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Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg has died

Douglas Caddy

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Can you say "Special Session" for the Senate?  Then after another crony is on the Supreme Court, it's "check" & "mate".  All Trump will have to do is be "in" the election.  Then he can throw more S*** on the wall, sue for some absurd reason and his buddies all get together to vote him "President for Life" with a new succession order which goes through the Trump family and Trump Organization.  2020 has been a great year, hasn't it.

I'm sure we'll hear accolades from the White House for RBG any minute now.....  CRICKETS!

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Which means - mark my words - Trump will nominate Bob Barr to the Court seat, even if Barr has to step down as A-G first, even (and especially) if Trump has to begin the process after losing the election.  Win or lose in November, the Senate will throw it to Barr as a sop to Trump.

Edited by David Andrews
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14 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m hoping the Supremes will block Trump, somehow. Can the Democrats filibuster, or is a Supreme Court appointment by simple majority? 

Filibuster is out for sure.  I don't know this stuff like some but I think it is a simple majority.  I.E. if at least two don't turn, not only are we screwed but our children and grandchildren as well.

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Just now, Kirk Gallaway said:

No they can't block it.  The only positive thing that can be said right now is that Susan Collins and Lisa Murchowski have said they won't vote for another nominee during the current Trump term. So it's still party line Repubs 51-49.

I think Mac Connel left the court vacant 9 months as I believe Scalia died in March and now , of course he's in a big hurry. We got to effectively get rid of the electoral college in a way that doesn't require 2/3rds of the State Legislators, and limit the Supreme Court terms to 20 years, and pack it with a couple of justices.


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Just now, David Andrews said:

"The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, pledged to get Trump a swift vote his supreme court pick. 'President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate,' McConnell said."


Jesus, is her body cold yet?

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31 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

No they can't block it.  The only positive thing that can be said right now is that Susan Collins and Lisa Murchowski have said they won't vote for another nominee during the current Trump term. So it's still party line Repubs 51-49.

Is there any possibility that 2 more Senate republicans will join Murchowski and Collins although I wouldn't trust Collins to stay to that commitment.

Could we get Mitt Romney to break rank and join them?

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Joe, I don't think Mitt,because of his pro life stand. It would have to be a purple Republican and there are not many of those. If Trump lost big however, there could  be a few  of Republicans, maybe ones that  are leaving who may be concerned about how they will look in history. I wouldn't hold my breathe, but a possibility.

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Just now, Kirk Gallaway said:

Joe, I don't think Mitt,because of his pro life stand. It would have to be a purple Republican and there are not many of those. If Trump lost big however, there could  be a few  Republicans, maybe ones that  are leaving who may be concerned about how they will look in history. I wouldn't hold my breathe, but a possibility.


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