohen: The 'Phant Defense Secy for Bill Clinton, is now a leading member of the China Lobby. China is competitor, like France, Germany and Great Britain, says Cohen.  The thing is, Cohen, unlike Kushner, is very smart and know the ropes.  He. is likely effective on behalf of the CCP. 
You wonder who makes US foreign, military and trade policy? 
Apple, Disney, GM, NBC-Universal, Tesla, BlackRock, WalMart, the NBA, et al...and their underlings, that's who. 
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20 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States.

Confronting this threat is the FBI’s top counterintelligence priority.

To be clear, the adversary is not the Chinese people or people of Chinese descent or heritage. The threat comes from the programs and policies pursued by an authoritarian government.

The Chinese government is employing tactics that seek to influence lawmakers and public opinion to achieve policies that are more favorable to China.

At the same time, the Chinese government is seeking to become the world’s greatest superpower through predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions.

China’s efforts target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public and will require a whole-of-society response. The government and the private sector must commit to working together to better understand and counter the threat.


Made in Beijing: The Plan for Global Market Domination

Through interviews with FBI agents and executives of victim companies, this film aims to help the private sector recognize the urgent need to protect their intellectual property against sustained and ongoing industrial espionage by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Visit fbi.gov/chinathreat to learn more.

Transcript / Visit Video Source

“The greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray

Well, this needs to be updated.

The President, in his official capacity and not as campaign rhetoric, has said the MAGA Republicans are greatest threat to US democracy. Even with Mr. Buffalo Horns in prison. 

The people swilling the Donkey-piss kool-aid agree. 

The CCP is not a threat to American democracy, but we tend to agree oi this issue. But the real issue is with the American people, who have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods, and particularly now with this inflation, think it's one of their few entitlements left. They have to be convinced that paying a little bit more and buying American goods are in everybody's long term interest.

Trump was never going to tell people that. He was trying to convince everybody that, with a wave of his wand, he could change the economy into prosperity with no one having to make any sacrifices at all. He saw his election chances  tied to the performance of the economy, so he was like a deer in the headlights, and was flat footed  when the covid pandemic came around.

His single biggest historical achievement is alerting people to the economic danger of China, but they ended up fleecing Trump and didn't hold up their bargain. I showed you the numbers on that in a previous article.

I'm glad you mentioned Kushner and Saudi Arabia. That was in the David Johnston Salon article that Joe posted,that I suggest you read, and you can also check into  Ivanka's fast track with Xi and the CCP for her apparel company. None of these things have no strings attached.

Similarly, Josh Bolton also released in his book, that Trump was quite willing to compromise his "get tough on China" policy when he asked asked Xi for favors to investigate his political rival Biden, exactly as he had done with Zelensky. I'll never understand why he wasn't subpoenaed in the first Trump  impeachment, because he would have had to reveal that very relevant information, but maybe he was granted a pass because they didn't want to p spoil it for Bolton's upcoming book?

It was ultimately useless for a multi nationalist globalist like Trump who has no other real interest than self interest to effectively execute such a policy. Though I'm sure you'll keep believing it. But it was important for Trump to bring it up and i think 10 years from now, people will recognize it as the single most important issue that Trump raised.

Otherwise we can just hope what happened in 1he 80's to Japan,(who were on a much lesser scale, were going to economically take over the world, if you remember), happens to China.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Otherwise we can just hope what happened in 1he 80's to Japan,(who were on a much lesser scale, were going to economically take over the world, if you remember), happens to China.

Yes, whenever people complain about China pilfering our intellectual property my thoughts go to back to the 70s: Japan, and the panic about their versions of American guitars... and cars.

There are pluses and minuses to these scenarios.

Economics is a mystical science.

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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

The CCP is not a threat to American democracy, but we tend to agree oi this issue. But the real issue is with the American people, who have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods, and particularly now with this inflation, think it's one of their few entitlements left. They have to be convinced that paying a little bit more and buying American goods are in everybody's long term interest.

Trump was never going to tell people that. He was trying to convince everybody that, with a wave of his wand, he could change the economy into prosperity with no one having to make any sacrifices at all. He saw his election chances  tied to the performance of the economy, so he was like a deer in the headlights, and was flat footed  when the covid pandemic came around.

His single biggest historical achievement is alerting people to the economic danger of China, but they ended up fleecing Trump and didn't hold up their bargain. I showed you the numbers on that in a previous article.

