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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Unfortunately there's a lot of misinformation from the JFKA era, that leads people to think that there's a monolithic agenda to a present government "deep state" or "shadow government" . That was more true 60 years ago, in the days of JFK. But now the government is more malleable to the will of the Chief Executive, though it has a number of different agendas, some at cross purposes throughout different localities and regions.  

This thinking of the government of a 60's style monolithic deep state (tailored to whatever political prejudices people may hold) is harmful, as it's being used in general by the Corporate State to turn public opinion  to ultimately defund the government, and further disenfranchise the will of the great majority of people.

In reality, your only shot to dismantle or lessen the power of the Corporate State over your government is through the government itself, and your right to vote! 

However well intentioned  those that preach that there's a 60's monolithic government deep state may be, they have been duped into spreading the gospel of the Corporate Deep State.



I believe you nailed it, Kirk. And Ben is, IMHO, one of the duped.

What you call the Corporate State and what I call the oligarchy are, I believe, one and the same. If there's a "Deep State," that's where it lies [the word "lies" having a double meaning in this context].

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Public Libraries Now Have To Deal With Hoax Bomb Threats

The anonymous messages come as conservatives wage a culture war over events and books with LGBTQ or racial justice themes.

By Nathalie Baptiste Sep 23, 2022,



The Nashville Public Library system was forced to close its branches Thursday after receiving an anonymous bomb threat via email.

Earlier this month, Salt Lake City Public Library employees received a bomb threat that didn’t mention a specific branch.

On Monday, a Fort Worth Public Library employee in Texas received three emails indicating a bomb threat,

Then the Denver Public Library shuttered its branches Wednesday after receiving an “unspecified threat” overnight, “


The whole idea is to make people feel isolated and afraid.


Steve Thomas

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Keep telling yourself that no one who breached the Capitol on January 6 was armed.

It isn't true, but keep telling yourself that, if you find it comforting.


I believe a .40 caliber handgun is considered a firearm... maybe not in YOUR mind, but to the rest of the world it is.

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5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


Keep telling yourself that no one who breached the Capitol on January 6 was armed.

It isn't true, but keep telling yourself that, if you find it comforting.


I believe a .40 caliber handgun is considered a firearm... maybe not in YOUR mind, but to the rest of the world it is.

I have long said two individuals inside the Capitol were arrested with firearms, and one outside. That is out of nearly 900 arrested so far. 

So, 0.3% of the protestors that day were armed. All of the police were armed, and one police officer murdered an unarmed protestor. 

None of the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers were armed, we know that from the superseding federal indictment.  

The M$M can play this any way it wants. They can say "an armed mob," or they could also write, "A largely unarmed contingent." 

Or, the M$M (if it so chose) could humanize the arrestees with background stories on their lives (choosing the most sympathetic cases) and the anger they felt in their lives. 

Ray Epps, of all rioters that day, got the "he's really just a nice guy" treatment in the NYT. He was the provocateur exhorting protestors to "go into the Capitol" on 1/5 and 1/6, and seen whispering into the ear of a protestor near the initial breach. 


In NYT world, Ray Epps is a "victim." 

You can't make this stuff up. 


This is interesting, regarding one of the wto armed protestors that day inside the Capitol:

ALBERTS, Christopher Michael


Case Number: 

Unlawful Possession of a Firearm on Capitol Grounds or Buildings; Unlawful Entry or Remaining on Restricted Grounds without Lawful Authoirty; Carrying a Pistol without a License Outside Home or Place of Business; Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device

Location of Arrest: 
Case Status: 

Arrested on 1/7/21. Initial appearance / detention hearing on 1/7/21. Defendant released.  Preliminary hearing held on 1/28/21.

Indicted 1/27/21 and arraigned 2/25/21 where he pleaded not guilty on all counts.

Superseding indictment issued 5/14/21 and pleaded not guilty to all counts on 5/25.

Second superseding indictment filed 11/10.


This guy was carrying a Taurus semi-automatic handgun, and 24 rounds of ammo. Wearing body armor too--and was arrested inside the Capitol!

Now, this sounds like a bona fide dangerous person. 

So, Alberts was released either the night of 1/6 or the next day, on his own recognizance! 

Interesting case to watch---and why the different treatment of Alberts and Mr. Buffalo Horns? 

Wearing buffalo horns is a more egregious offense than carrying a semi-automatic Taurus and 24 rounds of ammo into the Capitol? 

Alberts has not even been brought to trial yet. 

The M$M is entirely uninterested in this, btw. 

What do you make of it? 

My guess is this case will fizzle out. 





Edited by Benjamin Cole
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So, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me? 

"Nor were they (Trump voters) impressed by Trump critics who had their own penchant for hypocrisy and outright slander. To this day, precious few anti-Trumpers have been honest with themselves about the elaborate hoax — there’s just no other word for it — that was the Steele dossier and all the bogus allegations, credulously parroted in the mainstream media, that flowed from it."---Bret Stephens, NYT. 

Russiagate was "an elaborate hoax"?

To this day there are deniers of this, just as some still say the Wuhan virus was natural (and just by chance happened adjacent to the Wuhan lab manipulating bat-corona viruses). 

You can believe what you want to believe--and find solace somewher in the M$M, or cocooned echo-chambers. 

But, Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald concur with Bret Stephens, a couple sharp cookies, and independent journalists, even if you disagree with their politics. 

My point: keep an eye out for elements of propaganda and hoax-isms in the current political scene, indeed at any time from either major political party. 

The modern state still conducts show trials, and M$M is more than ever an affiliated lapdog, not a watchdog. 

Stay skeptical. 



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

two individuals inside the Capitol were arrested with firearms, and one outside. That is out of nearly 900 arrested so far. 

Ben- on the actual day of the insurrection, January 6th, DC Metro Police arrested 25 people in connection with the riot, and the Capitol Police arrested 14.

It isn't possible for you to say the other 850 arrested were unarmed... because none of them were arrested until long after the event was over and thus were not searched for firearms that day.

Your statements about the insurrectionists being unarmed are therefore nothing but speculation.

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I wonder whether Trump's kids are having any anxiety and feelings of guilt or embarrassment regards all the charges against their father?

I mean it's every day for a year that their dad is immersed and reported on in the most major news media in a constant expose of the most serious criminal and constitution violating charges.

Their Dad is literally a walking lightning rod of constant unprecedented negative and nation dividing chaos and angst.

You'd think his children ( especially his daughter Ivanka who seems to be more rationally less blindly loyal to her father and more sensitive to her national image ) would eventually be tired of their father's never ending anger inciting rants and behavior.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Just now, Matt Allison said:

Well, well, well... what do we have here?


The huge majority of our national security and police agency people are pro-Trump. They will do what they can to obstruct investigations into their fearless leader. Everybody knows this truth.

I am certain that many of the Capital police themselves on Jan 6th were pro-Trumpers.


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