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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I don't see him as a war criminal. (Zelensky could have avoided this) But he's definitely been involved in Russia with war criminal level stuff. Especially in his rise to power. Remember how Dubya and him used to be bros? He did Chechnya and Bush did Iraq. Then Vladimir had to start out gaming Obama and now we have this conflict from that foreign policey....
I see the Ukraine conflict very similarly to what Dave Smith is saying in the is clip, which if you follow him is basically him repeating his buddy Scott Horton. 


Well, we have to agree to disagree on this one. 

Putin started a volitional war. Who knows how many hundreds of thousands have or will die, or more maimed. Economies and cities ruined. 

Mariupol is a war crime all by itself. 

One can always cite threats as a cover for aggression or insanity. Bush jr. invaded not one but two countries, citing threats. 




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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, we have to agree to disagree on this one. 

Putin started a volitional war.




Well, if you watch the video..
there is a lot of mitigating circumstances that lead to this. Should Putin just let an alley get overthrown and then allow that new country to be a hostile threat, while they are killing people who are relatives of people in your country and doing provocative things like banning the Russian language, banning ethnic Russians from government and well paying careers. Funding Azov battalion, the Naz Bois  are real.

That then starts the debate which Matt has unknowing started with is his attempted (creature that lives under a bridge) of my religion above is;  what is a "Just War" it's not an easy answer and has always been a catch 22 within Christian Theology. What made JFK great is that as a Catholic he cared to preserve life and against a lot of pressure stuck with his Christian convictions. This may have lead to him becoming a martyr for peace. But had that conflict gone longer, or a couple of things happened different, it would have turned into a justifiable invasion/war. Like JFK said, he would have been impeached had he allowed the missiles to stay. Rightfully so! That is basically a similar situation to Ukraine, Zelensky regime are acting similar to Che Guevara and Castro. Very Bellicose. Did you see how they acted toward Elon Musk's peace deal suggestion? I if didn't know how corrupt Ukraine was I'd be surprised that someone would talk that way to someone giving 80 million dollars worth of Aid to your country... 

I see your side; Nato/Ukraine as the aggressors of this conflict and they wanted Russia to go in, obviously 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Changed poopoo to Naz Bois changed XXXX to (Creature under a bridge since apparently the word is banned?)
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24 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The death that will come to Putin can not be savage enough.

I hope it can be arranged for him to suffer for many hours before he actually expires.

Matt.. I'm going to make an analogy that you can understand, Starwars.. 
Take a look at Zelensky's shirt ; ) and than take a look at what you wrote ; )

I think someone has had a little too much #FakeNews IMHO 


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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


This is actually a serious problem. In JFK's time, everyone served in the military. JFK's older brother died in WWII, and JFK was injured. 

And draftees "served." 

Today, the US has a mercenary military, despite the insulting misnomer "all-volunteer." 

Obama and Clinton never faced a bullet either (remember, Obama engaged in a surge in Afghanistan, one of his first actions as Commander in Chief). 

Bush jr. was in Texas National Guard, and Dick Cheney even worse. 

Kissinger and Nixon wanted a mercenary military as they were concerned they could not draft Americans anymore for globalist wars. I call that a great bulwark against perma-wars. 

The $1.4 trillion annual in war/security spending---you wonder why America has become Detroitified? 

Lots of cheap labor, lots of cheap imports, lots of expensive foreign wars. And rules against building housing. 

The US is a Third World country, with the intense social strains thereof. 


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Well now we have the "MSM",  or it is the "New Yorker?" writing an article. "Has the CIA done more harm than good?"

Going over a quick history, starting with Wild Bill. Asking if we couldn't use other agencies and reconfigure their turf wars.

And highlighting some historical ineptness as well, sort of refreshing to hear in an era now that some are trembling as they think the CIA is  as omnipotent as ever and  after a 40 year hiatus, they actually single handedly overturned Ukraine in 2014!

I didn't even know Patrick Moynihan in 1995 introduced a bill to abolish them!






Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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