I'm glad you mentioned Kushner and Saudi Arabia. That was in the David Johnston Salon article that Joe posted,that I suggest you read, and you can also check into  Ivanka's fast track with Xi and the CCP for her apparel company. None of these things have no strings attached.

Similarly, Josh Bolton also released in his book, that Trump was quite willing to compromise his "get tough on China" policy when he asked asked Xi for favors to investigate his political rival Biden, exactly as he had done with Zelensky. I'll never understand why he wasn't subpoenaed in the first Trump  impeachment, because he would have had to reveal that very relevant information, but maybe he was granted a pass because they didn't want to p spoil it for Bolton's upcoming book?

It was ultimately useless for a multi nationalist globalist like Trump who has no other real interest than self interest to effectively execute such a policy. Though I'm sure you'll keep believing it. But it was important for Trump to bring it up and i think 10 years from now, people will recognize it as the single most important issue that Trump raised.

Otherwise we can just hope what happened in 1he 80's to Japan,(who were on a much lesser scale, were going to economically take over the world, if you remember), happens to China.



Here's the deal: Trump will exit the stage, perhaps sooner than later. He has zero institutional backing---indeed, quite the opposite. 

The globalists, including the intel state, have a much deeper reach on the US economy and policies than Trump (perhaps by 1000 to one), and will be here forever. 

That's why I say you are barking at the orange bonsai tree in the red(blue)wood forest. 

MAGA is a threat to America? We can't even find out who murdered our President in 1963.  

The only rewarding aspect of your obsession with Trump is that he might actually be run on a rail out of town someday, and you can feel the flush of victory. 

The Deep State, and the globalists, have only grown in power in the last 60 years.  I am on the losing side of this battle. 

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On 9/14/2022 at 10:06 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

The CCP is not a threat to American democracy, but we tend to agree oi this issue. But the real issue is with the American people, who have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods, and particularly now with this inflation, think it's one of their few entitlements left. They have to be convinced that paying a little bit more and buying American goods are in everybody's long term interest.

"The American people have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods?"

Oh no they haven't.

They've been "cheated" with Chinese and other cheap labor third world country made goods. For decades.

Allow me to explain.

Many years ago in the 1960's we had our first shopping center built here in Monterey.

The main anchor store was Macy's with their 5th Avenue New York classy reputation.

I was a young man and low wage employed in labor positions at the time.

The cost of living ( even here ) was low enough however that I could afford my own decent little apartment, an old junker car and groceries. I could support myself.

Macy's at that time actually sold very high quality items. Shirts handmade in England! Leather shoes from Italy! Wallets and belts too. Lots of quality American made items as well.

I bought a few "made in England" shirts. Loved them.

All of a sudden over just a few years starting in the 1970's, Macy's began filling their display tables, shelves and hangers with more and more items from China.

The quality wasn't as good. Believe me, my English shirts and American made pants lasted me for years. Not the Chinese made ones.

At first, they offered these Chinese made items as a price break choice. Pay 40% less for the Chinese made items versus English and American made ones.

I still bought British and American. I wanted that quality ( and I knew buying these kept American and British people working.) But then, guess what? 

Within 10 years, there were no more American and British made clothing items in Macy's. "Everything" was made in China!

The higher profit margins on Chinese made goods versus American and British goods were obscene.

And what else changed was the price break you got buying Chinese...disappeared!

Macy's gradually jacked up their Chinese made items to the same prices you used to pay for the high quality domestic and British made items!

And it's been that way ever since.

Small locally owned clothing stores also started disappearing as well. 

Huge box stores like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart came in and everything they sold was made in China as well.

Again, cheaper prices ( at first ) but poorer quality for sure.

So many other specialized chain stores like Office Depot, Smart & Final also converted to nothing but Chinese imports. Many items there started out being American and British made. Shoe stores became filled with shoes made in the Philippines, Viet Nam, etc.

Again, at first, cheaper prices than American made. But in a decade these cheap labor goods were priced as high as American. Soon enough, even these Philippine and Vietnamese and Indian and Chinese and Mexico made shoes were going for $40 to hundreds!

This conversion to Chinese and other cheap slave labor cost made goods started off gradually, but within 20 years exploded. You actually had (and still have) a real hard time finding any items not made in those slave wage countries. 

Yes, there are specialty American made catalog item companies still available on line. L.L. Bean. Pendleton. Etc.  But it is a small niche anymore.

And the prices for these slave wage made items were yearly being jacked up to those of American made items.

