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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Ich bin ein Berliner!"

   -- President John F. Kennedy/West Berlin/June 26, 1963


"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

   -- President Ronald Reagan/West Berlin/June 12, 1987 


"Belgium is a beautiful city."

   -- President Donald Trump/Atlanta, Georgia/June 16, 2016 

Edited by W. Niederhut
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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ben and Mathew will love this one, along with the recent Willie Horton style GOP attack ads during the baseball playoffs.

Talk about your GOP identity politics... 🤥

Attack Ads Are Darkening the Skin of Black Candidates (politicalwire.com)

William I know you don't watch anything other than DNC talking points..
But you should watch this video of Kari Lake calling out a presstitute, because he does the same thing you do! 


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     Unlike you, I'm not Fox/YouTube "scholar."  In fact, I was studying history (science, economics, etc.) at an Ivy League college while you were probably still wearing diapers.  So, it's quite presumptuous of you --and, frankly, ridiculous-- to imagine that you know what I "watch," (almost nothing) or where I get my detailed, accurate information about American history and current events.

     As for Kari Lake, do you agree with her publicly stated opinion that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump? 

     That's a very important, basic question about her suitability for public office.

     Is she honest, or does she endorse Trump's Big Lie?

     Also, do you agree with the Kevin McCarthy/GOP plan to force cuts in Social Security and Medicare by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, in the event that Republicans regain control of the House in 2023?

     Please answer these two questions.



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40 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Unlike you, I'm not Fox/YouTube "scholar."  In fact, I was studying history (science, economics, etc.) at an Ivy League college while you were probably still wearing diapers. 




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Recently, someone commented in this section that they thought the national security state, or the intelligence community, or what is popularly called the Deep State, is now better regulated by Congress, or more transparent than in previous decades. 

I realize there is no correct answer to this question, in part as the security state is opaque by its very nature, and in part as we rely on often-compromised media to be informed. 

An unfortunate reality may be, no matter how well-informed we think we are, or blessed with high IQ's....we are groping in the dark in trying to understand the modern intelligence community. 

My take is the Deep State is larger and powerful than ever, due to budget increases post-9/11, and advances in surveillance technology that make 1984 look like a Peter Pan show. 

What role did the Deep State play in the Trump and Biden Administrations?

I hope this engenders collegial and open-minded conversation. (Remember, we need new members!). 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Recently, someone commented in this section that they thought the national security state, or the intelligence community, or what is popularly called the Deep State, is now better regulated by Congress, or more transparent than in previous decades. 

I realize there is no correct answer to this question, in part as the security state is opaque by its very nature, and in part as we rely on often-compromised media to be informed. 

An unfortunate reality may be, no matter how well-informed we think we are, or blessed with high IQ's....we are groping in the dark in trying to understand the modern intelligence community. 

My take is the Deep State is larger and powerful than ever, due to budget increases post-9/11, and advances in surveillance technology that make 1984 look like a Peter Pan show. 

What role did the Deep State play in the Trump and Biden Administrations?

When I think of the deep state, I think of the descriptions as JFK describing the Soviet Union in the President and the Press Speech. 

I am a news junkie, I always start my day by seeing what google and yahoo are telling people what the news is. Then I go looking for stories and events that I feel is like the great Paul Harvey used to say ... the REST of the story. I watched the news on google and yahoo change once Trump got elected. It was so drastic that I wondered to myself if Obama might have started something against is successor. It was obvious the media was giving Trump the same treatment that the mockingbird media gives third world dictators like Assad. This got worse and worse, at the time I was libertarian and living in Mexico and thought that Trump made some of the same mistakes that bosses that I have had that failed made. And at the beginning of the Trump administration I didn't support him because I thought he had unnecessary gotten people to work against him. Then about a year and a half later and people were exhibiting actual signs of mental derangement over his Presidency. I began to view them as I fully do now as destroying the country in the name of getting Orange man. Around the same time HW Bush died and something happened at the funeral that convinced me that Trump was against the Clintons and the Bush's (two groups I loath) So, I started rooting for him.. 

