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The man got his Nancy Pelosi rage from one source only. And it wasn't from his merry band of nudist pranksters. 

The one single Nancy Pelosi hate obsessed mouthpiece who has preached the evils of Nancy Pelosi for years on the national stage...DJT!

We all know DJT is the one and only inspiration for this Paul Pelosi/Nancy Pelosi attacker.

It's as obvious as thrown ketchup!

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  • Benjamin Cole


  • Douglas Caddy


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  • Steve Thomas



Egads. From independent (actually leftish) ProPublica.

Great reporting. 

C19 from the Wuhan lab.

So why did M$M and social media censors block out this story and social media overlords ban people who said the virus came from a lab? 

If the M$M and social-media lords are willing to act in such a manner...what else can be concealed, magnified out of proportion and so on? 


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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

The man got his Nancy Pelosi rage from one source only. And it wasn't from his merry band of nudist pranksters. 

The one single Nancy Pelosi hate obsessed mouthpiece who has preached the evils of Nancy Pelosi for years on the national stage...DJT!

We all know DJT is the one and only inspiration for this Paul Pelosi/Nancy Pelosi attacker.

It's as obvious as thrown ketchup!

Indeed, Joe.

Meanwhile, Mathew Koch has been kind enough to keep us all informed about the loony coverage of the Pelosi attack in the MAGA-verse.

Mathew's MAGA-verse updates are helpful, especially since Ben, understandably, doesn't want to talk about the Pelosi attack this weekend. 

At least Ben hasn't blamed this one on the FBI, so far!  


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Marjorie Taylor Greene admits to calling for Nancy Pelosi

Marjorie Taylor Greene takes the stand in Georgia. (C-SPAN) Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene “does not recall” a concerning amount about her actions surrounding the C

Perfect VP pick for Trump.  They both feel the exact same way about Nancy Pelosi.

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Elon Musk shares lurid conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack in response to Hillary Clinton (msn.com)


Musk om Twitter says:

"There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye,” he wrote.

The Twitter and Tesla boss gave no explanation for his comments, simply sharing a link to an article that claimed – without any evidence – that Mr Pelosi was drunk and met his alleged attacker in a gay bar.

It is one of several far-right conspiracies that began circulating online almost immediately after the attack on the House Speaker’s husband – all the while the 82-year-old was in hospital undergoing surgery for a fractured skull.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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That's right W.
Election deniers, that's pretty much all we need to know, not about the hemp jewelry,nudist , best man at Gay wedding.
I'm sure if the MSM started to portray these people for who they are, dangerous white wing wackos (www), then Ben would proclaim that the MSM, the  National Security State and the "Donks" are fomenting Civil War so they can clamp down, but Ben's been completely 180 degrees misreading that for years, so that can't be helped, because he's a fugitive in Thailand.
I can only imagine what dark enclave of old friends in L.A. Ben is relying on for for his "man on the street" information. Though I know those enclaves exist.  And I'm sure Ben will be the first to give us the inside scoop. That this is all a  democrat false flag election ploy.
And we're not obligated to babysit or even sample newfound white millennial male twitter relationships, even if  they are the most intimate contacts they've experienced outside of their parents. That matters nothing to us. It's about as meaningful as watching young boys laughing throwing  peanuts down the toilet in grade school. But if it grows into something more in the future. You can bet we'll have a online forensic detectives right on it, just like they are on this guy. .
heh heh
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On this day in 1961, at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Dora Abramovna Lazurkina, an old, devoted Bolshevik woman and party bureaucrat, stood up and said:
“Comrades, I could survive the most difficult moments only because I carried Lenin in my heart, and always consulted him on what to do. Yesterday I consulted him. He was standing there before me as if he were alive, and he said: ‘It is unpleasant to be next to Stalin, who did so much harm to the party.’”
This speech had been planned, yet was still very effective. First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev followed by reading a decree ordering the removal of Stalin’s remains. A few days later, Stalin’s body was quietly taken from Lenin’s Mausoleum and was buried in a deep grave, lined with concrete blocks, behind the Mausoleum. There were no ceremonies or fanfare.
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Apparently, lowering the British Pound wasn't the only thing Liz did in her short tenure..



Russia says UK navy blew up Nord Stream, London denies involvement

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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

ncluding a robust contingent of anarchists who often spouted internally inconsistent diatribes against everything. 

These types still flourish in the cities, and they are as annoying and awful as any MAGA. Horseshoe politics in action.

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Elon Musk shares lurid conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack in response to Hillary Clinton (msn.com)


Musk om Twitter says:

"There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye,” he wrote.

The Twitter and Tesla boss gave no explanation for his comments, simply sharing a link to an article that claimed – without any evidence – that Mr Pelosi was drunk and met his alleged attacker in a gay bar.

It is one of several far-right conspiracies that began circulating online almost immediately after the attack on the House Speaker’s husband – all the while the 82-year-old was in hospital undergoing surgery for a fractured skull.