I used to study the prices of goods made overseas like China. Office Depot especially.

At first, all these products were cheaper. But soon enough I'd see a package of "Made In China" plastic binder sheets go from $1.50 to $4.50.

Now here is my main point.

What do you all think was behind the mass conversion to Chinese and other cheap labor goods being sold here, to the point of 90+% with almost no American and European made items?

We all know the answer to that question.

It's so simple and obvious. It's right in front of our faces!

Pure, unabashed, no loyalty to American needs and benefit GREED.

By the 1% to 5% highest income minority who own the majority interests in these shipped overseas slave wage companies.

The Walton family is one of the wealthiest on Earth. What else would you expect from their business model?

Have everything you sell made in third world countries for $1 to $5 ...and bring it back here and sell these items for 500 to 1000% profit!

$5 cost tennis shoes made in the Philippines, selling for $40 to $60 or as high as $100 here!

That third world country peanut cost/ American sale 500% to 1,000 % profit model has made the 1 to 2 % of Americans most super wealthy even wealthier.

All on the backs of and loss to middle class and poorer Americans.

Who could pay "half" what they are being charged for these goods and the corporate import owners would "still'" make a killing!

Why do you think The Sharks on the popular TV show "Shark Tank" always ask where their contestants get their products made?

Because if these contestants have anything that can be made in slave wage countries, they must do so to make "the real killing" bringing these items back here where we Americans have to pay 500% or more profit prices on them.

That's the whole game now-a-days.

Get it slave wage made cheap then sell it for 5X to 10X more back here in the good ole USA.

This has been the rip off game on Americans for 40 to 50 years now.

Low wage foreign country made items are not super cheap anymore.

Back in the 1950's "Made In Japan" meant you could get something for 10% what it cost if made elsewhere.

Within one generation the Japanese reversed that desperate selling model.

For decades now they make some of the highest quality goods on Earth and get paid fair compensation prices for them.

So, my point here is average Americans have been ripped off for 50 years now paying 500 to 1,000 percent profit prices on millions of slave wage made products that should have cost half and even less, with the sellers STILL making unheard of profits!

100 to 200% profits aren't enough!?

And this goods cost and selling price scam is just one part of the devastating "shipped overseas" American corporate agenda.

"Tens of millions" of decent paying middle class with benefits jobs have been sent overseas in the last 50 years. Again, a cost cutting business model that has made the owners of these job shipping companies wealthier than they have ever been.

American labor unions with tens of millions of workers have been destroyed starting in the 1970's, taking off under Reagan.

Those jobs were sent overseas. Devastating decent job availabilities here at home.

What's left for 50 to 100 million middle class Americans? Low wage lousy or no benefit jobs like fast food, gas station, convenience stores,  and cheap Chinese goods selling store jobs?

Wal-Mart, Target, 7-11, McDonalds, BP gas, motel housekeeping.

Actual manufacturing jobs and so many others ...gone!

Our main single corporate employer here in Monterey for years starting in the 1960's through 1980's was a company called "CTB-Mcgraw Hill" textbook and test publishers.

They employed 500 to 1,000 locals. Paid decent with benefits wages.

Many of our young worked there in summer labor positions. Seemed like everyone could get a job there over the years. Good company. American employed loyal.

But starting in the late 1980's and through the 1990's, Even they fell under the shipped overseas cheap labor huge profit scam drug spell.

Every job but a handful were shipped out to cheap labor India by the 1990's.

This made the company share holders lots more money, but it was a huge loss to our community back here in America. They eventually closed up completely. Selling off what was left to some small text book companies.

No, most Americans have been hurt hugely by the slave labor job shipping and gouging profit goods game. 

What's good for the Waltons and everyone like them in the minority 1 to 5% wealthiest class has been devastating for 100 million plus number working class and poorer Americans.

From massive decent job loss to being suckered holding the bag paying 500 to 1,000 profit prices on all the slave wage made products.

Several years ago I learned that even See's Candy is made in low wage Mexico now!


Can you believe that? 



Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

"The American people have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods?"

Oh no they haven't.

They've been "cheated" with Chinese and other cheap labor third world country made goods. For decades.

Allow me to explain.

Many years ago in the 1960's we had our first shopping center built here in Monterey.

The main anchor store was Macy's with their 5th Avenue New York classy reputation.

I was a young man and low wage employed in labor positions at the time.

The cost of living ( even here ) was low enough however that I could afford my own decent little apartment, an old junker car and groceries. I could support myself.

