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7 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

And not falling hook, line, and sinker for the pitches of a conman apparently is diagnosed as [name of conman] Derangement Syndrome. If that's truly the case, I apparently suffer from Bill Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Mike Lindell Derangement Syndrome, Sidney Powell Derangement Syndrome, Rudy Giuliani Derangement Syndrome, Joseph McCarthy Derangement Syndrome, Nancy Pelosi Derangement Syndrome, Chuck Schumer Derangement Syndrome, and who knows how many other similar maladies.


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Just repeating the link to Executive Order 12968, which spells out who shall have access to classified documents as a government employee, and the duration of that access.


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11 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


That's only because it's a breath of fresh air seeing a Republican congressman being honest about Trump.

But Robert Reich should know better than endorsing Cheney for president. He's normally one of my heroes. But he gets a thumb's down from me on this.


Maybe Nancy Pelosi will get thumb's down too, for a much more substantial sin. 


"Don't take it from me, take it from Ronald Reagan."---Nancy Pelosi

We need cheap illegal labor, says Pelosi and then quotes Reagan!

Reagan is the New Donk Hero! 

This is what is wrong with the New Donks.  Unmoored from connections to employee class, the middle class, but very connected to billionaire donors, and the Deep State.

The establishment GOP may be worse....

When did tight labor markets become a bad thing....

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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

You kinda sound like a cult member, I bet QANON people say the same thing... 


Well, we can add this Trump cult projection to the list of Mathew Koch's many inaccurate posts during the past few days.  

Projection is a common defense mechanism of Trump and his delusional cult.

They can't own their own crap, so they fling it onto the Democrats.

This explains Ben and Mathew's recurrent posts claiming that various Republicans-- Dubya Bush, the Cheneys, Reagan, et.al.-- are alleged "Donk heroes" for rejecting the lies and delusions of the Trump Cult.

1)    Trump's Presidency and white nationalist cult was always predicated on xenophobia and bigotry. 

       He was, in a Hegelian sense, the Anti-Obama-- the Birther-in-Chief-- whose popularity surged in the 2016 GOP primaries when he also started vilifying Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers.  It was a white nativist sales pitch that worked, and it became Trump's political essence.

      Trump emerged from the GOP pack in 2016 as a 21st century anti-immigrant Know Nothing who actively promoted paranoia about brown people invading the U.S.  borders.  (Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis have been playing this card recently.)

2)   The policy derivative of Trump's Know Nothing-ism was the hoopla about building a wall, and pretending to be concerned about the impact of immigration on American workers-- Trump's pseudo-populism.  (In reality, Trump couldn't have cared less about the plight of the American working class.)

      But Trump's anti-immigrant demagoguery directly contradicted Ronald Reagan's legacy as a supporter of immigration reform, and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. 

     So, to rationalize Trump's anti-Reaganism on immigration, the Trump Cult is now claiming that Democrats revere Reagan.  Thus, they avoid facing the fact that they, themselves, are repudiating Reagan's legacy on immigration.

3)   Similarly, to rationalize Trump's Big Lie and January 6th coup attempt, the Trump Cult is claiming that Democrats revere the Cheneys for condemning it!

4)   And to rationalize George W. Bush's rejection of Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election, the Trump Cult is claiming that Democrats revere George W. Bush.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Trump's Presidency and white nationalist cult was always predicated on xenophobia and bigotry. 


And it's another example of John Roberts' utter failure as Chief SC Justice; his gutting of the Voting Rights Act because he thought times had "changed" couldn't have been more wrong. If the the numbers behind Trump's cult are used, roughly 25-30% of voting-age U.S. citizens are racist bigots. Which is obviously a problem.

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No man! , it was on TV, I swear!

He's an Economic  Professor with a minor in Underwater Ballistics, man! He knows!.

We've seen the depths of Matthew's research.


Ben: in another thread you were actually  comparing Trump's Presidency with Hilary's Presidency.

But of course there wasn't a Hilary Presidency so in what universe are you qualified to even speculate about what a Hilary Presidency would be like?  You made a reference as to Trump was much better for the "employee class".

But we actually did have a Trump presidency. I was living in the U.S.

What did Trump do for the employee class?



