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19 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Cliff, Ben proclaims for the working man. At first, I could never understand the contradictions , Then little by little. I realized he was a corporate shill. He can easily rationalize this.



Oh dear.

Now I am a corporate shill. And a snowflake homophobe. 



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26 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Ben Cole wrote: “Better to tax imports, better to tax property, better to tax inherited wealth.”

Care to square that circle?

Price gougers aren’t bad guys?

When do *you* ever see Dem messaging when it’s not filtered thru right wing narratives?

One party addresses the issue, no matter how imperfectly.

Ben Cole wrote: “Better to tax imports, better to tax property, better to tax inherited wealth.”


Well, the import issue could take a book, but try reading Michael Pettis' "Trade Wars are Class Wars."  

IMHO, "free" global trade will always work to undercut employee classes. The US employee class was particularly exposed to this, due to high wages (well, before, in the 1960s. Not now). 

So yes, tariffs on imports. Property is another good target---the supply is restricted by property owners, who vote for NIMBY. As a proud SanFranner, you must know this. Talk about price gouging. Last I looked, you need $2,500 monthly to rent a so-so apartment in Los Angeles. 

Inherited wealth, in general, was not earned through hard work. Some countries have had success with land reform. I am not 100% solid on this, but probably higher inheritance taxes are fine. 

Taxes on productive enterprises---less so, IMHO. They tend to get passed on to consumers anyway. I like people and organizations who make goods (a corporate shill!). OK, oil companies are making money. Other years it might be the windmill guys. Then dairy farmers. 

I would like to see a cartel of oil-buying nations. Why not?

Just IMHO. 




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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Ben Cole wrote: “Better to tax imports, better to tax property, better to tax inherited wealth.”


Well, the import issue could take a book, but try reading Michael Pettis' "Trade Wars are Class Wars."  

IMHO, "free" global trade will always work to undercut employee classes. The US employee class was particularly exposed to this, due to high wages (well, before, in the 1960s. Not now). 

So yes, tariffs on imports. Property is another good target---the supply is restricted by property owners, who vote for NIMBY. As a proud SanFranner, you must know this. Talk about price gouging. Last I looked, you need $2,500 monthly to rent a so-so apartment in Los Angeles. 

I’m the luckiest mofo in Frisco!  (”Frisco” is acceptable, “San Fran” déclassé).  Seriously.  Gotta roomy one bedroom pad I converted to two, one block from Golden Gate Park, half-block off Haight St.. My rent has gone up less than $24 in 33+ years.  Gavin Newsome got me very affordable health care when he was mayor.

SF is kinda socialist.

1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Inherited wealth, in general, was not earned through hard work. Some countries have had success with land reform. I am not 100% solid on this, but probably higher inheritance taxes are fine. 

Taxes on productive enterprises---less so, IMHO. They tend to get passed on to consumers anyway. I like people and organizations who make goods (a corporate shill!). OK, oil companies are making money. Other years it might be the windmill guys. Then dairy farmers. 

I would like to see a cartel of oil-buying nations. Why not?

Just IMHO. 

Fair enough.

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36 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I’m the luckiest mofo in Frisco!  (”Frisco” is acceptable, “San Fran” déclassé).  Seriously.  Gotta roomy one bedroom pad I converted to two, one block from Golden Gate Park, half-block off Haight St.. My rent has gone up less than $24 in 33+ years.  Gavin Newsome got me very affordable health care when he was mayor.

SF is kinda socialist.

Fair enough.

You rent out the other room for a small fortune...you little capitalist pig?

I do envy your location, or anyplace that is not hot and humid most of the year. 


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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You rent out the other room for a small fortune...you little capitalist pig?

6’1” 210.

5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do envy your location, or anyplace that is not hot and humid most of the year. 


You know it!

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Taxes on productive enterprises---less so, IMHO. They tend to get passed on to consumers anyway. I like people and organizations who make goods (a corporate shill!). OK, oil companies are making money. Other years it might be the windmill guys. Then dairy farmers. 

Most of your stuff is good Ben, but to you the corporations are the untouchables, and yet you're railing against a government Deep State which in fact is largely controlled by corporations, so of course nothing will ever get done.

The oil situation is price gouging at probably an all time level.  They've increased margins on food as well. Basic necessities. I've been telling Biden this entire year he should have hit the oil companies with a windfall profits tax, instead he's spending the government reserves. Biden is probably the least corporate President since Jimmy Carter. I don't know why he didn't. But with that, he missed his opportunity to show solidarity to the everyday person.

The reason might be again, the razor thin margin in the Senate and Joe Manchin's ties to Big Oil and energy, and probably Senema. and that's because, probably to your glee, not one Republican would vote for a windfall profits tax, even in working class districts. Either you know that, and are happy about it, or if not that should tell you something about  who is really working for your "working man".

If Manchin has been on board earlier, the everyday person could have benefited more from  Biden's infrastructure plan. as it is, it's just a promise in the future.

Unfortunately  throughout our lives , the quality of the typical voter has lessened, and I expect that to continue.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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7 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

SF is kinda socialist.

Is that why there so much homelessness and crime there?

Looks like.. you guys built this city on "Rock N Roll" 

 Gavin Newsome has more for Cliff than he has Sirhan Sirhan.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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Trump’s allies are trying to convince him not to announce his 2024 bid tonight: report

Sky Palma November 07, 2022


“"Trump 'wants to announce' a 2024 bid tonight 'to take credit' for Republicans’ expected victory in the midterms tomorrow, a Trumpworld source told me 'But there are people asking him to hold back,'" Elkind tweeted.

But according to The Daily Mail's Liz Elkind, some Republicans are trying to get Trump to ditch his alleged plan to announce his bid.

“What they will try to tell him is, ‘you don’t want to be on the hook if we have some surprise loses,'" Elkind quoted the source as saying. “My line of thinking and others’ in the other camp say, look. He’s someone who doesn’t back down. He’s someone who always follows his instincts, and if his instincts…”

Speculation a Trump announcement is starting heighten, especially after Trump told attendees of previous rallies supporters to keep an eye on the Ohio rally.”


He's got to get out ahead of that January 6th Committee subpoena, you know?

Steve Thomas

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17 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

He's got to get out ahead of that January 6th Committee subpoena, you know?


The criminal is emboldened because he knows he should be in prison already, but isn't.

In his eyes, there's no real rule of law, and his coup succeeded. He believes he's untouchable. So do his capos.

Let's see how that works out for him.

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