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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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29 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The absolute best the GOP can hope for now in the House is a single digit majority, which will provide one of the funniest political dooky-shows most of us have ever seen.

See, while the House GOP is full of the nastiest, slimiest people you've ever met, there are also a number of non-crazies as well; moderates that have neither the time or patience for L00nies like MTG. A single digit majority means absolutely nothing will ever get done, because these people will never agree on anything lol. No GOP member will be able to herd this group of feral cats, because no GOP member has anything remotely resembling the chops that Nancy Pelosi has. So whoever is encumbered with the suicide mission of being a GOP SOTH, is about to experience a true living hell.

Which is more or less what happened with Boehner's Tea Party House after 2010.

As David Brooks observed in July of 2011, the Tea Party was incapable of governing the country.

They even turned down Obama's "Mother of All No Brainers" debt ceiling deal in 2011, leading to a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Nixon was very tight with the Teamsters (haha).

The problem is in definition. 

Once the government decides what is hate speech, or inciting violence....

Only recently, someone was positing about "stochastic terrorism" in this forum. 

Should demonizing rural whites or Trump supporters (as has been done on this very forum, and which could be defined as "stochastic terrorism") result in jail time? 

Interesting topic. 


It's not that complicated, Ben.

Hate speech and inciting violence against the citizenry or against government officials is not acceptable.

That's precisely why Dorsey and Twitter were correct when they banned Trump from Twitter after he incited the violent January 6th attack on the U.S. Congress.

And Trump is, certainly, a stochastic terrorist.  Go back and study the incisive Vox commentary by the professor from American University that I posted on that subject recently.  It can't be said any more clearly.

You have been in denial of Trump's history of inciting violence-- including J6-- as long as we have been discussing these issues.

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41 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Which is more or less what happened with Boehner's Tea Party House after 2010.

As David Brooks observed in July of 2011, the Tea Party was incapable of governing the country.

Yep. The GOP has absolutely no idea how to govern or do anything that is actually useful for the people. They are only there to demonize others and enjoy the perks of power. They're incompetent and cant do the job they're hired for, and thus will be mercilessly roasted for the next 2 years because of it.

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Some Republicans Want to Raise Voting Age After Gen Z Midterm Turnout


 “The fact that these youth voters are coming in so strong in an off-year is very concerning” Fox News commentator Jesse Watters lamented on Wednesday night. “It looks like they’ve been brainwashed. This new generation is totally brainwashed ‘cause a lot of these single women [who] vote 37 spreads for Democrats, are teaching all of our younger generation in these schools and they’re polluting their minds and then they grow up and they’re in their twenties and then they vote for leftists.”"

"“Raise the voting age to 21,” Gabriel tweeted, immediately after noting that “We were promised a red wave and we got a red puddle.”"

"Not to be outdone, conservative radio personality Peter Schiff suggested cutting out current Gen Z voters altogether. “Let's raise the voting age to 28. If I was still 18 I'd support this,” the 59-year-old tweeted."

Stop with the fiddle faddle voter suppression dilly daddlying nonsense.

Let's just cut right to the chase...

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

It's not that complicated, Ben.

Hate speech and inciting violence against the citizenry or against government officials is not acceptable.

That's precisely why Dorsey and Twitter were correct when they banned Trump from Twitter after he incited the violent January 6th attack on the U.S. Congress.

And Trump is, certainly, a stochastic terrorist.  Go back and study the incisive Vox commentary by the professor from American University that I posted on that subject recently.  It can't be said any more clearly.

You have been in denial of Trump's history of inciting violence-- including J6-- as long as we have been discussing these issues.

That's your view.

In the view of the US judicial system, even Ray Epps is innocent of inciting a riot of Jan. 6. 

The NYT said Epps is a nice guy, has a long-time wife, loves his dogs, is a productive man who runs a small business, and who only traveled across country to listen to Trump speak. 

So...maybe there were lots of nice guys like Ray Epps there on 1/6. I did not realize Trump supporters were such warm and sincere people, as indicated by the NYT article. Not racist in any way. 