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

And it's another example of John Roberts' utter failure as Chief SC Justice; his gutting of the Voting Rights Act because he thought times had "changed" couldn't have been more wrong. If the the numbers behind Trump's cult are used, roughly 25-30% of voting-age U.S. citizens are racist bigots. Which is obviously a problem.

So, 70-75 of us are not racist bigots.  That's good news!  Hopefully we can overcome racism and bigotry.  

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Disgraced Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok's Brutal Termination Letter Revealed:

This one has the Document




David Bowdich, who was deputy director of the bureau when he penned the brutally harsh draft of the dismissal letter, told Strzok the damage he caused to the bureau would last for years. He referred specifically to Strzok’s use of “an FBI device,” an apparent reference to the shocking text messages sent on bureau cell phones between Strzok and his paramour, Lisa Page, in which vowed to stop former President Trump from being elected in 2016.


“While there is no doubt your 21 years of service to the organization cannot and should not be erased, it is difficult to fathom the repeated, sustained errors of judgment you made while serving as the lead agent in two of the most high profile investigations in the country,” Bowdich wrote in the August 8, 2018 letter. “Though the Office of the Inspector General found no evidence of bias impacted any of your or the FBI’s investigative actions or decisions, your sustained pattern of bad judgment in the use of an FBI device has called into question for many of the decisions made during both the Clinton e-mail investigation and the initial states of the Russian Collusion investigation.”

“In short, your repeated selfishness has called into question the credibility of the entire FBI.”


Edited by Matthew Koch
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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

No man! , it was on TV, I swear!

He's an Economic  Professor with a minor in Underwater Ballistics, man! He knows!.

We've seen the depths of Matthew's research.


Ben: in another thread you were actually  comparing Trump's Presidency with Hilary's Presidency.

But of course there wasn't a Hilary Presidency so in what universe are you qualified to even speculate about what a Hilary Presidency would be like?  You made a reference as to Trump was much better for the "employee class".

But we actually did have a Trump presidency. I was living in the U.S.

What did Trump do for the employee class?



Kirk, Kirk Kirk:

Believe it or not, there is this thing called supply and demand in economics. 

Boost supply, and prices tend to go down. Cut supply, and prices tend to go up. 

Trump even tried to build a wall on the southern border, to cut the flow of cheap desperate labor to the US. In any event, the flow was cut during his years. That was a pro-labor move, especially for those in the bottom half of the labor pool.

Anyway, Pelosi is saying it out out: We need to illegal immigrant labor, due to her definition of "labor shortages."

Ask anyone in the bottom half of the labor pool if there are labor shortages, and if the right way to fix labor shortages:

1. Higher wages

2. Import illegal immigrants by the millions

BTW, the most ardent immigrationists in US history were...the slavers. The plantation owners. 

I am sure the plantation owners just wanted to do good, to teach religion, and to uplift the Africans. They were anti-racists. 

And Ronald Reagan as the New Donk hero? Ooooof. 

Reagan, Bush jr. and Liz Cheney. Pelosi, Biden and HRC. A guy might get them mixed up.

I am sure the Koches want open borders. 



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15 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


The other day, someone (and I'm sorry, I did not take note who it was), raised the spectre, as I have, of 1917 repeating itself.

You give 300,000 dispirited men guns, and send them into a war they don't want to to be in, and what do you think is going to happen?

They are going to turn around and bring those guns home with them.

Putin is sowing the seeds of his own demise.

Steve Thomas


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You know...when the national Donks align themselves with the Deep State and M$M, and abandon the middle- and employee-classes...then it is time for a referendum on and sober discussion about the Donks. 

No amount of denigrating Trump will change the reality about New Donks. 

Indeed, the M$M-obsession with Trump (aided by Donk leadership) begins to look like a diversion, no? 

Trump could be put on a rocket-ship to Mars...then what?

What happens to trends in US labor markets? House prices? The Deep State? The $1.4 trillion annual national security budget? The rogue CIA? 

Silicon Valley, media, multinationals, Wall Street and globalists and Deep State: The true New Donks? 

Yes, Bernie Sanders, the lone holdout. But Sanders does not a party make (indeed, some say the Donk party stole the nomination from Sanders). 

Keep your eye on the ball. 


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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Colombia University Economics Professor says on TV that US blew up pipeline and cites military aircraft on radar. 

Because an economics professor is privy to [possibly nonexistent] secret CIA decisions.

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