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18 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
I'm sure that ray of despair will elevate Chris's mood,
for.....well  at least 20 minutes!

🤣 Get back to your cowboy movies, Kirk. 

All good where I live. 

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Headline from "Heard on the Street" column in today's Wall Street Journal:

"Tesla has a Twitter Problem"

Subtitle: "Car maker's shareholders face risk that operations could be held hostage to social media politics"


Headline from today's New York Times: "A spree of Tweets by Musk, combative and unfiltered"

The article says that Mush is on "a pace to post more than 750 times this month, or more than 25 times a day"





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19 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

🤣 Get back to your cowboy movies, Kirk. 

All good where I live. 


Chris, What's this "cowboy thing" you keep injecting,  but can't explain? I think you may be going into  a free fall projection of me as your Dad, but unlike your Dad, I was never a John Wayne fan and found him rather a dullard, until I became a teenager and looked into him a little more and realized I can't stand him!
And I know there's somewhat of a worldwide mystique and  it's common throughout the planet to romanticize us in the American West, but it's completely optional out here if one wants to be a cowboy or enjoy cowboy movies. They're just old movies!
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Chris Hedges makes a number of blatantly inaccurate assertions in this article, especially his claims about allegedly similar Republican and Democratic policy positions on healthcare policy.

Let's not forget that the Republicons repeatedly sought to sabotage and overturn the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion, and passed major funding cuts for Medicaid in December of 2017.

They are also planning to force cuts in funding for Social Security and Medicare in 2023 if they regain control of the House.

My response to Chris Hedges is, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Addendum: Hedges initial comments about corporate plutocracy are correct, but he's dead wrong about alleged policy equivalence between the two parties.

This is the same false equivalence argument that Ben has re-posted endlessly.

Hedges' false equivalence claims are debunked by the facts of U.S. legislative history.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Yes, I found it curious that Ben referred to Cliff as being "binary". As I've on numerous occasions called him "Binary Ben". Ben, like Hedges in the article, sloppily puts the Democrats, the Globalists, the MSM, the NSS and the government "Deep State" in one category so any story involving any one of these groups are interchangeable with each other. And somehow  Republicans are in sort of an ineffectual, neutral territory. 

It's the height of intellectual laziness.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Paul Gosar says Kari Lake might order military blockade of tribal land

By Nick R. Martin


“In the days leading up to the 2022 election, Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar has made an extraordinary claim about what the his party’s gubernatorial nominee in the state, Kari Lake, might do in the name of stopping undocumented immigration if she wins office.

In a little-noticed interview on the October 28 edition of the Rumble show “In The Trenches with Teddy Daniels,” Gosar said Lake could order the state's National Guard to surround and blockade the Tohono O'odham Nation, a Native American reservation that borders Mexico, ensuring that “no one passes.” Gosar also floated the possibility that Lake would go to the U.S. Supreme Court to ask for some kind of authority over the reservation, though he was vague on the details.”

“"What if, just what if, somebody like Kari Lake wins the governorship, which she should, and she follows through on her promise like Donald Trump did, and says, 'OK, I'm calling a state of emergency across the state of Arizona. I'm militia-izing the National Guard. I am putting them on the border. And let's do this: Let's outline the Tohono O'odham Nation'," Gosar said during the interview with racist conspiracy theorist and “Bikers for Trump” member Teddy Daniels, who placed third in the Republican primary for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor earlier this year. 

"We outline them, all—with all our National Guard. And we say no one passes. Well, that tells the Tohono O'odham, you're either America and Arizona first. Or you're Mexico first. And Mexico doesn't recognize you. Oh, that's a good one."”

Oh goody. We don't have anything else going on today. Let's go start an Indian War.

Steve Thomas

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23 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The MAGAts have been endlessly repeating memes and tropes about Biden's alleged senility ever since Mango Mussolini began calling Biden "Sleepy Joe" back in 2019.  Yet, Biden has delivered a series of articulate, thoughtful speeches since 2020, (Acceptance, Inaugural, State of the Union, etc.) in addition to trouncing Trump in their 2020 debates.

Of course, we all lose brain cells as we age, and Biden is no spring chicken, but these same MAGAts seem to be unaware of Trump's stroke a few years ago -- after which he began to noticeably slur his words and drag his right leg.  It was around the time that Trump had obvious difficulty walking down that ramp at West Point.

But, as always, Trump aggressively projected his own defects on to his adversary-- in the same way that the MAGAts have repeatedly accused the adversary of Ghislaine Maxwell's Orange Friend of being a pedophile.

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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

But, as always, Trump aggressively projected his own defects on to his adversary-- in the same way that the MAGAts have repeatedly accused the adversary of Ghislaine Maxwell's Orange Friend of being a pedophile.

Such a dishonest comment William! 

You left out Trump kicking Jeffery Epstein off and banning him from his properties. While Trump was President Epstein and Maxwell were arrested. All you ever do is project what the M$M puts out like a foot solder 


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Also Democrats:

Chris you would have never used that word if you hadn't been taught it. LMFAO!

I can't fully fault Joy fully because that's how I feel when I hear leftists repeat cliches Noam Chompsy would say, for-example: Institutionalized racism, multinational corporations, colonializaton, systems of control, trickle down economics.. The rest of the story in America is, that the left guaranteed college tuition because that sounds fair to a midwit. Hence the student loan forgiveness for the people who just learned how to be outraged but couldn't finish their degrees or got worthless degrees and couldn't make it in society. Hence the blame capitalism sentiment. US Government guaranteed student loans, when they did that, Colleges didn't have to worry about students not being able to pass their classes and finish 4yrs there, failing out and them losing that money. Colleges began to become the "Transition therapy brainwashing centers" they are today. That's how we got to were we are now with the MSNPC's fixation on RUSSIA! 

we've been fixated with the commies of Russia/USSR since 1945, along with: the Chinese-commies in the 50's, the Southeast asian commies in the 60-70's... the middle east fascism w/commie undertones the 80's to present, plus ad hoc commie wannabe's throughout South/Central America and throughout Africa. 

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45 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

we've been fixated with the commies of Russia/USSR since 1945, along with: the Chinese-commies in the 50's, the Southeast asian commies in the 60-70's... the middle east fascism w/commie undertones the 80's to present, plus ad hoc commie wannabe's throughout South/Central America and throughout Africa. 

Hi Michael, 

While that is true in a military sense, we have not been fixated on that at the university level and I believe it has led to a decay of Academia & American Society. I don't know if you have seen this lecture by Yuri Bezmenoz but it seems to have been very prophetic. IMO the term "Woke" is people identifying Neo marxism but don't know to call it that.. 


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- Donald Trump -

November 7, 2022

“We will defend our Constitution. We will defend the Second Amendment. And we will proudly uphold the Judeo-Christian values and principles of our nation's founding.

We will restore patriotic education to our schools, and we will teach our children to love their country, honor our history, and to always respect our great American flag. Always respect our flag.”

“Together, we are standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests, and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. Despite great outside dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our country. You know who I'm talking about. You see him all the time. But no matter how big or powerful, the corrupt, radical left Democrats that we are fighting against may be, you must never forget. This nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. That's who it belongs to.

This is your home. This is your heritage. And our American liberty is your God-given right.”

White Christian Nationalism at its finest.

Take that you sick, sinister, evil Democrats. This isn't your home anymore. And, if you don't like it, I have my Second Amendment...

Steve Thomas


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