I also heard rumors from people in the conspiracy world I trust, that Trump had made an agreement with W Bush that Trump would take Bill Barr and not release embarrassing stuff on the Bushes. In return The Bush's would call off the people in the government loyal to them that were preventing Trump from getting stuff done and that's why until the pandemic Trump was able to get so much done. That is also why Trump had to fire so many people and was lucky he did, because had he not fired the previous people in the government from prior two administrations who were not doing what he wanted, he would have gotten taken out by the impeachments. That is the original reason for the Russia Hoax. Mike Pense is a Bush loyalist. Trump had to agree to take him to get the big wigs in the party to start helping him. That was the plan all along get Trump in and get him impeached so that the NeoCon was in power. That is also why with the obvious F curve fraud in the last election Pence didn't throw those electors out. He's a neocon he's one of them. 

So, Trump fires enough people he gets out of RussiaGate barely, they got really close with the dossier but failed. So what do they go for next. White House whistle blower says Quid Pro Quo on Ukraine but who was the whistle blower? We know who the whistle blower is because Rand Paul read his name into the record. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trump-impeachment-paul-idUKKBN1ZY2G1 his name is Eric Caramello but if you type his name on social media the post will disappear like in Spy Movies. https://heavy.com/news/2019/10/eric-ciaramella/
So, we have the Deep State doubling down on their impeachment plan but Trump declassified the record and that prevented them for impeaching him over asking about investigating the crimes of Joe Biden's son Hunter who was now acting as the bag man for the big guy.. Who was the point man with Victoria Nuland on the Coup in Ukraine. We know how well that went. So then after all of that when Trump finally has his Trade War with China go his way. A virus from China gets released after Bill Gates and top Bankers do a war games drill called Event 201 https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/

After that a national emergency is called on Friday the 13th and at 3:33pm Trump begins doing press conferences and calls it the Deep State department and Fauci wipes his brow in what I interpret as a "tell"

The pandemic and the National Emergency allowed for anti Trump Democrats to change their states election rules and fortify the election 

That leads us to the Capital Riot preventing the electors from the states with the 4am synchronized F curve from being thrown out. And another BS impeachment it's obvious that Ray Epps and FBI provocateurs in Oath Keepers Proud Boys and other extremist right groups broke the gates led the charge. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/nyregion/proud-boys-informant-enrique-tarrio.html   So that's why a Warren Commission 911 style commission is needed to "protect" the narrative. But a narrative needs useful idiots to protect it and that's what the mocking bird press has been doing for the past 6yrs feeding just enough bread crumbs to keep them going. Watch Yuri Bezmenov explain what is happening with these useful idiots you can show them real information and they will reject it.


Edited by Matthew Koch
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From the Guardian newspaper:



Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live
Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live

Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From the Guardian newspaper:



Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live
Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live

Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

Another clown bites the dust.

The British establishment lynch-mobbed Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn because he spoke for ordinary people rather than the rich. His “assassins” included Blairite backstabbers in his own party (rather like plutocratic Democrats shafting Bernie Sanders).

I wonder who the next puppet the plutocrats will select. I wonder how long he or she can defy democratic gravity.

Edited by John Cotter
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20 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Joe are you suggesting that women don't like that? --- PUSSY GRABBING

Because my anecdotal experience says otherwise! LOL 

Hmmmm I see


I think I've pinpointed Matthew's problem.
It's probably too late by now, but there is a shock method we can try
It may involve some risk, It hasn't had much success over the last few years
But we have to give it a shot
Ben has to get you a woman
Ben  has international connections to Mexico, right Ben?
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The following charge by Kinzinger against Mike McCarthy is absolutely true.

Incredibly, outrageously and most, most seriously true!

Adam Kinzinger said Kevin McCarthy was giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy' and fodder to Russian media by suggesting GOP may not send more aid to Ukraine.

Imagine what Putin and his forces must think when reading McCarthy's public comments?

How inspired they must be to help the Repubs take the house and senate next month?

In what ways? Who knows. But they are very smart. You can bet they'll find some means to do so. And in the very least try.

Trump/McCarthy ... real patriots no?

Question is...for whom?




Edited by Joe Bauer
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