I even occasionally had some extra money and a big splurge was to walk through Macy's, see high end items including clothes and shoes ,smell the beautiful women's fragrances as you walked by the cosmetic section, and check out all the attractive female workers and clientele, even the lady mannequins were knock outs!

Macy's at that time actually sold very high quality items. Shirts handmade in England! Leather shoes from Italy! Wallets and belts too. Lots of quality American made items as well.

I bought a few "made in England" shirts. Loved them.

All of a sudden over just a few years starting in the 1970's, Macy's began filling their display tables, shelves and hangers with more and more items from China.

The quality wasn't as good. Believe me, my English shirts and American made pants lasted me for years. Not the Chinese made ones.

At first, they offered these Chinese made items as a price break choice. Pay 40% less for the Chinese made items versus English and American made ones.

I still bought British and American. I wanted that quality ( and I knew buying these kept American and British people working.) But then, guess what? 

Within 10 years, there were no more American and British made clothing items in Macy's. "Everything" was made in China!

The higher profit margins on Chinese made goods versus American and British goods were obscene.

And what else changed was the price break you got buying Chinese...disappeared!

Macy's gradually jacked up their Chinese made items to the same prices you used to pay for the high quality domestic and British made items!

And it's been that way ever since.

Small locally owned clothing stores also started disappearing as well. 

Huge box stores like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart came in and everything they sold was made in China as well.

Again, cheaper prices ( at first ) but poorer quality for sure.

So many other specialized chain stores like Office Depot, Smart & Final also converted to nothing but Chinese imports. Many items there started out being American and British made. Shoe stores became filled with shoes made in the Philippines, Viet Nam, etc.

Again, at first, cheaper prices than American made. But in a decade these cheap labor goods were priced as high as American. Soon enough, even these Philippine and Vietnamese and Indian and Chinese and Mexico made shoes were going for hundreds!

This conversion to Chinese and other cheap slave labor cost made goods started off gradually, but within 20 years exploded. You actually had (and still have) a real hard time finding any items not made in those slave wage countries. 

Yes, there are specialty American made catalog item companies still available on line. L.L. Bean. Pendleton. Etc.  But it is a small niche anymore.

And the prices for these slave wage made items were yearly being jacked up to those of American made items.

I used to study the prices of goods made overseas like China. Office Depot especially.

At first, all these products were cheaper. But soon enough I'd see a package of "Made In China" plastic binder sheets go from $1.50 to $4.50.

Now here is my main point.

What do you all think was behind the mass conversion to Chinese and other cheap labor goods being sold here, to the point of 90+% with almost no American and European made items?

We all know the answer to that question.

It's so simple and obvious. It's right in front of our faces!

Pure, unabashed, no loyalty to American needs and benefit GREED.

The Walton family is one of the wealthiest on Earth. What else would you expect from their business model?

Have everything you sell made in third world countries for $1 to $5 ...and bring it back here and sell these items for 500 to 1000% profit!

$5 cost tennis shoes made in the Philippines, selling for $40 to $60 or as high as $100 here!

That third world country peanut cost/ American sale 500% to 1,000 % profit model has made 1 to 2 % of Americans super wealthy.

All on the backs of and loss to middle class and poorer Americans.

Who could pay "half" what they are being charged for these goods and the corporate import owners would "still'" make a killing!

Why do you think The Sharks on the popular TV show "Shark Tank" always ask where their contestants get their products made?

Because if these contestants have anything that can be made in slave wage countries, they must do so to make "the real killing" bringing these items back here where we Americans have to pay 10X times the profit higher prices on them.

That's the whole game now-a-days.

Get it slave wage made cheap then sell it for 10X more back here in the good ole USA.

This has been the rip off game on Americans for 40 to 50 years now.

Low wage foreign country made items are not super cheap anymore. Back in the 1950's "Made In Japan" meant you could get something for 10% what it cost if made elsewhere.

Within one generation the Japanese reversed that desperate selling model.

For decades now they make some of the highest quality goods on Earth and get paid fair compensation prices for them.

So, my point here is average Americans have been ripped off for 50 years now paying 500 to 1,000 percent profit prices on millions of slave wage made products that should have cost half and even less, with the sellers STILL making unheard of profits!

100 to 200% profits aren't enough!?

And this goods cost and selling price scam is just one part of the devastating "shipped overseas" American corporate agenda.

