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Was it really just a MOLE HUNT about "Oswald?"

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2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

If Laura Kittrell was a member of the Fortean Society, she was in good company.  According to Wikpedia:

The Fortean Society was primarily based in New York City. Its first president was Theodore Dreiser, an old friend of Charles Fort, who had helped to get his work published. Founding members of the Fortean Society included Tiffany Thayer, Booth Tarkington, Ben Hecht, Alexander Woollcott and many of New York's literati such as Dorothy Parker.... Other members included Vincent Gaddis, Ivan T. Sanderson, A. Merritt, Frank Lloyd Wright and Buckminster Fuller.


It's been a long time since I have studied Man, Myth, and Magic and UFOs and such.  But, I do remember a few things about Charles Fort and the Fortean Society.  They tinkered with and discussed things that are farther out then even I am willing to go.

To the point:  Is this discussion of Fort and things Fortean an attempt to discredit Laura Kittrell through the Fortean Society beliefs?  Is this an attempt to discredit her vis a vis the information she provided on the Oswald doubles.


When I was a kid I enjoyed the writings of A. Merritt. 


Edited by John Butler
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4 hours ago, John Butler said:

It's been a long time since I have studied Man, Myth, and Magic and UFOs and such.  But, I do remember a few things about Charles Fort and the Fortean Society.  They tinkered with and discussed things that are farther out then even I am willing to go.

To the point:  Is this discussion of Fort and things Fortean an attempt to discredit Laura Kittrell through the Fortean Society beliefs?  Is this an attempt to discredit her vis a vis the information she provided on the Oswald doubles.


When I was a kid I enjoyed the writings of A. Merritt. 


John, purely coincidence that Kittrell was mentioned in this thread & Bart posted a link on DPUK's FB page, to the blog where the Fortean article came from.  An attempt to discredit her?  No idea.  As an amateur astronomer, I don't usually go for UFO's.  However a year back I read 'UFO's, E.T.'s & Alien Abductions : A Scientist Looks at the Evidence' by John Crosbie Donderi.  Interesting book, but the JFK case is as 'out of this world' as I can handle!

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8 hours ago, John Butler said:

It's been a long time since I have studied Man, Myth, and Magic and UFOs and such.  But, I do remember a few things about Charles Fort and the Fortean Society.  They tinkered with and discussed things that are farther out then even I am willing to go.

To the point:  Is this discussion of Fort and things Fortean an attempt to discredit Laura Kittrell through the Fortean Society beliefs?  Is this an attempt to discredit her vis a vis the information she provided on the Oswald doubles.


When I was a kid I enjoyed the writings of A. Merritt. 


Assuming Pete is right about the source, it probably is an attempt to discredit her.  Fortunately, Ms. Kittrell, unlike many other witnesses to two Oswalds, left behind a substantial amount of material in her own words, allowing us to judge her observations for ourselves.  The connection to John Fort, if true, may have come by way of Ms. Kittrell’s father, who, like Fort, collected news clippings professionally.

Anyway, back around the turn of the century, William Weston wrote a two part essay for The Fourth Decade all about Laura Kittrell.  Part 1 can be read here.

In the first part of his piece, Mr. Weston wrote the following biographical sketch of Ms. Kittrell:

Laura Kittrell (the surname is pronoounced with the accent on the first syllable) was born in October 1904.  At the time she met Oswald, she was 59 years old. Her father was W.H. “Bill” Kittrell, a prominent politician in Dallas and a former secretary of the Texas Democratic Party.  He had been personally acquainted with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and numerous other national figures. He later became employed in the public relations field and in the early 1960’s provided a press clipping service to various types of clients.  Laura lived with her father and mother and was never married.  Like her parents, she considered herself a good liberal Democrat.  He co-workers regarded her as intelligent and capable at her job, but a little too opinionated on matters of public interest.  As an active member of the Lutheran church, she practiced the charity taught in the Bible.  She had sympathy for the poor and downtrodden and did not hesitate to champion their cause whenever she felt the system was oppressing them.  Her compassionate nature suited her for a job at the TEC, and she had been working there since 1950.  In 1963, she had just started her position as a counselor for blue collar workers at the industrial employment office at 1206 Ross Avenue. 

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6 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Assuming Pete is right about the source, it probably is an attempt to discredit her.

