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Just saw and listened to the latest TV news coverage of Georgia Senate candidates Warnock and Walker's first public speech comments since the election.

First we heard the former football hero Walker.

Seriously, honestly, both my wife and I could not understand what he was saying.

His pronunciation was so Southern country slang, slow drawl effected it was mostly unintelligible! 

We had to review his talk 3 times to fully make out what he was saying!

Something about his daddy tellin him to watch out for them slick dressin city folk who use big words.

Warnock's talk on the other hand was decently articulate but not pretentiously overly so at all.

Same type of words we use on this forum every day.

Honestly, imho, if a candidate thinks the kinds of words Warnock uses in his talks and speeches are "big words" ( which they aren't at all ) how can he even begin to understand what is being said in the chambers of the Senate? How could he engage in that legislative body in a meaningful, contributing and understanding way?

Boy, the Repubs sure picked a befuddled english language speaking prize to try to win back this Georgia Senate seat.

I thought Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle were intellectually challenged embarrassment bad candidates for VP in their day...but this guy Walker takes the inarticulate political election candidate cake.

Walker gems:

"they's all lyin'. I been redeemed. I ain't never said nothing about no abortions. I done write checks to all kinds of peoples."

How did this guy Walker graduate from college?

Maybe he got a BA in football running science?

What an absolutely unprecedented, cringing embarrassment Senate candidate choice for the Republicans!



Edited by Joe Bauer
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23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Here we go. Do you remember the last time we debated? You had an alcohol/stress induced breakdown and you robbed me of a few hours of work. Chill out. 

I don’t drink. I recall you posting some right wing snowflake who freaked out over Biden bringing notes to a press conference.  Like the way you freak out over bad words about Vlad.

23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

As for Putin, there are multiple variables at play. Its a lot more nuanced than your one-dimensional view. 

Goes without saying, but you can’t rebut what I *did* say about Vlad.

23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

MSM tilts all the time, Cliff.

And in 2016 they tilted to Trump — a fact you appear incapable of processing.

23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Makes guys like you feel unsteady and like the outcome is uncertain, as opposed to a rigged game.

Don’t fall into predictable stereotypes, and I won’t call you out on them.

You can’t directly address my points on Putin and Trump.

23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I know that seems tough. At which point does the freedom, liberty and democracy facade get old? Of course, I understand all of the reasons why people fall into that trap. 

At what point does your inability to face facts get old for the reader?

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40 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Just saw and listened to the latest TV news coverage of Georgia Senate candidates Warnock and Walker's first public speech comments since the election.

First we heard the former football hero Walker.

Seriously, honestly, both my wife and I could not understand what he was saying.

His pronunciation was so Southern country slang, slow drawl effected it was mostly unintelligible! 

We had to review his talk 3 times to fully make out what he was saying!

Something about his daddy tellin him to watch out for them slick dressin city folk who use big words.

Warnock's talk on the other hand was decently articulate but not pretentiously overly so at all.

Same type of words we use on this forum every day.

Honestly, imho, if a candidate thinks the kinds of words Warnock uses in his talks and speeches are "big words" ( which they aren't at all ) how can he even begin to understand what is being said in the chambers of the Senate? How could he engage in that legislative body in a meaningful, contributing and understanding way?

Boy, the Repubs sure picked a befuddled english language speaking prize to try to win back this Georgia Senate seat.

I thought Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle were intellectually challenged embarrassment bad candidates for VP in their day...but this guy Walker takes the inarticulate political election candidate cake.

Walker gems:

"they's all lyin'. I been redeemed. I ain't never said nothing about no abortions. I done write checks to all kinds of peoples."

How did this guy Walker graduate from college?

Maybe he got a BA in football running science?

What an absolutely unprecedented, cringing embarrassment Senate candidate choice for the Republicans!




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16 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I don’t drink. I recall you posting some right wing snowflake who freaked out over Biden bringing notes to a press conference.  Like the way you freak out over bad words about Vlad.

Mischaracterising an opponent's position so it fits in a paradigm that your brain capacity that can manage. As soon as you mention "right wing" hoping to get some lackeys on board, you lost this, Cliff. It'd be like me calling you "Hitler". 

19 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Goes without saying, but you can’t rebut what I *did* say about Vlad.

Why would I need to? 🙂
You mentioned one component of many. Again, I was probably just too subtle. Might be a British thing. 

21 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

And in 2016 they tilted to Trump — a fact you appear incapable of processing.