"Tens of millions" of decent paying middle class with benefits jobs have been sent overseas in the last 50 years. Again, a cost cutting business model that has made the owners of these job shipping companies wealthier than they have ever been.

American labor unions with tens of millions of workers have been destroyed starting in the 1970's, taking off under Reagan.

Those jobs were sent overseas. Devastating decent job availabilities here at home.

What's left for 50 to 100 million middle class Americans? Low wage lousy or no benefit jobs like fast food, gas station, convenient and cheap Chinese goods selling store jobs?

Wal-Mart, Target, 7-11, McDonalds, BP gas, motel housekeeping.

Manufacturing jobs and so many others ...gone!

Our main single corporate employer here in Monterey for years starting in the 1960's through 1980's was a company called "CTB-Mcgraw Hill" textbook and test publishers.

They employed 500 to 1,000 locals. Paid decent with benefits wages.

Many of our young worked there in summer labor positions. Seemed like everyone could get a job there over the years. Good company. American employed loyal.

But starting in the late 1980's and through the 1990's, Even they fell under the shipped overseas cheap labor huge profit scam drug spell.

Every job but a handful were shipped out to cheap labor India by the 1990's.

This made the company share holders lots more money, but it was a huge loss to our community back here in America. They eventually closed up completely. Selling off what was left to some small text book companies.

No, most Americans have been hurt hugely by the slave labor job shipping and gouging profit goods game. 

What's good for the Waltons and everyone like them in the minority 1 to 5% wealthiest class has been devastating for 100 million plus number working class and poorer Americans.

From massive decent job loss to being suckered holding the bag paying 500 to 1,000 profit prices on all the slave wage made products.

Several years ago I learned that even See's Candy is made in low wage Mexico now!


Can you believe that? 



There are 150 million employed Americans. If they voted as a bloc, or even somewhat so...

But they are fractured...guess why? 


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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

"The American people have been spoiled on cheap Chinese goods?"

Oh no they haven't.

They've been "cheated" with Chinese and other cheap labor third world country made goods. For decades.

Allow me to explain.

Many years ago in the 1960's we had our first shopping center built here in Monterey.

The main anchor store was Macy's with their 5th Avenue New York classy reputation.

I was a young man and low wage employed in labor positions at the time.

The cost of living ( even here ) was low enough however that I could afford my own decent little apartment, an old junker car and groceries. I could support myself.

I even occasionally had some extra money and a big splurge was to walk through Macy's, see high end items including clothes and shoes ,smell the beautiful women's fragrances as you walked by the cosmetic section, and check out all the attractive female workers and clientele, even the lady mannequins were knock outs!

Macy's at that time actually sold very high quality items. Shirts handmade in England! Leather shoes from Italy! Wallets and belts too. Lots of quality American made items as well.

I bought a few "made in England" shirts. Loved them.

All of a sudden over just a few years starting in the 1970's, Macy's began filling their display tables, shelves and hangers with more and more items from China.

The quality wasn't as good. Believe me, my English shirts and American made pants lasted me for years. Not the Chinese made ones.

At first, they offered these Chinese made items as a price break choice. Pay 40% less for the Chinese made items versus English and American made ones.

I still bought British and American. I wanted that quality ( and I knew buying these kept American and British people working.) But then, guess what? 

Within 10 years, there were no more American and British made clothing items in Macy's. "Everything" was made in China!

The higher profit margins on Chinese made goods versus American and British goods were obscene.

And what else changed was the price break you got buying Chinese...disappeared!

Macy's gradually jacked up their Chinese made items to the same prices you used to pay for the high quality domestic and British made items!

And it's been that way ever since.

Small locally owned clothing stores also started disappearing as well. 

Huge box stores like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart came in and everything they sold was made in China as well.

Again, cheaper prices ( at first ) but poorer quality for sure.

So many other specialized chain stores like Office Depot, Smart & Final also converted to nothing but Chinese imports. Many items there started out being American and British made. Shoe stores became filled with shoes made in the Philippines, Viet Nam, etc.

Again, at first, cheaper prices than American made. But in a decade these cheap labor goods were priced as high as American. Soon enough, even these Philippine and Vietnamese and Indian and Chinese and Mexico made shoes were going for hundreds!

This conversion to Chinese and other cheap slave labor cost made goods started off gradually, but within 20 years exploded. You actually had (and still have) a real hard time finding any items not made in those slave wage countries. 

Yes, there are specialty American made catalog item companies still available on line. L.L. Bean. Pendleton. Etc.  But it is a small niche anymore.

