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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:



Elon Musk recommends voting for Republicans in U.S. midterm elections



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36 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


William are you going to vote for Prop 122? 

Fran Sure who is a Psychologist and runs a 911 truth group in Colorado sent me an email saying not to vote for it. She's more liberal than you William.. You should consider joining her group https://colorado911truth.org/category/fran-shure/

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A confirmation bias test.

If you cannot process the information in bold, and only seize upon the passage under-lined, you’re a RussiaGate Denier.

Crowdstrike prez Shawn Henry before the House Dec 5, 2017: 

MR. SCHIFF: lt provides in the report on 2016, April 22nd, data staged for exfiltration by the Fancy Bear actor.

MR.HENRY: Yes, sir.  So that, again, staged for, sure which, I mean, there’s not -- the analogy I used with Mr. Stewart earlier was we don't have video of it happening, but there are indicators that it happened. There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case, it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don't have the evidence that says it actually was


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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Most of your stuff is good Ben, but to you the corporations are the untouchables, and yet you're railing against a government Deep State which in fact is largely controlled by corporations, so of course nothing will ever get done.

The oil situation is price gouging at probably an all time level.  They've increased margins on food as well. Basic necessities. I've been telling Biden this entire year he should have hit the oil companies with a windfall profits tax, instead he's spending the government reserves. Biden is probably the least corporate President since Jimmy Carter. I don't know why he didn't. But with that, he missed his opportunity to show solidarity to the everyday person.

The reason might be again, the razor thin margin in the Senate and Joe Manchin's ties to Big Oil and energy, and probably Senema. and that's because, probably to your glee, not one Republican would vote for a windfall profits tax, even in working class districts. Either you know that, and are happy about it, or if not that should tell you something about  who is really working for your "working man".

If Manchin has been on board earlier, the everyday person could have benefited more from  Biden's infrastructure plan. as it is, it's just a promise in the future.

Unfortunately  throughout our lives , the quality of the typical voter has lessened, and I expect that to continue.


Calling for stiff import tariffs...believe me, that is very "anti-corporate" in today's globalist world. 

Globalist multinationals loath any interference with "free trade" and have been militating for lower international tariffs for generations, and have funded the bulk of academia to worship the same. 

When I advocate the global US military posture be cut in half...also anti-corporate. They want that global guard service. 


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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

A confirmation bias test.

If you cannot process the information in bold, and only seize upon the passage under-lined, you’re a RussiaGate Denier.

Crowdstrike prez Shawn Henry before the House Dec 5, 2017: 

MR. SCHIFF: lt provides in the report on 2016, April 22nd, data staged for exfiltration by the Fancy Bear actor.

MR.HENRY: Yes, sir.  So that, again, staged for, sure which, I mean, there’s not -- the analogy I used with Mr. Stewart earlier was we don't have video of it happening, but there are indicators that it happened. There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case, it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don't have the evidence that says it actually was


I understand nothing. 

My confirmation bias: There has to be guilt beyond reasonable doubt, proven in a court of law, in public. For LHO, for Tom Barrack, for those guys Durham was prosecuting. 

If the above is supposed to prove something, anything, pro- or anti-Trump, beyond reasonable doubt....I miss it. 


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33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I understand nothing. 

My confirmation bias: There has to be guilt beyond reasonable doubt, proven in a court of law, in public.

For what?

Crowdstrike said Fancy Bear set the DNC e-mails up for exfiltration, but there’s no proof the e-mails were exfiltrated.

But RussiaGate Deniers claim there was no hostile penetration of the DNC at all.

If you have a counter-argument that Fancy Bear did not set up the exfiltration let’s hear it.

33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



For LHO, for Tom Barrack, for those guys Durham was prosecuting. 

Durham was a bust out.  You didn’t hear?  It was in all the papers...

33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If the above is supposed to prove something, anything, pro- or anti-Trump, beyond reasonable doubt....I miss it. 


Julian Assange told Dutch TV he had nothing to say about his sources except to say they were non-state actors and they were paranoid because of what happened to Seth Rich.