And your comic book narrative fell short of explaining Russia's motivation. Seriously, the Putin's mad, or he wants to take the Soviet Union back to its former glory, is just purely moronic. So simplistic. I totally get that CNN is propagating such a trope. 

24 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You can’t directly address my points on Putin and Trump.

Re-read, Cliff. 

25 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

At what point does your inability to face facts get old for the reader?

Imagine my surprise; another person who uses the word "fact", instead of "opinion". 


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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Re: War in Ukraine: So we have to be subjected to totally unqualified people on twitter like this guy Matthew submits to us as some expert on the Russian Ukraine war.. Matthew posted this guy about a month ago.
He says. "The Ukraine forces will try to take Kherson, with their mere 30, 000 exhausted troops but Putin and Russia now have 100,000 and they're not about to give it up because they're "dug in" and are "taking their gloves off now" and the advancing Ukraine forces will go into a "meat grinder" and will be demolished! And he declares Putin and Russia will be satisfied with nothing less that complete "regime change in Kiev."
"The gloves are coming off. The Russian offensive is just about to "come on in a big way".  (this was a month ago!) and they'll launch a counter attack that will capture Kiev! And with this he laughs with sort of a  smirky tone as if he isn't considering actual human lives lost. Just a punk!
But what is happening? Kherson is being recaptured by the Ukrainians to feelings of liberation by the common people. (below) But the danger now in recapturing Kherson is that Ukraine now will not come to the negotiating table. How much more wrong could this guy have been?
I'm open to hearing people's commentary about what's really going on in the war, because I never feel we can truly know. And the current state of affairs with Ukraine recapturing Kherson isn't the end of it.
But it isn't a free speech issue if after repeated discredited claims by Matthew, we just come to ignore  him , or anybody for that matter. This is a meritocracy. You can occasionally be wrong, to err is human. But if you didn't acknowledge it, you will be ignored further!


After the freeing of Kherson you think Matthew might have taken stock, but as so often from the Trumpists, and the right wing , there is denial about all prevailing facts and Matthew submits this same guy on Wednesday, who is back here and has now transformed into a 2022 midterm "election expert", and look what he's saying.
OUTRIGHT LIE: "Biden has the lowest approval rating in history by a long shot!"
They did it again!, They stole it again!
How could they possibly have won?
ANSWER: because people in the middle are finally catching on to fat p(s)os, sore losers like you.
That's why!

I'll let coach red pill explain himself 


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16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Mischaracterising an opponent's position so it fits in a paradigm that your brain capacity that can manage. As soon as you mention "right wing" hoping to get some lackeys on board, you lost this, Cliff. It'd be like me calling you "Hitler". 

Just don’t go down the track of America the virtuous, defending freedom and liberty all over the globe. “

16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:



Why would I need to? 🙂

You have to figure out your behavior on your own

16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

You mentioned one component of many. Again, I was probably just too subtle. Might be a British thing. 


Failure to rebut is British?

16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


And your comic book narrative fell short of explaining Russia's motivation. Seriously, the Putin's mad, or he wants to take the Soviet Union back to its former glory, is just purely moronic.

So you deny that Putin blamed the West for the break-up of the Soviet Union?

16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

So simplistic. I totally get that CNN is propagating such a trope. 

So contentless.

16 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Re-read, Cliff. 

Imagine my surprise; another person who uses the word "fact", instead of "opinion". 

See, that’s a starting point for an amicable debate you don’t appear capable of.

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4 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


Imagine my surprise; another person who uses the word "fact", instead of "opinion". 


Here's an interesting viewpoint to 'fact' definition: Putin is a RED Communist (always was, is, and will be) pining to bring back near recent USSR history, TOMORROW will do. Some strained thinking americano media and certain wannabe kings, their psychophants (sp. intended) and stockholders want a seat at that world reshaping table... Now, FACTS being what they are, commies and fascists have a near history reality of getting their collective (pardo-the-pun) arses kicked... Putin is experiencing that reality presently and, US reich-wingers got a taste of THAT "so much victory" a few days ago...

The point: Democracy is a damn good idea, get use to it... my opinion lines up pretty good with "fact." 

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1 hour ago, David G. Healy said:

The point: Democracy is a damn good idea, get use to it... my opinion lines up pretty good with "fact." 

As a proponent of democracy myself (Solon’s version), you could not have got the wrong end of the stick more here, David.

i’ll separate something for you; actually having a democracy, and thinking you have one, are two different things. 