I'm sure that's the case as far as government folks (Warren Commission, FBI, and others) were concerned.  She could be easily portrayed as a fantasist due to her background as a Fortean Society member, head of a UFO club, and someone who describes people in a lurid, fantastical manner.  Whether what I wrote here is true or not doesn't matter.  Perception is the key.  She could be perceived that way by those in charge so that her information could be ignored or discredited.

I have a great deal of respect for the writings of William Weston.  However, the testimony of Laura Kittrell raised a number of flags I need to think about.

I have no doubt that Kittrell interviewed two different Oswalds.  Her statements have led me to believe she interviewed both Harvey and Lee.  Mentioned are details peculiar to each.  Unless the two, Harvey and Lee, had memorized details about each other in great detail.  I'm assuming they would know general details of each other's background, but not specific details of what they were doing when separated for a lengthy period of time.  Oswald doubles such as the Crawford fellow mentioned would not know the specific details of either Harvey or Lee's background.  OBTW, the kind of information given by the Oswald person at these interviews is detailed and sufficient enough to make sure that incidents from Oswald's life would be remembered. I would guess such information could be supplied to a double as a script.  The violent behavior by the Oswald person (I am assuming Lee) would guarantee that incident would be remembered. 

Her description of Marina Oswald's personal appearance I don't find creditable.  This leads me to believe that the pregnant women there could have been a double also.  Nowhere will you find a photo showing Marina Oswald dressing in such a fashion.

Her ability to determine if someone was a killer, much less a serial killer, I find questionable.  She makes it difficult to not see her as an intelligent, hard working lady, bored with the mechanics of employment interviewing and over the years believing she had the skill to analyze a person's personality and character in a short period of time. 

If people could do that then the career of a serial killer would not be lengthy. 

These were the two big things that caught my attention the most.

Outside of several reservations, I think she correctly identified two Oswalds.  These two Oswalds I believe to be Harvey and Lee based on the details that each related at their separate interviews.


I thought it very interesting that the Oswald (I assume was Harvey) talking about working in an electronics factory in MInsk where he assembled electronic parts and little pieces of metal.  It's as if he caught himself and did not want to speak about what he actually was assembling.  Could it have been radar equipment sufficient to easily track a U2?  Could it be part of a guidance system that could shoot down a U2?   




Edited by John Butler
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2 hours ago, John Butler said:

I thought it very interesting that the Oswald (I assume was Harvey) talking about working in an electronics factory in MInsk where he assembled electronic parts and little pieces of metal.  It's as if he caught himself and did not want to speak about what he actually was assembling.  Could it have been radar equipment sufficient to easily track a U2?  Could it be part of a guidance system that could shoot down a U2?     


For some more funny  business going on...


On page 430 of CE 985, there is a Certificate dated July 15, 1961 that “Comrade”, Lee Harvey Oswald was employed as an assembler at the Minsk Radio Plant. The date January 1, 1960 is typed on the Certificate.


On page 433 of that CE Exhibit (CE 985), it says that “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator at the Minsk Radio Plant on January 13, 1960.

"Comrade" Lee Harvey Oswald is hired January 1, 1960 as an assembler.

Two weeks later, "Citizen" Harvey Lee Oswald is hired on January 13, 1960 as a regulator.

If I have this right, a regulator was someone connected with quality control.

It wasn't until 10 days after that first Certificate is dated, on January 11, 1960, that Lee H. Oswald submitted an application for employment at the Minsk Radio and TV plant. On his application, he wrote that his parents were dead, and he had no brothers or sisters. (pp. 426-427).



Maybe he was appointed or hired as of January 1st, but didn't officially fill out an application until January 11th.


PS: Lee Harvey Oswald maintained until the day he died that he had not applied for citizenship in the USSR, and he was right.

It was Harvey Lee Oswald who was denied citizenship.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December 11, 1963

Funny business going on over there in that ol' Russia.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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2 hours ago, John Butler said:

I sure that's the case as far as government folks (Warren Commission, FBI, and others) were concerned.  She could be easily portrayed as a fantasist due to her background as a Fortean Society member, head of a UFO club, and someone who describes people in a lurid, fantastical manner.  Whether what I wrote here is true or not doesn't matter.  Perception is the key.  She could be perceived that way by those in charge so that her information could be ignored or discredited.

My perception is that we haven’t seen a scintilla of evidence that any of this Fortean/Kittrell business is true.  All we have is an unsigned blog post from a site called www.joshuablubuhs.com.  The link is here.

We offer more than a hundred pages of documents from the National Archives and the FBI Series 2 Microfilm Collection from UMI.  That’s real evidence.