Wanna-be “deep state analysts” claim Seth Rich was Assange’s source, meaning Julian Assange is a l-i-a-r??

No.  Fancy Bear set the e-mails up, a non-state IT actor exfiltrated them.  The e-mails were given to Assange.  

Roger Stone was found guilty of perjury when he denied visiting Assange.  Makes him a suspect.

Good chance the IT ace he hired (allegedly) for the job is dead.  Look what happened to Seth Rich.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

For what?

Crowdstrike said Fancy Bear set the DNC e-mails up for exfiltration, but there’s no proof the e-mails were exfiltrated.

But RussiaGate Deniers claim there was no hostile penetration of the DNC at all.

If you have a counter-argument that Fancy Bear did not set up the exfiltration let’s hear it.

Durham was a bust out.  You didn’t hear?  It was in all the papers...

Julian Assange told Dutch TV he had nothing to say about his sources except to say they were non-state actors and they were paranoid because of what happened to Seth Rich.

Wanna-be “deep state analysts” claim Seth Rich was Assange’s source, meaning Julian Assange is a l-i-a-r??

No.  Fancy Bear set the e-mails up, a non-state IT actor exfiltrated them.  The e-mails were given to Assange.  

Roger Stone was found guilty of perjury when he denied visiting Assange.  Makes him a suspect.

Good chance the IT ace he hired (allegedly) for the job is dead.  Look what happened to Seth Rich.

If you say so.

I do not know who are Crowdstrike and Fancy Bear, and if their allegations or denials are true or false. 

My layman's understanding is that sophisticated hackers plant a false trail leading back to patsy, so to speak (think LHO).

Then there are false flag ops. So it goes.

And a dead hacker? 

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48 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Here's one for all you fans of Operation Northwoods, COINTELPTRO, and the "deep state".

We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is Trump and MAGA.




Yes I read that and I concur, sounds like wrongdoing.

And standard government operating procedure. A sword that can cut two ways, or in any direction. 

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11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you say so.

I do not know who are Crowdstrike and Fancy Bear, and if their allegations or denials are true or false. 

And yet you routinely refer to RussiaGate as a “hoax.”  Conclusions prior to investigation. 

11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

My layman's understanding is that sophisticated hackers plant a false trail leading back to patsy, so to speak (think LHO).

And so you automatically conclude such is the case with RussiaGate?  You call it a hoax on the basis of nothing but your own bias.

11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Then there are false flag ops. So it goes.

And a dead hacker? 

Assange said his sources were non-state actors who feared for their lives.  I think there’s a better chance one of the JFK shooters is still alive than Roger Stone’s IT  guy.

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22 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

And yet you routinely refer to RussiaGate as a “hoax.”  Conclusions prior to investigation. 

And so you automatically conclude such is the case with RussiaGate?  You call it a hoax on the basis of nothing but your own bias.

Assange said his sources were non-state actors who feared for their lives.  I think there’s a better chance one of the JFK shooters is still alive than Roger Stone’s IT  guy.


I suspect Russiagate was hoax-witch-hunt, in part as I respect the opinions of Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald, and in my reading of the rather weak Mueller Report.

Aaron Mate also calls Russiagate a hoax, although he tends to be quick to judge. 

There is a lot in the Mueller report that is not confirmed, and a lot about meetings being held between people, as if the meeting alone confirms guilt. Old standby words such as "linked" and "tied" are used. 

In some ways, the Mueller Report is like the Warren Commission: It is essentially a prosecution, without a defense. Allegations are easy to make. Other and possibly exculpatory narratives are not presented or explored. 

As I have many times, I presume people innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, after public trial with adequate defense counsel. 

Recently, both the Durham targets, and now more recently Tom Barrack, have been exonerated, after a public prosecutor dragged them into court and made serious allegations. 

So, we should believe Trump guilty, based on what are not even charges? 

This is not a bias on my part. I am not biased by being skeptical or reserved about charges or investigations presented by prosecutors or government bodies. 

How do you rate the objectivity of the Warren Commission?

In 1964, it was regarded as the most august body ever assembled in the US. 

Let's see how things play out in court. 



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