You are right about fascists being in America now. They’re alive and kicking. Just as they were when JFK died. 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:
1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:


Just don’t go down the track of America the virtuous, defending freedom and liberty all over the globe. “

False equivalence thinking on your part. ✔️ 


1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:
1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:


So you deny that Putin blamed the West for the break-up of the Soviet Union?

You surely are intoxicated, mentally ill or very low intelligence to be asking this after the previous dialogue. I stated quite clearly that this is one component, just one. This is a mirror image of last time, your ego got bruised and then you set about mischaracterising an opponents argument to try and win even the smallest of points. Which is very small-minded indeed. Then you disappeared for the best part of a year. I think you were having some problems at the time. Which I do hope are behind you. 




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7 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:


Official MSM story for no Russian interference in the midterms is likely to be; Russia are too busy interfering in Ukraine. Or, they’ve had to send the hackers and subversives to the front lines. 

Yes, election victories are dubious when the other side wins.

HRC played that card hard and heavy after 2016, and then Trump, being Trump, upped the ante 10-fold after 2020.

What is interesting is that in 2018, the NYT called election security in the US a "crisis," with easily hacked and gamed systems everywhere. 

I guess all that has been cleaned up. 


Cover story NYT magazine too. 

But 2020 was declared clean as a whistle. 

Unfortunately, my layman's view is that the systems in place defy post-election forensics.

I think we just have to go back to paper ballots, cast on day of election, after voter ID approved. 

Side joke:

A friend of mine said, "There was a time when a politician, not wanting to offend anyone, would say he or she was 'against crime and pro-family.' Now the Democratic candidates cannot even say that!" 

So it goes. And the 'Phants are no better. 

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On 11/5/2022 at 1:22 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

What crimes did Epps commit?

Here's the latest on Ray Epps, Liz Cheney says it is a "Conspiracy theory" that Ray Epps did anything wrong.




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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben, I made 17K USD in about four years from $200 in Ethereum. I just don't think people understand how it works and fluxuates. Back ten years ago when I was in We Are Change Denver Joby Weeks was in our group and we used bitcoin to buy some stuff on Silk Road to see if it really worked, it did and we were mad at ourselves for not trying to buy machine guns, lols. https://www.westword.com/news/bitclub-cryptocurrency-scam-joby-weeks-bitcoin-plea-11839570

I never trusted Joby so I never put any real money into Bitcoin, but if I had would be worth millions today, I still remember when we all went to NYC for the 8th anniversary for 911 and I was in a coffee shop with Sander Hicks, Jonathan Elinoff, and Joby was trying to convince us to invest 1K into Bitcoin. I only had 1.5K in my account at the time so I wasn't keen on investing in something I didn't understand. 


That's fine, and I am glad you were successful. 

For that matter I have been dubious about investing in modern art for the last 20-30 years, and missed several opportunities to die rich in the arms of a harem. 

$195 million for print by Warhol? 

There are investments where the value of the asset generates no income, even has expensive fees attached, and the value is determined by what people are willing to pay. Art, classic cars, stamps, coins, somewhat gold....and bitcoin. 

I prefer investments based on the asset's ability, presently or prospectively, to generate income. 

In general, a good rule. In practice...well, one can always look backwards and say, "I could have bought that rare example of so-and-so for $1 and it is worth $1,000 today." 

If you time such investments right, you too can die rich in the arms of a harem...but some assets lose value too, rather seriously. 



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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Unfortunately, my layman's view is that the systems in place defy post-election forensics.

I think we just have to go back to paper ballots, cast on day of election, after voter ID approved. 


I think they should, because digital is manipulable. I’ll say it again, and this applies to every election; the question isn’t whether there were fraudulent votes, it’s a question of to what extent? 

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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

A friend of mine said, "There was a time when a politician, not wanting to offend anyone, would say he or she was 'against crime and pro-family.' Now the Democratic candidates cannot even say that!" 


Strange times we are in. The period of utter decay that comes during the fall of empire. 

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Just now, Chris Barnard said:


Strange times we are in. The period of utter decay that comes during the fall of empire. 

Lots of conundrums out there. 

Example: Yes, free markets generally work better to raise living standards. 

Pure free markets trend towards the vulgar, the coarse, the erosion of social stability...on a global scale, free markets would likely eliminate half the cultures and many languages on the planet. 

Globalism results in the long (very long) term reduction employee-class leverage. 

The Donks are globalists, the establishment GOP are globalists. Follow the money. 

But allow government to run the show...you get the CCP/Beijing. Or some government-corporatist tosses you in jail as your speech is  "stochastic terrorism." 

Best to hide out somewhere!




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