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Clay Shaw - Garrison - New Orleans

Guest Bart Kamp

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The Delphine Roberts recollections put some nuance into the monolithic way we have tended to view 544 Camp Street. 

Also an interesting file on the mysterious Steve L'Eandes and the second Oswald, and one on Larry Schiller and the "Clay Bertrand" alias.

Also Pershing Gervais interviewing Jack Martin.

Edited by David Andrews
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If Delphine Robert's and her daughter's eye witness claims and statements regards a connection between Guy Banister, Ferrie and Oswald ( seeing them together ) are true, this is explosive.

Why are she and her daughter so often trashed as to their credibility?

Why would they say something so incriminating? 

If their comments are made up or lies, did they do this for simple attention? A book deal? Paid off by someone?

Was their interviewer a shady background character?

Who would pay them to make up a story like the one their interviewer related?

I just can't easily see the motivation for them making this up or lying about it or putting themselves at risk for relating such a dynamite story.

The owner of the Mancuso restaurant is the one who is so obviously holding back what he knew and saw with Bannister and his group of merry pranksters.

Also, Regis Kennedy seems to have so much suspicious baggage.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Roberts would not talk to Garrison.

She would not talk to Bob Buras of the HSCA either on his first visit.  She did talk to him on this second visit.

But it was kept out of the HSCA volumes. But if you read it, this is just about what was in the Roberts' interview  with Summers.  Yet because this was not in the HSCA volumes, Summers got the credit for it.

Roberts knew a lot of stuff.  She is dead right about Newman covering up Oswald and his office at the Camp building.  Not only did he know he was there,  so did the custodian James Arthus. The HSCA strongly suspected Newman was lying his head off about this matter.  And according to this, he was.

Roberts later denied this info and said she lied to Summers for Posner.  If this had been declassified at that time we would have said, "Jerry did she lie to Bob Buras also?"  What Posner did not reveal about that interview was that it took place in a nursing home and Roberts was suffering from senility.  I found that out from Allen Campbell.

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Just tellling you why--  not advocating--  but I believe the issue with Delphine Roberts is two-fold for some:

1) She ultimately was not, if I recall, the most cooperative witness for Garrison.

2) She was associated with radical right wing groups like the National States Rights Party.



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Well, no, there are simply too many.

There is no doubt Roberts was extremely conservative. In fact, that is where I think Banister discovered her at one of those segregationist rallies.

I think that for 1967, with a lot of people still around, like Clay Shaw, she felt it was too dangerous to talk to Garrison.

Buras had to go to her twice. And the second time she did talk and brought her daughter.  But none of this got into the HSCA volumes.

For Summers, she had him meet her at a lawyer's office.  The lawyers advised her not to talk to him.  As they were leaving, it was raining.  Summers had rented a car, Roberts was trying to get a  cab.  He noticed her standing on the curb and offered her a ride.  It was once she got in the car that she started telling him about Banister and Oswald. Then he took her home and her daughter talked to him also. Said she saw Banister with Oswald:  LHO had his books and pamphlets doing  work to make the public think he was someone else. 

And that is how we got the real story about the 544 Camp Street address. Because the HSCA cut it out.  And Garrison's book would not be published until years later. But along the way we got Brengel, the Campbell brothers,  and Jack Martin.  Very interesting that Martin said the WC relied on James Arthus, because  Arthus was the guy who Sam Newman used to dispose of much of Oswald's materials. Newman was a BSer and the FBI let him do so. He said to them that the FPCC never had an office there and he did not recognize a picture of Oswald.  Even though he was with Banister when Banister found out that Oswald had put the address on his flyer, and Banister was really disturbed about that.

The above is six witnesses, in Destiny Betrayed I go even further than  that.

The importance of this is that its part of the FBI 1964 lie for the WC.  Its a great indication of the WC not having independent investigators.  Its one of the things that really disgusted ex G man Jim Garrison. As Bob Tanenbaum said: "Where are you going to get your information?  How are you going to investigate the case?

Way before computers, the WC exemplified GI, GO

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You  know all this fine work by Malcolm, conveyed by Bart, caused me to go back and start reading Garrison's book.

In reading it i thought although it is a good book, well written and designed, with all these new documents it would have been even stronger.

Which is the way I think about JFK also. Also, the accompanying Book of the Film.  It took that kind of national uproar to get these documents out there.  And what does the MSM do with them?

They put on Sabato, Posner, and Shenon to deny they exist.

That is how deep the bete noir of the JFK case goes in our society.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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The distributor is sending out the ad packages now.

This includes what they call a 20 minute "sizzler" and a full description and director's comments.

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The Wade/Fritz regime was pretty much a horror show.

Once they had their suspect, that was it.  What was their motto? Anyone can convict a guilty man, it takes a heck of an attorney to convict an innocent man. Or something like that.

Bugliosi completely ignored that aspect in his book.  2700 pages and he could not find the space to tell us anything about how the Innocence Project had reversed so many verdicts in the most corrupt law enforcement regime of its era.


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