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40 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Abrams is absolutely right.

The abortion issue is 10X more important than the Repub inflamed inflation issue.

Telling women what they can and cannot do to their own bodies and taking away their sovereignty over their own bodies is one of the most important aspects of their civil and human rights. 

One of the main stresses of this unfettered inflation is that the children women have not aborted are the ones suffering from it.

If freedom to choose attacking Republicans are as "pro-life" as they claim...they should be going after the inflation base price setters ( the small number monopoly of oil companies) to order them to sacrifice their massive profits temporarily for the good of the tens of millions of "living" children who are suffering from these family crushing gas prices...which raise every other basic need costs as well.

IMO, our main stream media is not reporting the true reality of stress over half our country is going through to it's true level.

I just read a poll that found that 25% of Americans are not celebrating Thanksgiving this year with a typical, traditional full menu meal of turkey, pumpkin pie etc.

Because they can't afford to!

Nobody's buying new cars. Sales have collapsed. Half the country is so financially strapped with the 100% increase inflated cost of the basics like gas, groceries, utilities, etc. they can't even think of such purchases.


Funny Kirk told me that Democrats don't care about abortion... sounds like you care a lot! 




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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     My latest attempt to engage Mathew Koch in an honest discussion here is also my final attempt.

     Mathew, obviously, won't even respond to basic questions from forum members.

     He's a spammer.

Honest discussion basic questions from forum members? 
You are attempting to frame a debate which is a sign it's not an honest discussion. 2 of the 3 question don't even deal with Trump/Jan 6 and I'm already on record for the first but you don't Read what was written here.. 

I haven't looked into what Kevin McCarthy said about Medicare William and I don't care because it doesn't have anything to do with the subject.

 I don't only read democratic talking points and parrot them like you do Doc.

"He's a spammer"

No you are a purveyor of False Information and I counter it by showing your hypocrisy, through the fact that you don't care if someone does what Orange man did.. 

If you and Mark want to act like Babies go ahead, all you do is cry, and  I'm sick of your whining 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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RFK grandson Conor Kennedy reveals he secretly fought on frontline in Ukraine


Conor Kennedy, grandson of Robert F Kennedy, has revealed on Instagram that he secretly fought in Ukraine earlier this year against the Russian invasion.

The 28-year-old said he was “moved” to enlist, despite having no military experience, and joined the Ukrainian International Legion.


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

RFK grandson Conor Kennedy reveals he secretly fought on frontline in Ukraine


Conor Kennedy, grandson of Robert F Kennedy, has revealed on Instagram that he secretly fought in Ukraine earlier this year against the Russian invasion.

The 28-year-old said he was “moved” to enlist, despite having no military experience, and joined the Ukrainian International Legion.


Conor has a political future, I suspect. I am a fan of JFK. 

I hope Conor has the same stuff. 

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:




This oil corporation manufactured gas price inflation scam is 1,000 times less important than the 2021 Capital building/coup attempting attack by Trump's mob.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Conor has a political future, I suspect. I am a fan of JFK. 

I hope Conor has the same stuff. 

It sounded like RFK jr wasn't very happy about it.. 
Ben you mentioned you like other perspectives, here is a guy I recommend checking out, he lives in Ukraine had to flee Kiev because of his Vlogging. People thought he was dead for a month, but it turned out he got threatened by Ukrainian local authorities and was laying low, now he's back making videos. I thought this was interesting because he's saying a lot of the things I believe to be true, from following this war. 


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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

It sounded like RFK jr wasn't very happy about it.. 
Ben you mentioned you like other perspectives, here is a guy I recommend checking out, he lives in Ukraine had to flee Kiev because of his Vlogging. People thought he was dead for a month, but it turned out he got threatened by Ukrainian local authorities and was laying low, now he's back making videos. I thought this was interesting because he's saying a lot of the things I believe to be true, from following this war. 


Love the thoughtful puffing on a cigarette. 

This guy suspects Russia will prevail in Ukraine. 

Well...we heard early on that Russia would roll over Ukraine, and in fact Biden offered Zelensky a ride, and pulled US personnel out of the country.

Initially and mysteriously, the US all but invited Putin into Ukraine.

But the cakewalk turned into a quagmire. Due to Ukrainian resistance.

I repeat what I said before: This looks like a volitional war by Putin, and the Ukrainians, after being bombed and seeing such towns as Mariupol turned into rubble, will never quit. 

Ukraine is a nation of 40 million total, say 20 million men, 5 million who can carry a gun (or RPG) and shoot. They lose 100,000? They have 4.9 million more. 

I repeat what history shows: Every dead Ukrainian soldier is another clump of people who remember, and will never quit. Every town flattened only heightens resolve and hatred of the Russians. 

People in war zones adapt. Gone are the creature comforts, life is about rations and fighting and camaraderie. In some ways a more fulfilling life than eating bons-bons and watching TV. 

Now the Russians are demanding regime change. 

This war looks like it has more legs than a centipede. In the end, I suspect Afcrapistan for Putin. 



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