Epps can stand outside the Capitol exhorting people to "go into the Capitol" and then huddle with people, who moments later breach the barricades...and Epps is innocent. 

But it does raise a question: Do you think most Trump supporters are like Epps? Productive, in stable marriages, kind to their dogs, no indication of racism? 

Are the images outlined here and in M$M: that of Trump supporters as violent anti-democratic racists...ugly stereotypes? Is that a form of stochastic terrorism? 

Who decides? 


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A federal judge SANCTIONS Trump's attorneys — including Alina Habba — for the massive and "frivolous"pp RICO suit over the Russia probe. Brutal takedown of the "shotgun lawsuit" and "performative litigation," resolving only one sanctions motion.

The judge dismissued the lawsuit against Hilary Clinton and 30 other people and organizations and fined Trump's lawyers $50,000.

Trump is having a not-so-good year.

Steve Thomas


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34 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ben, I found someone who thinks identically with you. You guys have the exact same conspiracy profile! Just conspiracy soul mates! You have the very same groups conspiring with one another!

I hopefully have it queued to 2:53. Check it out!


I wish I had that guy's hair. 

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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

It's not that complicated, Ben.

Hate speech and inciting violence against the citizenry or against government officials is not acceptable.

That's precisely why Dorsey and Twitter were correct when they banned Trump from Twitter after he incited the violent January 6th attack on the U.S. Congress.

And Trump is, certainly, a stochastic terrorist.  Go back and study the incisive Vox commentary by the professor from American University that I posted on that subject recently.  It can't be said any more clearly.

You have been in denial of Trump's history of inciting violence-- including J6-- as long as we have been discussing these issues.

Actually your politics William have now created a behavioral sink in America and other parts of the world. "stochastic terrorism" is what NPC's do and was what Orwell was talking about when he said in the future we will celebrate the triumph over our enemies. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face. That is what your language is William Dehumanizing; MAGAt's N A Z I etc is dehumanizing language that justifies violence and you are guilty of along with all the people complaining about Twitter and Elon Musk. Kirk mentioned people being silenced is total BS they changed they profile picture to Elons and tried to make it look like he was saying vote for Democrats That's what Kathy Griffin was banned for and then re baned when the psycho started tweeting from her dead mother's account. But people like you William will say that when she had a bloody severed Trump head and a knife like a Jihadi, that that was "Comedy" and protected by freedom of speech when anyone who dosen't have TDS or isn't an a-moral person knows that is "Stochastic terrorism"  


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On 11/11/2022 at 1:00 AM, Steve Thomas said:


Fox's Jesse Watters: "... But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married. And it's time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it."



Are forced marriages in our future?

Forced marriages and no abortions. Don't let young people vote.

The Republican Party has such good ideas.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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28 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


Fox's Jesse Watters: "... But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married. And it's time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it."



Are forced marriages in our future?

Forced marriages and no abortions. Don't let young people vote.

The Republican Party has such good ideas.

Steve Thomas

There is more to the poll above.

When you break down the 2020 presidential vote by ethnic make up singularly white women favored Trump by 8%.

White men by 12%.

If only white people voted in the 2020 election, Trump would have won by a 10% margin.

This is the single most important voting dynamic fact that the Oligarchic ruling class are concerned with.

Since 2020 they have been on an all out war footing with finding every way they can to counter the loss of control of the national vote from strictly white voters to the mix of liberal white and non-white ethnic voters.


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Cryptocurrency exchange FTX files for bankruptcy protection in US | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian


Musk, a big promoter of Crypto, is also considering filing bankruptcy for Twitter. He only bought it for $43 billion two weeks ago. 

Musk is the world's smartest and richest idiot.

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21 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Cryptocurrency exchange FTX files for bankruptcy protection in US | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian


Musk, a big promoter of Crypto, is also considering filing bankruptcy for Twitter. He only bought it for $43 billion two weeks ago. 

Musk is the world's smartest and richest idiot.

Democrats second biggest donor behind George Soros just filed for bankruptcy. Douglas guess what business he was running.. 


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