And the prices for these slave wage made items were yearly being jacked up to those of American made items.

I used to study the prices of goods made overseas like China. Office Depot especially.

At first, all these products were cheaper. But soon enough I'd see a package of "Made In China" plastic binder sheets go from $1.50 to $4.50.

Now here is my main point.

What do you all think was behind the mass conversion to Chinese and other cheap labor goods being sold here, to the point of 90+% with almost no American and European made items?

We all know the answer to that question.

It's so simple and obvious. It's right in front of our faces!

Pure, unabashed, no loyalty to American needs and benefit GREED.

The Walton family is one of the wealthiest on Earth. What else would you expect from their business model?

Have everything you sell made in third world countries for $1 to $5 ...and bring it back here and sell these items for 500 to 1000% profit!

$5 cost tennis shoes made in the Philippines, selling for $40 to $60 or as high as $100 here!

That third world country peanut cost/ American sale 500% to 1,000 % profit model has made 1 to 2 % of Americans super wealthy.

All on the backs of and loss to middle class and poorer Americans.

Who could pay "half" what they are being charged for these goods and the corporate import owners would "still'" make a killing!

Why do you think The Sharks on the popular TV show "Shark Tank" always ask where their contestants get their products made?

Because if these contestants have anything that can be made in slave wage countries, they must do so to make "the real killing" bringing these items back here where we Americans have to pay 10X times the profit higher prices on them.

That's the whole game now-a-days.

Get it slave wage made cheap then sell it for 10X more back here in the good ole USA.

This has been the rip off game on Americans for 40 to 50 years now.

Low wage foreign country made items are not super cheap anymore. Back in the 1950's "Made In Japan" meant you could get something for 10% what it cost if made elsewhere.

Within one generation the Japanese reversed that desperate selling model.

For decades now they make some of the highest quality goods on Earth and get paid fair compensation prices for them.

So, my point here is average Americans have been ripped off for 50 years now paying 500 to 1,000 percent profit prices on millions of slave wage made products that should have cost half and even less, with the sellers STILL making unheard of profits!

100 to 200% profits aren't enough!?

And this goods cost and selling price scam is just one part of the devastating "shipped overseas" American corporate agenda.

"Tens of millions" of decent paying middle class with benefits jobs have been sent overseas in the last 50 years. Again, a cost cutting business model that has made the owners of these job shipping companies wealthier than they have ever been.

American labor unions with tens of millions of workers have been destroyed starting in the 1970's, taking off under Reagan.

Those jobs were sent overseas. Devastating decent job availabilities here at home.

What's left for 50 to 100 million middle class Americans? Low wage lousy or no benefit jobs like fast food, gas station, convenient and cheap Chinese goods selling store jobs?

Wal-Mart, Target, 7-11, McDonalds, BP gas, motel housekeeping.

Manufacturing jobs and so many others ...gone!

Our main single corporate employer here in Monterey for years starting in the 1960's through 1980's was a company called "CTB-Mcgraw Hill" textbook and test publishers.

They employed 500 to 1,000 locals. Paid decent with benefits wages.

Many of our young worked there in summer labor positions. Seemed like everyone could get a job there over the years. Good company. American employed loyal.

But starting in the late 1980's and through the 1990's, Even they fell under the shipped overseas cheap labor huge profit scam drug spell.

Every job but a handful were shipped out to cheap labor India by the 1990's.

This made the company share holders lots more money, but it was a huge loss to our community back here in America. They eventually closed up completely. Selling off what was left to some small text book companies.

No, most Americans have been hurt hugely by the slave labor job shipping and gouging profit goods game. 

What's good for the Waltons and everyone like them in the minority 1 to 5% wealthiest class has been devastating for 100 million plus number working class and poorer Americans.

From massive decent job loss to being suckered holding the bag paying 500 to 1,000 profit prices on all the slave wage made products.

Several years ago I learned that even See's Candy is made in low wage Mexico now!


Can you believe that? 



A couple of other points:

China has artificially devalued its currency to keep itself competitive in undercutting other labour sources including American. 

The throw away culture introduced by this ethos (importing Chinese) has been catastrophic for the environment. ie we were better off with quality that lasted. 

All of this is down to American oligarchs in the pre-JFK era seeing opportunity in the emerging Chinese market and cheap labour that could be capitalised on, and selling out their own culture and people. These people have no loyalty, they only care about money and power. 

Your story is not unique, its sad tale throughout the west. 

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