WOW thanks for sharing Douglas, I had no idea there was a theory that Paul Pelosi brought male prostitutes over and they had a lovers quarrel like Jeffery Damher. I found liberal Jimmy Dore discussing it


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NY Times headline from 2025 "America's emerging dictatorship has liberals on edge. But for some, the stability and absence of hard choices is a welcome change."

By Maggie Haberman, et al. June 19, 2025


"It happened imperceptibly, and then all at once.

After a hotly contested 2024 election in which incumbent President Joe Biden carried the national popular vote by 9 million votes and appeared to carry the vote in states representing more than the 270 electoral votes necessary, it appeared that Mr. Biden was on his way to serving a second term. Instead, an unpredictable series of events has led to a dramatic change in the American form of government.

First, Republican Secretaries of State and legislatures in states carried by Joe Biden refused to certify Mr. Biden's apparent wins in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, throwing the electoral count into doubt. In the ensuing landmark case before the Supreme Court, "Biden v. Wisconsin," Justice Thomas, writing for the 5-4 majority, held that under the newly adopted Independent Legislature Theory, neither federal nor state courts had the authority to challenge actions decided by state legislatures, who were then free to submit slates of electors chosen by legislatures themselves, rather than by voters.

In the ensuing chaos in the Electoral College, no candidate received a certified majority of the vote, resulting, according to the Constitution, in an election decided by the Congressional Delegations of each state. This vote was won by Donald Trump, with Wyoming being the 26th vote.

All of the preceding is unusual, but occurred within the framework of America's Constitution, jurisprudence, and electoral system. But now, a new challenge has emerged in the form of those same legislatures refusing to allocate funds or support for federal elections in 2028.

The Democratic National Committee, citing irreparable harm, sued those same states to compel them told federal elections. But in a dramatic decision that could alter the course of history, Justice Barrett, writing, again, for a 5-4 majority, wrote that upholding precedent, regardless of its consequences, was the most hallowed responsibility of the Supreme Court and American jurisprudence more broadly, and thus that the legislatures were well within their constitutional rights not to hold federal elections.

Writing for the majority, Justice Barrett recognized, however, that the Constitution did require that Mr. Trump's term of office end on January 20, 2029, and without a constitutionally elected President-Elect in place, Barrett found that nowhere in the Constitution could it be found that a person who was not elected president could not exercise the authority granted to a President, and therefore, that the ideal solution would be, in practicality, for Mr. Trump's authority to be extended indefinitely.

Barrett also found that should Mr. Trump die or become incapacitated, he could be "replaced on the ballot" by the party that nominated him for the presidency, and that that individual would assume Mr. Trump's powers as the "Republican nominee" until the crisis was resolved.

In practice, this has led to a situation that was once unthinkable: an acting President of the United States serving an indefinite term of office whose successor is chosen exclusively by activists and delegates from the ruling political party.

This series of rulings, as well as public calls for prosecution of leading Democrats for treason by Acting Attorney General Marjorie Taylor Greene, has many liberals on edge, alleging that American democracy is "on the verge of collapse," according to a recent NYT/Siena poll.

While Democrats feel that America has suffered what amounts to a coup, Republicans take the opposite view: the developments leading to indefinite one-party rule were simply an outgrowth of constitutional processes with a solution available for Democrats who are discomfited.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for instance, while admitting that indefinite one-party rule was unusual, noted that "if Democrats are so concerned about the actions of state legislatures, they should try winning a few. Nothing prevents them from holding elections if they win."

For Democrats, however, that easy solution may not be so simple. According to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the party committee responsible for electing Democrats to state legislatures, the way districts are drawn makes that a prohibitive challenge.

Heather Williams, Executive Director of the DLCC, commented via an encrypted messaging service while avoiding U.S. Marshalls seeking her on an indictment for treason, espionage, and other federal charges that "the way districts are drawn simply makes it impossible.

Even in states carried by Biden and where Democrats win a majority of the vote, gerrymandering (the process of drawing unrepresentative and strangely-shaped districts for political purposes) ensure that Republicans sometimes control supermajorities in those legislatures."

While the political battle rages between elected leaders and committees of both parties, the response from the average voter is more muted. At a truck stop diner outside of Columbus, Ohio, Jeremy Williams, 55, said that these changes could make things easier.

"I liked Trump before and I like Trump now, so I trust him to run the country and make the best decisions," said Williams. And when asked about America's cherished tradition of quadrennial democratic elections. Mr. Williams demurred.

"Voting for president is hard because you don't really know the people you're choosing. But I know Trump and I like him, so that's one less thing to think about," said Williams. Democrats are less convinced."


Steve Thomas




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Honesty and integrity ... Donald Trump style.

If the following Trump prevarication trash talk doesn't make you sick...what would? And the shameless arrogance!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Dinesh D'Souza?  On the Education Forum?   Geez...

Your MAGA-verse updates offer a useful perspective on the mass delusions of the Trump cult, Mathew, but quoting Dinesh D'Souza is going a bit too far, isn't it?

What's next, Laura Logan?  🤥

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