Pete offers us a cut and paste of an anonymous blog from joshuablubuhs.com.

That’s not evidence.

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Did any of the knowledge by "ordinary" Russians that Oswald spoke fairly fluent, accented Russian -- heard by Oswald's friends and co-workers, and Marina -- make it into official documents on Oswald kept by KGB and other internal agencies? 

What was the official Soviet line on Oswald's Russian-speaking abilities?  On the sources of his linguistic ability? 

Do any of the Soviet findings seem purposefully naive, as if a thorough documentation of official knowledge of Oswald's abilities and their origins were not meant to be recorded, for their own national security purposes?

I understand that there is a limited amount of Soviet documentation to evaluate.  I see also in the article "Oswald's Russian Language Proficiency" that one of the purposes of his language lessons in Minsk was to determine how much Russian he already knew.

Edited by David Andrews
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


For some more funny  business going on...


On page 430 of CE 985, there is a Certificate dated July 15, 1961 that “Comrade”, Lee Harvey Oswald was employed as an assembler at the Minsk Radio Plant. The date January 1, 1960 is typed on the Certificate.


On page 433 of that CE Exhibit (CE 985), it says that “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator at the Minsk Radio Plant on January 13, 1960.

"Comrade" Lee Harvey Oswald is hired January 1, 1960 as an assembler.

Two weeks later, "Citizen" Harvey Lee Oswald is hired on January 13, 1960 as a regulator.

If I have this right, a regulator was someone connected with quality control.

It wasn't until 10 days after that first Certificate is dated, on January 11, 1960, that Lee H. Oswald submitted an application for employment at the Minsk Radio and TV plant. On his application, he wrote that his parents were dead, and he had no brothers or sisters. (pp. 426-427).



Maybe he was appointed or hired as of January 1st, but didn't officially fill out an application until January 11th.


PS: Lee Harvey Oswald maintained until the day he died that he had not applied for citizenship in the USSR, and he was right.

It was Harvey Lee Oswald who was denied citizenship.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December 11, 1963

Funny business going on over there in that ol' Russia.

Steve Thomas

Thanks Steve,

I have known the basic story of Oswald going to the Minsk factory, but not in the detail you supplied.  Once again, Thanks.

As far as I am concerned almost everything about the two Oswalds is funny business.  Conflicts and controversy abounds. 

I once read that Oswald was the only American living in Minsk.  Tourists came through Minsk, but none of the Americans stayed.  Anything he could note about Minsk would be appreciated by intelligence services.  He was assigned to work in a factory that made radio and tv components.  So, what makes up a radar system?  Radio and tv components. 

That's where my speculation is based about Oswald having something to do with shooting down Power's U2.  Powers believed that was so.  There is no other intelligence about what went on at that factory other than what Oswald said.  Would he tell the truth or was he able to tell the truth due to his superiors?  Would he tell on himself if he participated in shooting down an American U2?  Would he even say anything if that was what he was sent to Russian to do?

David Josephs has an excellent timeline on Harvey and Lee.  I am using that to see where the two were at during their last years.  In this scheme for a Lee sighting or incident to be valid Harvey has to be somewhere else verifiably.  In the post above Hargrove points out one at the Bolton Ford, Inc. company in New Orleans on January 20, 1961. 

There's a lot of time between early Sept., 1959 when Harvey left the military and when he returned to the US in 1962, almost 3 years.  Most of this time for Lee is unaccounted for and with just a few incidents that slipped under the wire.

"I am using that to see where the two were at during their last years."  Actually during Harvey's last years.  I believe Lee Oswald live afterwards for a number of years.  He couldn't be killed off after the assassination because his family members were part of the intelligence conspiracy.  If he was killed then his family members may have come forward with the truth.  The people who led and who were part of the Oswald Project were still around during the 1970s.  They could not allow Lee Oswald to live and be discovered.  By the time of the HSCA Lee Oswald may have become non-useful or excess.  There is no proof for this or any proof at all that Lee survived past the assassination.  Lee Oswald vanishes into the smoke and mirrors of the CIA.    

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IMO, the mole hunt in the CIA put the weasel in charge of the dreadful events that happened in the chicken coop.  My favorite candidate for the mole is the good buddy and frequent lunch partner of Kim Philby, the notorious British traitor and spy.  And, who might that be?  Well, none other then James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA Counter Intelligence.

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19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


For some more funny  business going on...


