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18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

As for Ben Cole extolling Trump's diplomatic skills in comparison with Obama and Biden... 🤥

   Like most Trumplicons, Ben still hasn't figured out that Putin's Orange Asset was always an international laughingstock, as Colin Powell said in 2016. 


Imagine saying this when you voted for Joe Biden? You're quoting Colin Powell?!? 

I know I was dropped on my head too many times as a child and that's why I support MAGA, lols, But that map of Eastern Ukraine looks a lot like Vietnam and just like Vietnam the Democrats once again don't have an exit strategy...


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Have you written a book or books chronicling your incredibly extensive on the ground, first hand eyewitness war experiences and your contemplative war generating world order thoughts such as those shared above?

I share many of your views and sentiments.


Unlike Chris Hedges, JB, I have no first hand eyewitness war experiences and I hope I never have.

I think that like me, you would appreciate the sentiment of The Workers’ Song, sung here by Dick Gaughan:


Come all of you workers

Who toil night and day

By hand and by brain

To earn your pay

Who for centuries long past

For no more than your bread

Have bled for your countries

And counted your dead

In the factories and mills,

In the shipyards and mines

We've often been told

To keep up with the times

For our skills are not needed,

They've streamlined the job

And with sliderule and stopwatch

Our pride they have robbed

But when the sky darkens

And the prospect is war

Who's given a gun

And then pushed to the fore

And expected to die

For the land of our birth

Though we've never owned

One handful of earth?

We're the first ones to starve

The first ones to die

The first ones in line For that

And always the last

When the cream is shared out

For the worker is working

When the fat cat's about

All of these things

The worker has done

From tilling the fields

To carrying the gun

We've been yoked to the plough

Since time first began

And always expected

To carry the can



Edited by John Cotter
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1 minute ago, John Cotter said:

Unlike Chris Hedges, JB, I have no first hand eyewitness war experiences and I hope I never have.

I think that like me, you would appreciate the sentiment of The Workers’ Song, sung here by Dick Gaughan:


Come all of you workers

Who toil night and day

By hand and by brain

To earn your pay

Who for centuries long past

For no more than your bread

Have bled for your countries

And counted your dead

In the factories and mills,

In the shipyards and mines

We've often been told

To keep up with the times

For our skills are not needed,

They've streamlined the job

And with sliderule and stopwatch

Our pride they have robbed

But when the sky darkens

And the prospect is war

Who's given a gun

And then pushed to the fore

And expected to die

For the land of our birth

Though we've never owned

One handful of earth?

We're the first ones to starve

The first ones to die

The first ones in line For that

And always the last

When the cream is shared out

For the worker is working

When the fat cat's about

All of these things

The worker has done

From tilling the fields

To carrying the gun

We've been yoked to the plough

Since time first began

And always expected

To carry the can



I see. I thought you saw first hand the dead body carnage you describe occurring in all the war zones you cite.

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4 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I see. I thought you saw first hand the dead body carnage you describe occurring in all the war zones you cite.

I don't know why you thought that, JB, because I never said anything to suggest it.

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54 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


   I can't fix your reading comprehension problems, or your limited knowledge of Russian history.

   At best, I would suggest that you re-read my commentary about Kotkin and Putin's neo-Soviet agenda more slowly.

   Beyond Mearsheimer and Jeff Carter's punditry, I'd be curious to see a list of Russian history books that you and Chris Barnard have studied.  My hunch is that it's a very short list.

   As for Ben Cole extolling Trump's diplomatic skills in comparison with Obama and Biden... 🤥

   Like most Trumplicons, Ben still hasn't figured out that Putin's Orange Asset was always an international laughingstock, as Colin Powell said in 2016. 

    I'm guessing that Ben also missed the J6 Committee evidence yesterday about Trump's precipitous December 2020 order to rapidly withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by January 15, 2021.

He Chooses the Hammer Every Time”: NATO Left Fuming as Trump Turns Toward  Putin | Vanity Fair



Thanks for again validating my argument by failing to logically rebut it and instead going ad hominem and taking irrelevant swipes at other posters.

Edited by John Cotter
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24 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I see. I thought you saw first hand the dead body carnage you describe occurring in all the war zones you cite.

Joe - you were responding to the words of Chris Hedges, which John generously shared. Hedges has written numerous books, and his articles are published regularly by Consortium News. He used to host a terrific interview program, which unfortunately was "cancelled" this past spring by the mavens of our diminishing liberal-democracy, and all past episodes deleted from YouTube. Hedges, like Consortium News' founder Robert Parry, once had a Pulitzer Prize winning career within the journalist establishment (NY Times in his case), but displayed too much integrity to remain. 


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49 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Thanks for again validating my argument by failing to logically rebut it and instead going ad hominem and taking irrelevant swipes at other posters.

Re-read my post, slowly, John.

Your entire, imaginary "refutation" of Princeton historian Stephen Kotkin's critique of Mearsheimer hinged on one word, "greatest" (vs. "great") as a description of Russia's imperialist aspirations.

I think it can be fairly said that I have experienced Russian culture, for many years, "from the inside."

In the process, I have realized that very few Westerners understand Russian culture-- even those who have read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

I never understood Dostoevsky until I had personally experienced the mystical theology and praxis of Russian Orthodoxy.  It is other-- almost like stepping 1,000 years backward in time and place, to the Byzantine Empire.

Most anthropologists will know what I'm talking about.

Conversely, I think it can be fairly said that your knowledge of Russian history and culture is limited.

Are you familiar with the history of the Streltsy, Okhrana, NKVD, KGB, FSB, etc.?

With the Slavophile philosophers and literatii?

Alexander Dugin has been described as the intellectual Godfather of Putin's neo-Soviet imperialism.

Are you familiar with Dugin's work?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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This is film of Pelosi 82, and Schumer, (the heads of both houses in Congress). sequestered during 1/6 and asking for help over the phone to evacuate the rioters, and trying to ask the President to ask the rioters to leave and facing what will be passed off as bureaucratic delays! Then finally a phone call with Pence saying the rioters have been cleared and they should be able to proceed with the certification in an hour.




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56 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

I don't know why you thought that, JB, because I never said anything to suggest it.

Just read your post in a surface way.

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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Headline from today's Washington Post:

Musk appeasement of Putin and China stokes fears of new Twitter policies

In the past 10 days, he’s suggested that Ukraine give up Crimea and that Taiwan be ruled like Hong Kong. Now he’s threatening Ukraine’s access to his Starlink satellite system, critical to Ukraine’s war effort

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37 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

This is film of Pelosi 82, and Schumer, (the heads of both houses in Congress). sequestered during 1/6 and asking for help over the phone to evacuate the rioters, and trying to ask the President to ask the rioters to leave and facing what will be passed off as bureaucratic delays! Then finally a phone call with Pence saying the rioters have been cleared and they should be able to proceed with the certification in an hour.




Wow thanks for sharing, that looks like a total nothing burger!

Nobody looked like they thought their lives were in danger or any alarmist bs your side has been alleging with this Jan. 6 Soviet Commission. Kirk, CNN really? This is worse than Tim Pool.
But then again, I see why Nancy is going to Italy, if you look at her hand in the beginning of this, she is clearly speaking in Italian ; ) This further convinces me that those dummies that Nancy was talking about at the end were set up. 
It's an INSIDE JOB, Nancy probably unlocked the doors, she has a lot of motive means and opportunity judging by this clip... 

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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Nobody looked like they thought their lives were in danger or any alarmist bs your side has been alleging with this Jan. 6 Soviet Commission.

Getting back to reality.



Edited by Chris Davidson
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