On page 430 of CE 985, there is a Certificate dated July 15, 1961 that “Comrade”, Lee Harvey Oswald was employed as an assembler at the Minsk Radio Plant. The date January 1, 1960 is typed on the Certificate.

Steve, the page you link is a State Department translation of Soviet document(s).  We don’t see the actual Russian paperwork, not that it would necessarily help us much.  Could something be lost in translation here?  January 1, 1960 sounds suspiciously like some sort of bureaucratic time stamp for, say, a the effective date of new form or a new regulation or something.

The Russian-speaking LHO WAS in Russia on both 7/15/61 and 1/1/60, though on the ‘61 date it is a little murky whether he was in Minsk or Moscow.

19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


On page 433 of that CE Exhibit (CE 985), it says that “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator at the Minsk Radio Plant on January 13, 1960.

"Comrade" Lee Harvey Oswald is hired January 1, 1960 as an assembler.

Two weeks later, "Citizen" Harvey Lee Oswald is hired on January 13, 1960 as a regulator.

If I have this right, a regulator was someone connected with quality control.

It wasn't until 10 days after that first Certificate is dated, on January 11, 1960, that Lee H. Oswald submitted an application for employment at the Minsk Radio and TV plant. On his application, he wrote that his parents were dead, and he had no brothers or sisters. (pp. 426-427).



Maybe he was appointed or hired as of January 1st, but didn't officially fill out an application until January 11th.

That does seem weird.  Is it possible that these are, again, translation issues?  Do you know if there was any kind of distinction between Soviet “citizens” and “comrades?”  

19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


PS: Lee Harvey Oswald maintained until the day he died that he had not applied for citizenship in the USSR, and he was right.

It was Harvey Lee Oswald who was denied citizenship.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December 11, 1963

From H&L pp 266-277:

Snyder and McVickar cabled the news of Oswald's visit to Washington, DC at 1:00 pm.15 Snyder later wrote in a Foreign Service Dispatch to the Department of State, "He (Oswald) wished to renounce his American citizenship and that he had applied to become a citizen of the Soviet Union. He presented to the interviewing officer his passport and the following signed, undated, handwritten statement:"

I Lee Harvey Oswald do hereby request that my present citizenship in
the United States of america, be revoked.

I have entered the Soviet Union for the express purpose of applying for
citizenship in the Soviet Union, through the means of naturalization.

My request for citizenship is now pending before Supreme Soviet of the

I take these steps for political reasons. My request for the revoking of
my American citizenship is made only after the longest and most serious

I affirm that my allegiance is to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
s/ Lee H. Oswald

The Russian-speaking Oswald also reportedly told UPI correspondent Aline Mosby in Moscow on 10/31/59: "I will never return to the United States for any reason ..... when I left America to seek citizenship in Russia it was like getting out of prison."  I think there are a number of other indications that LHO applied for Russian citizenship, but it doesn’t seem to have ever been granted.

I can't remember.  Did Classic Oswald® specifically say that he never applied for Soviet or Russian citizenship?

19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Funny business going on over there in that ol' Russia.

Steve Thomas

You do point out some interesting anomalies in the Russian data.  Do you have a theory to explain this?  If memory serves, John B. also believes there were two Oswalds in Russia during the early 1960s, which really never occurred to me or, I’m pretty sure, to John A.

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1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

The Russian-speaking LHO WAS in Russia on both 7/15/61 and 1/1/60, though on the ‘61 date it is a little murky whether he was in Minsk or Moscow.

That does seem weird.  Is it possible that these are, again, translation issues?  Do you know if there was any kind of distinction between Soviet “citizens” and “comrades?”  

I can't remember.  Did Classic Oswald® specifically say that he never applied for Soviet or Russian citizenship?


To me, there is a very clear distinction between Comrade and Citizen. The Soviets took this very seriously, especially during the height of the Cold War.

There are others who do not think the distinction is very great.

Here's a portion of the Soviet's explanation for rejecting the citizenship application of Harvey Lee Oswald.




We do not have Oswald's original citizenship application, nor the Soviet's written rejection of that application.

This is only an "explanation" of why some Oswald's application was rejected.

In this letter, it says that Harvey Lee Oswald's request for USSR Citizenship was denied. It doesn't say when he applied for that citizenship, but the negative character reference memo from the Minsk Radio factory in CE 985, p. 433 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&relPageId=447&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 is dated December 11, 1961 and refers to “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald.

(We're back to the surly and non-social Oswald here)

As early as February, 1961, Oswald was trying to get back to the U.S. The U.S. told him he would have to appear at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in person. He didn't have permission to travel to Moscow, but in July, he showed up there and appeared at the Embassy on July 8th. He told the Embassy staff there that he had never actually applied for Soviet Citizenship, but was living in Russia as a non-resident alien and showed them his non-citizen alien identity card as proof.

In his letter of resignation addressed to the Director of the Minsk Plant dated May 18, 1962, LHO identified himself as, “The Locksmith of the Experimental Plant.”


p. 486

In his employee workbook, LHO gave his job title as “Adjuster”


p. 65.

So far, I've seen him called an Assembler, a Regulator, an Adjuster, and a Locksmith.

You asked, "You do point out some interesting anomalies in the Russian data.  Do you have a theory to explain this?"

I think the Harvey Lee Oswald persona was created long before we knew it to be, but by who or why or how, I don't know.

Steve Thomas

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Does anyone know why the Russians were using the name Harvey Lee Oswald?  They did so more than once so this is probably not an error.

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30 minutes ago, John Butler said:

Does anyone know why the Russians were using the name Harvey Lee Oswald?  They did so more than once so this is probably not an error.


You've asked the $64,000 question.

Steve Thomas


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9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


To me, there is a very clear distinction between Comrade and Citizen. The Soviets took this very seriously, especially during the height of the Cold War.

There are others who do not think the distinction is very great.

Here's a portion of the Soviet's explanation for rejecting the citizenship application of Harvey Lee Oswald.




We do not have Oswald's original citizenship application, nor the Soviet's written rejection of that application.

This is only an "explanation" of why some Oswald's application was rejected.

In this letter, it says that Harvey Lee Oswald's request for USSR Citizenship was denied. It doesn't say when he applied for that citizenship, but the negative character reference memo from the Minsk Radio factory in CE 985, p. 433 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&relPageId=447&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 is dated December 11, 1961 and refers to “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald.

(We're back to the surly and non-social Oswald here)

As early as February, 1961, Oswald was trying to get back to the U.S. The U.S. told him he would have to appear at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in person. He didn't have permission to travel to Moscow, but in July, he showed up there and appeared at the Embassy on July 8th. He told the Embassy staff there that he had never actually applied for Soviet Citizenship, but was living in Russia as a non-resident alien and showed them his non-citizen alien identity card as proof.

In his letter of resignation addressed to the Director of the Minsk Plant dated May 18, 1962, LHO identified himself as, “The Locksmith of the Experimental Plant.”


p. 486

In his employee workbook, LHO gave his job title as “Adjuster”


p. 65.

So far, I've seen him called an Assembler, a Regulator, an Adjuster, and a Locksmith.

You asked, "You do point out some interesting anomalies in the Russian data.  Do you have a theory to explain this?"

I think the Harvey Lee Oswald persona was created long before we knew it to be, but by who or why or how, I don't know.

Steve Thomas


We’ve been talking about this for a while, but I’m just beginning to appreciate how weird it is.  If we assume that the reversing of “Lee Harvey” and “Harvey Lee” was just an error by Soviet bureaucrats, then must we also assume that the formal rejection of “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” Russian citizenship request was made not only a year and a half after he left the Soviet Union, but also nearly two weeks after he was shot dead in Dallas police headquarters by Jack Ruby?

No doubt lumbering USSR bureaucracies moved slowly back then, but the assumption that these Russian government employees moved so slowly that they couldn’t cope with breaking news of the world’s most famous alleged assassin is hard to believe...  and I don’t believe it.  I had the good fortune to spend a few days in Saint Petersburg recently, and I’m convinced that the Russians who built that beautiful city were not fools.

If we assume that references to “Lee Harvey” and “Harvey Lee” are, in fact, references to two different people in the USSR in the early 1960s,  what are we to make of that?  Does it take us back to Michael Eddowes’ theory that “Khrushchev Killed Kennedy” and that the man killed by Jack Ruby was a Russian agent sent to the U.S. in 1961?

Trouble is, that was disproved decades ago by Linda Norton and her exhumation team.  The evidence she, uh, uncovered is pretty clear: the “Lee Harvey Oswald” buried in Oak Hill Cemetery clearly had a life in the U.S. and the U.S. Marines Corps, which pretty much disproves that a Russian agent invented in 1961 was shot dead by Jack Ruby.  The only other interpretation I can conjure is that Ms. Norton was part of a Soviet conspiracy, which seems HIGHLY unlikely. 

Can you make any more sense of this?

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